
    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing the latest JavaScript features and challengesLearn about flatMap, a new JavaScript feature that simplifies working with arrays, and the ongoing challenge of dealing with old appliances and their replacement parts.

      The JavaScript language continues to evolve, with new APIs and features being introduced regularly. In their latest podcast episode, Scott Talinski and Wes Bos discussed some of the latest developments in JavaScript, including several new features that have recently been released and some that are still in proposal stage. One of the features they covered is flatMap, which is similar to the map function but allows you to return an array rather than a single value. This can help to avoid the issue of having an array within an array, which can make your code more complex and harder to work with. Another topic they covered was the ongoing challenge of dealing with old appliances and the frustration of trying to repair them due to the high cost and difficulty of obtaining the necessary parts. Despite these challenges, the hosts remained optimistic and excited about the future of JavaScript, sharing their enthusiasm for the latest features and their plans to explore more advanced topics in future episodes. They also took a moment to thank their sponsors, LogRocket and FreshBooks, for their support. Overall, the episode provided a fascinating insight into the latest developments in JavaScript and the challenges of keeping up with the ever-evolving technology landscape. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, there's always something new to learn and explore in the world of JavaScript.

    • Working with nested arrays and converting arrays to objects in JavaScriptNew methods like flatMap, flat, and fromEntries make it easier to work with nested arrays and convert arrays to objects in JavaScript, reducing the need for external libraries and improving code readability and efficiency.

      With the introduction of new methods like flatMap, flat, and fromEntries in JavaScript, working with nested arrays and converting arrays to objects has become more convenient than ever. Previously, when mapping an array and returning an array of arrays, we would end up with nested arrays that could be challenging to work with. However, with the flatMap method, we can flatten the array in one step, making it easier to work with. For instance, instead of having an array of arrays, we can have a single flattened array. Furthermore, methods like object.fromEntries can help us convert arrays of key-value pairs back into objects, eliminating the need to manually loop through arrays and convert them back to objects using reduce. This new functionality is a significant improvement in JavaScript, reducing the need for external libraries like Lodash. Another exciting addition is the ability to use the infinity keyword with the flat method to flatten arrays with multiple nested levels. This feature is particularly useful when dealing with deeply nested arrays. These are just a few examples of the new methods available in modern JavaScript, making the language more powerful and efficient. By understanding and utilizing these new features, we can write cleaner, more concise code and make our development process more enjoyable.

    • New JavaScript methods making traditional techniques less usedFlatMap, custom string methods, Trim Start, Trim End, object keys have order, and converting functions to strings are some new features in JavaScript making traditional techniques less frequently used due to their complexity and readability.

      JavaScript's new methods like flatMap and custom string methods are making some traditional techniques like array dot reduce less frequently used due to their complexity. The new methods are more readable and easier to parse. Trim Start and Trim End for strings are also useful additions, allowing for the removal of white space from the start or end of strings without the need for manual replacement. A less exciting but helpful update is that object keys do have order, contrary to popular belief. They now follow the order of addition, with integers coming before strings and symbols at the end. Another notable mention is the ability to convert functions to strings for various use cases.

    • JavaScript's BigInt feature for handling large numbersJavaScript's BigInt function enables developers to work with extremely large numbers, addressing the default number's upper limit. LogRocket captures user mistakes for debugging, and avoiding arrays for specific use cases and maintaining object property order are important considerations.

      ES2020 introduces several new features to JavaScript, including the ability to work with larger numbers using BigInt. This feature is particularly useful for developers dealing with large numbers, as the default number in JavaScript has an upper limit. BigInt is a function or object that allows the representation of very large numbers. Additionally, the discussion mentioned LogRocket, a tool that captures video of users making mistakes on websites, providing valuable insights into bugs and improving the debugging process. Another key point from the conversation was the importance of avoiding arrays for certain use cases and the guaranteed order of object properties. The speakers also shared personal experiences with unexpected number limitations in Twitter's API and podcast numbering, emphasizing the importance of considering number formats and limits when developing projects.

