
    What the Heck is Going on With the Vote in Michigan? (Ep 1396)

    enNovember 18, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Dan Bongino's Commitment to Truth and FreedomDespite health issues and tech company challenges, Dan Bongino remains committed to delivering truth and fighting for American freedom. Check out The American Mind for unbiased news and insightful content.

      Dan Bongino, the host of his self-titled show, has undergone chemotherapy and faced challenges from tech companies like Outbrain, but he remains committed to delivering the truth to his audience. He emphasized the importance of websites like The American Mind, which he considers one of the best sources for news and information, and urged listeners to check it out for unbiased and insightful content on current events. Despite his health issues and the obstacles he faces, Bongino's message is clear: he will continue to fight for American freedom and liberty, and his show will continue to be a platform for truth and discussion.

    • Michigan election concerns and calls for auditReports of discrepancies in Michigan voter rolls and ballot counts have led to accusations of fraud and calls for a thorough audit before certification. The situation is concerning and involves potential systematic and pervasive fraud, with the president and others urging for courage and transparency.

      There are reports of significant discrepancies in the voter rolls and ballot counts in Wayne County, Michigan during the recent election. These concerns were raised by GOP board members and have resulted in accusations of racism and threats. The situation is concerning as it could potentially involve systematic and pervasive fraud. The president and many others are urging for courage and for the state of Michigan not to certify the results until a thorough audit is conducted. This issue, which has garnered significant attention, is important for all Americans regardless of political affiliation. To stay informed about the latest developments, subscribe to American Minds Weekly newsletter, The Roundup, for top content, articles, podcasts, and videos delivered directly to your inbox. (Word count: 122)

    • Wayne County commissioners refuse to certify 28% of votesUnaccounted-for votes in Wayne County raise concerns of potential voter fraud, impacting Michigan election outcome

      The refusal of two Wayne County commissioners to certify the vote has raised concerns about potential voter fraud, as only 72% of the votes in Wayne County are recountable and there are reports of absentee ballot issues. The commissioners' inability to account for 28% of the votes has fueled suspicions, despite claims to the contrary. It's important to note that these are allegations and not proven facts, but the discrepancies are significant and warrant further investigation. The outcome of the Michigan election could be impacted if these issues are not resolved. It's crucial for transparency and trust in the electoral process that all votes are accurately counted and accounted for.

    • Controversy over Wayne County votes in Michigan's 2020 ElectionQuestions about questionable votes in Michigan's 2020 Election could have changed the outcome, but it's crucial to respect the right to vote and avoid disenfranchisement. Labeling those questioning certification as racist is unfounded, while actual voter fraud is a serious issue.

      The discussion revolves around the controversy surrounding the certification of votes in Wayne County, Michigan, during the 2020 Presidential Election. The speaker argues that if questionable votes were not included, Trump would have won the state of Michigan. However, they stress the importance of not disenfranchising legitimate voters and support the constitutional right to vote for all. The speaker criticizes those who label those questioning the certification process as racist, and instead accuses those who commit voter fraud of being racist by undermining the validity of minority votes. The speaker also warns against sharing personal information, as demonstrated by an individual named Abraham Ayash, who threatened a Republican official involved in the certification process. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of transparency and fairness in the electoral process.

    • Speaker Accuses Board of Racism During Election Certification DiscussionDuring election certification, a speaker falsely accused the board of canvassers of racism for investigating potential voter irregularities in a predominantly African American city. It's crucial to base allegations of racism on facts, not assumptions or inflammatory language.

      During a heated discussion about election certification in Wayne County, a speaker accused the board of canvassers of being racist for questioning potential voter irregularities in Detroit, a predominantly African American city. The speaker, who was critical of the board's decision to certify votes in the rest of the county but not in Detroit, used inflammatory language and made unfounded claims of racism. However, the facts presented during the discussion indicated that there were discrepancies between the number of registered voters and the number of votes cast in Detroit. The speaker dismissed these facts and instead accused the board of trying to silence the black vote. It is important to recognize that allegations of racism should be based on facts and evidence, not assumptions or inflammatory language. The board of canvassers has a responsibility to ensure the integrity of the election process, and that includes investigating potential irregularities, regardless of where they occur or who they may affect.

    • Avoiding Racially Charged Comments in Voter Fraud InvestigationsIt's crucial to uphold fairness and equality in investigations and avoid assumptions based on race to prevent divisive and racist rhetoric.

