
    WEDDING SEASON #4: Finding a Wedding Venue

    enMay 09, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Personalized Mother's Day card from MoonpigGive your mom a special Mother's Day card with personalized photos and a heartfelt message for just $5. Be prepared for unexpected challenges during pregnancy.

      This Mother's Day, instead of settling for a drugstore card, consider giving your mom a personalized card from Moonpig. For just $5, you can add your favorite photos and a heartfelt message, and they'll even mail it the same day. This special gesture is for every mom in your life, not just your own mother. Now, on a different note, the speaker shared her experiences of pregnancy and the struggles that come with it, from laughing too hard and causing pain to the upcoming hospital visit. She also mentioned a trend of home births, sharing a story about a woman who gave birth in her bathroom, emphasizing the importance of being prepared and having a support system. In summary, this Mother's Day, make your mom feel special with a personalized card, and be prepared for the unexpected during pregnancy.

    • Emily talks about creating a maternity collection for PrettyLittleThing inspired by Rihanna's styleEmily created a maternity collection for PLT, inspired by Rihanna's maternity style, to address the lack of stylish options for pregnant women.

      Emily, the host of Now We're Talking, was inspired by Rihanna's maternity style and decided to create a maternity collection for PrettyLittleThing due to her frustration with the lack of stylish options available. During their conversation, they discussed the collection's launch and their favorite pieces, including the blue and orange designs. Emily expressed her pride in creating this niche collection and shared her motivation behind it. The conversation also touched upon the importance of having attractive maternity clothing options for women.

    • Embrace your changing body during pregnancyFeel confident and sexy in pregnancy by embracing body changes, prioritizing fitness, and expressing personal style.

      During pregnancy, women should embrace their changing bodies and continue to express their personalities through their fashion choices. The speaker shares her personal experience of feeling sexy and confident in her pregnancy, emphasizing that a woman's bump is her best accessory. She also discusses the importance of fitness during and after pregnancy, encouraging women to stay active and inspired by fitness gurus like Vernon. Despite the challenges of pregnancy, such as the changing body and the deep belly button, the speaker encourages women to view these changes as a natural part of the journey and to continue to prioritize their self-expression and well-being.

    • CarryFit: Combining Fitness and Baby-WearingCarryFit offers a comfortable, functional baby carrier and postnatal fitness classes that allow moms to exercise while keeping babies calm and content

      CarryFit offers an athleisure baby carrier that not only makes parents more comfortable during active pursuits but also supports and educates them on safe movement for both moms and newborns. The carrier, which uses Flyknit technology, is designed to make babies feel lighter and is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. CarryFit also offers live classes, CarryFit, which combines postnatal fitness and baby-wearing, allowing moms to focus on their workouts while keeping their babies calm and content. Originally developed by a fitness trainer with 20 years of experience, CarryFit started as a group exercise class and has since grown to include a line of carriers. The classes consist of 30 minutes of pre-choreographed, high-intensity moves specifically designed for postnatal bodies. By wearing their babies during workouts, parents can create a low-stress environment for both themselves and their infants, leading to a happier family life.

    • Staying Active During Pregnancy and Postpartum: Essential for a Healthy Birth and RecoveryMaintaining fitness during pregnancy and postpartum is crucial for a healthy birth and recovery. Listen to your body in the first trimester and follow a structured app postpartum to restore strength and address mental health aspects.

      Prenatal and postnatal fitness are essential components of a healthy pregnancy and postpartum recovery. Prenatal fitness involves training during pregnancy, while postnatal focuses on restoring strength and fitness after giving birth. Mental health plays a significant role in both stages. It's important to maintain some level of exercise, even if you weren't a fitness enthusiast before. Research shows that staying active and strong can lead to healthier births and reduce the risk of complications. In the first trimester, you might not need to make significant adaptations to your workout routine, but it's crucial to listen to your body and gauge your energy levels. Postpartum, working out naked might be the best option for some, but following a well-structured app like the one mentioned can help you get back in shape while also addressing mental health aspects. Overall, staying active during pregnancy and postpartum is essential for a smoother birth experience and improved overall well-being.

