
    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Balance, Self-Care during Chaos

    enMarch 02, 2016
    What was the main topic of the podcast episode?
    Summarise the key points discussed in the episode?
    Were there any notable quotes or insights from the speakers?
    Which popular books were mentioned in this episode?
    Were there any points particularly controversial or thought-provoking discussed in the episode?
    Were any current events or trending topics addressed in the episode?

    About this Episode

    Being in a new place is a great time to look at how we react to change and chaos and store up our inner resources. I'm currently in Washington DC area for a Leadership Circle Profile Training and certification. Wow!

    March, for many of us, is a month marked with the beginnings of Spring flowers showing themselves, Spring breaks for students, "Springing forward" into Daylight Savings Time and the Spring Equinox.

    This also is a time that when we feel very much like balancing of our systems too. As the days get longer, or we prepare to be in our summer clothing, many begin new detox and cleansing programs. Or, start a running or walking regime. Our food intake may be more greens as they grow abundantly now and less of the starchy root veggies and squash that got us through the summer. That's all good.

    And, it's a great time to look within. Now, more than ever, is the time to up our game around Self-Care. Not just physical forms of nourishment and movement, but inner spring cleaning as well! What no longer serves? What old beliefs can be released now to make room for the Newer Updated Version of You? Time spent unplugged, listening to our Inner Wise Woman, opening to what messages and inspired actions are being asked of us.

    This is a new time. A new world. An interconnected global system that appears chaotic and unorganized and, in some ways, falling apart. And we are poised to be the ones who are holding space. We are exactly where we need to be. Stay in touch with your inner re-Sources. Stay connected to your human and nonhuman guides. It's quiet in there and All. Is. Well.

    I'm ready to enter a new chapter of my life this month too, ... marrying the Art & Science of Women's Wisdom with Women's Leadership. Sentient, Sensual and Spriitual Leadership...hmmm, like the sound of that! We need each of us to up our game, ready?

    Recent Episodes from Authentic Life Radio

    The Art of Ease

    The Art of Ease
    Happy Spring!

    This has been one whirlwind of change, upleveling, evolving for us all, hasn't it?

    Moving through deep transitions in my personal life, with my business and even my health, has brought much to share...I promise to make it in small, digestible bites for you! Each segment has to do with diving into the Inner space of Be-Coming...Becoming the very best versions of ourSelves so we can be the most effective change agents and leaders.

    First of all is moving from the Doingness, the constant need to be moving, busy, acting and thinking "there's so much to do!" to a relaxed state of Trust, Naturalness and Allowing.
    Listen in to see where we go today with this deep topic, that alone could take hours to unpack, but we'll make do with a short amount of space/time.

    Why not take a moment for you and make a cup of tea, or stare out the window or sit outside soakng up the sun while you listen?

    Lessons from My Garden

    Lessons from My Garden
    I’m a gardener. A cook. A traveler. A spiritual guide. A paradigm-shifter. A conscious connector and conversationalist.

    Like many of us, it’s difficult to say I’m anything else besides a mother, an entrepreneur, a leadership trainer. We tend to limit ourSelves to our job title or what our role is at home. Like many of us, it’s been a learning opportunity to say I’m anything else besides a mother, an entrepreneur, a leadership trainer.

    Go to my website to read more: www.deborahleeann.com

    It's all About Magic ~ Let's Create Some!

    It's all About Magic ~ Let's Create Some!
    I love Magic. Magick. Magik. All forms of it. All stories about it. All songs too!

    During the Holiday Season, we talk about the Magic of gift-giving. The Magic of Believing. The Magic of Joy and Miracles and Beauty and Health and Well Wishes.

    And, I'm here, saying Magic is a year-round thing. It's with us all the time. It's IN each of us.

    So let's remember to Tune in. Turn on. And, Turn It Up. It's in every one of us.

    Happy December from us all at DeborahLeeAnn.com and Authentic Leadership Academy and Consulting!

    Dialogue vs Debate - Authentic Communications

    Dialogue vs Debate - Authentic Communications
    It's the holiday season (perhaps you’ve noticed?) with lots of events on the calendar providing us with lots of opportunities to be with "other-minded" people. Whether family, neighbors, co-workers or even circles of friends, we are more and more learning the contentiousness that conversations can become. How can we view these opportunities as a place to SHINE?

    Speaking our truth amongst like-minded folks is great for validation and massaging of our ego.

    Speaking our truth amid “others” can be scary. Isolating. Possibly life-threatening (or so it feels!)

    Is the alternative not engaging? Walking away and not saying anything? Unfriending on social media? Getting another drink or hitting the buffet table to "deal with it” by numbing or stuffing it?

    Or, possibly, responding and engaging.

    Asking for clarification.

    Learning where someone else stands and why they feel that way. Asking if they ever wondered if _____________ was possible? Or thought about it this way (state another view here)?

