
    Weirdhouse Cinema Rewind: The Abominable Dr. Phibes

    enJune 02, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Building Community Connections and Exploring AI's Role in SocietyConnecting with neighbors fosters social bonds and prepares for unexpected situations. AI is transforming industries and life, offering insights through podcasts and films.

      Building strong connections within your community can bring about meaningful social bonds and prepare you for unexpected situations. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network, encourages individuals to reach out to their neighbors for help and support. Meanwhile, technology, particularly artificial intelligence, is expected to play a significant role in shaping the future. Podcasts like Technically Speaking and Conversations with UNK offer insights into how AI is transforming various industries and aspects of life. Lastly, films like "Doctor Phibes" showcase the unique and often unclassifiable nature of art, offering a blend of comedy, horror, and theatrical elements. Vincent Price's iconic performances add to the intrigue and enduring appeal of such films.

    • A stylish horror film with Vincent Price's iconic mute performanceFans of Vincent Price and unique horror films will enjoy 'The Abominable Dr. Phibes' for its theatrical vision, revenge themes, and genre-defying style.

      "The Abominable Dr. Phibes" is a unique and stylish horror film featuring Vincent Price's iconic performance, even though his character is largely mute. The film's theatrical vision is emphasized by the way Price's campiness influences every other actor in the movie. The film shares similarities with Vincent Price's "Theater of Blood" from 1973, including their revenge themes, Vincent Price's leading role, and the presence of a cool younger female sidekick. Director Robert Fuest's genre style shines through, making "The Abominable Dr. Phibes" a must-watch for film fans of various genres. Fuest's background includes working on the Avengers TV show and directing other cult classics like "Soon Till Darkness" and "The Devil's Reign." Overall, "The Abominable Dr. Phibes" stands out as a fun, elaborate themed murder film that transcends the horror genre with its unique style and charm.

    • A Notorious Yet Intriguing Horror Film with Vincent PriceThe 1968 horror film 'The Devil's Reign', starring Vincent Price, has a mixed reputation but showcases greatness and might be more appreciated with modern perspective. Price's versatility as an actor and impact on the horror genre are significant.

      "The Devil's Reign," a 1968 horror film starring Vincent Price, is a notorious yet intriguing piece of cinema. Despite its mixed reputation, the film showcases greatness and might be more appreciated with modern perspective. The writers, James Whitten and William Goldstein, have an interesting filmography, including a Doberman-themed mystery movie. Vincent Price, the star, was a versatile actor known for his distinctive voice and appearances in various genres, including horror. He embraced camp and became an icon. Price's pop culture footprint is vast, with memorable film roles and commercial appearances, such as for Time Life and wine coolers. While "The Devil's Reign" might not be Price's best work, his acting range and impact on horror genre are significant.

    • Vincent Price's Versatile Career in Film, TV, Music, and AdvertisingVincent Price left an indelible mark on various forms of media including film, TV, music, and advertising with his charisma and distinctive voice.

      Vincent Price was a versatile artist who left an indelible mark on various forms of media, including film, television, music, and advertising. His charisma and distinctive voice made him a beloved figure in horror and beyond. Price's filmography includes classics like "The Ten Commandments," "House of Wax," "The Fly," and "House on Haunted Hill." He also made notable appearances on television shows such as "Night Gallery" and "The Muppet Show." In the realm of music and spoken word, Price recorded over 68 releases, with his spoken word bit in Michael Jackson's "Thriller" being a standout. Additionally, he lent his voice to projects like "The Great Mouse Detective" and provided product endorsements for companies like Time Life Books and Monster Vitamins. Price's screen presence was solid, and in the film "Doctor Phibes Rises Again," he played the character Doctor Vesalius, one of the targets for revenge in the film. Overall, Vincent Price's career spanned various mediums and showcased his talent and enduring appeal.

    • Astepro: Fast-acting, Steroid-Free Allergy ReliefAstepro is a fast-acting, steroid-free allergy spray offering 24-hour relief from nasal congestion, runny and itchy nose, and sneezing.