    • Maintaining suitable positions and energy levels during pregnancyDuring pregnancy, use the 'talk test' to gauge intensity and ensure comfortable conversation. Fathers may put on weight for emotional reasons when expecting a son, and baby carriers have weight limits.

      During the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, it's essential to prioritize your body and the baby's wellbeing by maintaining suitable positions and energy levels. A simple way to gauge your intensity is by using the "talk test." If you can't hold a conversation without struggling, you might be overexerting yourself. Conversely, if you can chat comfortably like having a casual conversation on a sofa, you may not be working hard enough. This test is personal and adjustable based on your energy levels. Additionally, a father shared an anecdote about expecting sons and daughters differently, suggesting that fathers may put on weight when having a son to assert their alpha role. While this may not be scientifically proven, it highlights the emotional significance of having a son. As a parent, you want your child to outperform and outachieve you, setting a high bar for them. A father-son annual challenge, such as a race or a physical competition, can be an excellent way to foster healthy competition and bonding. Lastly, baby carriers have weight limits, so it's crucial to consider the recommended weight range when purchasing one.

    • The bond between parent and child during baby wearing is strongest when the child is between 18 months and a few years old.Embrace the baby wearing stage to strengthen the parent-child bond, improve mental health, and rebuild strength postpartum.

      During the baby wearing stage, the special bond between parent and child is particularly strong when the child is between 18 months and a few years old. This period can be challenging due to the child's increasing independence, but using a baby carrier during these moments can lead to cherished experiences and help keep parents moving despite fatigue. Additionally, focusing on physical performance and rebuilding strength postpartum can have significant positive effects on mental health and overall well-being. By prioritizing movement and trusting the body's natural healing process, new mothers can reduce anxiety and depression and develop a deeper connection with their bodies. The incredible journey of growing, birthing, and recovering from having a baby is a testament to the amazing capabilities of women, and embracing this process can lead to a newfound appreciation for the body's strength and resilience.

    • Building a bond with baby through caregiver sensitivity during babywearingDads and secondary caregivers can develop sensitivity towards baby's unique signals through babywearing, promoting secure attachment and creating a strong connection.

      For new parents, especially dads and secondary caregivers, developing caregiver sensitivity through babywearing is crucial for building a strong bond with the baby and promoting secure attachment. This sensitivity comes from getting to know the baby's unique signals, such as noises, grunts, and smells, which helps reduce the burden on the primary caregiver and makes the secondary caregiver feel useful, proud, and involved. Babywearing also allows the baby to learn the secondary caregiver's heartbeat, smell, and temperature, creating a strong connection. For dads, understanding their baby's needs and responding to them can help alleviate feelings of exclusion and isolation, contributing to their mental health and overall involvement in the child's development.

    • Baby wearing promotes healthy attachment and explorationBaby wearing provides safety, security, and optimal vision for babies, promotes healthy attachment, and supports postnatal recovery for caregivers

      Wearing your baby not only provides them with a sense of safety and security, but it also promotes healthy attachment and exploration. Contrary to popular belief, baby wearing does not make babies clingy, but rather reinforces their secure attachment to their caregiver. This secure attachment, in turn, leads to confident and active explorers who are ready to venture out on their own when the time comes. The primary instincts of a baby in the early days are to be fed, picked up, and moved, which is exactly what baby wearing provides. Additionally, the optimal field of vision for a baby in the first 4 months is where a baby carrier places them, allowing for proper eye contact and speech development. Wearing your baby also helps with vestibular system development and soothes them with the movement and closeness to their caregiver. Another common misconception is the fear of diastasis recti, or abdominal separation, after pregnancy. This condition is a natural part of childbirth and can be improved through proper exercise and recovery. Overall, baby wearing is a beneficial practice for both the baby and the caregiver, promoting healthy attachment, exploration, and postnatal recovery.

    • Healing Diastasis Recti: More Than Just Core ExercisesDiastasis recti healing involves restoring full strength to core and pelvic floor muscles through targeted exercises like squats, lunges, and upper body work.

