
    We Confront A Liar - Safety Third 41

    enAugust 25, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating business in an unpredictable world with expert insights and local knowledgeStay informed, be resilient, and embrace new experiences to navigate the complexities of the global business landscape

      Navigating business in an unpredictable world can be challenging, but having access to expert insights and local knowledge can help make informed decisions. The speakers in this conversation shared their experiences with market volatility and the importance of staying informed through resources like Aon. Despite their personal challenges, such as jet lag and cultural differences, they emphasized the importance of perseverance and adaptability. In Japan, they spent their podcast earnings on unique souvenirs and faced unexpected expenses, but they remained committed to their creative projects. The unpredictability of their experiences, from the roller coaster prices to the strange vending machines, only served to fuel their curiosity and determination. Ultimately, their experiences underscored the importance of resilience and the value of seeking out new perspectives and knowledge to navigate the complexities of the global business landscape.

    • Mysterious Japanese Drink with Overpowering Smell and TasteSpeakers discussed a Japanese drink with a strong smell and taste, reminiscent of Red Bull or DayQuil, and debated the validity of claims about its ability to travel long distances. They also shared stories about other pungent substances and explored the potential of creating a love pheromone.

      During the discussion, the speakers described their experiences with a mysterious Japanese drink, which they found to have a strong, distinctive smell and taste, reminiscent of Red Bull or DayQuil. They also shared stories about other extremely pungent substances, such as thioacetone, and debated the veracity of claims about their overpowering smell and ability to travel great distances. The speakers also touched upon the topic of fear and animal instincts being triggered by strong smells. However, they expressed skepticism about some of the exaggerated claims and lack of concrete scientific evidence. Despite the uncertainty, they continued to explore the world of unusual smells and substances, including the potential creation of a love pheromone. The conversation showcased a mix of curiosity, skepticism, and a shared fascination with the strange and unexplored.

    • Learning from the process of not learningEmbrace challenges in learning and creating, focus on what's necessary, and learn from mistakes to improve.

      The process of creating something, even if it doesn't turn out as planned, can still lead to valuable learning experiences. The discussion revolved around the idea of a "gay bomb" and Nigel's attempt to learn Japanese in 2 weeks. The gay bomb was a proposed weapon that would disperse a chemical gas to make enemy soldiers overly horny and demoralized. Nigel was confident he could learn Japanese quickly, but when they arrived in Japan, he found himself struggling. Instead of focusing on learning Japanese, he filmed a video instead. Despite the setbacks, they discovered that the process of not learning, or forgetting, was a crucial part of the learning experience. Nigel realized that he needed to learn how to not learn, and that the mistakes and challenges they faced were essential for growth. This idea can be applied to making videos or any creative project. Assuming that the process will be straightforward can lead to disappointment, but embracing the challenges and learning from them can lead to valuable insights and improvements. Additionally, it's important to focus on what's necessary and eliminate unnecessary distractions. Filming everything that might be in the video can lead to inefficient use of time and resources. Learning to film more efficiently can save time and make the editing process smoother. Overall, the key takeaway is that the journey of learning and creating, with all its ups and downs, is an essential part of the process.

    • The balance between suffering and efficiency in content creationLearning from the challenges of content creation, applying lessons, and focusing on execution and editing leads to valuable and worth-sharing results.

      The process of creating content, whether it's filming videos or writing, involves a balance between suffering and efficiency. The worst the suffering, the better the story often is, but if the process is too easy, the end result may be uninteresting. It's important to learn from each experience and apply those lessons to future projects. Additionally, the value of the content lies not only in its creation but also in its execution and editing. Some projects may require more time and effort than others, but the end goal is to create something worth sharing. It's also essential to be critical of one's own work and not hold on to unfinished projects that don't meet the desired quality. Overall, the process of creating content is a journey filled with challenges and discoveries that lead to growth and improvement.

    • The emotional toll of content creationLearning to balance personal projects and hobbies with content creation can prevent burnout and maintain creativity.

      Creating content, whether it's comics or YouTube videos, can be emotionally and mentally draining due to constant deadlines and the pressure to produce more. The line between what we enjoy doing and the success of the content can blur, leading us to feel trapped in a never-ending cycle of creation. The speaker shared his personal experience of feeling burnt out after graduating from college and trying new things, only to return to the grind of making YouTube videos. He also mentioned how the comic artist's quote about the heartbreak of their craft resonated with him. To avoid this, it's essential to learn how to moderate and prioritize, taking time for personal projects and hobbies outside of content creation.

