
    What the SCOTUS leak could mean for abortion (Strict Scrutiny Emergency Episode)

    enMay 03, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Leaked SCOTUS draft opinion sparks conversation on abortion rightsA leaked Supreme Court draft opinion could lead to the overturning of Roe v Wade, sparking political conversation and potential action from organizations like Vote Save America to codify protections for pregnant people into law.

      A leaked Supreme Court draft opinion indicates the potential overturning of Roe v Wade, which could significantly impact abortion rights in the United States. The publication of this draft has sparked political conversation and calls to action, including from Vote Save America, who will be providing resources and updates on their website and through their podcast, Strict Scrutiny. The hosts of the podcast, Kate Shaw, Leah Littman, and Melissa Murray, discuss the implications of this draft opinion and the potential for Congress to codify protections for pregnant people into law. The final decision from the Supreme Court is expected in a few weeks, but the leaked document has already set off a wave of reaction and uncertainty.

    • Supreme Court's Divisive Opinion on Roe v. WadeThe recent Supreme Court opinion on Roe v. Wade was criticized for its divisive language, gaslighting, lack of compromise, and disregard for the consequences of overturning the landmark case. Alito's assignment was seen as strategic and potentially a power play.

      The recent Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade was described as a "shit show" and an "absolutist chit show" during a podcast discussion. The opinion, written by Justice Samuel Alito, was criticized for its divisive language and gaslighting of those who support the constitutional right to abortion. The assignment of the opinion to Alito was seen as a strategic move to inflame public opinion. The podcast hosts also speculated about the reasoning behind Alito being given the assignment, suggesting it could have been a power play or a consultation with other justices. The opinion was heavily criticized for its lack of compromise and its disregard for the consequences of overturning Roe v. Wade. The hosts also noted the irony of Alito's frequent citations of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in the opinion, as if she would have supported the decision to overturn the landmark case.

    • Justice Alito's provocative tone towards Roe v. Wade criticsJustice Alito's leaked draft opinion on Roe v. Wade includes a provocative tone towards critics, referencing them repeatedly and quoting their past statements, while acknowledging Justice Thomas's perspective on the issue of eugenics and abortion in a lengthy footnote.

      The leaked Supreme Court draft opinion on Roe v. Wade, written by Justice Alito, contains a provocative and caustic tone towards critics of the potential overturning of the landmark decision. The opinion references critics such as Justice Ginsburg, John Hart Ely, and Harvard Law professor Mark Tushnet, seemingly to rub salt in the wounds of those who have advocated for the preservation of Roe. Justice Alito's tone is reminiscent of a personal challenge, with lyrics from Eminem's "Lose Yourself" serving as an amusing comparison. Additionally, the opinion includes a nod to collegiality, with a lengthy footnote acknowledging Justice Thomas's perspective on the issue of eugenics and abortion. Overall, the draft opinion's tone and content reflect a deep divide on the issue of abortion rights and the role of the Supreme Court in shaping American law.

    • New legal standards for abortion rightsThe Supreme Court's decision on abortion rights, penned by Justice Samuel Alito, eviscerates legal standards for reviewing abortion restrictions, potentially leading to bans on abortion at all points in pregnancy without exceptions, and could have broader implications for other rights.

      The Supreme Court's decision on abortion rights, penned by Justice Samuel Alito, represents a significant shift in legal standards and potentially affects other rights. Alito's opinion, which eviscerates legal standards for reviewing abortion restrictions, could lead to bans on abortion at all points in pregnancy without exceptions. Moreover, the opinion contains references to other landmark cases, suggesting a broader impact on rights related to same-sex relationships and contraception. The opinion's tone and language have been criticized for their dismissive attitude towards women's rights and experiences. Overall, this decision marks a significant step backward in reproductive rights and could set a precedent for further restrictions on individual liberties.

    • Potential Overturning of Roe v. Wade and Implications for Other RightsThe leaked Supreme Court draft opinion may lead to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, potentially impacting constitutional protections for same-sex marriage, interracial marriage, contraception, and parents' rights, and recognizing fetal personhood could criminalize abortion.

      The leaked Supreme Court draft opinion in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization case suggests a potential overturning of Roe v. Wade and Casey, opening the door for states to regulate or even ban abortions. The draft, penned by Justice Alito, also implies questioning the constitutional protections for same-sex marriage, interracial marriage, contraception, and parents' rights. Alito's draft also hints at the possibility of recognizing fetal personhood, which could lead to criminalizing abortion. The draft opinion references historical precedents like Brown v. Board of Education to argue for the court's power to overrule previous decisions. However, it remains uncertain if the final opinion will retain all of these controversial points.

    • End of Roe v. Wade and Constitutional Recognition of Abortion RightsThe Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade, ending constitutional protection for abortion rights, leading to debates on stare decisis, reliance interests, and women's rights.