      Astepro provides fast-acting, steroid-free allergy relief. Rob, the local host with allergies, shared his positive experience using Astepro's nasal spray, which started working before he left home. Astepro is the first and only 24-hour allergy spray without steroids, offering relief from nasal congestion, runny and itchy nose, and sneezing. Its fast-acting formula sets it apart from other allergy sprays, which can take hours to show results. Meanwhile, in the movie "Doctor Phibes Rises Again," Inspector Kilgore Trout, played by Peter Jeffrey, is the main Scotland Yard detective trying to solve the case of the murdered doctors. Volnavia, played by Virginia North, is Doctor Fives' assistant, who is both stylish and helpful. The villains, Vincent Price and Villanavia, communicate differently – Price speaks through a tube, and Villanavia doesn't speak at all but plays a mean violin during the murders. Two noteworthy doctors who meet their demise are Doctor Longstreet, portrayed by Terry Thomas, and Doctor Vesalius, played by Vincent Price. Terry Thomas, a British comedian and character actor, brought life to his roles with his unique comedic timing and ability to play bumbling fops and upper-class eccentrics. Vincent Price, as the villainous Doctor Phibes, delivered a chilling performance through his menacing voice and eerie presence.

    • Notable Performances in 'It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World'Terry Thomas, who appeared in this film and other notable movies, brought intrigue with his character's frequent prayer to Carolyn Monroe's photograph. Hugh Griffith, a Welsh actor who won an Oscar, also starred. Alex Scott, who appeared in both films, and Carolyn Monroe, considered for 'Superman', made small appearances.

      "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World" (1963) is a notable film featuring Terry Thomas, who was also known for his roles in "Endangered Diabolic" (1968), "Robin Hood" (1973), and "Doctor Phibes Rises Again" (1972). Alex Scott, who played a doctor in both films, also appeared. Hugh Griffith, a Welsh actor who won an Oscar for "Ben-Hur" (1960), played a rabbi. Carolyn Monroe, who was considered for the role of Ursa in "Superman," made a small appearance through photographs as Doctor Phibes' deceased wife. The film is notable for its connection to Roger Moore's first James Bond film, "Live and Let Die" (1973), which featured a villain who fed people to sharks. Thomas and Monroe's performances added to the film's intrigue, with Thomas's character often seen praying to Monroe's photograph.

    • Jaws' Unique Score by Basil KirchinBasil Kirchin's innovative score for 'Jaws' combined orchestral elements with experimental sounds, inspiring future artists and incorporating diegetic music.

      "Jaws" (1974) is not only known for its iconic title character but also for its unique and influential score composed by Basil Kirchin. Kirchin, a British composer with a background in big band and electronic music, created a hybrid score that combines orchestral elements with experimental sounds, inspiring artists like Brian Eno, Broadcast, and Nurse With Wound. The score reflects the film's genre while also incorporating diegetic music, such as jazzy big band numbers and old crooner standards. Additionally, the sets in "Jaws" were designed by Brian Eatwell, who also worked on films like "Godspell" and "Doctor Phibes," creating visually stunning interiors that enhance the overall cinematic experience.

    • Building relationships with neighbors for social bonds and disaster preparednessReaching out to neighbors and embracing the unusual can lead to meaningful experiences and a stronger sense of community

      Community and connection are essential in uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network, emphasizes the importance of building relationships with those around us for social bonds and disaster preparedness. Meanwhile, in a different context, the power of unexpected connections is showcased in a film with an enchanting opening sequence featuring a hooded organ player and an ensemble of automaton musicians. These examples remind us that reaching out to our neighbors and embracing the unusual can lead to meaningful experiences and a stronger sense of community. To learn more about Neighbor to Neighbor, visit caneighbors.com. For a unique hiring experience, explore Snagajob's platform at snagajob.com or text "snag" to 242424.

    • Phibes' House: A Ritualistic Space of RevengeThe Abominable Dr. Phibes' house serves as a multifaceted, ritualistic space where he and his accomplice carry out their deadly acts of revenge, decorated with a mix of temple and nightclub aesthetics.

