
    What is Quantum Marketing? Mastercard CMO Raja Rajamannar Interview

    enFebruary 13, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Marketing Revolution: Adapting to New Technologies and Cultural ShiftsMarketers must embrace disruptions brought by AI, data analytics, and automation, challenge existing theories, and adapt approaches to loyalty, advertising, consumer insights, and more.

      We are on the brink of a marketing revolution, driven by new technologies and cultural shifts. Traditional marketing strategies and frameworks will no longer be effective, and marketers must reinvent and adapt to this new reality. Raja Manar, the chief marketing and communications officer for Mastercard, discusses this in his new book, "Quantum Marketing." He argues that marketers need to embrace the disruptions brought about by technologies like AI, data analytics, and automation, and adapt their approaches to loyalty, advertising, consumer insights, and more. The book serves as a high-level playbook for marketers at all levels, simplifying and demystifying the changes ahead. Marketers who want to succeed in this new paradigm must be willing to challenge existing theories and concepts, and be open to new ways of thinking.

    • Marketers need to question loyalty assumptions in the face of disruptionMarketers must adapt to changing consumer behaviors and technological advancements, as people's loyalty to brands may not match their personal relationships and appreciation for technology is increasing.

      The marketing industry is facing a massive disruption with the rapid emergence of more than two dozen technologies, and marketers need to be prepared for this brave new future. Raja highlighted the example of loyalty programs, where despite people's explicit or implicit commitments and consequences for infidelity, more than 70% of people in relationships have admitted to cheating. Applying this to marketing, Raja questioned the assumption that people will be loyal to brands when they are not loyal in their personal lives. Furthermore, the difference in people's appreciation for their partners versus brands is significant. These trends indicate that marketers need to adapt and find new ways to engage consumers in this rapidly changing technological landscape. The disruptions have already begun, but the actions of the marketing community and companies are lagging behind. It's crucial to have an honest discussion about the vulnerabilities and challenges in the marketing industry and how to navigate the upcoming technologies such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, wearables, smart speakers, and the Internet of Things.

    • Brands and Customer Loyalty: Who Should Be More Loyal?Raja Rajamannar challenges businesses to reconsider their priorities and build genuine loyalty by putting customers first, rather than assuming customer loyalty and focusing on profits.

      The traditional perspective of brands expecting customer loyalty while they prioritize their own profits is flawed. Raja Rajamannar, CMO of Mastercard, shares his observation that commercial transactions lack loyalty and questions whether brands should be more loyal to their customers or vice versa. He recalls the cultural difference between the customer-centric approach in his personal experiences and the profit-focused mindset he encountered in large corporations. Rajamannar argues that this perspective is ironic since brands claim to be in the service of their customers, but the underlying assumption of customer loyalty is often taken for granted. He suggests that this mindset can lead to unconscious resentment and consumers being open to alternatives. In essence, Rajamannar encourages businesses to reconsider their priorities and build genuine loyalty by putting their customers first.

    • Brands need to adapt to consumers' preferences and influence choices in a non-intrusive wayConsumers prefer non-intrusive brand interactions and value-added experiences. Traditional advertising methods are becoming obsolete, and the future of marketing lies in building genuine connections through personalized experiences and authentic communication.

      The traditional approaches to consumer loyalty and advertising are evolving. Consumers no longer want to be interrupted with advertisements and instead prefer brands to show up at their preferred moments and influence their choices through preference management. Advertisements are increasingly seen as a nuisance and consumers are installing ad blockers or paying for ad-free environments in large numbers. The television commercial model is becoming obsolete with the rise of Over-The-Top (OTT) platforms like Netflix, which offer ad-free content. Brands need to adapt to this changing landscape by focusing on providing value to consumers at the right time and in a non-intrusive way. The future of marketing lies in building genuine connections with consumers through personalized experiences and authentic communication.

