
    Podcast Summary

    • The Emergence of Indie Games as a Significant Force in the Gaming IndustryIndie games gained popularity in the late 2000s due to technology advancements and digital distribution platforms, creating a thriving ecosystem for independent game developers.

      The indie game scene as we know it today is relatively new, having emerged in the late 2000s. Contrary to popular belief, indie games were not always abundant. While there were always independent developers creating games, they didn't form a significant ecosystem until more recent times. This was a time when technology advancements made game development more accessible, leading to a surge in indie game creation and popularity. The rise of digital distribution platforms like Steam and the App Store further fueled this trend. Today, indie games continue to thrive and offer unique experiences that often differentiate them from AAA titles. If you're new to gaming or have recently rejoined the community, you might be surprised by the abundance of indie games. But remember, this is a relatively new phenomenon in the world of video games.

    • The Early Success of Indie Games on Xbox Live ArcadeXbox Live Arcade provided a platform for indie games, leading to successful titles like Braid and Castle Crashers, which sold millions of copies and increased indie game visibility on PC platforms like Steam.

      The early days of indie game development were challenging due to limited financial viability and distribution channels. Most successful indie games during this period came from Xbox Live Arcade, which provided a platform for smaller experiences and opened the floodgates for indie success stories like Braid and Castle Crashers. These games sold millions of copies, a feat unheard of for indie games at the time. Before Xbox Live Arcade, options for indie developers were limited, and getting noticed on PC platforms like Steam was difficult. The Boston Phoenix, a local hip and left-leaning paper, played a role in promoting indie games, helping to increase their visibility. By the late 2000s, indie games started gaining traction and becoming more popular, paving the way for future indie success stories.

    • Xbox Live Arcade brought indie games to mainstreamXbox Live Arcade introduced indie games to mainstream audiences through downloadable availability, curated by Microsoft's Summer of Arcade promotion, leading to new experiences like Limbo and Shadow Complex.

      The Xbox Live Arcade played a significant role in bringing indie games to the mainstream during the late 2000s. At the time, downloading and installing games was not yet common, and most games were still sold on discs. Braid, an artful and subversive game that stood out with its downloadable availability, was one of the first games to showcase this new avenue of gaming. Microsoft pushed for the promotion of indie games through the Xbox Live Summer of Arcade, which featured titles like Castle Crashers, Braid, and Bionic Commando Rearmed. This curation of indie games helped introduce players to new experiences, such as Limbo and Shadow Complex, and marked a turning point in the gaming industry.

    • Microsoft's early role in indie game developmentMicrosoft supported indie game creators early on with tools and a marketplace, but the scene was still small and expectations were unrealistic due to crowdfunding and media attention, leading to both successes and failures.

      Microsoft played a pivotal role in the early days of indie game development, providing tools and a marketplace for indie creators, even before Nintendo and Sony showed interest. However, the indie scene was still in its infancy and the line between independent developers and hobbyists was clear. This changed with the rise of crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter, which brought a surge of funding and attention to indie projects, leading to both successes and failures. The documentary "Indie Game: The Movie" further fueled the belief that indie game development could be a lucrative endeavor for solo or small teams. While this period was exciting, it also led to unrealistic expectations and some unfortunate outcomes. Ultimately, the landscape of indie game development has continued to evolve, with new challenges and opportunities emerging.

    • The Double Fine Adventure Kickstarter campaign revolutionized indie game development and distributionThe campaign's transparency, digital revolution, and accessible game development tools led to an influx of indie games, but also potential saturation in the market (indiepocalypse)

      The Double Fine Adventure Kickstarter campaign raised over $3 million and revolutionized the way indie games are developed and distributed. The transparency shown during the production process was inspiring, but they learned to limit video updates to avoid affecting morale. At the same time, the digital revolution was taking off with the release of new consoles and the explosion of mobile games in the App Store. This made it more viable for indies to sell games digitally, breaking down the barrier for entry and allowing indie games to thrive. By 2014 and 2015, all major publishers had dedicated indie teams and showcases, leading to an overwhelming number of games and potential saturation in the market, known as the indiepocalypse. Additionally, accessible game development tools were emerging during this period, enabling more indies to create and collaborate on projects.

