
    We're totally in 'Twixt-mas'

    enDecember 28, 2023
    How does technology assist individuals with visual impairments?
    What role did Clive Myrie play in the Windrush conversation?
    What complexities did William Runners face as an immigrant?
    How can quizzes and podcasts enhance quiet moments?
    What does the British Nationality Act of 1948 promise immigrants?

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Accessibility and Entertainment with TechnologyTechnology enhances daily tasks for visually impaired, personalized weight loss plans boost motivation, holidays bring joy, quizzes and podcasts offer entertainment, and tech and arts shape careers.

      Technology, such as Voice Over on the iPhone, can make daily tasks more accessible for individuals with visual impairments. Additionally, personalized weight loss plans, like Noom, can help people achieve their goals even if they don't enjoy traditional methods, such as salads. The holiday season, often seen as a time of obligation to have a good time, can actually bring unexpected joy and relaxation. Quizzes and podcasts can provide entertainment and engagement during quieter periods. Lastly, technology and the arts have played significant roles in the careers of many individuals, from acting to children's television.

    • An unexpected opportunity changed David Tennant's lifeUnexpected opportunities can lead to life-changing experiences. Stay determined and seize them to achieve your goals.

      Unexpected opportunities can significantly alter the course of one's life. David Tennant's story is a perfect example of this. When he was a teenager, his parents gave up trying to stop him from pursuing acting and sent some photos of him to Scottish television. By chance, they landed on the desk of a producer who was looking for a young boy to star in a production. This led to David going to drama school and eventually becoming a successful actor. However, the industry is tough, and many aspiring actors never make a living off their craft. David's goal was simply to prove the naysayers wrong and make a living as an actor. His career took off with his role in "Doctor Who," which came with its own challenges and responsibilities. Despite the challenges, the positives of his career far outweighed the negatives. This story illustrates the importance of seizing opportunities and staying determined in the face of adversity.

    • David's iconic roles brought fame but also loss of privacyDavid enjoyed the variety in his roles and the ability to tell different stories to audiences, but his fame came with a loss of privacy. He fondly remembered his time on Doctor Who and shared upcoming projects like Broadchurch and Julie Cooper's novels.

      Being associated with iconic roles or projects brings unique experiences and opportunities, but it comes with a loss of anonymity. For instance, David's association with Doctor Who in the 70s and 80s brought him a level of fame, but it also meant losing some privacy. He shared fond memories of his time on the show, particularly with Tom Baker and Peter Davison, who were both popular among fans. He also mentioned his role in Broadchurch and his upcoming work in Julie Cooper's novels, including "The Second Novel," where he plays a seedy character, Lord Battingham. David expressed his enjoyment of the variety in his roles and the ability to tell different types of stories to various audiences. He also acknowledged the importance of handling intimate scenes with respect and humor. Overall, David's career has been marked by a balance of respectfulness and a sense of humor, making him a fantastic addition to their show.

    • Creating intimate scenes in film and TV productionEnsure a closed set, respect privacy, and maintain sensitivity during filming intimate scenes to make everyone involved feel safe and comfortable.

      Creating intimate and potentially uncomfortable scenes in film and television production requires a high level of sensitivity and care. It's important to ensure everyone involved feels safe, respected, and comfortable. This includes having a closed set with a minimal crew, and keeping monitors closed to essential personnel only. Actors may also need to be in various states of undress, which can be awkward and embarrassing. Age and appearance are also topics that can be sensitive, with actors sometimes feeling the need to hide their true age or physical condition. The discussion also touched upon the national obsession with dogs and the role they play in our lives. In the context of the interview, Claire Balding's new book about dogs was mentioned, and the topic of how Dora, a tabby cat, came into Claire's life was shared.

    • The transformative power of the human-pet bondPets provide companionship, support, and can even help us learn important life skills. Their impact on our lives can be profound and transformative.

      The bond between humans and their pets, as depicted in the book, is a powerful and transformative experience. The author shared a heartwarming story about growing up with a dog named Candy, who played a crucial role in her life, providing companionship, support, and even helping her learn to walk. This connection with animals is further emphasized in the book with the inclusion of the author's rescue greyhound Nancy and her family's love for their pets. The author also brought a bottle of Argentine Chardonnay as a gift, highlighting her recent appearance on a wine podcast. While the book opens with a poignant reflection on the author's childhood and her connection with dogs, there are parts that may be emotionally challenging. Overall, the author's experiences underscore the profound impact pets can have on our lives.

    • The bond between humans and dogs dates back to the Middle AgesFrom companionship to working animals, the bond between humans and dogs has grown stronger over centuries, with evidence dating back to the Middle Ages. Queen Victoria's love for dogs solidified their place in our homes, and today, we continue to discover new ways dogs positively impact our lives, particularly in medicine.

