
    What does it mean to be a Sovereign Being?

    en-usAugust 27, 2020
    What was the main topic of the podcast episode?
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    Were there any points particularly controversial or thought-provoking discussed in the episode?
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    About this Episode

    Sovereignty, what does that mean, and how can we embody this practice in our every day lives? We talk about body awareness and how we can feel more of our sovereign selves in our physical bodies and how we can consciously access our personal empowerment. Our bodies are AMAZING vehicles that give us indicators as to what is going on internally. As we learn to be embodied, and listen to our physical vessel, we become powerful in consciously shifting energy, aligning with the timeline we choose to live, and project our creative energy out into the world to powerfully create our lived daily experience.
    Inanda gets vulnerable and shares her very recent and current situation working through some health issues as she learns to tune in to her body and find the balance of expert medical advice, as well as her own internal truth. Her process of healing is ongoing, and she is learning to listen to her body, loving the process, learning to be rooted and resourced from source as she navigates her own sovereignty.
    We talk about different ways to be embodied and learn to listen to the deep messages from the wisdom of our bodies. Our ability to heal our own bodies is a process of learning to trust ourselves, listening to our innate inner wisdom and taking action from that place of truth. This is sovereignty in practice.
    Sovereignty is an embodied practice of both the Divine Feminine; trust, surrender, intuition, inner guidance with the Divine Masculine; heart-centered right action, alignment, integrity. Learning how to find the play between the two is the dance between being rooted and connected with a letting go and trusting the process as it shows up in our lives and trusting ourselves to navigate from our own internal compass.

    Our ask: If you believe that everything is for a greater understanding and experience of who you are, and nothing you do truly matters, what would you do different in your life today? As you grow, I grow. As we grow, 'god' grows.

    The Afterlife of Billy Fingers

    Inanda's breath meditation: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=video&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjPhMeq3rTrAhVDGM0KHZ6iAvEQtwIwAXoECAEQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DYQhUgdKvoro&usg=AOvVaw0ptLBF8Gj89_VZVX7Rs9KD

    Recent Episodes from Finding Oneness In Duality

    Can you see life through a lens of curiosity?

    Can you see life through a lens of curiosity?

    Episode 26.....
    The dance between co-creation and surrendering to the process of life can be navigated with a sense of curiosity and child like wonderment. Curiosity can put us in the role of observer where we are open to the flow of how things unfold without being attached to the results. This sense of curiosity keeps us from projecting on the future or re-creating  the past. With a sense of curiosity, we can avoid suffering through what we experience. This doesn't mean that we won't experience pain in life, as pain is a somatic experience, however,  we won't get stuck in the pain cycle and suffer through it. Suffering is a choice.
    All paths lead to Spirit, and all life is an experience. We are powerful creators and our life is an expression of our beliefs, thoughts and choices. What would happen if we maintain a sense of curiosity as we are present in our creation of life? 

    Where attention goes, it grows

    Where attention goes, it grows

    Episode 25....In this episode we talk about how our lives are always working for us, despite how it may look or feel and we have so much ability to give meaning to what is showing up. Where we give our attention it grows, and so often we can get caught up in the old patterns and stories and continue to recreate the same thing over and over again. So, where is your attention? Where is your focus? Are you focused on the current dialogue of fear? 

    When you have your energy focused on fear you give your power away. Can we instead lean in to our own sense of power and trust that life is showing up in service to us and trust that whatever is happening in the world and in our country is ultimately working in our favor?  Can we learn to trust in life and our ability to create our reality, rather than to fear what is happening outside of us and give our power away? 

    Alot of Seers and spiritual teachers have been talking about this time as a potential for the  Collective Consciousness to raise in vibration and move from the third Chakra into the forth chakra, or the high heart. This is an opportunity to be open to receive life, receive love and be open to Christ Consciousness. As we move towards the Winter Solstice we can maintain this focus and practice shifting into the heart space and the energy of love. This practice is that of the Divine Feminine energy, which will bring balance and healing to all of us.
    Can we practice living from the high heart space and lean in to life and receive love?

    If we are the ultimate creators of our lives, how are you creating the life you want to live?

    Here is your call to shine bright!

    Here is your call to shine bright!

    Episode 24

    There's a lot of uncertainty and Chaos on the planet right now and a lot of people are feeling ungrounded and unsettled. The foundational processes of our country are being challenged and there's a possibility that things will get worse before they can get better.  Today we offer some ways to lean into our more Feminine energies of sensitivity, intuition, kindness and heart-centered responses and disengage from the forces that are creating division and confusion.  Can we disconnect from the fear-based mentality and instead, go inward to our center and find the peace within our breath, and navigate the chaos from that space? It can be so fascinating when we can let go of the fear, and get out of the analytical mind and instead choose to be in the stilness of the now moment of being completely present. In that space, we can start to experience the beauty that is unfolding. 

    Tips & Tools for self-resourcing!

    Tips & Tools for self-resourcing!

    Episode 23....
    Our perception of things affects how we feel and will determine our experience of whatever it is we are moving through in life. "By keeping it simple, you move through life with ease." This doesn't mean that difficult things wont happen in life, it just means that we will navigate them with ease.  Can we let go of the coping skills, trauma responses, and attachment to suffering to experience more joy, ease, and flow that is available to each of us.  We can get so comfortable in our pain, our sorrow and trauma and it can feel uncomfortable to let it go and to be open to experience life with flow, surrender and trust. Can we allow ourselves to remember that we are human, and that we need to feel our feelings, and give time and space for ourselves to move through whatever it is we are feeling, instead of bypassing the painful feelings, storing them in our body and shoving them down? This is a recipe for those emotions to come out and to be expressed in inappropriate ways and at times when we are triggered and feeling unresourced. Coming back to our center, being gentle with ourselves, feeling our feels and sitting with them, without needing to be anything other than what is, is a powerful practice of moving emotions and experiences through our field and then releasing them. 
    Living a 5D life isn't about always being happy and love and light;  it means that we are present in our heart, while feeling our emotions and honoring where we are at. Resourcing ourselves inward, has been the biggest call for this year of 2020, leaning in to our inner truth, our Sovereignty, and trusting what feels right for ourselves. This is the most important tool that we can learn as we navigate through the unknown future and unpredictable outcomes. "I am here now," allows for that larger flow of inspirational energy to come in and inform our inspired action. In the truth of The Now, we can trust that all will be provided as we learn how to be on the path of ease. 