    Each time I leave a racial awareness, social justice, diversity type of training or workshop I learn new techniques to continue the dialogue. Share more authentically. Listen more deeply. Broaden my views and add to my confidence.

    It doesn’t mean it’s not scary. I still over-think and wonder if that post on LinkedIn has put me in a box with potential clients or friends. No one responded or engaged with me. Crickets.

    Yet it was my truth. It’s my way of showing up. Sharing me and who I am with the marketplace. And, I believe it will attract the ideal clients who want to work with someone with my values as well as my experience and expertise.

    Some additional ideas for Dialogue?

    After exploring and agreeing that there are differences in views or beliefs, ask if there is interest in finding common ground as well.

    Remember to model being a bridge-builder, one who is calmly (even if passionately) wanting to learn from the other, create relationship and keep the door open to further dialogue.

    This is a way to collaborate, come together and explore solutions and not be the “owner” of the truth. There are many paths to it. How can we walk together and find new solutions, together?

    Nothing risked, nothing gained. Join me in not being a silent partner in systemic racism, sexism, classism, and all the other barriers to humanism.

    © 2017 Deborah LeeAnn Morley www.DeborahLeeAnn.com
    Authentic Leadership Academy & Consulting

    #MEtoo Movement for Good

    #MEtoo Movement for Good

    It’s become so common that no one is surprised anymore. We all just nod our heads in some type of secret solidarity.

    Yet, why are we sharing from a place of shame? Or Guilt? Or Embarrassment? Or, even, with a sense of thinking we are responsible, in some awful way?

    It’s time to stop the avoiding and clean up the shame, and start healing.

    This open door will never swing shut again. More and more sexual assaults, inappropriate behavior, rapes kept under wraps are now seeing the light of day. The media posts new stories daily and we aren’t even bothering to read them. (Or, maybe that’s me, this is not new!)

    What if…

    What if we took this new-found solidarity, commonality across all women of different cultures, colors and class, and used it to fuel our Light?

    What would happen if we were sharing with glee something beautiful that happened from sharing and healing to becoming more empowered, conscious and ready to tell our truth?

    I’d love to discover what could happen when we realized that this totally inappropriate treatment we’ve all received was just a catalyst for igniting our realization of our value, our worth, our strength?

    As we glue together the pieces where we previously thought we were broken, we heal the parts and are even more beautiful, more complex and more resilient.

    The term Wabi-Sabi applies here…the Japanese believe in the beauty of impermanence and imperfection. When a piece of art or pottery is broken, they often fill the cracks with gold. Creating a more beautiful piece and honoring the imperfection.

    Let’s shift into this type of #MEtoo. Let’s shift into the beauty of what we are now from the healing, growing and expansion into a more stunning piece of art? What if we shined our light through those cracks?

    © 2017 Deborah LeeAnn www.DeborahLeeAnn.com
    Authentic Leadership Academy & Consulting

    Returning Home and Turning On the Light

    Returning Home and Turning On the Light
    What am I speaking on, ranting on, sharing about or wanting to shine with today? I'm ready to open my heart and share what can be the most useful, most valuable to those who are listening.

    Do I start by blessing you? Or by blessing me? Blessing my wisdom, channel to Source, inspired words and the messaging reaches the audience with just what they are ready to hear and allow?

    Is it my gift to share in this way?

    Or is video blogging better, where I"m speaking to you more directly?

    Either way, I'm not sure. When I start second-guessing, the flow becomes constricted.

    OK, so Grounding. Centering. Breathing mySelf back Home.

    Today, I am speaking my truth. Sharing from my heart, soul, and inspiration.

    Opening up to be the brightest Lightworker I can be. Or a Whitelighter.

    If you ever watched the old TV show, Charmed, you would understand the Whitelighter role. It's the guardian angel who helps heal, guide and support the ones doing good magic in the world. Whitelighters also protect and nurture them for their intended destiny.

    You see, that's where I like to play. In the support of each of you stepping more fully into your power. Into your roles of change agent. Into the next highest, brilliant source of Good you are here to share.

    Today's leaders need Whitelighters. We all do.

    It's a universal feeling, don't you think? To bask in the security of being watched over, guided and loved with no conditions. Reminded of who we are as we get off track and forget and held during times of illness or trauma.

    It's time we recognize we are not here to do our great work ALONE. We are much stronger, powerful, magical, effective and brilliant when we come together in unity.

    But first, we need to come home. Do our inner work. Tune in, turn on and turn up our Essence. From this place we can SHINE. We can SHARE. We can co-create. We can serve. We can live, love, lead with Authenticity, Grace and Power.

    So today is about Coming Home. Returning to our own Selves. Regenerating, renewing, remembering the power of "I am."

    Then, help others. Then, allow support in. Only then, give. From here, receive. Allow, Be guided. Inspired. Co-create.