      The connection between humans and dogs goes way back, with evidence dating back to the Middle Aages showing that dogs were considered part of the family. This bond between humans and dogs has only grown stronger over time, with dogs playing various roles in our lives, from companionship to working animals. The Victoria era saw the popularization of having dogs as part of the family, with Queen Victoria herself owning an impressive array of breeds. Today, we are discovering new ways dogs can positively impact our lives, particularly in the field of medicine. For instance, some historians believe the domestication of dogs living in our homes didn't happen until Victorian times, but a medieval historian recently challenged this theory, pointing to evidence that dogs were considered family members in the Middle Ages. At a Neolithic tomb on mainland Orkney, there is a central chamber for humans and chambers around for dogs, dating back 5000 years. Queen Victoria's love for dogs further solidified their place in our homes, with her owning various breeds from around the world. With this rich history, it's no wonder dogs continue to be an extraordinary bonus to our lives.

    • Dogs' Sense of Smell and Intelligence Benefit HumansDogs' exceptional sense of smell and intelligence make them invaluable partners in medical detection, assisting individuals with autism and dementia, and providing companionship.

      Dogs have an incredible sense of smell and intelligence, making them valuable assets in various fields, including medical detection and assistance for individuals with autism and dementia. Medical detection dogs, such as those trained by Claire Guest, can detect specific cancers and even early signs of diseases like Parkinson's. Dogs for Good, a charity, trains dogs to help children with autism by acting as intermediaries between them and their parents. Additionally, dogs can be beneficial for people suffering from dementia by reminding them to take medication or providing companionship. Some breeds, like poodles and Labradors, are particularly trainable due to their high intelligence and eagerness to learn. Dogs need both exercise and stimulation, with scent work being an essential form of stimulation. Dogs do not get bored of routes but enjoy the variety of different smells and experiences. Providing mental stimulation, like hide-and-seek games, is essential for their overall well-being. Dogs do not get bored of a particular walk as long as they are exposed to new smells and experiences.

    • Consideration and preparation for responsible pet ownershipRushing into pet ownership without proper planning can lead to negative consequences, while careful consideration and preparation ensure the dog's well-being.

      Responsible pet ownership involves careful consideration and preparation before bringing a dog into your home. It's important to ask yourself if you can provide the necessary time, resources, and commitment to ensure the dog's well-being. Charities and good breeders ask many questions to ensure potential adopters are ready for the responsibility. Rushing into getting a dog without proper planning can lead to negative consequences for the animal and contribute to an irresponsible market. Additionally, Dolly Alderton, a guest on the podcast, shared her experience with psychics and how they often provide accurate predictions about small, insignificant matters but not major life events like love. This highlights the limitations of psychics and the importance of relying on our own judgment and planning for significant decisions in life.

    • Discussing the bravery of women's unconventional choicesWomen face pressure to conform to societal expectations, particularly regarding motherhood. Forging one's own path requires inner strength, self-knowledge, and a supportive community. Ignoring external noise and staying focused on goals is crucial.

      Women's choices, particularly those that deviate from societal norms, can be met with pressure and judgment. This was highlighted in a conversation between two women, one of whom had a psychic reading that suggested her father should open a hardware shop. While the father's reaction to this suggestion is unknown, the women discussed the bravery it takes for women to choose unconventional paths in life, such as not having children or having them later in life. The pressure to conform to societal expectations, particularly regarding motherhood, was noted as being particularly strong for millennial women. The women agreed that forging one's own path requires inner strength, self-knowledge, and a community of like-minded individuals. The conversation also touched on the importance of ignoring external noise and staying focused on one's goals. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of supporting women in their choices and recognizing the challenges they face in making unconventional decisions.

    • Men also seek physical transformation and self-improvementBoth genders face societal pressure for self-improvement and seek confidence through various means

      Both men and women experience the desire for physical transformation and self-improvement in the face of rejection or low self-esteem. The author was surprised to find that men she interviewed for her book also undergo makeup, dieting, or working out to boost their confidence and worthiness for love. This societal pressure isn't exclusive to women, as portrayed in popular media. The author also shared her hope for Jen, a fictional character, to find happiness in her later years by living a life that aligns with her desires, free from societal expectations. The interview also touched on the idea of addressing biological inequality between genders, such as allowing men to have children only with women of similar age. Clive Myrie's interview focused on having meaningful conversations with his father about his experiences growing up in Jamaica and serving in World War 1. These conversations inspired Myrie to write his memoir, "Everything is Everything."

