
    “Well that was terrible.”

    enAugust 28, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Criticism of Trump's RNC speech opticsThe contrast between Trump's RNC speech setting and potential health risks may have muddled his message, projecting a sense of normalcy that clashed with pandemic reality and potentially undermined public trust.

      During the Republican National Convention, Donald Trump's acceptance speech was met with criticism over the optics of the event, which included a large, mostly unmasked crowd gathered on the White House lawn during a pandemic. The gang on Pod Save America discussed how the contrast between the setting and the potential health risks could have muddled Trump's intended message, with Dan Pfeiffer pointing out that most people would be consuming coverage of the speech rather than watching it live. Tommy Vietor expressed concern that the event projected a sense of normalcy that clashed with the reality of the COVID-19 situation and could potentially undermine public trust in Trump's ability to handle the crisis. Jon Favreau emphasized the importance of volunteering and adopting a state to help Democrats take back the senate.

    • White House event blurred lines between Trump's presidency and campaignTrump's use of White House for campaign event was a Hatch Act violation, self-dealing, and out-of-touch, showcasing disregard for pandemic struggles

      The White House event where President Trump gave his acceptance speech for his re-election campaign was a clear abuse of power, blurring the lines between his presidency and campaign. This event, which took place on the South Lawn of the White House, was denounced as a Hatch Act violation, but it also showcased Trump's disregard for the struggles of millions of unemployed and sick Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic. The use of the White House as a campaign backdrop was not a blurring of lines, but an abuse of power, and it should be part of a larger narrative about Trump's self-dealing and out-of-touch behavior. The event's optics, with Trump's name spelled out in fireworks over the Washington Monument, reinforced the critique that he is not taking the pandemic seriously enough. It's not an either/or situation, and the Hatch Act violation, self-dealing, and out-of-touch behavior should all be part of the coverage and critique of Trump's presidency.

    • RNC speech on coronavirus strategy under TrumpTrump's RNC speech lacked empathy, cohesion, and structure, while promoting a herd immunity strategy and attacking Biden's ability to keep Americans safe, all while lying and potentially violating ethics.

      The White House's approach to the coronavirus pandemic under President Trump is to accept that everyone will eventually catch the virus as part of a herd immunity strategy. This was conveyed in a chaotic and long-winded RNC speech that lacked empathy, grandeur, and a cohesive narrative. The delivery was halting and tired, and the speech bounced around without a clear structure or story. Critics, including Fox News, noted the speech's length and lackluster quality. Despite the length and content, Trump's message seemed to settle on portraying Joe Biden as unable to keep Americans safe, while downplaying the importance of the coronavirus in voters' minds. However, the speech was marked by constant lying and potential ethics violations, which may have long-term political consequences. Overall, the RNC speech was a grueling and exhausting experience for viewers.

    • Trump's Contradictory Messages at the RNCTrump framed the election as an existential choice, appealing to both supporters and base with contradictory messages about racism and law and order.

      During the 2020 Republican National Convention, President Trump attempted to frame the election as an existential choice for the future of the country. He tried to appeal to both former supporters and the base by presenting contradictory messages, positioning himself as less racist to suburban voters while being more racist to his base. Trump's strategy seemed to be that the chaos and law and order issues would overshadow any perceived racism, and that mudding the waters could help him win over a small number of Democratic base voters or encourage them to stay home. Despite the overall messiness of the Republican convention, this narrative about Joe Biden and the radical left destroying the suburbs and allowing crime to run rampant could potentially be effective.

    • Republicans Attack Biden's Age, Agenda, and Washington TiesRepublicans accused Biden of being a tool of Washington, having a socialist agenda, and being weak and old. They defended Trump's pandemic response and focused on crime and politics, offering little substance on solutions.

      During the Republican National Convention, President Trump and Vice President Pence made arguments against Democratic nominee Joe Biden, focusing on crime, Biden's long tenure in Washington, and his supposed alignment with the radical left. They accused Biden of being a tool of Washington, having a socialist agenda, and being weak and old. Trump also defended his administration's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, despite concerns over his response and a super-spreader event at the convention. The argument that Biden is old and weak, with the radical left driving his agenda, could potentially resonate with some voters, but it remains to be seen if it is executed effectively. Overall, the speeches were characterized by attacks on Biden and a focus on crime and Washington politics, with little substance offered on how the Trump administration would address the ongoing pandemic.

    • Political event disregards truth, public health, and the rule of lawThe pandemic highlights the importance of truth, public health, and the rule of law, and the consequences of disregarding them.

      The recent political event showcased a disregard for truth, public health, and the rule of law, prioritizing power and subjugation above all else. This lack of concern for the consequences of their actions, including the potential spread of COVID-19, highlights a dangerous disconnect from reality and the well-being of the country. Additionally, the ongoing pandemic continues to impact daily life, with policies around social distancing and mask-wearing playing a significant role in controlling its spread. The virus's patience and ability to adapt to changing circumstances underscore the importance of maintaining vigilance and following public health guidelines. The pandemic's reach has grown, with more and more people experiencing its effects firsthand, making it increasingly difficult to ignore its impact on our communities.

    • President Trump's Vision for a Second TermTrump promised to continue his policies in a second term, focusing on past accomplishments, appealing to his base with traditional Republican policies and hot-button issues, but lacking specifics and a clear agenda.