      The diastasis recti, a common condition among women post-pregnancy, is more complex than previously thought. Contrary to earlier advice, strength training and core exercises can actually help in healing this condition, where the abs and fascia no longer sit flat and flush, creating a bulge or "doming" effect. This gap is not a hernia but a separation of the muscles. The primary focus should be on restoring full strength and function to both the core and pelvic floor muscles, which are interconnected. Core muscles include the transverse abdominis, outer core muscles (obliques and intercostals), and glutes. Engaging these muscles through specific exercises during and after pregnancy can help improve physical health and mental wellbeing, as pelvic floor problems have been linked to mental health issues postnatally. Top exercises to maintain during pregnancy and postpartum include squats, lunges, and maintaining upper body strength for lifting and carrying the baby.

    • Strengthening Upper Body for New MothersNew mothers should focus on building back, shoulder, and upper body strength for postnatal care and breastfeeding. Incorporate short, doable workouts into daily routines for optimal results.

      Maintaining physical strength, particularly focusing on the back, shoulders, and upper body, is crucial for new mothers as they navigate the unfamiliar and physically demanding positions that come with postnatal care and breastfeeding. Van, a fitness expert, emphasized the importance of being prepared with a strong body to trust during those late-night moments with a newborn. Additionally, he suggested incorporating short, doable workouts, like squats, lunges, and shoulder exercises, into daily routines to build and maintain this strength. Furthermore, Van highlighted the importance of addressing the emotional and mental aspects of the postnatal experience, encouraging open communication and support for new fathers as well.

    • Expressing Words of Affirmation on Mother's Day with MoonpigPersonalize a heartfelt Mother's Day card with Moonpig using photos and messages, and enjoy same-day mailing for an additional $5 fee.

      This discussion emphasizes the importance of expressing words of affirmation, especially on special occasions like Mother's Day. Instead of settling for a generic card from a drugstore, consider a personalized card from Moonpig. With Moonpig, you can add your favorite photos and write a heartfelt message. They even offer same-day mailing for just $5. This thoughtful gesture applies not only to mothers but to every special mom in your life. So, surprise them with a Moonpig card and make their day extra special. Remember, every mom deserves to be celebrated, and a personalized card is a simple yet meaningful way to do so. Use the discount code to get 50% off your first card at moonpig.com.

    Recent Episodes from NewlyWeds

    46. Has Jamie’s Fertility Improved?

    46. Has Jamie’s Fertility Improved?

    THE RESULTS ARE IN! Jamie’s had his fertility re-tested to see if there have been any improvements, and Nicole Nel from the London Sperm Bank is back to give an update.

    The NewlyWeds get into some pre-Glasto chat, revealing how Sophie became Jamie's girlfriend…and almost got the ick.Sophie gets confused over Alcatraz (was it the prison in Harry Potter?!) plus some listeners messages that really leave them baffled.

    We LIVE for your love stories, so keep them coming! Send them in at newlyweds@jampotproductions.co.uk or slide into our DMs @newlywedspodcast

    Thanks for listening x

    For more info about the London Sperm Bank, visit www.londonspermbank.com.

    Jamie got his fertility test done at The Male Fertility Clinic. For more information, visit: www.themalefertilityclinic.co.uk

    Instagram: @newlywedspodcast

    TikTok: @newlyweds

    Email: newlyweds@jampotproductions.co.uk

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@newlywedspodcast


    Producer: Harriet Wells

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec Producer: @holly__newson

    Videographer: @jakeji.p

    Video Editor: @lizzieemccarthy

    Social Media: @laurabcoughlan

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enJune 23, 2024

    45. Jamie and Sophie's BIG holiday debrief

    45. Jamie and Sophie's BIG holiday debrief

    Jamie and Sophie are back from a much-needed break and ready to give us the FULL debrief on their Ibiza holiday. From partying at Ushuaïa to noisy neighbours, and finally meeting Jamie's twin…👀

    ALSO hear about their funny encounter with Trinny Woodall, Jamie's theory of what would happen if he was on Love Island and also the HUGE update on their house hunting saga!