    • Immigrant experiences: Complex emotions and challengesImmigrants face complex emotions and challenges during their transition to a new country, including loss of status, racism, and adjusting to a new industrial environment.

      The experiences of immigrants, like William Runners, involve complex emotions and challenges. Runners, a Jamaican detective, served in World War 1 without a gun, leaving him at the mercy of the Germans. Later, he immigrated to Britain, where he faced racism and a lot of adjustments, including a new industrial environment and having to work for someone else. This discombobulation, along with the loss of status for his wife who was a teacher, made for a difficult transition. Despite the challenges, they were able to have deeper conversations later in life, revealing the complexities of their experiences that weren't always easy to discuss earlier. The British Nationality Act of 1948 promised equality for all citizens, but the reality involved more complications for immigrants.

    • Post-WWII Immigration to Britain: Unexpected Demographic ShiftThe unexpected influx of immigrants from the Caribbean after WWII led to societal fears and resistance, but the resulting multicultural society is a positive change. Racism is deeply ingrained in society and requires societal efforts to address it.

      After World War II, Britain faced a severe manpower shortage due to the emigration of 2 million Britons to countries like Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. This was a result of the devastating conditions in Britain, including bombings, starvation, and poverty. The nationality act that followed, which granted equal citizenship to people in the empire, led to an unexpected influx of immigrants from the Caribbean. The British were not prepared for this demographic shift and some politicians attempted to prevent the arrival of these immigrants due to fear of changing the country's character. Despite this, the speaker believes that the resulting multicultural society is a positive change. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes that racism is not limited to certain groups and that even successful individuals can be targets. The structural disadvantages and inbuilt racism in society are the root causes of such incidents and require societal efforts to address them.

    • The Importance of Open Communication and Understanding in Contentious IssuesAttempts to legislate feelings towards others can lead to misunderstandings and hurtful exchanges. Open communication and understanding of each other's perspectives is crucial in contentious issues, acknowledging the complexity of people's experiences and the role of history in shaping our identities and relationships.

      People cannot be legislated to feel a certain way about others, and attempts to do so can lead to misunderstandings and hurtful exchanges. Clive Myrie, a journalist, shared an experience he had with a man who criticized him for being ashamed of Britain due to the Windrush scandal. Myrie clarified his position, explaining that he was born in the country and had contributed significantly to it. He also highlighted the historical context of the Windrush generation's invitation and impact on British society. The exchange underscores the importance of open communication and understanding of each other's perspectives, especially in contentious issues. It's essential to acknowledge the complexity of people's experiences and the role of history in shaping our identities and relationships.

    • UnitedHealthcare's Short-Term Health Insurance Plans: Flexible and Affordable SolutionsUnitedHealthcare's short-term plans offer flexible, budget-friendly coverage for temporary health insurance needs. Essential benefits allow necessary medical care without financial burden. Flexibility in coverage duration suits life transitions or specific periods.

      UnitedHealthcare provides short-term health insurance plans underwritten by Golden Rule Insurance Company, offering flexible and budget-friendly coverage for periods ranging from a month to under a year. These plans can be beneficial for individuals seeking temporary health insurance solutions in certain states. The discussion highlighted the importance of having health insurance coverage, even for a short period. UnitedHealthcare's short-term plans offer an affordable alternative to traditional health insurance, making healthcare accessible for those who may not have it otherwise. The plans provide essential benefits, allowing individuals to receive necessary medical care without worrying about the financial burden. Moreover, the short-term plans offer flexibility, as individuals can choose the coverage duration that best suits their needs. This can be particularly useful for those experiencing life transitions, such as job loss or graduating from college, or those who require coverage during specific periods, such as travel or seasonal work. In summary, UnitedHealthcare's short-term insurance plans offer an accessible and affordable solution for individuals seeking temporary health insurance coverage. The plans' flexibility and essential benefits make them a valuable option for those navigating life transitions or requiring coverage for specific periods. To learn more about these plans, visit uhone.com.

    Recent Episodes from Off Air... with Jane and Fi

    Is she kneeling? No, that's me!

    Is she kneeling? No, that's me!

    Listen up fellow listeners, Fi has a golden nugget of wisdom to share... she forgot it. Fear not, Jane has a conspiracy about the numbers on the back of London buses to keep you entertained in the meantime.

    Also, Fi speaks to dog whisperer Louise Glazebrook about her new book 'Everything your puppy wants you to know'.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'The Trouble with Goats and Sheep' by Joanna Cannon.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Assistant Producer: Hannah Quinn

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Off Air... with Jane and Fi
    enSeptember 04, 2024

    I'm calling 111, I feel like I'm from Bromley! (with Janette Manrara)

    I'm calling 111, I feel like I'm from Bromley! (with Janette Manrara)

    Fi's eery feelings toward Bromley are getting stronger and she's considering taking matters into her own hands! There's also more chat of pet portraits, happy TV and the double meaning of Madeira.