      During his recent campaign speech, President Trump painted a vision of what a second term would look like for voters, focusing on his past accomplishments and promising to continue his policies, despite lacking specifics and a clear agenda. The speaker expressed that Trump's message has always been about trusting him to lead, and while some may argue that he has not delivered on his promises from his first term, others believe that his vision, whether acceptable or not, was effectively conveyed during the speech. The speaker also noted that Trump combined traditional Republican policies with his outsider image and hot-button issues to appeal to his base. However, the lack of concrete policies and plans was seen as a fair critique, as Trump had previously indicated a different approach during his 2016 campaign.

    • Presenting a more compassionate TrumpThe RNC aimed to soften Trump's image through personal stories, but authenticity was questioned as some speakers' messages contradicted his policies.

      Key takeaway from the final night of the Republican National Convention is that the event aimed to present a more sympathetic and compassionate image of President Trump through personal stories, while also defending him against accusations of racism and xenophobia. Speakers included Alice Johnson, whose life sentence for drug trafficking was commuted by Trump, and families of victims of crime. However, the effectiveness and authenticity of these messages were questioned, as some speakers' stories contradicted Trump's policies and actions. The convention also featured emotional moments, such as testimonials from families of victims of crime and terrorism. Overall, the convention appeared to be a defensive effort to change perceptions of Trump's character and leadership abilities, rather than a clear presentation of his policies or vision for the future.

    • Trump campaign's RNC messaging: Effective leader despite 'asshole' imageThe Trump campaign emphasized Trump's accomplishments and results, acknowledging his unfiltered communication style as an 'asshole' image. They also showcased diverse supporters to counteract perceptions of racism.

      The Trump campaign's messaging at the Republican National Convention focused on presenting Trump as an effective leader, despite his unfiltered communication style. They acknowledged that he may come across as an "asshole," but emphasized his accomplishments and results. Another strategy was to showcase diverse supporters, including Black and Latino Republicans, to counteract perceptions of racism. Ivanka Trump's speech defended her father's communication style and highlighted his results, while acknowledging that his style is not to everyone's taste. The Democratic strategy, in contrast, focused on portraying Trump as impotent and ineffective in handling the COVID-19 crisis. The success of these messaging strategies remains to be seen, as public opinion and the course of the pandemic will play significant roles.

    • RNC: Tom Cotton's Speech on Trump's Foreign Policy and Biden's China WeaknessTrump campaign bets on foreign policy and China being less important issues, while Biden faces pressure to respond with a unifying speech amid recent unrest

      During the RNC, Tom Cotton delivered a foreign policy speech focusing on Trump's supposed wins and Biden's supposed weakness on China. However, the speech was criticized for being full of lies and lacking compelling delivery. Trump's campaign is betting that concerns over issues like foreign policy and China may recede slightly in people's concerns, giving him a shot. The Biden campaign is now facing pressure to respond to this line of attack, with some suggesting he should give a speech about bringing the country together in response to recent unrest. Despite concerns, it's important to note that Biden has already addressed some of these issues in the past, such as violent protests and defunding the police, and managed to keep his base. The impact of the conventions on the race won't be clear until more polling data is available next week.

    • Biden's response to social unrest and racial justice issuesBiden's empathetic approach contrasts Trump's divisive tactics, but focus on COVID-19 and economy is crucial to sway undecided voters.

      Joe Biden's response to the ongoing social unrest and racial justice issues, particularly in the aftermath of the Jacob Blake shooting, is a known quantity based on his past successful handling of similar situations. Biden's empathy and decency have been strengths for him, contrasting with Donald Trump's divisive tactics. The country's primary concerns remain COVID-19 and the economy, and Biden should focus on addressing these issues instead of engaging in a war of words with Trump over protests and racial justice. Public opinion on the protests has become increasingly polarized along party lines, with some undecided voters from the 2016 election potentially swaying back towards Trump due to the unrest. However, the impact on polling remains to be seen.

    • Focusing on pandemic and economy in campaignBiden should prioritize pandemic and economy in campaign, counter Trump's messaging, and shift focus back to issues that matter to voters.

      President Joe Biden should focus on the pandemic and the economy during his campaign, rather than getting drawn into discussions about violence and crime. Doing so will help keep the conversation focused on issues where Biden has an advantage over President Donald Trump. Additionally, Biden can effectively counter Trump's messaging by highlighting the destruction caused by Trump's handling of the economy, and by challenging Trump's portrayal of himself as a protector of white people. The conversation around protests and violence plays into Trump's strategy of driving up white fear, but Biden can undermine Trump's strength by shifting the focus back to the issues that matter most to voters. With only 67 days until the election, it's crucial for supporters to get involved and help make a difference. Go to votesaveamerica.com/adopt to pick a state and get to work.

    • The digital team's role in producing the weekly educational podcastThe success of the weekly educational podcast relies on the dedicated efforts of the digital team, who film and upload each episode as videos, ensuring wider reach and engagement through video format.

      The success of the weekly educational podcast relies on the dedicated efforts of the digital team, including Elijah Cohn, Narm Elkonian, Yael Fried, and Milo Kim. These individuals are responsible for filming and uploading each episode as videos every week, ensuring that the content reaches a wider audience. Their commitment to the project is essential in maintaining the consistency and quality of the podcast. Furthermore, the use of video format not only caters to the diverse learning styles of the audience but also increases the reach and engagement of the content. The digital team's role in the production process is a crucial component of the podcast's overall success.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    Pre-order Democracy or Else: How to Save America in 10 Easy Steps at crooked.com/books or wherever books are sold. Out June 25th.

    Pod Save America
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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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