    Then we can go on out and do our Great Work.

    © 2017 Deborah LeeAnn www.DeborahLeeAnn.com
    Authentic Leadership Academy & Consulting

    FEAR and Vulnerability

    FEAR and Vulnerability
    Continuing with the theme of FEAR this week, I’m curious…

    When are you most afraid - Sharing vulnerably yourself? Or being with someone else who is sharing vulnerably?

    Let’s define Vulnerability:

    noun: vulnerability; plural noun: vulnerabilities
    1.the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.

    It’s been a difficult or trying week for me.

    Monday was the anniversary of my wedding.

    Tomorrow is the anniversary of signing the divorce papers.

    Tomorrow night is the Farewell Party for my ex and his wife as they prepare to move out of the county, to a destination where our daughters will spend considerable time.

    I told a former lover I couldn’t speak to him now as I am still processing our relationship ending.

    And, I got the news that my application was not accepted to a co-working collaborative.

    So, I’ve been sitting with all of the heaviness. The spiritual by-passing (the feeling that I SHOULD be) feeling grateful for what all HAS transpired and lessons learned. And, the emotions of grief, hurt, upset and more have washed over me. Yes, Grief has cycles and I’ve been riding them!

    The difference this week, is that I’ve reached out. Talked and cried and shared and asked for support. Given myself extreme self-care.

    Why is that so difficult for us as powerful, independent, brilliant women?

    For me? It’s a “not wanting to bother anyone” or “I don’t want to be a burden” or “who wants to talk to a whiner, a soppy mess of a friend?”

    Yet, when I asked for support to attend the party? All 3 women responded “Yes! Of course!”

    When I cried a bit when my trainer asked me how I was doing on the metabolic challenge cleanse this week, she was lovely and understanding why I was not following the diet to a “T”.

    When my business coach asked what I thought I could do this week, and I answered honestly, she was compassionate yet firm, my plan was do-able.

    When my daughter asked me how I was, I was honest. Not angry. Just sad. Not talking bad about anyone. Accepting that they are who they are and we are not in alignment anymore.

    I even can feel the excitement of what might be coming next for me through the pain and loss of this time. I had another ding this morning.

    And, felt into and B E Y O N D the pain and saw the echoing of old stories and patterns - now releasing. Now bowing to what is emerging. And, making way, stepping aside.

    It’s such a different feeling. The gratitude for the pain. The awareness of being in the present with all that IS and all that is on its way.

    The most difficult part? Has been the weirdness of sharing with others. The fear of showing up less than, broken, messy and VULNERABLE. I don’t like asking for help. As much as I coach others on Receiving…it’s not that easy for me to Allow in the support and love I SO crave. Need. Want.

    So, on this All Saints Day/All Souls Day/Post Samhain/Halloween day, sandwiched between two very significant dates for me, I have called in the Magic of connection. Community, support, sharing, giving, receiving. Receiving even when I don’t ask for it. Even without reciprocation expected.

    And, gratitude shows up. Appreciation. And FEAR becomes fear…and disappears.


    Ahhh…this feels so much better!

    © 2017 Deborah LeeAnn, Authentic Leadership Academy & Consulting

    Courageous Authenticity - What are you afraid of?

    Courageous Authenticity - What are you afraid of?
    What is your deepest fear?

    In honor of Halloween and Dia de los Muertos next week, let’s talk about fear.

    Funny how lots of people like scary movies. We can laugh at the ridiculousness of the plots and know that it’s not real.

    Yet, when scary stuff comes up for us, we literally cringe. Hide. Run away or freeze.

    For most of us, Fear runs our life. We are so afraid of what we don't want to happen, we are literally closing off what we do want.

    It’s where we let old stories, and often younger versions of ourselves, take the driver’s seat. Where we step aside, literally, giving our power away.

    I run. I hide. And, I freeze.

    I veg watching Netflix. Drinking wine. Or through sex.

    I get super busy. Or, stop doing anything at all in a state of depression-like coma.

    All in resistance to what wants to be expressed or experienced or let in.

    What am I SO afraid of? Who am I so afraid of Be-Coming?

    And when I recognize it, how do I use that energy to fuel my momentum versus let it suck me back into the same-old, stuffy, suffocating space of who I used to be.

    Let’s move into the next iteration of Courageous Authenticity. Where we don’t run from our Fear, or Hide from it, or even manage it. We welcome it, transform the energy of it and utilize it.

    Nothing in life is wasted. All forms of energy are valuable.

    What is holding you back? Where are you stopping your SHINE from radiating from you? Who do you want to show up as and how does she want to BE in the world?
    Chances are, it’s exactly what you need and want that calls you forward. It's more powerful than Fear.

    Ready? I’m here with you…remember it’s a journey.

    © 2017 Deborah LeeAnn ~ Authentic Leadership Academy & Consulting

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