    • Indie Games' Impact on the Gaming Industry during Late 2000sAdvances in development tools and digital distribution platforms enabled smaller teams to create memorable indie games with first-person exploration and narrative elements, leading to critical and commercial success for titles like Gone Home and The Stanley Parable.

      During the late 2000s, indie games began to make a significant impact on the gaming industry due to advances in development tools and the rising popularity of digital distribution platforms. This allowed smaller teams to create impressive, memorable games that resonated with players. Games like Gone Home and The Stanley Parable showcased the potential of these tools, with their first-person exploration and narrative elements, which were once only possible with larger budgets. The Stanley Parable started as a Half-Life mod and later became a standalone game, demonstrating the potential for indie games to gain critical acclaim and commercial success. These developments allowed creators to tell compelling stories with limited resources, leading to a wave of innovative and impactful indie games.

    • Indie game scene shift: easier distribution, more competitionThe 2000s brought easier distribution for indie games, but also increased competition and a less clear definition of 'indie'.

      The indie game scene underwent a significant shift around the 2000s, with the rise of digital media and platforms like Steam, making it easier for indie developers to gain attention and distribution. Games like Jumper, which were creatively on par with more well-known titles but lacked media coverage in the past, suddenly started receiving attention due to the increased visibility offered by these platforms. However, this also led to the introduction of systems like Steam Greenlight, which created a level playing field but also favored established developers, leading to criticism. The period also saw the emergence of indie game publishers, which while beneficial, also meant that the term "indie" became less defined. Additionally, the indie scene experienced a glut of games, leading to the indiepocalypse, but this trend was somewhat alleviated with the rise of platforms like the Nintendo Switch. Overall, the indie game scene underwent significant changes, making it more accessible for creators but also introducing new challenges.

    • The Rise of Indie Games on Nintendo SwitchIndie games on Nintendo Switch have gained recognition as serious contenders, blurring the lines between indie and triple-A titles, with games like Hades, made by small teams, now considered game of the year contenders.

      The Nintendo Switch revolutionized the indie gaming scene, turning indie games into serious contenders alongside triple-A titles. During the Switch's early days, indie games thrived due to the console's popularity and the thin library, leading to significant sales and financial success for indie developers. Fast forward to today, games like Hades, made by small teams, are now considered game of the year contenders, blurring the lines between indie and triple-A titles. While there are still differences in resources and production values, the focus is shifting towards evaluating games as pieces of art based on their intentions and goals, rather than their budgets or team sizes. The indie gaming scene has come a long way and continues to challenge the status quo in the gaming industry.

    • Indie games have evolved in the gaming industryIndie games offer a diverse and complicated creative landscape, with more people able to enter the field due to easy game creation tools. However, indie developers focus on profitability, while larger studios have additional pressures. Hades' success highlights the complexities and growing influence of indie games.

      Indie games have come a long way in terms of recognition and accessibility in the gaming industry. They now offer a robust, diverse, and complicated creative landscape that is comparable to other genres. The ease of game creation and sharing tools have made it possible for more people to enter the field, leading to a surge in indie games. However, it's important to note that the incentives behind indie game creation are different from those of larger, corporate-backed games. Indie developers often focus on making a profitable game, while larger studios have additional pressures such as meeting financial targets or synergizing with other products. Hades, for example, was able to gain widespread attention due to its high-profile announcement and release on a large platform. This has led to a complex landscape of indie games, with some having significant advantages over others. Despite these complexities, the overall trend is that indie games are becoming more prominent and influential in the gaming world.

    • The Evolution of the Indie Label in GamingThe indie label in gaming has become less clear-cut, with some indie games being published by larger studios or tech companies. However, the rise of mid-sized studios and publishers supports a diverse range of games and studio sizes, offering opportunities for creativity and success regardless of size.

      The term "indie" in gaming has evolved and become less clear-cut, with some games labeled as indie being published by larger studios or tech companies. This has led to questions about the relevance of the indie label and whether it should continue to be used as shorthand for quirky or unusual games that don't conform to AAA norms. However, there is also excitement about the rise of mid-sized studios and publishers that support games made by small teams, leading to a more diverse range of games and studio sizes. It's important to note that while some studios may choose to be bought by larger companies for financial reasons, this can be concerning for smaller studios that may struggle to remain profitable without such backing. Ideally, the gaming industry should continue to offer opportunities for studios of all sizes to thrive and produce unique and innovative games. The labels of indie, AAA, and beyond should not limit the potential for creativity and success in the industry.