      During a discussion about investigating voter fraud claims, some individuals made racially charged comments suggesting that focusing on fraud in white counties and ignoring it in black counties is not only figuratively but literally racist. This argument, made by individuals like Abraham and Rashida Tlaib, was met with criticism for its divisive and racist nature. The situation highlights the importance of upholding fairness and equality in investigations and avoiding making assumptions based on race. Additionally, the Wayne County Board of Canvasers faced criticism for potentially certifying election results in all of Wayne County except for some precincts, which was seen as a subversion of democracy and a racist act. The incident underscores the need for transparency, impartiality, and a commitment to upholding the integrity of the electoral process.

    • Investigating Voter Fraud in DetroitIt's important to investigate voter fraud allegations in all communities, not just those with historical irregularities, to ensure fair and free elections.

      The discussion revolves around the issue of alleged voter fraud in Detroit, Michigan, particularly in the 2020 presidential election. The speaker argues that it's not racist to investigate substantiated claims of voter fraud, but the selective investigation of such claims in minority communities is a concern. The speaker also references historical voting irregularities in Detroit, as reported by the Detroit News, and questions why these issues aren't being addressed. The speaker emphasizes that they're not alleging a conspiracy, but rather raising concerns about the importance of investigating potential voting irregularities in all communities. The speaker criticizes the media for watering down the term "conspiracy theory" and making it meaningless. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of ensuring fair and free elections for all communities.

    • Detroit's inconsistent vote counting and allegations of irregularities in other statesPersistent issues with vote counting in Detroit and potential irregularities in other states highlight the need for transparency and accountability in the electoral process.

      There have been inconsistencies in vote counting in Detroit, Michigan, which is not a new development, but a persistent issue. This discrepancy was discussed during a podcast, with some participants accusing others of being conspiracy theorists for raising concerns about voter fraud. Meanwhile, there have been reports of potential irregularities in other states as well, such as Nevada, where a prominent Republican is filing a lawsuit over allegations of improperly cast votes, dead voters, and people voting in multiple states. It's important to note that these allegations have not been proven in court, but they underscore the importance of transparency and accountability in the electoral process. The podcast hosts also took the opportunity to promote emergency food supplies as a means of self-reliance and preparedness for potential crises.

    • Allegations of voter fraud in Nevada and GeorgiaClaims of potential double voting and deceased individuals voting in Nevada and Georgia. Discoveries of previously uncounted votes in Georgia, but overall vote count remains unchanged. Media criticism for lack of thorough investigation. Questions raised about DHS and voting software companies like Dominion.

      There are allegations of potential voter fraud in the 2020 US Presidential Election, specifically in Nevada and Georgia. These allegations include claims of people voting more than once, and even dead people voting. Adam Laxalt, a Republican official in Nevada, has raised concerns about 15,000 people who may have voted in multiple states or even as deceased individuals. In Georgia, there have been discoveries of previously uncounted votes, with some going to President Trump. However, these findings do not change the overall vote count in favor of Joe Biden. The media has been criticized for not investigating these claims thoroughly, with some dismissing them as conspiracy theories. Additionally, there have been questions raised about the relationship between the Department of Homeland Security and voting software companies like Dominion, which has faced scrutiny over potential vulnerabilities and manipulation of vote counts. Overall, these issues highlight the importance of transparency and integrity in the electoral process.

    • Bongino Criticizes DHS, Former Official for 2020 Election ClaimsDan Bongino criticized DHS and former official Chris Krebs for their handling of the 2020 election security claims, accusing them of being aligned with anti-Trump officials.

      During a recent episode of his show, Dan Bongino discussed the Dominion Voting Systems controversy and highlighted a tweet from Elections Canada, expressing surprise that they don't use paper ballots or electronic voting systems. Bongino also criticized the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its former official Chris Krebs, who had previously claimed the 2020 election was secure. Bongino accused Krebs of being aligned with anti-Trump officials and suggested that the president made a mistake in trusting him. Insiders quoted in a Washington Examiner article claimed that Krebs was part of a group of former DHS officials who opposed Trump. Bongino emphasized that he supports the president and his conservative agenda but believes the administration made mistakes in trusting certain officials.

    • CISA Director's Termination and Importance of Truth in Public DiscourseThe termination of CISA Director Chris Krebs highlighted the importance of factual information and truth in public discourse. Biased media reporting can undermine trust and understanding, while responsible companies play a crucial role in providing essential products and services.

      The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) director, Chris Krebs, was terminated by President Trump for making inaccurate statements about the security of the 2020 election. Some believe this statement was made to provide official cover for unsubstantiated claims about the election's security. The discussion also touched on the importance of factual information and the potential for bias in media reporting. Additionally, the speaker mentioned a few sponsors, including BCM, a company that manufactures professional-grade firearms built to combat standards, and Folds of Honor, a charity that provides educational scholarships to military families. The speaker expressed strong support for these organizations and encouraged listeners to check them out. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of truth and accuracy in public discourse and the role of responsible companies in providing essential products and services.