    • Creating content for personal enjoyment vs performanceFocus on creating content that is personally fulfilling rather than just what seems to perform well to avoid negative effects on mental health.

      Creating content for the sake of numbers and performance can blur the lines between personal enjoyment and success. The speaker shares his experience of having a long list of video ideas, some of which he believed would perform well, but ultimately realized he only wanted to do the ones he truly enjoyed. He suggests that taking breaks and focusing on personal projects is important to avoid getting stuck in a never-ending cycle of content creation. He also mentions that constantly creating content without taking breaks can negatively impact mental health. The speaker admits that he struggled with this concept himself and suggests that even daily content creation, while potentially less mentally taxing due to the lower investment per video, can still have negative effects on mental health in different ways. Ultimately, the speaker encourages focusing on creating content that is personally fulfilling rather than just what seems to perform well.

    • Overwhelming amount of short videos can negatively impact user experienceFind ideas that resonate with audience and create content driven by excitement, avoiding unnecessary complexity.

      While creating short videos can be a good idea, the ease of production can lead to an overwhelming amount of content, resulting in a negative user experience. The speaker mentions issues with scrolling through content without control and the potential for the experience to feel like work. However, they also acknowledge the potential of short videos and the importance of finding ideas that are both enjoyable and likely to resonate with an audience. The speaker shares their own experience of working on a CT scanner project, highlighting the challenge of making people care about a complex topic and the potential for overthinking content. Ultimately, they suggest that creating content should be driven by excitement and avoiding the temptation to add unnecessary complexity.

    • The Impact of Capitalization in Video TitlesCapitalization in video titles can affect viewer engagement, with lowercase titles potentially leading to more comments due to perceived errors and a sense of satisfaction for viewers who correct them. Authenticity and embracing imperfections are also key elements in successful content creation.

      The title of a video, even something as seemingly insignificant as capitalization, can significantly impact its performance. The speaker shared his experience with lowercase titles and how it led to an increase in comments from viewers trying to correct the grammar, providing a sense of satisfaction and engagement. The conversation then shifted to the topic of being in Japan and the unique experience of feeling safer there compared to the US. Despite the distractions, they acknowledged the importance of sharing their first impressions and experiences with their audience. The discussion also touched upon the idea of embracing imperfections and not taking oneself too seriously, as seen in the speaker's intentional use of errors and mishaps in his videos. Overall, the conversation highlighted the power of titles and the importance of authenticity in content creation.

    • Japanese cities offer unique sensory experiencesCicadas create loud sounds, pachinko parlors are sensory assaults, and both can impact decision-making

      The cities in Japan, particularly the one discussed, are filled with unique and intense sensory experiences. The cicadas produce an unbelievably loud sound that can be disorienting and even mask other potential dangers, such as bears. The pachinko parlors are a sensory assault of their own, with the noise level being so high that it could potentially impact decision-making. The games themselves are a form of gambling, with players earning credits on a calling card that can be exchanged for money, but the operation seems to be difficult to regulate, leading to conspiracy theories. Overall, the cities of Japan offer a multisensory experience that can be both thrilling and overwhelming.

    • Unwanted marketing calls disrupt peace and privacyPersistent marketing calls for mortgages caused frustration and disrupted peace for an individual, highlighting the nuisance of unwanted sales pitches and the complexities of different housing markets.

      The individual in the conversation experienced an overwhelming number of unwanted phone calls and text messages, leading to a significant disruption in their peace and privacy. These calls and messages were likely part of a marketing campaign, attempting to sell mortgages, despite the individual having already done so. The persistence of these calls, even when ignored, was frustrating and time-consuming. Furthermore, the housing market in Japan was discussed, with the individual expressing confusion over the depreciating prices and the differences between the markets in Japan and the US. The conversation also touched upon the idea of retirement and the desire for freedom from societal expectations and the hassles of everyday life. Overall, the conversation highlighted the nuisance and annoyance of unwanted marketing calls and the complexities of different housing markets.