    • Nullish Coalescing and Optional Chaining in JavaScriptTwo new syntaxes, Nullish Coalescing (??) and Optional Chaining (?. and ?.?), help handle null and undefined values effectively, providing fallback values and accessing nested properties/methods without errors.

      Nullish Coalescing and Optional Chaining are two new syntaxes introduced in JavaScript to handle null and undefined values more effectively. Nullish Coalescing (??) is an operator that checks for null and undefined values and provides a fallback value when one of them is detected. It's useful when you want to provide a default value when a variable might not have a value at all. For example, you can use it to assign a default value to a variable that might be null or undefined. On the other hand, Optional Chaining (?. and ?.?) allows you to access nested properties or methods of an object that might be null or undefined without causing an error. It short-circuits the evaluation of the expression when a null or undefined value is encountered, preventing the "Cannot read property of undefined" error. Both of these features can help make your code more concise, readable, and error-free, especially when dealing with complex data structures or data that might not always be present. They are now widely supported in modern JavaScript frameworks and libraries, making them valuable additions to your JavaScript toolkit.

    • New JavaScript features for efficient and concise codingOptional chaining eliminates lengthy checks, Promise.allSettled waits for all promises, Dynamic imports import on demand, and string.matchAll/replaceAll offer powerful text processing

      The latest JavaScript features, such as optional chaining, Promise.allSettled, dynamic imports, and string.matchAll/replaceAll, bring significant improvements to the way we write and optimize our code. Optional chaining, available in TypeScript as well, eliminates the need for lengthy checks and installing external libraries like Lodash. It simplifies accessing nested object properties or array elements when one or more levels might be undefined. Promise.allSettled is another useful addition, allowing us to wait for all promises to finish, either resolved or rejected, making it an excellent choice when dealing with multiple asynchronous tasks. Dynamic imports enable us to import modules on demand, improving performance by only loading the required code when needed. This technique is particularly useful for code splitting and tree shaking. Lastly, string.matchAll and string.replaceAll offer more powerful text processing capabilities, with string.matchAll providing an iterator for all matches and string.replaceAll replacing all instances of a pattern in a string, both in one go. Optional chaining, Promise.allSettled, dynamic imports, and string.matchAll/replaceAll are just a few of the many exciting new features in modern JavaScript, making our code more efficient, concise, and maintainable.

    • New JavaScript features for efficient codingUse 'replaceAll' for external regex, access global object with 'Global This', import/export values with new syntax, and refer to regexr.com for regex help

      There are several new features in JavaScript that can make coding more efficient and easier. One such feature is the use of external regex for variable replacement using the "replaceAll" function, which eliminates the need to write custom regex. Another feature is the Global This, which provides a standard way to access the global object across environments, eliminating the need to check for different global objects in different environments. A new syntax for module namespace exports also allows for importing and exporting values immediately as a single named value. Additionally, there's a useful website called regexr.com that provides a quick reference for writing regex and supports multiple programming languages. Lastly, FreshBooks was mentioned as a new sponsor for the show.

    • Simplifying Small Business Accounting with FreshBooks and New APIsFreshBooks streamlines accounting tasks for small businesses, offering features like invoicing, expense tracking, and reporting. New APIs like navigator.share enable sharing content directly from web pages, potentially reducing the need for separate apps.

      FreshBooks simplifies small business accounting, allowing business owners to focus more on their core competencies and less on bookkeeping. The software offers features like invoicing, expense tracking, time tracking, and reporting. FreshBooks also sponsors a 30-day free trial with the code "syntax" for those interested. Another topic discussed was the new navigator.share API, which enables sharing specific content directly from web pages, using the default browser share menu. This API is still experimental and currently supported by Safari and Chrome for Android and iOS. Navigator APIs like getUserMedia and geolocation provide access to a device's camera and GPS, respectively. These APIs have the potential to reduce the need for separate apps and create more fully-featured websites. Figma, a cloud-based design tool, was also mentioned as a more integrated alternative for sharing and designing projects. It offers features like auto-layout, links within documents, and a course is currently being offered on it. The experimental Node API, Async Hooks, was also briefly discussed, but its future is uncertain.