      The Supreme Court's decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization marked the end of Roe v. Wade, a landmark case that recognized a constitutional right to abortion. The court overruled Roe, along with other precedents, acknowledging their erroneous interpretations of the constitution. The opinion sparked debates on stare decisis, reliance interests, and women's rights, with some justices advocating for subtle changes while others called for a complete overhaul. The decision also showcased language choices that some critics perceived as disrespectful towards women and their reproductive rights. Ultimately, the decision left many questioning the future of women's rights and equality under the law.

    • Unprecedented Leak of Supreme Court Draft Opinion on Abortion RightsA draft Supreme Court opinion on abortion rights was leaked, breaching trust and confidentiality, raising concerns about the court's integrity and impartiality, and prompting an investigation to find the source.

      The leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion on abortion rights is an unprecedented breach of trust and confidentiality within the court. This event is highly unusual, as the court typically operates under a veil of secrecy, and leaks of draft opinions are almost unheard of. The potential suspects include various justices and court staff, but the motivations and potential outcomes of such a leak are still unclear. The leak has raised concerns about the integrity of the court and its deliberative processes, and an investigation has been launched to determine the source of the leak. The consequences of this breach could have significant implications for the court and the public's perception of its impartiality and ability to maintain confidentiality.

    • Possible Insider Leak of Roe v. Wade Draft OpinionAn insider from the Supreme Court's majority may have leaked the draft opinion to soften public reaction to the upcoming overruling of Roe v. Wade

      The leak of the Supreme Court draft opinion regarding Roe v. Wade is unlikely to have been orchestrated by the dissenting justices or the chief justice. Instead, it may have been an insider from the majority, released to deflect attention from the upcoming overruling of Roe v. Wade and minimize the public's shock and anger when it officially happens closer to the midterm elections. The leak's impact on the court and public opinion is a significant concern, as the decision will have devastating consequences for access to healthcare and women's rights.

    • Supreme Court Draft Opinion Leak: Impact on Reproductive Rights and EthicsThe Supreme Court draft opinion leak could lead to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, raising concerns about the court's integrity and impact on reproductive rights. The leak may have been a warning to justices, and the implications are significant for the court, conservative legal movement, and those advocating for reproductive rights.

      The recent leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion suggesting the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade has raised concerns about the integrity of the court and its impact on reproductive rights. The leak may have been a warning to justices considering defecting on the issue, and it has eclipsed discussions about ethics rules and potential recusals. The possibilities of who leaked the opinion range from a wobbly justice to Ginni Thomas, and the implications are significant for the court, the conservative legal movement, and those who care about reproductive rights. The leak comes after years of the court whittling away at abortion rights, which was foreseeable after the 2016 election and the replacement of justice Ginsburg. Despite the intellectual preparedness for this decision, the emotional reaction to it remains strong.

    • Conservatives' Long-Term Strategy to Limit Constitutional RightsConservatives achieved overturning Roe v. Wade through gerrymandering and suppressing voting rights. Prioritize voting rights and staying engaged to counteract the damage and continue the fight for reproductive rights.

      The overturning of Roe v. Wade is the culmination of a long-term strategy by conservatives to obtain political power and use it to limit constitutional rights, particularly the right to abortion. This achievement was made possible by gerrymandering and suppressing voting rights, making it crucial for people to prioritize securing the right to vote and actively participating in the democratic process. Organizing and staying engaged is essential to counteracting the damage caused by this decision and working towards a more equitable future. The fight for reproductive rights will continue, with efforts including passing legislation like the Women's Health Protection Act and supporting state court cases and abortion funds. Staying vigilant and prepared for future attacks on constitutional rights is necessary.

    • Take Action and Sustain YourselfStay engaged and active in causes, practice self-care, and support political campaigns to build necessary infrastructure and power.

      Despite the draft Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade being just a draft, it's crucial for individuals to take action and sustain themselves to continue fighting for causes they believe in. Small actions, like personal self-care and supporting political campaigns, can contribute to building up the necessary infrastructure and power to make a difference. The conservative legal movement's focus on state elections and local power is a lesson to remember. This is not the end, and it's essential to stay engaged and active. For immediate action, consider donating to local abortion funds through votesaveamerica.com/roe.

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    Special Announcement  

    Before I get to the episode, we/I want to take a moment to address the June 24th Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe versus Wade. This decision stripped away the legal right to have a safe and legal abortion. 

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    In this episode, I am reviewing a guilty pleasure and that podcast is Everything Is Alive. Once again, I am not sure how I landed on this podcast, but I am so glad I did. I really need to track that and do an episode on that topic. 

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    Host: Ian Chillang 

    # of episodes 47 

    Avg Length of episode: 18 mins 

    First published: 17 May 2018 

    Latest Episode: #47 23 Feb 2022 

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    Category: Society and Culture 

    Frequency: Episodic 

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