    Putting "God" to the test

    Putting "God" to the test

    Episode 22.....
    We are continually creating our lives, from an unconscious place, until we learn to identify our stories and how they are writing the script for our lives. In our practice of becoming more conscious, we begin to challenge the power of our stories that are held in the Collective belief systems, our family DNA, and the programming that keeps us in the wounding cycle. "Show me how this gets to be easy" could be a reframe in taking steps to re-evaluate why we are doing things and what we want to create. 
    In our process of becoming conscious creators, how can we be in right relationship in our roles of the masculine and feminine as well as our expression of our Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine? A more Divine Feminine approach encompasses a place of surrender and allowing ourselves to be uncomfortable in the not knowing.  Pure creation, a Divine Feminine art,  is the practice of surrender, being in the Present moment, which is creating from the unknown. This, coupled with cultivating gratitude for, as well as releasing with love, the challenges that have shaped us into who we are now, begins the healing of wounds that keep us in the cycle of experiencing the same things over and over again. 

    Food for thought: Politics, Personal Power & P...?

    Food for thought: Politics, Personal Power & P...?

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    Plant medicine, have we been lied to about all it can do?

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    Practices for energetic flow in your life.

    Practices for energetic flow in your life.

    Episode 19....Today we start our conversation with a powerful exercise to clear and pull our energy back into our personal fields. This is a simple thing we can do every day, and throughout the day to stay in our Power and Presence. There are so many tools that can help us to learn how to stay in our sovereignty as we navigate throughout our experience of life. We delve into discussing the Shamanic tools that are available to us as we engage in personal healing for ourselves through focused breathing exercises, reading and feeling energy, and moving density and wounding out of our bodies, while we are supported by Pachamama in our process. Sacred ritual is a way for us to get out of our limbic brains and reconnect with the Mystic within us.
     In Shamanic practice we learn how we can view truth from different perceptual states so that we can learn to hold the paradox that truth can hold. This is a powerful practice to recognize when we are on the Triangle of Disempowerment and making the conscious choice to get back into our personal power.  For example, we can be in victim energy on a physical level as well as empowered in our experience, on mental/emotional level. This practice helps us to heal our wounding and bring it into a place of wisdom. 
    Our ask today is, "How am I freeing up space in my life?"

    As Above, So Below

    As Above, So Below

    Episode 18....As above so below...As within so without. We are in a time of individual shedding of old belief patterns, old systems and the default brain programs that have been creating our lives. It's a time to go within and become Present to heal, claim and integrate our Shadows and deep wounding. As we work through shedding the layers, the practice of integration means we see ALL parts of ourselves and claim our shadow and wounds as part of who we are. In this deep place of healing and integration, we are no longer controlled by the unhealed aspects of ourselves. As each of us becomes more conscious in our patterns and belief systems, we are in a new practice of shedding the wounded layers and emerging as a new version of ourselves in the world. 
    On a Collective Level, we are faced with the death of how things have been, in our Government, our School Systems, our Economy, our "normal" is being challenged as it shifts, adapts to the current narrative, and is emerging as something "different." Can we focus on letting go of the Old and trusting the process of shedding the layers of systems that no longer serve us? Can we trust that life is and will continue to emerge and rebirth into an experience that is more serving of where our souls are evolving and asking us to go? Is our Individual experience reflective of the Collective Experience and is the Collective Experience showing us how to go deeper into our shedding and healing practice? 
    Join us for an exploration into some big ideas of how we are connected and interconnected on multiple layers as we learn to let go and rebirth ourselves. 

    Divorce; A Practice of Self-Love

    Divorce; A Practice of Self-Love

    Episode 17....Divorce, Conscious Uncoupling and moving forward in life. 

    In today's episode we delve into some vulnerable sharing around our individual experiences of marriage and our conscious decision to end our marriages and shift our relationships in our families. Although a painful process for both of us, it was also a path of growth and claiming our own sovereignty in our lives. We approach the conversation through the question of; "when do we know that it's time to step out of a relationship?" 
    As individuals who "love to love" and learning that love has so many facets of depth and flavors of expression, ultimately the journey through marriage and then into the choice of ending that commitment brought us back into ourselves and ultimately loving ourselves. With various choice points presented along the way to recommit or to walk away, marriage was a journey of self discovery through intimate relationship with another. 
    For me, Valerie, my experience of divorce has led to a beautiful rebirthing of what family looks like and how it is defined. I have had what you could call an "ideal divorce" and my previous partner and I are good friends and can coparent with a lot of cooperation and communication. It was a process of healing, forgiving, and letting go and definitely required that both of us were willing to walk that path to meet the other in that place.
    Amanda has had a more painful and difficult time navigating divorce and separating lives and shares from her experience of what that has been like for her. Both paths have been perfect for each of us and perhaps could even be part of the Soul Contracts that we have with our previous partners. Regardless of how the journey looks like, it is a process of becoming embodied, and more conscious when we encounter those choice points that lead us through the journey of life.
    Our ask today is, "How can I see things more clearly in my relationship and myself in the relationship?"