    Plus, Strictly's Janette Manrara is here to discuss her new book 'Tiny Dancer, Big World'.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Off Air... with Jane and Fi
    enSeptember 03, 2024

    In case you find yourself in an emergency picnic situation (with Alison Lapper)

    In case you find yourself in an emergency picnic situation (with Alison Lapper)

    Today, Jane and Fi discuss the different things a listener might keep in their tote: disposable handkerchiefs and emergency tampons... probably a poo bag too? They are also calling out for the creation of Off Air memes to fend off relentless fat belly ads.

    Plus, Jane speaks to the artist Alison Lapper ahead of her documentary In My Own Words which is coming out on 9th September.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Assistant Producer: Hannah Quinn

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Off Air... with Jane and Fi
    enSeptember 02, 2024

    Is the hairy cornflake still with us? (with Craig Brown)

    Is the hairy cornflake still with us? (with Craig Brown)

    There are some important Parish notices in this episode, please take note! *cough book club announcement cough* After that, Jane and Fi chat fatbergs, Sherwood and Halloween in Bromley.

    Plus, Jane and Fi speak to satirist Craig Brown about his latest book 'A Voyage Around the Queen'.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Feeling a little frisky in Tesco (with Robert Harris)

    Feeling a little frisky in Tesco (with Robert Harris)

    Jane ponders slathering herself in cat-attract spray (just to see what happens) and Fi struggles to say Kirstie Allsopp as she asks, when was the golden age of childhood?

    Also, Jane speaks to bestselling novelist, Robert Harris, on his new book 'Precipice'.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Assistant Producer: Hannah Quinn

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    I don't think there is ever a time when a plop is romantic (with Susie Dent)

    I don't think there is ever a time when a plop is romantic (with Susie Dent)

    Jane and Fi are back from their holidays and there is much to get through! Buckle in! They cover Sherwood, food bins, leprosy, open-plan Airbnb's, the Garden of Eden and much more.

    Plus, Fi speaks to Britain's leading lexicographer Susie Dent about her new book 'Guilty By Definition'.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Thank you for your use of the word 'golly'

    Thank you for your use of the word 'golly'

    Jane and Fi are back tomorrow so, in the meantime, enjoy this hefty 'best bits' episode. This one features actress Liz Hurley, author Colm Tóibín, broadcaster Adele Roberts and writer Salman Rushdie.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    This interview is OVER!

    This interview is OVER!

    Just in case you missed these fabulous chats the first time round, we're bringing them to you again for your enjoyment... Jane and Fi speak to mother-daughter duo Andi and Miquita Oliver and comedian and writer David Baddiel.

    Jane and Fi will be back after the bank holiday on Tuesday the 27th. See you then!

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Looking for my corduroy, wondering where my trilby has gone.

    Looking for my corduroy, wondering where my trilby has gone.

    'Your chance to enjoy again' has arrived. In this 'best bit', we hear from comedian Tom Allen and presenter Sara Cox.

    Jane and Fi will be back after the bank holiday on Tuesday the 27th. See you then!

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Never lose your impact (with Alice Loxton)

    Never lose your impact (with Alice Loxton)

    Jane and Fi are about to head off for a week, but they have one more episode to knock off first. This one goes out to all the Clares/Claires! They cover steak and kidney pie, university, pets eating vegetables and marmalade.

    Plus, Jane and Fi speak to historian Alice Loxton on A-Level results day about her new book '18: A History of Britain in 18 Young Lives'.  

    'Your chance to enjoy again' is coming as Jane and Fi head off on their holidays. They'll be back after the bank holiday on Tuesday the 27th. See you then!

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Teddy's Socials

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    If you want to hear more episodes check out our website at https://tabsandspaces.io

    Tweet at us @tabsnspacesHQ

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    Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel, and on our website blueisthenewwhite.com to receive all the latest updates. As always, this show is not monetized & we don’t run ads. We rely strictly on the word of mouth from our listeners to further the mission. So if you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to rate, review, and share. The future generations of tradespeople depend on it. On you! So thank you again and enjoy this episode of Blue is the New White with Chuck Combs

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    Don’t miss this special international episode!

    And as always, this show is not monetized & we don’t run ads. We rely strictly on the word of mouth from our listeners to further the mission. So if you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to rate, review, and share. The future generations of tradespeople depend on it. On you! So thank you again and enjoy this episode of Blue is the New White with Yasemin Somuncu.

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