
    What Else Are They Hiding # 997 (Ep 997)

    enJune 07, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • AOC's Terrorism Hearing and Dan Bongino's Emphasis on Being InformedDan Bongino emphasized the importance of holding public figures accountable for their statements and actions, especially those in positions of power. He also highlighted the significance of being informed and factually correct in public discourse.

      During the latest episode of the Dan Bongino Show, the host discussed various topics including his upcoming guest hosting appearance for Hannity, the confusion of politicians like AOC, and the importance of being informed. A notable segment involved AOC's chairing of a hearing with the FBI on terrorism, where her lack of knowledge on the topic was evident. Bongino emphasized the importance of holding public figures accountable for their statements and actions, especially those in positions of power. He also highlighted the benefits of using products like WaxRx to maintain ear health and avoid costly doctor visits. Overall, the episode underscored the significance of being informed and factually correct in public discourse.

    • AOC's accusations against FBI unfoundedAOC accused FBI of unequal treatment, but her assumptions were incorrect as FBI had classified incidents as domestic terrorism and hate crimes

      Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's accusations against the FBI for giving preferential treatment to white supremacist attacks over those inspired by Islamic radicalism is not based on fact. During a hearing, she questioned FBI officials about the classification of certain incidents, but she was incorrect in her assumptions. The FBI had indeed treated these incidents as domestic terrorism cases and hate crimes. Ocasio-Cortez's staff had prepared a memo for her to read from, but she didn't seem to have a clear understanding of the United States Code, which does not have a separate charge for domestic terror. It is important to fact-check statements made during political debates to avoid spreading misinformation.

    • Congresswoman's Misunderstanding of FBI's InvestigationCongresswoman Ocasio-Cortez mistakenly claimed FBI didn't investigate synagogue and church shootings as domestic terrorism cases. The FBI did, but she misunderstood the distinction between investigation and charge.

      Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was incorrect when she stated that the FBI did not investigate the Tree of Life Synagogue and Emanuel African Methodist Church shootings as domestic terrorism cases. The FBI official, Mr. McGarity, provided testimony and documentation proving that these cases were indeed investigated as domestic terrorism. However, Ocasio-Cortez continued to press her point, confusing the investigation with the actual charge, which there is none for domestic terrorism under US law. Despite being presented with the evidence, she refused to back down and doubled down on her incorrect statement. This incident highlights the importance of fact-checking and understanding legal terminology before making public statements.

    • Rep. Ocasio-Cortez Mistakes Domestic Terrorism Charge, Suggests Hate Crimes InsteadDuring a hearing, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez misunderstood the use of a domestic terrorism charge and suggested hate crimes as an alternative. The Mueller report faces criticism for its biased presentation of information and poor execution.

      During a hearing, Representative Ocasio-Cortez mistakenly believed there was a domestic terrorism charge under Title 18 USC that didn't exist. Instead, she suggested charging individuals with hate crimes. Meanwhile, the Mueller report continues to face criticism for its poor execution and selective presentation of information. Some argue that it functions more as an opinion piece for impeachment rather than a legal document. Additionally, the use of insect traps like Dina Traps was promoted as an effective solution for dealing with unwanted pests during summer months.

    • Omissions in Mueller Report raise concerns about its integrityThe Mueller report contained omissions that potentially misrepresented actions of Trump's legal team, such as excluding crucial context from a voicemail transcript and failing to mention important details about a meeting between Russians and Trump Jr. at Trump Tower.

      During a discussion about Dynatrap's indoor insect control solution, the Dynatrap Flylight, it was mentioned that Mueller's report contained omissions that potentially misrepresented the actions of Trump's legal team. An example given was the exclusion of crucial context from a voicemail transcript between Trump's lawyer and Flynn. Another instance involved the investigation into a meeting between Russians and Trump Jr. at Trump Tower, where Mueller focused extensively on the encounter but failed to mention important details. These omissions raise concerns about the integrity of the Mueller report and its potential impact on public perception. Overall, it's essential to critically examine reports and consider all available information to form accurate conclusions.

    • Omissions in the Mueller report could contradict findingsThe Mueller report may have missed important details, raising ethical concerns for further investigation.

      The Mueller report may not have presented a complete picture of certain aspects of the Russia investigation, as there were omissions that could potentially contradict the report's findings. For instance, two Russians who met with Donald Trump Jr. had connections to the Hillary Clinton team, but this information was not disclosed in the Mueller report. Additionally, there were discrepancies regarding the existence of tapes involving Trump and allegations of prostitutes, with the Mueller report stating that a Georgian man asked Michael Cohen to stop the flow of tapes from Russia, but the word "some" was missing from the original text exchange. These omissions could potentially raise ethical concerns, even if they may not hold up legally. It's important for individuals to read beyond the Mueller report and consider other sources to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the events in question.

    • Questionable methods and potential ethics issues in Mueller investigationThe deletion of a quote and use of a suspect as a key informant in the Mueller investigation have raised concerns about its transparency and reliability.

      The Mueller investigation, as portrayed in this discussion, is perceived by some as having questionable methods and potentially unethical behavior. The deletion of a quote regarding "some tapes" from Russia, which the person being investigated denied the existence of, is seen as an attempt to mislead the public. Additionally, the use of a suspect as a key informant, George Nader, who was later arrested on child pornography charges, raises concerns about the reliability of the investigation. These instances contribute to a growing sentiment that the Mueller investigation may not have been conducted with complete transparency or integrity.