    • Personal Freedom and Investment in HomeownershipSpeaker values homeownership for personal freedom and long-term investment despite financial commitment and risks. He appreciates efficient infrastructure but acknowledges room for improvement.

      The speaker values the stability and growth potential of owning a house despite its financial commitment and potential risks. He sees it as a personal freedom and an investment, despite economic uncertainties. The speaker also appreciates efficient public transportation systems and finds American systems lacking in comparison. However, he acknowledges the need for improvements and upkeep in these systems. Additionally, he shares a frustration with those who focus too much on property value and expresses a preference for carrying his luggage instead of using public transportation with checked bags. Overall, the speaker's perspective emphasizes the importance of personal freedom, investment, and efficient infrastructure.

    • Finding creative solutions in unconventional waysPeople's resourcefulness and adaptability shine through in finding unique solutions to housing issues and the importance of being mindful of others' surroundings.

      Creative solutions can be found in unexpected places, even in challenging situations. The speaker shared an observation of people living in unconventional ways, such as in RVs and boats on the street, to circumvent housing issues. Although their methods may seem unconventional, they highlight the resourcefulness and adaptability of individuals in finding solutions to their problems. Furthermore, the speaker also shared an experience of being loud and unaware of their surroundings while traveling, leading them to unintentionally draw attention to themselves. This experience served as a reminder of the importance of being considerate of others and the impact of one's actions on those around them.

    • Lack of Clarity in Game Event InvitationThough attending a game event was optional, unclear reasons for invitation led us to explore alternative activities. Failure is avoided when opportunities for failure are not given.

      Despite having obligations to participate in a game event for which there were no personal repercussions if we didn't attend, we learned that the reason for our invitation was unclear. The organizers couldn't secure the necessary rights to discuss the game publicly, and we were not a priority. Instead, we considered exploring alternative activities such as visiting local markets or filming content for ourselves. We also attempted to connect with Japanese YouTubers and learn the language, but encountered challenges. Ultimately, we realized that failure is averted when one doesn't give oneself the opportunity to fail, and we discovered that Nigel's secret to making videos was simply using pen and paper. The conversation also touched on unconventional living arrangements, such as living on a boat or in a sugar cabin in the wilderness.

    • Experience the joy of sugaring off during winterEmbrace the winter chill and share a communal maple syrup experience, but remember to follow the law.

      "sugaring off" is a traditional winter activity in certain regions, involving eating maple syrup on snow and then rolling it up like a hard candy. This activity is often accompanied by other winter activities such as snowshoeing and cross-country skiing. It typically takes place in the colder months, specifically December or January, and requires snow. The experience is often communal, taking place in cafeteria-style settings. However, due to COVID-19, many businesses had to adapt or shut down, making the experience less accessible. While some may find the idea of peeing in public during the winter in Montreal intriguing, it is important to note that it is against the law and can result in a ticket. Overall, sugaring off is a unique and enjoyable winter tradition that involves embracing the cold and sharing a communal experience with others.

    • Encountering Unexpected Challenges to Social NormsBe prepared for the unexpected and remain open-minded when encountering situations that challenge societal norms. Embrace new experiences and cultures with freedom and liberation.

      Societal norms and expectations can be challenged in unexpected ways, even by seemingly ordinary individuals. The speaker shared stories of encountering people relieving themselves in public places, despite the potential for embarrassment or discomfort for others. These incidents highlight the importance of being prepared for the unexpected and the fluid nature of social norms in different contexts. Additionally, the speaker mentioned their upcoming travels to Japan and encouraged listeners to support their content creation efforts through Patreon. They emphasized the freedom and liberation that comes with exploring new places and cultures, even if they come across unusual or unexpected experiences. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of remaining open-minded and adaptable to the world around us, even when faced with situations that challenge our assumptions and expectations.

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    If you desire to learn more about Ilana and the amazing work she does in this world, you can find out more below:

    IG + TIK TOK : https://www.in@yes.mamailana

    Website: www.yesmamawithmissilana.com

    Podcast: YES MAMA https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/yes-mama/id1670729960

    (you can find on all major platforms).


    If you enjoyed this episode please Subscribe, leave a 5 star rating and/or a review! It means the world to me to have your support and it helps other people find it who may benefit! xx - CB


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