    • New features in Node.js: Hooks and Top-level AwaitHooks allow developers to add functionality at specific stages of an API's life cycle, while Top-level Await enables the use of 'await' keyword at the top level of a module, improving efficiency and readability in Node.js development.

      Node.js is exploring new features to enhance its functionality and make coding more efficient. Two such features discussed are "hooks" and "top-level await." Hooks are a proposed library that allows developers to hook into different points in an API's life cycle, much like event listeners in React. This can be particularly useful for library authors to add functionality at specific stages of a callback's life. The pipeline operator is another intriguing feature that has been around for a while. It allows developers to chain functions together more easily, similar to how map, filter, and reduce work with arrays. This can help simplify complex code and make it more readable. Top-level await, on the other hand, is a proposed feature that would allow developers to use the "await" keyword at the top level of a module, without having to wrap it in a function. This could make asynchronous code more straightforward and easier to read, especially when dealing with imports. Both of these features are still in the proposal stage, but they have the potential to make Node.js development more efficient and enjoyable. The pipeline operator is already being used in some projects, and top-level await is a long-awaited feature that many developers are excited about. Overall, these features demonstrate Node.js's commitment to continuous improvement and innovation.

    • JavaScript modules no longer block each otherImproved performance with unblocked modules, Resize Observer in Safari, Edge on Chromium, DEWALT's oscillating multi-tool, and Sapper for web app development.

      JavaScript modules in modern browsers no longer block other modules from running while they await a specific result. This means that if a module is waiting for data, such as a list of countries, other modules can continue to run without being blocked. This change can lead to improved performance for many developers, especially when dealing with tasks like fetching data or using new browser features like Resize Observer. Another major development is that Safari now supports Resize Observer, eliminating the need for polyfills and allowing for more advanced web design and development. Additionally, Microsoft's Edge browser now runs on Chromium, making it more compatible with modern JavaScript features. For developers looking for new tools, DEWALT's oscillating multi-tool is a handy and versatile tool for cutting and trimming, while Sapper is a new framework for building web applications quickly and easily. In summary, these developments in JavaScript modules, browser compatibility, and new tools offer exciting opportunities for developers to improve performance, experiment with new features, and streamline their workflows.

    • Building Fast and Easy Websites with SapperSapper is a fast, small, and opinionated framework for building websites with Svelte, offering quick loading times and minimal file sizes, and simplifying the development process with built-in animation libraries and easy-to-use features.

      Sapper, a framework used in building websites with Svelte, offers a fast, small, and opinionated solution for developers. The framework can be used as a node app or for static generation, resulting in quick loading times and minimal file sizes. With built-in animation libraries and easy-to-use features, Sapper simplifies the development process and eliminates the need for additional knowledge or interfaces. For those looking to build fast and easy websites, Sapper is a worthwhile consideration. Additionally, the speaker mentioned their upcoming courses available for purchase at westbos.comforward/courses and leveluptutorials.comforward/pro. The former is expected to have a new course page live soon, and the latter offers a ton of premium content, including a new series on design systems within Figma.

    Recent Episodes from Syntax - Tasty Web Development Treats

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    787: You Should Try Vue.js

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    Show Notes

    Vue.js: The Documentary.

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    786: What Open Source license should you use?

    786: What Open Source license should you use?

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    785: What’s Next for NextJS with Tim Neutkens

    785: What’s Next for NextJS with Tim Neutkens

    Scott and Wes dive into the world of Next.js with special guest Tim Neutkens from Vercel. They explore the latest updates, including the React Compiler and React Server Components, discussing their impact on developer workflows and the future of Next.js development.

    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 00:30 What does the React Compiler do?
    • 05:04 Will React Compiler help with managing Context?
    • 06:39 What happens if you’re not using a React Compiler?
    • 09:30 Will this work on any NextJS version?
    • 12:18 What are React Server Components?
    • 16:28 Shipping all the data inside an encapsulated component.
    • 20:17 Clearing up the frustrations around retrofitting server components.
    • 23:13 Handing migration.
    • 28:30 Is this just a fetch request with props?
    • 36:41 How closely are the NextJS and React teams working?
    • 41:53 Will we ever get Async Client Components?
    • 43:52 Async Local Storage API.
    • 45:31 Turbopack.
    • 57:51 Sick Picks & Shameless Plugs.

