
    We’re All Battling For Attention | Toronto 2014 Keynote

    enJune 18, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Social Media as a Powerful Sales Tool - Gary VaynerchukGary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of social media in influencing purchasing decisions and encourages businesses to join his Marketing for the Now series to learn from top marketers.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, a renowned marketer, believes that social media is a powerful tool for selling products or services. He emphasized this point during a keynote speech he gave in 2014 at the Canadian Music Week Digital Media Summit. Vaynerchuk, who is not particularly tech-focused, is instead interested in understanding human behavior and how it relates to commerce. He acknowledged that social media has a significant impact on various aspects of life, but his expertise lies in its role in influencing purchasing decisions. He encourages everyone to join his Marketing for the Now series, where he interviews top marketers to help businesses thrive during uncertain times. So, whether you're a small or large business owner, remember that social media is a valuable sales tool, and understanding its impact on human behavior can help you make the most of it.

    • Recognizing trends and adopting new technologies earlySuccess comes from staying informed about market trends, experimenting with new technologies, and being willing to take calculated risks.

      Successful individuals and businesses often identify trends and adopt new technologies or strategies before others do, giving them a competitive edge. The speaker shares his experience of recognizing the value of social media platforms like Facebook and Snapchat before they became mainstream, and how this approach has contributed significantly to his career success. He also highlights the importance of paying attention to current market trends and getting hands-on experience, rather than relying on outdated methods or hiding behind laws and regulations. Despite the risks and challenges, being an early adopter can lead to tremendous opportunities and growth.

    • Embracing New Digital PlatformsMarketers must adapt to new digital platforms and understand their audiences, even if unfamiliar, to effectively reach customers.

      Marketers need to adapt to new digital platforms and understand their audiences, despite personal biases or lack of familiarity. The speaker shares his experience of being fully immersed in Vine when it first came out, despite being a head of a social media agency, due to his belief in its potential. He also shares his frustration with executives who don't understand new platforms like Instagram, despite a large portion of their customer base using them. The speaker argues that traditional marketing methods, such as print ads and Nielsen ratings, are outdated in the digital age and should be replaced with more accurate and targeted methods. Ultimately, marketers need to be open to new technologies and platforms, even if they don't fully understand them, in order to effectively reach their audiences.

    • Adapting to changing consumer behavior and marketing trendsCompanies must invest in digital marketing despite decreasing organic reach, innovate to stay competitive, and align marketing strategies with consumers' lives.

      Businesses need to adapt to the changing consumer behavior and marketing trends brought about by the internet and digital technologies. The speaker emphasizes that companies like Uber and Birchbox are investing heavily in unpublished Facebook posts, despite decreasing organic reach, because they can see the return on investment. He also warns that businesses that fail to innovate and execute in this rapidly evolving digital landscape risk going out of business, as Blockbuster did when it refused to buy Netflix for $40 million eight years ago. The speaker emphasizes that the internet is still in its infancy, and that culture shifts and consumer behavior are changing massively. He encourages marketers to align their marketing strategies with the way consumers live their lives, rather than trying to force consumers to conform to marketing strategies. He also notes that the majority of people now watch most television on their own time, using services like Tivo and Netflix, and that this trend is likely to continue.

    • Understanding Audience Needs and Delivering Authentic ValueMarketers need to create authentic, engaging, and valuable content to capture audience attention in today's world. This may involve using digital channels and understanding audience needs to deliver content effectively.

      In today's world, attention is a valuable commodity that is in high demand but limited in supply. With the exponential increase in content being produced and distributed, traditional marketing methods such as commercials, billboards, and radio ads are no longer as effective as they once were due to decreased attention spans and increased distractions. Instead, marketers need to focus on creating authentic, engaging, and valuable content that resonates with their audience and captures their attention. This may involve using digital channels such as email, social media, and content marketing to reach consumers where they are and provide value in a way that traditional methods can't. Ultimately, the key to successful marketing in today's world is to understand your audience's needs and preferences, and to deliver content that meets those needs in a way that is authentic, engaging, and valuable.