      In "The Abominable Dr. Phibes," the title character's "total party house" is a multifaceted, ritualistic space where he and his accomplice, Volvania, carry out their deadly acts of revenge. Decorated with a mix of temple and nightclub aesthetics, the room features busts representing victims, an organ, and a strong performative vibe. After each murder, Phibes and Volvania escape, only to return to the house and repeat the process. Their costumes and methods of execution showcase their dedication to their vengeance, making the house a central location for the film's gruesome events.

    • A series of gruesome murders with bizarre masks and animals involvedVincent Price's chilling performance in 'The House of Wax' creates a classic horror film with clever suspense and surprise

      "The House of Wax" is a 1953 horror film featuring a series of gruesome murders of doctors, each death involving animals and bizarre masks. Vincent Price plays the role of the mysterious antagonist, using disguises and traps to carry out the killings. The police are baffled by the strange occurrences, suspecting a link between the deaths. Price's character, whose true face remains hidden, manipulates and deceives the victims. The film's unique sets, Vincent Price's iconic performance, and the increasing sense of dread create a chilling atmosphere. Despite the comedic portrayal of the police, the stakes are high as the body count rises, and the mystery deepens. The film's dark and twisted tone, combined with its clever use of suspense and surprise, makes "The House of Wax" a classic in the horror genre.

    • Doctor Phibes' gruesome revenge plotDoctor Phibes seeks revenge for his wife and associates' deaths in a series of gruesome murders, using a pendant with a Hebrew symbol to target victims connected to Doctor Vesalius.

      "Peeping Tom" is a mysterious and gruesome film with a complex plot involving a series of murders committed by a doctor named Doctor Phibes, who is seeking revenge for the deaths of his wife and associates. The film is set in the 1920s, and Doctor Phibes is portrayed as a dirty and eccentric character who watches inappropriate film reels and drains the blood of his victims, storing it in bottles. The police eventually connect the murders to Doctor Phibes and discover that all of the victims were associates of a doctor named Doctor Vesalius. Doctor Vesalius is a model train enthusiast and is initially unaware of the reason for the murders. The police eventually uncover a clue in the form of a pendant left at one of the crime scenes, which leads them to a rabbi who explains that the symbol on the pendant is Hebrew for "blood," one of the ten plagues of Egypt. The film includes a major exposition scene where the rabbi explains the story of the Exodus and the ten plagues, which adds to the overall mystical and biblical themes of the film.

    • Villain Vincent Price's Unique CharacteristicsVillain Vincent Price seeks revenge through mysterious methods, communicates via phonograph, and is a polymath with extensive knowledge and manipulation abilities.

      Learning from the discussion of the movie "The Abominable Dr. Phibes" is the unique and intriguing nature of the villain, Vincent Price. He communicates through a phonograph in his neck, and his methods of killing are as mysterious as his backstory. The audience learns that he is seeking revenge for the death of his wife, Victoria Regina Phibes, and that he was a concert organist and PhD in theology. Price's ability to manipulate various systems, such as an air conditioner, and his extensive knowledge demonstrate his villainous polymath abilities. The film's weirdness and Avengers-like elements add to the intrigue, leaving the audience wondering about the depths of Price's capabilities. Overall, the villain's unique characteristics and the film's intriguing plot make for an entertaining and memorable viewing experience.

    • Straightforwardness and convenience in business and entertainmentAT&T Fiber offers simple pricing, Snagajob simplifies hiring process, unusual villain character adds depth in 'Doctor Phibes Rises Again', solving mysteries comes with pressure and expectations, unique murder methods add suspense

      Straightforwardness and convenience are valuable assets, whether it's in business or entertainment. AT&T Fiber offers straightforward pricing, and Snagajob provides an all-in-one solution for hiring hourly workers with ease. Meanwhile, in the world of fiction, the strange yet intriguing combination of being an organist and having a PhD in theology for a villain character, as seen in the movie "Doctor Phibes Rises Again," adds depth to the character and creates an interesting narrative. The importance of solving mysteries and the urgency to do so, as depicted in the movie, is a reminder of the pressure and expectations that come with responsibilities. Additionally, the use of unique and unusual methods to carry out murders adds an element of suspense and surprise.