    • People pay for premium experiences despite income levelsPeople value time and convenience, leading to a shift towards premium ad-free experiences across industries, and successful marketers possess a strong data foundation and adaptability

      People are willing to pay for premium ad-free experiences, even at seemingly restrictive income levels, due to the value of time and convenience. This trend is seen in various industries, from streaming services like Hulu to ride-sharing companies like Uber. Advertising is moving towards a premium model, with companies investing more in creativity and entertainment to stand out. The Super Bowl is a prime example of this trend, where high production values and celebrity appearances are the norm. The author argues that traditional advertising is dead and we need to rethink and reframe it. The speaker's career in marketing started with a quantitative background in chemical engineering, but they emphasize that there is no one-size-fits-all path to becoming a CMO. Common themes among successful marketers include a strong foundation in data and a willingness to adapt and innovate.

    • Be open to new opportunities and experiencesBeing open to new opportunities and experiences, even if unrelated, can lead to unexpected success and personal growth.

      Being open to new opportunities and experiences, even if they seem unrelated to your current goals, can lead to unexpected success and personal growth. Raja's story illustrates this perfectly. He went to business school with the intention of specializing in environmental management, but during an internship, he stumbled upon an opportunity to create a marketing campaign. His ad was a hit, and he quickly pivoted to marketing, even changing companies several times to learn different approaches. Raja's experience shows that putting yourself in positions for serendipity and being adaptable to new situations can lead to incredible opportunities and skills that you might not have otherwise discovered. It's essential to keep an open mind and be willing to try new things, even if they seem unrelated to your current path. The frameworks and lessons we learn in one area of our lives can be valuable in others, and being flexible and open to new experiences can lead to unexpected success.

    • Understanding Sales and its Impact on MarketingMarketers should value sales and its role in business success, strive to understand the sales process, and be open to new experiences to bridge the gap between marketing and business outcomes.

      Marketers need to be more connected to the realities of business, specifically sales, in order to effectively contribute to a company's success. This means understanding the importance of sales and the value it brings to marketing. The speaker shared his personal experience of initially resisting the idea of starting his career in sales but later coming to appreciate its importance. He also expressed concern about the disconnect between marketing and business outcomes in the industry, which has led to a lack of trust and faith from CEOs. To avoid this, marketers should strive to understand the sales process and the impact of marketing efforts on business results. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of being open to new experiences and perspectives, even if they initially seem unfamiliar or uncomfortable. He also recommended preparing thoroughly and consulting with peers before sharing controversial ideas.

    • Endorsements from industry leadersQuantum Marketing received endorsements from top executives at Unilever, Microsoft, IBM, General Mills, and Mastercard, with General Mills CMO praising its potential to change marketing forever. Gary Vaynerchuk encourages listeners to read and discuss its ideas on technology trends and new marketing strategies.

      That the book "Quantum Marketing" has received endorsements from top marketing executives and CEOs from both classical and contemporary companies, including Unilever, Microsoft, IBM, General Mills, and Mastercard. These industry leaders have praised the content of the book, with the CMO of General Mills, Ivan Pollard, going so far as to say that it will change our view of marketing forever. The response to the book has been positive, despite some discomfort or tension around its ideas. Gary Vaynerchuk, the interviewer, encourages listeners to read the book and engage in conversations about its content. The book covers marketing in the context of technology trends like blockchain and AI, and offers new perspectives on marketing strategies. Overall, the endorsements and positive response from industry leaders indicate the value and relevance of the ideas presented in "Quantum Marketing."

    • Disruption and continuous learning in the industryStay informed, open to new ideas, adaptable, and proactive to succeed in today's rapidly evolving business landscape. Learn from experts and embrace change to stay ahead.

      Learning from this conversation between Marche and Gary Vaynerchuk is the importance of disruption and continuous learning in the industry. Marche expressed his admiration for Gary as a maverick and a brilliant disruptor, and the two shared their enthusiasm for ongoing conversations and learning opportunities. Gary emphasized the significance of staying informed and open to new ideas, as demonstrated by the insightful guests and valuable content of his podcast. The conversation underscored the importance of being adaptable and proactive in today's rapidly evolving business landscape. Additionally, the episode concluded with a heartfelt thank you to listeners for their support and a request for reviews and subscriptions. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of staying curious, learning from experts, and embracing change in order to succeed in any industry.

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