
    What The Future of NFT Collectibles Hold | Meeting With ETHGlobal

    enMarch 28, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Gary Vaynerchuk's Interest in NFTs since 2016Gary Vaynerchuk, a business magnate, has been intrigued by NFTs since 2016 for their potential in smart contracts and unique experiences beyond digital art and collectibles.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, a serial entrepreneur and CEO of VaynerMedia, has been interested in the NFT (Non-Fungible Token) space since 2016, when Ethereum was explained to him by a technologist friend. He sees potential in NFTs beyond just digital art and collectibles, and is excited about the possibilities of smart contracts and access to unique experiences. Gary bought Ethereum in 2016 and has been observing the space carefully, comparing it to his early involvement in virtual reality. He is cautious about entering new spaces due to his past successes, and wants to ensure he brings value and doesn't make mistakes. He sees NFTs as an opportunity to touch and feel things in a digital world, and is intrigued by the potential beyond just art and collectibles.

    • From Skeptic to Explorer: Gary Vaynerchuk's Journey with NFTsStay curious and open to new ideas, even when busy. Understand human behavior and learn from experts to gain deeper insights into new technologies.

      Even a business executive with a busy schedule and a large company to manage can still make time to explore new technologies and trends, such as NFTs. Gary Vaynerchuk shared his journey from being skeptical to becoming interested in NFTs, which was accelerated by conversations with industry experts and personal research. He emphasized the importance of understanding human behavior and learning from the ground up to gain a deeper understanding of new technologies. Despite his initial hesitation and being fully occupied during the COVID-19 pandemic, he eventually saw the potential of NFTs and dedicated time to learning more. He encourages people to be thoughtful and informed about the technology, acknowledging that some projects may be overpriced and that there will be ups and downs in the market. Overall, his experience highlights the importance of staying curious and open to new ideas, even when faced with other priorities and distractions.

    • NFT Culture's Lasting Impact According to Gary VaynerchukGary Vaynerchuk believes NFTs will significantly impact various aspects of life, encourages learning about the technology, and sees them as a new form of social currency.

      The speaker, Gary Vaynerchuk, is deeply convinced that NFT culture is here to stay and will significantly impact various aspects of people's lives, just like the Internet did. He feels this strongly, having experienced similar feelings when he first learned about the Internet and when he discovered YouTube. He is eager to explore the potential of NFTs in areas like real estate, personal branding, and art, and sees them as a new form of social currency. He encourages learning about the technology and being an active participant in the community, as he believes this will lead to valuable insights and opportunities. The speaker's authentic and genuine approach to understanding and promoting NFTs has resonated with many in the community.

    • Respecting the Foundations of the Tech IndustryUnderstanding the value of foundational relationships and experiences in the tech industry can provide valuable insights into the current NFT and blockchain space.

      The early days of the tech industry, specifically the Internet, held a unique culture and community that has carried over into the current NFT and blockchain space. The speaker emphasizes the importance of respecting the foundational relationships and experiences of those who came before, despite the differences in the current mainstream landscape. Additionally, the speaker shares their expertise in collectibles, specifically sports cards and garage sailing, and believes their experiences in these areas give them valuable insights into the NFT market. They emphasize the importance of understanding consumer nostalgia and pop culture in the value of collectibles.

    • The Future of NFTs: Beyond Collectibles and ArtNFTs will evolve to represent smart contracts, leading to a secondary market at a larger scale. This economic aspect will force entities to focus on customer experiences. However, not all NFT projects will be successful, so a long-term perspective and value creation are essential.

      While NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, are currently gaining popularity for their use in collectibles and art, their true potential lies beyond this. Garage Sale Gary believes that the future of NFTs will involve tokens representing smart contracts, leading to a secondary market at a scale not yet realized. This economic aspect will force entities like leagues, musicians, and festivals to care more about their customers and create thoughtful experiences. However, it's important to note that not all NFT projects will be successful in the long term. Some may be short-term, transactional grabs for quick profits, which could potentially harm the creators' brands if the market value drops. Overall, NFTs have the potential to be a game-changing technology of this generation, but it's crucial to approach them with a long-term perspective and a focus on providing value to the audience.

    • NFTs: A Game-Changer for Collectibles and Wealth CreationNFTs democratize wealth creation, allowing individuals to monetize personal brands and collectibles. Influencers can profit significantly. However, market volatility and potential bubbles exist. Understanding market dynamics is crucial.

      NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) represent a significant shift in the world of collectibles, arts, and investments. Gary Vaynerchuk, a well-known entrepreneur and influencer, believes that NFTs will democratize wealth creation, allowing individuals to monetize their personal brands and collectibles in new and exciting ways. He uses the example of influencers and their potential to make significant profits from NFTs, comparing it to the early days of influencer marketing. However, Vaynerchuk also acknowledges the potential for bubbles and market volatility, comparing it to the dotcom bubble. He emphasizes the importance of thoughtfulness and understanding the market dynamics. He also points out that the culture is shifting towards collectibles and experiences, with people increasingly valuing items like sneakers, comic books, and NFTs over traditional investments like real estate and stocks. Vaynerchuk's overall perspective is that NFTs represent a game-changing opportunity, with the potential to disrupt various industries and create new wealth. He also highlights the importance of individuals being informed and thoughtful in their investments.

    • Exploring the Intersection of Physical and Digital Worlds with BlockchainBlockchain technology offers possibilities for NFTs in real-life use cases, dynamic royalties, communication layers, operating systems for warehouses, and preserving community connections.

      The exploration of new possibilities in the intersection of physical and digital worlds using blockchain technology. Gary Vaynerchuk expressed his interest in creating NFTs for real-life use cases, such as hall passes or event tickets, and the potential for dynamic royalties based on upfront payments. He also emphasized the need for a communication layer in the decentralized world to connect creators with their supporters. Additionally, he mentioned the potential for creating an operating system for warehouses to manage physical assets in a digital world and the importance of preserving community connections in the decentralized space. Overall, the conversation highlighted the potential for blockchain technology to revolutionize various industries and create new opportunities for innovation.

    • Understanding social dynamics and delivering value is key to building successful NFT communitiesGary Vee emphasized the importance of understanding social dynamics and delivering value to build successful NFT communities, representing the culmination of his life's work and eagerness to contribute to the ecosystem. Thoughtful engagement within the community is crucial for success.

      The focus on creating value for the end user is crucial in the NFT space. Gary Vee, a well-known figure in the digital marketing world, emphasized the importance of understanding social dynamics and delivering value to build successful communities, whether it's in the context of Web 2 or Web 3. He shared his personal connection to NFTs, expressing that it represents the culmination of his life's work and his eagerness to contribute to this growing ecosystem. The conversation also highlighted the importance of thoughtful engagement within the community, as evidenced by the positive responses from the audience. Ultimately, the success in the NFT space lies in understanding the needs of the end user and delivering value to them at scale.

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    Check out my new NFT project: veefriends.com
    Join the VeeFriends Discord: https://discord.gg/veefriends

    Tweet Me @Garyvee
    Text Me! 212-931-5731
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    More info on Crypto Banter
    Website: https://cryptobanter.com/
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN9Nj4tjXbVTLYWN0EKly_Q/featured

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