    • Exploring the world of indie games: diversity, growth, and challengesIndie games offer unique experiences, potential for growth, and a diverse range of critically acclaimed titles. Challenges include erasure from history and mental health issues, but open conversations and support can help create a more inclusive and empowering environment.

      The world of indie games offers a diverse range of experiences, from solo creators to larger teams, and the potential for growth is vast. However, sustainability and scale are important considerations for independent game developers, as they navigate the possibilities of growth and potential acquisition. The current landscape of indie games is exciting, with a multitude of critically acclaimed titles like Undertale and Stardew Valley, and the ability to enjoy a nonstop awesome experience without relying on major publishers. It's an optimistic time for indie games, and the potential for diversity and innovation is vast. The challenges faced by independent creators, such as erasure from history and mental health issues, are important to acknowledge and address. Through open conversations and support, we can continue to make progress and create a more inclusive and empowering world for all.

    • Securing a Vaccine Appointment: A Game of Strategy and PersistencePeople are using various tactics, from social media to traditional methods, to secure vaccine appointments, creating a competitive atmosphere. Some find joy in the process, while others acknowledge potential downsides.

      The process of securing a vaccine appointment in Massachusetts can feel like a challenging game, with people using various strategies and tools to increase their chances of success. The speaker shared his experience of using Twitter accounts like Wario64 and Vaccine Time, as well as traditional tactics like using a wired internet connection and keeping multiple tabs open. He felt proud of himself for securing an appointment for his girlfriend, and saw it as an expression of his "gamer's love language." However, he also acknowledged the potential downsides of gamifying the vaccine appointment process, and the discomfort of experiencing a dopamine rush while securing a life-saving medical appointment. He also shared his strategy of registering for multiple appointments and cancelling the earlier ones when a sooner one became available, which he likened to playing a video game. The speaker also mentioned his ongoing enjoyment of playing Monster Hunter Rise and switching weapons, finding the long sword to be particularly cool. Overall, the discussion highlights the unique challenges and experiences of securing a vaccine appointment, and the various ways people are approaching this process.

    • Mastering the Long Sword in Monster Hunter RiseThe long sword in Monster Hunter Rise offers a complex and rewarding experience with a unique move set and energy system, requiring dedication and practice to master for satisfying combos and counters.

      The Monster Hunter Rise game offers a complex and rewarding experience, especially when it comes to using the long sword. Unlike previous experiences where the sword felt boring and unremarkable, the long sword's move set and energy system add a layer of depth and excitement to the game. The long sword requires dedication and practice to master, but the feeling of executing a successful combo or counter is incredibly satisfying. Players must learn attack patterns, unlock moves, and time their actions perfectly to succeed. This complexity and skill ceiling make the long sword a much more engaging and enjoyable weapon compared to others. The long sword's potential for intricate combos and impressive moves adds a new level of challenge and fun to the Monster Hunter Rise experience.

    • A time loop game with social deduction elements and rich charactersExplore a time loop on a spaceship with 15 characters, uncover their backstories, and figure out who the aliens are in this social deduction game with rich characters and an engaging story

      "Among Us in a Time Loop" is an intriguing and creative game that combines elements of social deduction games like Among Us and visual novels. Players are trapped in a time loop on a spaceship with 15 characters, some of whom are aliens trying to kill everyone. While trying to figure out who the aliens are, players also uncover the backstories and personalities of all 15 characters. However, the game's repetition can be frustrating as players go through multiple loops to trigger the necessary events to progress. Despite this, the game's rich characters and engaging story make it worth the effort, offering a unique experience that explores interesting themes found in visual novels. Overall, "Among Us in a Time Loop" is a game that requires patience but offers a rewarding and entertaining experience.

    • Alien vs. Psychopathic Captain in Competitive GamingDiscover unexpected revelations and power shifts in a unique blend of competition, manipulation, and character interaction in this intriguing game.