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    784: Logging × Blogging × Testing × Freelancing

    784: Logging × Blogging × Testing × Freelancing

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    783: How We Built a Netflix Style “Save for Offline” Feature Into Syntax

    783: How We Built a Netflix Style “Save for Offline” Feature Into Syntax

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    782: The Developer’s Guide To Fonts with Stephen Nixon

    782: The Developer’s Guide To Fonts with Stephen Nixon

    Scott and CJ are joined by Stephen Nixon of ArrowType to delve into the world of fonts and type for developers. They explore the intricacies of font creation, the utility of variable fonts, and offer tips for making visually appealing typography on the web.

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    781: Potluck - The Value of TypeScript × Vue vs Svelte × Leetcode

    781: Potluck - The Value of TypeScript × Vue vs Svelte × Leetcode

    In this potluck episode of Syntax, Scott and CJ serve up a variety of community questions, from the nuances of beginner vs. advanced TypeScript to the pros and cons of SvelteKit. They also discuss falling out of love with React, shipping private packages via NPM, and the eternal struggle of always starting but never finishing projects.

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    780: Cloud Storage: Bandwidth, Storage and BIG ZIPS

    780: Cloud Storage: Bandwidth, Storage and BIG ZIPS

    Today, Scott and Wes dive into cloud storage solutions—why you might need them, how they use them, and what you need to know about the big players, fees, and more.

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    779: Why SQLite is Taking Over with Brian Holt & Marco Bambini

    779: Why SQLite is Taking Over with Brian Holt & Marco Bambini

    Scott and CJ dive into the world of SQLite Cloud with special guests Brian Holt and Marco Bambini. They explore why SQLite is gaining traction, its unique features, and the misconceptions surrounding its use—let’s get into it!

    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 01:20 Who is Brian Holt?
    • 02:26 Who is Marco Bambini?
    • 05:12 Why are people starting to talk so much about SQLite now?
    • 08:47 What makes SQLite special or interesting?
    • 09:46 What is a big misconception about SQLite?
    • 11:13 Installed by default in operating systems.
    • 12:03 A perception that SQLite is intended for single users.
    • 13:36 Convincing developers it’s a full-featured solution.
    • 15:11 What does SQLite do better than Postgres or MySQL?
    • 17:30 SQLite Cloud & local first features.
    • 20:38 Where does SQLite store the offline information?
    • 23:08 Are you typically reaching for ORMs?
    • 25:00 What is SQLite Cloud?
    • 27:29 What makes for an approachable software?
    • 29:18 What make SQLite cloud different from other hosted SQLite options?
    • 32:13 Is SQLite still evolving?
    • 34:40 What about branching?
    • 37:37 What is the GA timeline?
    • 40:04 How does SQLite actually work?
    • 41:19 Questions about security.
    • 44:28 But does it scale?
    • 45:52 Sick Picks + Shameless Plugs.

    Sick Picks

    Brian: Trainer Road
    Marco: Tennis

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    778: 11 Habits of Highly Effective Developers

    778: 11 Habits of Highly Effective Developers

    Today, Scott and Wes dive into the 11 habits of effective web developers, from understanding stakeholder goals to maintaining a work-life balance. We’ll explore the importance of continuous learning, having a problem-solver mentality, and being empathetic towards coworkers and users—let’s get into it!

    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 00:50 Brought to you by Sentry.io.
      • 01:24 Denver weather is something else.
    • 02:15 Habit #1: You understand stakeholder and business goals.
    • 05:34 Habit #2: You’re curious and always learning.
    • 07:43 Habit #3: You have an open mind about new technology.
    • 11:29 Habit #4: You ask for help.
    • 13:43 Habit #5: You help others.
      • 16:51 Chicken drumsticks.
    • 17:35 Habit #6: You have a “problem solver” mentality.
    • 26:02 Habit #7: You have fun with what you do.
    • 29:56 Habit #8: You understand work-life balance.
    • 33:18 Habit #9: You are empathetic to your co-workers and users.
    • 37:19 Habit #10: You pay attention to detail.
    • 41:18 Habit #11: You’re part of the community.
    • 45:55 Sick Picks + Shameless Plugs.