    • Mueller report failed to disclose that a key figure was a source for the U.S. State DepartmentThe Mueller report, which investigated Russian interference in the 2016 election, failed to disclose that a key figure, Konstantin Kalimnik, was also a source for the U.S. State Department. This omission raises questions about the investigation's accuracy and ethics.

      The Mueller report, which investigated Russian interference in the 2016 election, failed to disclose that a key figure linked to Russian intelligence, Konstantin Kalimnik, was also a source for the U.S. State Department. John Solomon, in a report for The Hill, revealed that Mueller's team had possessed this information since 2018 but omitted it from their report and related court filings. This revelation comes as the accuracy of Mueller's Russia conclusions faces increased scrutiny. The Mueller report painted Kalimnik as a Russian Intel conduit, but it left out that he was also an Intel source for the Obama State Department. This omission raises questions about the motivations and ethics of the Mueller investigation team.

    • Detecting False Parental Claims at the BorderThe U.S. government is conducting DNA tests to uncover cases of adults bringing children who are not theirs across the border, which can be considered child trafficking. The lack of a law to hold children in custody for longer than 20 days under the Flores consent decree incentivizes these false claims.

      There is a significant issue of adults crossing the border with children who are not theirs, and the U.S. government is now conducting DNA tests to uncover these cases of false parental claims. This issue relates to the ongoing immigration crisis and the imposition of a 5% tariff on Mexican goods if the situation is not addressed. The DNA tests have proven multiple cases of false claims, which can be considered child trafficking. The U.S. government's law enforcement agencies are becoming savvier in detecting these cases, and the lack of a law to hold children in custody for longer than 20 days under the Flores consent decree incentivizes adults to bring children who are not theirs across the border. This is a serious issue that requires attention and action.

    • Border Crisis and Flores Consent DegreeThe Flores consent degree is causing a surge in illegal immigration and straining resources by mandating the release of detained immigrants after 20 days, leading to families renting children and trafficking them across the border. Congress is urged to address this by getting rid of the consent degree and allowing for family detention.

      The United States is facing a border crisis, with individuals renting children and trafficking them across the border due to the Flores consent degree, which mandates the release of detained immigrants, including families, after 20 days. This situation is leading to a surge in illegal immigration and a significant strain on resources. Additionally, Mexico is reportedly holding back 250,000 migrants in response to tariff threats from the U.S. The speaker urges Congress to address these issues by getting rid of the Flores consent degree and allowing for the detention of families together to discourage illegal immigration. Furthermore, the speaker criticizes politicians like Bill de Blasio for spreading false information without hesitation. Lastly, the speaker promotes Omaha Steaks, highlighting the high-quality meat and discounted Father's Day package.

    • Speaker shares excitement about Omaha Steaks Father's Day package dealSpeaker recommends Omaha Steaks Father's Day package for its value and deliciousness. Criticizes NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio for downplaying anti-Semitic violence in Brooklyn as a right-wing issue, stressing the importance of acknowledging and addressing the issue.

      During the discussion, the speaker expressed her excitement about receiving an offer from Omaha Steaks for a Father's Day package, which includes apple tartlets, Omaha steaks burgers, and steak seasoning. She highly recommends this deal for Father's Day or for summer grilling, emphasizing its value and deliciousness. Meanwhile, in another topic, the speaker criticized New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio for his claim that anti-Semitic violence in Brooklyn is a right-wing movement. A Democratic councilman from the affected area disagreed with de Blasio, stating that he hasn't seen any evidence of right-wingers committing these hate crimes. The speaker emphasized the importance of acknowledging and addressing the issue of anti-Semitic violence in Brooklyn, which is a concern for Jewish residents and voters in the area.

    • Addressing hate crimes: Focus on law enforcement and accountabilityIt's crucial to focus on law enforcement matters and hold individuals accountable for hate crimes, regardless of their race or ethnicity, to prevent the spread of misinformation and false narratives for political gain.

      Hate and crime are complex issues that transcend political affiliations. While there have been instances of hate crimes committed by individuals on both the far right and left, it's crucial not to advance a political narrative when addressing these issues. In this specific context, there is a rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes in certain areas of the city, primarily perpetrated by African-American individuals. Ignoring this fact for the sake of political narratives allows the actual perpetrators to go unchecked. It's essential to focus on law enforcement matters and hold individuals accountable for their actions, regardless of their race or ethnicity. The use of misinformation and false narratives for political gain is not only misleading but also dangerous, as it distracts from the real issues and the necessary actions to address them.

    • US economy sees solid wage growth despite trade challengesThe US economy is experiencing solid wage growth, with wages rising by 3.1%, but there are ongoing efforts to secure trade deals and manage borders to maintain growth through the Trump presidency

      Despite some challenges with trade and border control, particularly with Mexico, the US economy is experiencing solid wage growth. Wages rose by 3.1% according to the latest report, which is a strong number. However, there are ongoing efforts to secure trade deals with countries like the UK, Japan, and China, and to encourage Mexico to better manage its borders. The goal is to maintain economic growth for the remainder of the Trump presidency. The Dan Bongino Show emphasizes the importance of subscribing to their channels on YouTube, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, iHeartRadio, and SoundCloud to help spread their message. Tune in to Hannity tonight for more insights.

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