    • The cycle of marketing innovation, saturation, and adaptationMarketers must stay agile and explore new channels and tactics as old ones become oversaturated, leading to innovation, saturation, and adaptation in marketing.

      Marketing strategies and tactics have significantly evolved over the years, leading to both innovation and saturation. In the past, marketers were able to achieve high engagement and click-through rates due to novelty and less competition. However, as more companies entered the scene and consumers became desensitized to traditional advertising methods, engagement and click-through rates dropped. The speaker shares personal experiences of exploiting new marketing channels such as email, Twitter, and Facebook, before they became oversaturated. For instance, in the late 1990s, email marketing had high open and click-through rates due to its novelty. However, as more companies started using email for marketing purposes, open and click-through rates plummeted. Similarly, the speaker discusses how Facebook's dark posts, or unpublished posts, offer unprecedented targeting capabilities, leading to high conversion rates. However, due to the saturation of social media advertising, marketers are once again facing challenges in achieving high engagement and click-through rates. The speaker emphasizes that this cycle of innovation, saturation, and adaptation is a natural part of marketing and encourages marketers to stay agile and continue exploring new channels and tactics.

    • Staying Competitive: Value, Adaptation, and Customer FocusBusinesses must prioritize customer value, adapt to changing behaviors, and invest in long-term relationships for success. Amazon's focus on same-day delivery and customer data sets them apart, while Borders' reliance on Amazon for distribution led to their downfall.

      Businesses need to focus on providing value to their customers and adapting to changing consumer behaviors in order to stay competitive. The example of Walmart and Amazon illustrates this point, as Amazon's ability to offer same-day delivery and prioritize customer data has allowed them to outpace traditional retailers. Additionally, companies must understand the importance of storytelling in the context of different platforms and not view social media as just a distribution channel. The speaker emphasizes the importance of a long-term perspective and focusing on lifetime value and percentage of wallet spend, rather than just immediate ROI. The failure of Borders to build their own capabilities and instead rely on Amazon for distribution ultimately led to their downfall. Overall, businesses must be willing to invest in their customers and adapt to the changing cultural landscape in order to succeed.

    • The Internet has disrupted traditional business models and demographicsCompanies should not disregard older demographics, engage with customers, and adapt to the changing technological landscape to reach consumers effectively.

      The Internet has disrupted traditional business models and demographics, allowing smaller companies to quickly grow and disrupt larger, more established ones. The speaker emphasizes that companies should not disregard older demographics, as they are adopting technology at an unprecedented rate and their behavior is converging with younger generations. The speaker also criticizes the focus on selling "dumb shit" to customers and encourages businesses to tell their stories effectively to reach consumers where they are. The fastest growing demographic on social media is 40-6 year olds, and their behavior is increasingly similar to younger generations. Companies should not make assumptions about their customer base and should adapt to the changing technological landscape. The speaker encourages businesses to engage with their customers and understand their needs, rather than relying on outdated stereotypes. The shift in technology has led to a "youthification" of society, and businesses must adapt to this trend in order to succeed.

    • Marketing Landscape Shifts: Embrace Disruption or Get Left BehindStay agile and respond to consumer behavior in a rapidly changing marketing landscape. Disruption is natural, but clinging to outdated methods will lead to failure.

      The marketing landscape is undergoing significant changes, and those who fail to adapt will be left behind. The speaker highlights the decline in click-through rates for Google AdWords as an example of this shift. He also mentions the growing importance of executing in the reality of the marketplace, rather than being too early with new technologies like augmented reality or smart pants. The speaker emphasizes that disruption is a natural part of innovation and capitalism, and those who cling to outdated methods will ultimately lose out. The opportunities for marketers lie in responding to consumer behavior and staying agile in the face of change. The speaker encourages marketers to embrace the disruption and adapt to the new reality in order to succeed.