      The game features an intriguing interaction between two unusual characters, one of whom is a gray alien and the other, a psychopathic captain. They engage in competitive video gaming sessions, leading to unexpected revelations and power shifts. The game also allows players to level up and manipulate discussions to their advantage, making the experience less repetitive and more engaging. Despite the initial frustration, the speaker recommends finding a spoiler-free walkthrough to optimize gameplay. Overall, the game's unique blend of competition, manipulation, and character interaction makes it an intriguing and worthwhile experience.

    Recent Episodes from Triple Click

    Triple Play: Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

    Triple Play: Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

    Kirk, Jason, and Maddy put on their finest Tarnished gear and get ready for a trip to the Shadow Realm. How does Elden Ring's big expansion compare to the base game? What's it like to revisit the game in 2024? And is it really too difficult?

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Hit Man (2024, Netflix)

    Maddy: Butterfly In The Sky (Reading Rainbow documentary)

    Jason: Babel (R.F. Kuang)


    Kirk’s Dragon Age Explainer: https://kotaku.com/a-beginners-guide-to-all-things-dragon-age-1658487212

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

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    Triple Click
    enJune 27, 2024

    Playable Zelda, Metroid Prime 4, And More Big News

    Playable Zelda, Metroid Prime 4, And More Big News

    Kirk, Jason, and Maddy unwind from this year's not-E3 by getting back into it. They talk about the big Xbox showcase, the big Nintendo showcase, and some of the embargoed games they saw at Summer Games Fest, such as Dragon Age: The Veilguard and Star Wars Outlaws.

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Tactical Breach Wizards

    Maddy: Valorant (new Xbox port)

    Jason: The Spectacular Failure of the Star Wars Hotel (Jenny Nicholson)


    IGN story on development of Perfect Dark: https://www.ign.com/articles/xboxs-perfect-dark-reboot-is-still-years-away

    Cory Doctorow’s “enshittification” essay: https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/21/potemkin-ai/#hey-guys

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

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    Triple Click
    enJune 20, 2024

    LIVE from Summer Game(s) Fest in Los Angeles!

    LIVE from Summer Game(s) Fest in Los Angeles!

    LIVE FROM LOS ANGELES... it's Maddy, Jason, and Kirk! The gang talks about what we all saw at Summer Game Fest, what they played, and how much they miss E3. Plus: audience Q&A!

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

    Maddy: Dune Part Two

    Jason: Holly (Stephen King)


    • Civilization VII
      Monster Hunter Wilds
    • Dragon Age: The Veilguard
    • Metaphor: ReFantazio
    • Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves
    • UFO 50
    • Arranger
    • Building Relationships
    • Stormgate & Battle Aces
    • SpinRhythm XD
    • Slitterhead
    • Alan Wake II: Night Springs


    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

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    Triple Click
    enJune 13, 2024

    A Guide To Summer Games Fest 2024

    A Guide To Summer Games Fest 2024

    It's time for not-E3 — aka Summer Games Fest — where the video game industry will once again convene on Los Angeles for a week full of game demos, trailers, and exciting reveals. Well... sort of. This week, the Triple Click gang talks about their hopes, expectations, and predictions for the weekend ahead. Plus: don't miss Triple Click live in Los Angeles!

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Crow Country

    Maddy: My inflatable kayak

    Jason: The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley


    Oli Welsh on the death of console exclusives: https://www.polygon.com/24166647/aaa-exclusive-games-are-dead-playstation-xbox-multiplatform

    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    Triple Click
    enJune 06, 2024

    Why Are There No Pregnant Video Game Characters?

    Why Are There No Pregnant Video Game Characters?

    Where are all the pregnant video game NPCs? What happens when you grow out of a video game genre? And what's it like to be both friends and professional podcast coworkers? This week, the Triple Click gang opens up the mailbag for some wacky listener questions, and confesses that they're actually all secretly enemies.