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    LogRocket - Sponsor

    LogRocket lets you replay what users do on your site, helping you reproduce bugs and fix issues faster. It’s an exception tracker, a session re-player and a performance monitor. Get 14 days free at logrocket.com/syntax.

    Sentry - Sponsor

    If you want to know what’s happening with your errors, track them with Sentry. Sentry is open-source error tracking that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real time. Cut your time on error resolution from five hours to five minutes. It works with any language and integrates with dozens of other services. Syntax listeners can get two months for free by visiting Sentry.io and using the coupon code “tastytreat”.


    Show Notes

    01:20 - What is your background?

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    18:20 - What do you say to people who think Meteor is dead?

    21:33 - How does data get from your Meteor into your React app?

    • Example of getting data on client side
     import { useTracker } from 'meteor/react-meteor-data'  // Hook, basic use, everything in one component const MyProtectedPage = (pageId) => {   const { user, isLoggedIn, page } = useTracker(() => {     // The publication must also be secure     const subscription = Meteor.subscribe('page', pageId)     const page = Pages.findOne({ _id: pageId })     const user = Meteor.user()     const userId = Meteor.userId()     const isLoggingIn = Meteor.loggingIn()     return {       page,       isLoading: !subscription.ready(),       user,       userId,       isLoggingIn,       isLoggedIn: !!userId     }   }, [pageId])      if (!isLoggedIn) {     return 
    Create an Account Log in
    } return }

    27:50 - What do you think is the ideal usecase for Meteor?

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    ××× SIIIIICK ××× PIIIICKS ×××

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    Deno - czy przerzucimy się na nowego Node.js?
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    TRANSCRIPT: 0ebc09d19ba24b228369377872ca7317

    20 JavaScript Array and Object Methods to make you a better developer

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    Wes and Scott rattle through ~20 different Object and Arra Methods that will make you a better JavaScript developer.

    Freshbooks - Sponsor

    This is episode Wes mentions the free book Breaking The Time Barrier. Get a 30 day free trial of Freshbooks at freshbooks.com/syntax.

    Netlify — Sponsor

    Netlify is the best way to deploy and host a front-end website. All the features developers need right out of the box: Global CDN, Continuous Deployment, one click HTTPS and more. Hit up netlify.com/syntax for more info.

    They are also hiring! netlify.com/careers

    Show Notes

    For the docs for all these, just google mdn and the method you are looking for 😃


    • Why are these great?
    • They are chainable
    • Immutable


    • .filter()
    • Truthy or Falsy


    • .map()


    • .reduce() - returns any shape! filter, create a new shape, add up numbers...


    • .forEach()
    • Side effects


    • .some()
    • can be used as a short circuit forEach


    • .every()
    • .includes() (why not contains?)


    • Array.from()
    • Array.from() takes a secondary map arg
    • Array.of()


    • Object.values()
    • Object.keys()
    • Object.entries()


    • Array spread - converts iterable to array
    • Array spread - Concats arrays
    • Array Spread + Slice. Don't splice - remove an item from an array.


    • Object Spread


    • Function Rest


    • Object.freeze()


    • Object.seal()


    Shameless Plugs

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    Browsers, Engines, Support and the Other Guys

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    Sentry - Sponsor

    If you want to know what’s happening with your code, track errors and monitor performance with Sentry. Sentry’s Application Monitoring platform helps developers see performance issues, fix errors faster, and optimize their code health. Cut your time on error resolution from hours to minutes. It works with any language and integrates with dozens of other services. Syntax listeners new to Sentry can get two months for free by visiting Sentry.io and using the coupon code TASTYTREAT during sign up.

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    Special thanks to Diarrhea Planet for our intro and outro music and @SkratchTopo for our artwork.