    • A stylish and creative film with absurd murdersThe Abominable Dr. Phibes defies logic with its unique presentation of absurd murders, gallows humor, and Dr. Phibes' obsession for revenge, all set against the backdrop of poetic themes of love and obsession.

      "The Abominable Dr. Phibes" is a creative and stylish film that defies logical explanation. Despite the lack of forensic detail in some scenes, such as the unicorn horn murder, the film's gallows humor and unique presentation of each murder keep the audience engaged. The film also showcases Dr. Phibes' obsession with revenge and his meticulous planning, even in the seemingly absurd scenes like the preparation of brussels sprouts. The use of poetry, specifically John Donne's "The Good Morrow," adds depth to Phibes' character and highlights the film's themes of love and obsession. Overall, the film's tone shifts between the absurd and the serious, making for an entertaining and memorable viewing experience.

    • A grotesque scene involving Brussels sprouts and locustsThe film's unique imagination and focus on the villain create new levels of suspense and tension.

      "Doctor Phibes Rises Again" is a unique and stylish horror film with an unforgettable villain. The scene involving Brussels sprouts being turned into a green goo to lure locusts and deflesh a victim is a prime example of the film's creative and grotesque imagination. Despite its unrealistic nature, the scene is beautifully rendered and adds to the tension as the stakes are raised for the protagonist, Vesalius, who must save his son from Doctor Phibes. The film's shift from focusing on victims to the villain alone creates a new level of suspense and raises the emotional stakes. Overall, "Doctor Phibes Rises Again" is a visually stunning and imaginative horror film that pushes the boundaries of the genre.

    • Doctor Phibes' Unique Revenge PlanDoctor Phibes, a disfigured villain seeking revenge, uses his knowledge of music and acoustics to harm doctors who wronged him, escaping with his skull-faced identity hidden.

      "The Abominable Dr. Phibes" is a unique and intriguing horror film with a memorable villain, Doctor Phibes, whose skull-faced appearance and mechanical elements hide a brilliant mind. Phibes, who survived an accident and was disfigured by doctors, seeks revenge using his knowledge of music and acoustics. During a confrontation with one of the doctors, he reveals his skull-like face and escapes, leaving the doctor to be harmed by an acid machine. Meanwhile, Phibes plans to be interred alongside his wife and embalms himself with embalming fluid. The film ends with Phibes getting away with his crimes, leaving the audience with a sense of unease and intrigue. The movie's set design, including bright yellow embalming fluid and an elaborate sun, moon, and earth design on the casket lid, adds to its overall weirdness and charm. Despite being hard to stream, "The Abominable Dr. Phibes" is a must-watch for horror fans, especially those who appreciate a complex and unconventional villain.

    • A must-see for fans of the strange and unusualDoctor Mabuse: Gambler, starring Rudolf Klein-Rogge, is a visually stunning and captivating horror/sci-fi film with intriguing details and unique performances. Stream it for a strange and unusual experience.

      The film "Doctor Mabuse: Der Spieler" (Doctor Mabuse: Gambler), starring Rudolf Klein-Rogge as the enigmatic titular character, is a visually stunning and weirdly captivating addition to the horror and science fiction genres. This grandiose return of the classic film, distributed by Kino Lorber, is filled with intriguing details and unique performances, including Doctor Mabuse's glowing red organ and his gothically supervillain style. If you're intrigued, keep an eye out for streaming options. This film is a must-see for fans of the strange and unusual. The podcast Weird House Cinema, which focuses on exploring weird films, discusses the movie in more depth every Friday. For more information, visit the Iheartradio app, Apple Podcasts, or the Stuff to Blow Your Mind website. Remember, building a connected community is essential, and Neighbor to Neighbor is a California volunteer network that empowers you to do just that. Visit canebors.com to learn more.

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