    We LIVE for your love stories, so keep them coming! Send them in at newlyweds@jampotproductions.co.uk or slide into our DMs @newlywedspodcast📱

    Thanks for listening x

    Instagram: @newlywedspodcast

    TikTok: @newlyweds

    Email: newlyweds@jampotproductions.co.uk

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@newlywedspodcast


    Producer: @ewannewbigginglister

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec Producer: @holly__newson

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video Editor: @lizzieemccarthy

    Social Media: @laurabcoughlan

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enJune 16, 2024

    44. Jamie's libido is BACK! But Sophie's has vanished...

    44. Jamie's libido is BACK! But Sophie's has vanished...

    Landlord rejections, nipple milking, and Sophie dodging Jamie’s high libido!

    This week Jamie and Sophie debate who’s the better driver, uncover the mystery of Sophie’s funky hair smell and why being famous is starting to cause a bit of trouble...

    Plus, we’re excited to have Alex Le Roux, Jamie’s longtime friend and top music planner for celebs like the Beckhams and Idris Elba, back on the podcast. Alex takes us on a musical journey through Sophie and Jamie’s wedding and tells us how much does Mariah Carey really cost to be a wedding singer?

    We LIVE for your love stories, so keep them coming! Send them in at newlyweds@jampotproductions.co.uk or slide into our DMs @newlywedspodcast 📱

    Find out more about Alex’s business ALR Music at: https://alrmusic.co.uk/

    Thanks for listening x

    Instagram: @newlywedspodcast

    TikTok: @newlyweds

    Email: newlyweds@jampotproductions.co.uk

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@newlywedspodcast


    Producer: @ewannewbigginglister

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec Producer: @holly__newson

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video Editor: @lizzieemccarthy

    Social Media: @laurabcoughlan

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enJune 09, 2024

    43: Sophie and Jamie’s chaotic BAFTA behaviour

    43: Sophie and Jamie’s chaotic BAFTA behaviour

    Jamie and Sophie recount their BAFTA experience, from sweaty bumcracks to a special congrats from Jeff Goldblum. They also dive into everyday antics—from holding hands in traffic to debating Sophie’s habit of leaving open tuna in the fridge… we might side with Jamie on this one 👀.

    PLUS, Tally Gilbert, the person behind the incredible personalised poem read on the anniversary episode, returns to the podcast. She shares some hilarious stories, including an old tale about Jamie that leaves him blushing 😳

    We can’t get enough of your listener messages! Please keep sending them in by emailing to newlyweds@jampotproductions.co.uk or SLIDE into our DMs @newlywedspodcast 📱

    Find out more about Tally’s business Pinky Studio at: www.pinkystudio.co.uk.

    Thanks for listening x

    Instagram: @newlywedspodcast

    TikTok: @newlyweds

    Email: newlyweds@jampotproductions.co.uk

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@newlywedspodcast


    Producer: @ewannewbigginglister

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec Producer: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video Editor: @lizzieemccarthy

    Social Media: @laurabcoughlan

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enJune 02, 2024

    42: The Wedding REVISITED!

    42: The Wedding REVISITED!

    Recently, we've been celebrating the one-year anniversary of Sophie and Jamie's wedding. To top off the occasion, we're re-releasing the wedding episode 🤍

    So, grab your tissues once more as we revisit the special moments from their big day. Fresh from Spain, Jamie and Sophie get to relive their wedding through speeches from the best men, the father of the bride, and the groom, along with live reactions from friends and family on the day.

    We absolutely LOVE your listener messages! Please keep them coming in by emailing to newlyweds@jampotproductions.co.uk or SLIDE into our DMs @newlywedspodcast

    Instagram: @newlywedspodcast

    TikTok: @newlyweds

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@newlywedspodcast



    Podcast Producer & Editor: @jacksuddaby_

    Additional Producer: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Assistant Producer: @maiaadelia.docs

    Social Media: @thechampagency

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enMay 26, 2024

    WEDDING SEASON #6: Writing the perfect wedding speech

    WEDDING SEASON #6: Writing the perfect wedding speech

    If you are feeling overwhelmed from navigating the world of wedding planning, not to worry! Each week Sophie and Jamie rewind through all their ups and downs in their journey to the altar, to hopefully pave the way for your wedding without the drama.