    • Embrace the second industrial revolutionStay alert and embrace the changes of the second industrial revolution for personal growth and abundance mindset

      We are currently experiencing the second industrial revolution with innovation progressing at an unprecedented speed due to the infrastructure now coming into play. This is a call to action for everyone to wake up and adapt. The importance of this industrial revolution cannot be overstated, and yet, many seem to be unaware or complacent. As a reminder, when others succeed, it does not mean we will fail. Instead, it's a call to focus on our own growth and abundance mindset. A review from a listener, missymarie Amadori, highlights the importance of this perspective, sharing that she needed this episode as a reminder that success for others does not equate to failure for herself. It's a reminder to keep pushing forward and maintaining a positive mindset towards growth. So, let's all stay alert and embrace the changes that come with this new industrial revolution. And if you enjoyed today's episode, please leave a review and subscribe to the podcast. Your support means a lot.

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    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message

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    55: Twitter Spaces experiment sparks debate over recording
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    Links mentioned during the show...

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    This week’s All Things Audio Twitter Moment https://twitter.com/i/events/1544749031955521538


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    All Things Audio with Madalyn and Suze is recorded LIVE on Twitter Spaces.

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    After the podcast is recorded we open the mic and speak to people in the Space about the week's hot topics.

    Join us Wednesdays on Twitter Spaces to be part of the conversation. Follow @BigTentSocial and @MadalynSklar and follow the hashtag #AllThingsAudio.

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    New topics for Twitter

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    AllThingsAudio Twitter Moment > https://twitter.com/i/events/1481352254036787205


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    New Spaces RSVP feature

    New layout for the Spaces tab

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    #OnlyOnTwitterSpaces - Suze sits between Warren G and Busta Rhymes

    LinkedIn audio events newsletter by Sandra Long

    Judi Fox’s LinkedIn audio event calendar

    Wired article: “Sight isolates, sound incorporates”

    Social audio should be topic led, not personality led...

    AllThingsAudio Twitter Moment > https://twitter.com/i/events/1511776211764228096

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    All Things Audio with Madalyn and Suze is recorded LIVE on Twitter Spaces.

    Madalyn Sklar and Suze Cooper AllThings Audio on Twitter Spaces every Wednesday at 3pm EST / 8pm BST.

    After the podcast is recorded we open the mic and speak to people in the Space about the week's hot topics.

    Join us Wednesdays on Twitter Spaces to be part of the conversation. Follow @MadalynSklar to join and follow the hashtag #AllThingsAudio.

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    #Clubhouse #TwitterSpaces #SocialAudio

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    Links mentioned during the show...

    Spaces Dashboard reports Twitter Spaces host reach 1 million

    Spaces account tweets about users ‘finding a space’ and Suze responds with…how?’

    Glitchy clip feature on Spaces

    Clubhouse introduces the ‘Lounge’ (beta) h/t Michael Sterling

    Clubhouse provides blocked users list h/t Michael Sterling

    Morgan takes a listen to Amazon Amp

    Amazon Amp ads spotted on TV in the US

    Amp might be a copycat but there’s still room time for innovation in social audio

    Ghost Q&A is cancelled after fans crash Spotify Live servers

    Spotify brings audiobooks to US users

    AllThingsAudio Twitter Moment https://twitter.com/i/events/1572652098822574080


    Last week we spoke about news providers taking to Spaces following the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Check out that episode here https://www.spreaker.com/episode/51274319


    All Things Audio with Madalyn and Suze is recorded LIVE on Twitter Spaces.

    Madalyn Sklar and Suze Cooper host All Things Audio on Twitter Spaces every Wednesday at 3pm EST / 8pm BST.

    After the podcast is recorded we open the mic and speak to people in the Space about the week's hot topics.

    Join us Wednesdays on Twitter Spaces to be part of the conversation. Follow @BigTentSocial and @MadalynSklar and follow the hashtag #AllThingsAudio.