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Ed Wood (1994)

    Maddy: Elden Ring

    Jason: Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (Remake)


    Jason's interview with Jake Solomon: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2024-05-14/game-makers-at-midsummer-studios-look-to-take-on-the-sims

    Lorelei and the Laser Tampon: https://www.polygon.com/gaming/24162613/lorelei-and-the-laser-eyes-tampon-why-reason-item

    Shadow of the Erdtree Miyazaki interview: https://www.famitsu.com/news/202402/22335199.html

    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    Triple Click
    enMay 30, 2024

    Diablo 4 Reborn, Assassin's Creed Racism, And Much More

    Diablo 4 Reborn, Assassin's Creed Racism, And Much More

    Kirk is back and there's much to discuss. This week, the gang does a lightning round of topics, from the fallout of the Xbox shutdowns to Assassin's Creed racism and Hades 2 and the plethora of other killer indie games that have come out this year.

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Lois McMaster Bujold’s fantasy novels (The Curse of Chalion (2001), Paladin of Souls (2003), The Sharing Knife (2006-9))

    Maddy: Hades 1

    Jason: The Lost Shtetl (Max Gross)


    Featuring an excerpt from “The Crossroads” by Darren Korb from Hades 2

    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    Triple Click
    enMay 23, 2024

    Triple Play: Animal Well (with Russ Frushtick)

    Triple Play: Animal Well (with Russ Frushtick)

    Animal Well is one of the best video game surprises in recent memory, and we'll be talking about it for years. This week Jason, Maddy, and special guest Russ Frushtick (Polygon, The Besties) give their impressions of the game in three increasingly obsessive phases.

    One More Thing:

    Maddy: Doppelganger by Naomi Klein (she finished it!)

    Jason: Minishoot Adventures


    Russ's gaming podcast The Besties and his Polygon review of Animal Well

    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    Triple Click
    enMay 16, 2024

    Xbox Mess, Helldivers Debacle, And Hades 2

    Xbox Mess, Helldivers Debacle, And Hades 2

    Kirk is out this week, so Jason and Maddy convene to talk about a grab bag full of topics including the Xbox mess, the Helldivers 2 debacle, and two games they're really enjoying: Hades 2 and Animal Well.

    One More Thing:

    Maddy: Master Chef

    Jason: Demon Copperhead (Barbara Kingsolver)


    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    Is Nostalgia A Good Thing?

    Is Nostalgia A Good Thing?

    Jason's been playing Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, a game that feels a lot like Suikoden, which made the Triple Click gang wonder: how does nostalgia impact our enjoyment of video games? Can it make games better? Worse? Both at once? Let's discuss!

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Fiasco (Jason Morningstar)

    Maddy: Hades 2 technical test

    Jason: Girls5eva


    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    How To Make Good Video Game Lore

    How To Make Good Video Game Lore

    When is video game lore good? When is it bad? This week, the Triple Click gang talks about Skyrim books, Elden Ring item descriptions, Destiny guns, and all the other delectable morsels of plot that exist underneath the stories of video games. 

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Heavenly Creatures (1994)

    Maddy: Tales of Kenzera: Zau

    Jason: Eiyuden Chronicles


    Mossbag’s Hollow Knight Lore video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XDiWYFGGqY

    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    Related Episodes

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    27: Davide Pellino | DP Games | Summertime Madness

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    Find DP Games on the web: www.summertimemadness.com

    Find DP Games on Twitter: @DPGamesInc

    Get Summertime Madness on Steam

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    Find out more about A Robot Named Fight at arobotnamedfight.com 

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    Chasing XP #6 - Jonas Fisch, PRIM

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    Grab your nostalgia glasses and your Halloween costume, as Jeff sits down with Jonas from CMMN CLRS (Common Colors), to talk about his newest Kickstarter project PRIM. PRIM is a 2D point-and-click Adventure game about Prim, the daughter of the God of Death.

    You can check out the Kickstarter page here

    More interviews, reviews, and indie game development news at ChasingXP.com

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    In the episode we will discuss using video games to teach empathy, the technical side of how Unpacking works "under the hood," and much more.

    Find Witch Beam on the web: https://witchbeam.com.au

    Find Unpacking on the web: https://www.unpackinggame.com

    Find the game on Twitter: @UnpackingALife

    Find Witch Beam on Twitter: @witchbeamgames

    Find Tim on Twitter: @ironicaccount

    Find Wren on Twitter: @Wrenegaday

    Get Unpacking on Steam

    Get Unpacking on Switch

    Get Unpacking on Xbox