    Giving any speech is daunting enough but delivering a WEDDING is a whole other kind of pressure! And ohhh is Jamie feeling it…😬 

    He has been losing sleep over his upcoming wedding speech, so he decided to seek professional help. He invited a speechwriting expert onto the podcast to share valuable tips on what to say and what to avoid.

    You can find the full episode here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0eWXkAs3ghg5AvwexQ3Ge6?si=49d847e61b5d4840

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enMay 23, 2024

    41: One year wedding anniversary SPECIAL!

    41: One year wedding anniversary SPECIAL!

    Andddd just like that, Sophie and Jamie celebrate their one year anniversary!! ❤️

    It’s been a whole year since our NewlyWeds tied the knot in Spain. Filled with highs, lows, and everything in between join Jamie and Sophie as they reminisce over their first married year.

    This episode is full of surprises - Sophie arranges a special message delivered by Manny, while Jamie takes Sophie back down memory lane. Plus, hear sweet messages from friends and family (tissues needed 🥹).

    Listeners get ready, this is an EMOTIONAL one…

    We absolutely LOVE your listener messages! Please keep them coming in by emailing to newlyweds@jampotproductions.co.uk or SLIDE into our DMs @newlywedspodcast

    A huge thank you to @rosewoodlondon for their incredible helping recreate a special moment for Sophie!

    And to Manny who carefully plotted with Sophie to surprise Jamie - thank you. You can follow Manny on Instagram @mannytsakanika and TikTok @manny.t1.

    For the beautiful poem, thank you to Pinky Studio - find out more at www.pinkystudio.co.uk.

    Instagram: @newlywedspodcast

    TikTok: @newlyweds

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@newlywedspodcast


    Producer: @ewannewbigginglister

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec Producer: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Social Media: @thechampagency

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enMay 19, 2024

    WEDDING SEASON #5: Choosing your PERFECT Wedding Dress

    WEDDING SEASON #5: Choosing your PERFECT Wedding Dress

    If you are feeling overwhelmed from navigating the world of wedding planning, not to worry! Each week Sophie and Jamie rewind through all their ups and downs in their journey to the altar, to hopefully pave the way for your wedding without the drama.

    Every bride's ultimate dilemma: The perfect dress! Will it be a meringue? A mermaid? Or maybe even short? Sophie shares her journey to the moment she found THE dress and her top tips on what to look out for!

    The couple also chat through wedding traditions and the price tags on celebrity wedding dresses…some are pretty eye-watering 👀

    You can find the full episode here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/132gskpixukzuWhHEx8GMx?si=78971a054deb4dae

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enMay 16, 2024

    40: Jamie and Sophie test their S*X SLANG knowledge

    40: Jamie and Sophie test their S*X SLANG knowledge

    Jamie’s imaginary girlfriend, a bride's altar mix-up, and a live proposal straight from the tour!

    Join Sophie and Jamie as they dish on the good, the bad, and the ugly of their week, from ongoing house-hunting to Jamie’s bad toilet etiquette.

    Plus, we put the Newlyweds to the test as they brush up their knowledge on all things slang! What exactly is a tossed salad?! Good question…

    We absolutely LOVE your listener messages! Please keep them coming in by emailing to newlyweds@jampotproductions.co.uk or SLIDE into our DMs @newlywedspodcast

    Also don't forget to visit newlywedscompetition.com to tell us your holiday disaster stories for a chance to win a £5000 holiday courtesy of the team at loveholidays!