    • Senators Grill Tech Executives on Alleged Voter Fraud ClaimsSenators Cruz, Hawley, and Lee questioned Zuckerberg and Dorsey about their handling of voter fraud claims on Facebook and Twitter. Dorsey admitted not being an expert but continued to interfere, leading Cruz to accuse Twitter of taking a publisher's stance, violating Section 230, and misleading users.

      During a recent hearing at Capitol Hill, Senators Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and Mike Lee grilled tech executives Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook and Jack Dorsey from Twitter over their handling of alleged voter fraud claims on their platforms. Cruz pressed Dorsey on Twitter's labeling of such tweets, asking if Dorsey considered himself an expert on voter fraud since Twitter was censoring discussions about it. Dorsey admitted he didn't have expertise but continued to interfere in the debate. Cruz pointed out that Twitter was taking a publisher's stance and violating Section 230 by pushing a disputed policy position that voter fraud is rare. The quotes Twitter flagged came from the Carter-Baker Commission on Federal Election Reform, and Cruz argued that Twitter was misleading users by labeling these statements as potentially misleading while not labeling their own statements taking a stance on the issue.

    • Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey's inconsistent handling of voter fraud posts sparks debateCEO's lack of expertise raises questions about their role as publishers or platforms in regulating content

      During a discussion on Twitter's labeling of posts regarding voter fraud, it was pointed out that Jack Dorsey, Twitter's CEO, does not claim to be an expert on the subject yet labels these posts with disclaimers. Ted Cruz questioned Dorsey on this inconsistency, bringing up the Jimmy Carter-James Baker voter fraud commission and statements from it that were labeled. Dorsey admitted he did not know about these statements or the commission. Cruz also compared Facebook's tracking of users to this issue, with Josh Hawley pressing Mark Zuckerberg on the use of Facebook's internal tool, Sentra, to monitor users across the web. The inconsistency and lack of expertise raised questions about the role and responsibility of these tech CEOs as publishers or platforms.

    • Senator Hawley raises concerns over tech companies' data collection and potential collusionSenator Hawley questioned tech CEOs about data collection, communication, and potential collusion, highlighting the need for transparency and accountability in handling user data, which could impact individual privacy, competition, and democratic processes.

      Tech companies like Facebook, Google, and Twitter collect and potentially share user data, raising concerns about privacy and potential collusion. During a hearing, Senator Josh Hawley presented evidence suggesting these companies have tools to track users across the web and communicate about them. Although data exchange is necessary for websites to function, the question is how these companies use and share the data. Hawley accused Facebook's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, of being uncooperative in providing information about data collection and potential communication with other tech companies. The senator's concerns underscore the need for transparency and accountability in how tech companies handle user data. The implications of these practices extend beyond individual privacy, potentially affecting competition and democratic processes.

    • Speaker warns of potential election interference and censorship by tech companiesSpeaker believes Republicans are currently fighting against censorship and potential election interference by tech companies, specifically mentioning Facebook, Twitter, and mail-in voting issues. They also received a warning from Outbrain about potential terms of service violations.

      The speaker is advocating for a choice between Democrats and Republicans due to perceived issues with Democrats and tech companies, and is warning about potential censorship and suppression of information, even before the election results are finalized. They believe that Republicans are currently the only ones fighting back against these issues. The speaker also mentions specific instances of alleged censorship on social media platforms, including Facebook and Twitter, and expresses concern over the potential for widespread mail-in voting issues. They also mention receiving a warning from Outbrain, an advertising company, about potential violations of their terms of service. Overall, the speaker is expressing a sense of urgency and warning of potential issues with the election process and censorship from tech companies.

    • Companies like Outbrain and YouTube cancelling accounts without clear reasons, Dan Bongino urges audience to prepare and consider alternative platformsDan Bongino encourages his audience to prepare for potential censorship on Outbrain and YouTube, and consider alternative platforms like Rumble and Parler to protect freedom, capitalism, and choice.

      There have been reports of companies like Outbrain and YouTube cancelling accounts or demonetizing content without clear reasons, and Dan Bongino is urging his audience to prepare for potential similar actions and consider alternative platforms like Rumble and Parler. He encourages his followers to take a stand against censorship and continue creating and sharing content, emphasizing the importance of freedom, capitalism, and choice. He also reminds his audience of past experiences with social media companies and their potential biases, and encourages everyone to reconsider their use of Outbrain and fight back by subscribing to Rumble and creating Parler accounts.

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