    Thanks for listening x

    Instagram: @newlywedspodcast

    TikTok: @newlyweds

    Email: newlyweds@jampotproductions.co.uk

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@newlywedspodcast


    Producer: @ewannewbigginglister

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec Producer: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Social Media: @thechampagency

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enMay 12, 2024

    WEDDING SEASON #4: Finding a Wedding Venue

    WEDDING SEASON #4: Finding a Wedding Venue

    If you are feeling overwhelmed from navigating the world of wedding planning, not to worry! Each week Sophie and Jamie rewind through all their ups and downs in their journey to the altar, to hopefully pave the way for your wedding without the drama.

    Dreaming of a destination wedding? Well this week Sophie and Jamie take you on their chaotic journey through their Seville in search of the perfect venue! From upset stomachs to lost taxi drivers and frosty weather, this episode is packed with tips on how not to find your dream wedding location.

    You can find the full episode here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0iEoRZB5BWxo5luFM2a5kO?si=2fac938ab4184d22

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    The First 6 Months of Motherhood: Active Recovery {S3E8}

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    In the episode Bec talks through how emotional freedom technique works and walks us through a short session, which you can find to watch in the shownotes on my website:


    Find Bec:

    Website | Instagram | Facebook


    Busy Mum? Download my free 5-day Family Friendly Meal Plan and Prep Guide

    Soon to give birth? Download my Guide to Eating During Labour and Postnatal Healing Recipes e-Book

    Want more energy? Get my 7-day Mini Course straight to your inbox - for all mums whether you’re pregnant, recently given birth or running around after a toddler.

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    Did you love this episode? Please leave a rating and review to help reach more people, and share it with a friend who needs it. The more mums we can reach the better! 

    Motherhood Transition and Postpartum Recovery with Steph Gruenke, RDN (S5E4)

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    • Postpartum depletion and how nutrient deficiency affects our health and wellbeing
    • How to optimise health, healing and mental health
    • Making life easy as a mother, while making simple, positive changes
    • Her Postpartum Reset Programme
    I loved talking about the transition we go through as a mum - the concept of matrescence is as important as 'pubescence' and 'adolescence', yet once we move from being a 'maiden' (not mother) to 'matron' (mother) the changes we experience and how that affects us internally and externally are just not appreciated enough in our modern society! Finding your own tribe or village that can help ease that transition is all the more important, to ensure we are supported netballs, emotionally and Physically for the changes motherhood brings.
    Recommendations made this episode:
    Fair Play by Eve Rodsky (Book)
    The Fair Play Deck by Eve Rodsky (Game)
    Find Steph:

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on tashadcruz.com is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website.


    Beat the Exhausted Mum Syndrome with my 7-day Mini Course straight to your inbox - for all mums whether you’re pregnant, recently given birth or running around after a toddler. Get more energy this week!

    Busy Mum? Download my free 5-day Family Friendly Meal Plan and Prep Guide

    Soon to give birth? Download my Guide to Eating During Labour and Postnatal Healing Recipes e-Book

    Sign up for my newsletter and free downloads

    Follow me on Instagram


    Did you love this episode? Please leave a rating and review to help reach more people, and share it with a friend who needs it. The more mums we can reach the better! 

    Should You Take Supplements as a Mother? {S4E8}

    Should You Take Supplements as a Mother? {S4E8}
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    Busy Mum? Download my free 5-day Family Friendly Meal Plan and Prep Guide

    Soon to give birth? Download my Guide to Eating During Labour and Postnatal Healing Recipes e-Book

    Want more energy? Get my 7-day Mini Course straight to your inbox - for all mums whether you’re pregnant, recently given birth or running around after a toddler.

    Sign up for my newsletter and free downloads

    Follow me on Instagram


    Did you love this episode? Please leave a rating and review to help reach more people, and share it with a friend who needs it. The more mums we can reach the better! 

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    • The six most important micronutrients you need to know about
    • What to do about it if you recognise yourself in the list of symptoms
    If you recognise yourself in any of the symptoms I mention, please consider getting help, starting with your GP for some blood tests to see if there's anything to concern about. Please note that none of the information in this podcast is intended to be medical advice, so consult your GP if you're concerned about anything discussed.

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