
    What’s Stopping You From Doing Your Best Work? | #AskGaryVee 306 w/ Aaron Dignan

    enApril 09, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Challenges Faced by Different Companies with Aaron DignanAaron Dignan, a long-time friend of Gary Vaynerchuk, founded The Ready in 2015 to help organizations overcome silos, hierarchies, and inefficiencies by providing specialized solutions to common challenges in various industries.

      Aaron Dignan, a long-time friend of Gary Vaynerchuk, has dedicated his career to helping large organizations become more agile and effective by identifying common challenges and finding specialized solutions. From his early days in agency work with Brand Play, through his digital disruption focus at Undercurrent, and now as the founder of The Ready, a company that embeds consultants in various industries around the world, Aaron's mission has been to follow one question to the next, leading him to explore topics like emotional branding, technology disruption, and now, the consistent and unique challenges faced by different companies. The Ready was founded in 2015 and has grown to a global presence, helping organizations overcome silos, hierarchies, and inefficiencies to better serve their customers and employees.

    • Focus on financial goals leaves little energy for changeUp to 50% of a company's energy is dedicated to financial health, leaving half for change. Address organizational debt to improve efficiency and adaptability.

      Companies face significant challenges in adapting to the digital world due to their focus on short-term financial goals. According to our guest, up to 50% of a company's energy is dedicated to financial health every 9 days. This leaves only half of the energy to address the need for change. The good news is that this means there is room for improvement. The bad news is that our current economic operating system requires adjustment. Our guest introduced the concept of "organizational debt," which refers to outdated policies, processes, and structures that no longer serve a company but have not been refactored. He shared an example of a CEO who discovered a wasteful process involving new gloves, which cost €5 but resulted in a machine being shut down for 30 minutes, costing the company €1000. This short-term focus can lead to inefficiencies and hinder a company's ability to adapt to the rapidly changing business landscape. To avoid becoming bureaucratic and to stay adaptive, our guest recommends addressing organizational debt and refactoring outdated policies and processes. He wrote a book, "Brave New Work," to help anyone leading a team or planning to do so to get ahead of these issues.

    • Emphasizing the importance of emotional decision-making and giving away small things for free in marketingFocus on collaboration, adaptability, and bringing people off the bench to foster a successful business culture

      Effective business growth requires a multidisciplinary approach and a willingness to adapt. The speaker emphasized the importance of understanding emotional decision-making and the power of giving away small things for free in marketing. However, they also warned against creating silos and protecting positions within organizations, which can lead to toxic environments. The most successful businesses, according to the speaker, are those that encourage collaboration and cross-functionality. The speaker strongly recommended a book that aligns with these beliefs and encourages readers to get involved and contribute to their organizations. In essence, the key takeaway is that businesses should focus on bringing people off the bench and into the game, and fostering a culture of collaboration and adaptability.

    • The Importance of Quick Decision-Making in BusinessQuick decisions can lead to business success, including efficient hiring and implementing effective marketing strategies like those outlined in 'Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook'.

      Quick decision-making is crucial for business success. The speaker emphasizes the importance of hiring fast and efficiently, rather than debating and eventually letting go of an employee, which can be costly. He shares his personal experience of prioritizing his work over school and academics, and how this approach has helped him in his entrepreneurial ventures. The speaker also mentions how his book, "Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook," has become a lead generation tool for his business, with CEOs and large companies adopting its principles. Overall, the key takeaway is that speed and efficiency in business decisions can lead to significant benefits and success.

    • Shifting towards more decentralized and open work structuresBusinesses should focus on improving information flow, authority, and structure to create effective and adaptive workplaces, challenging traditional hierarchical models

      The way we work needs an overhaul as our current structures and systems are outdated. Aaron Dignan, the author of "Brave New Work," emphasizes that businesses have remained stagnant despite advancements in technology and society. He advocates for a shift towards more decentralized and open structures where leaders are more connected to the outside world and their teams. Dignan's podcast, "Brave New Work," will feature business leaders discussing their challenges and experiments in implementing new ways of working. He believes that individuals and organizations should take ownership of their work structures and focus on areas like information flow, authority, and structure to create more effective and adaptive workplaces. Dignan's perspective challenges the traditional hierarchical model of organizations and encourages a more circular approach where the outside, where businesses meet the market, is the most important area of focus.

    • Expanding and innovating from within regulated industriesIdentify safe experiments and obstacles to unlock self-sufficiency and growth in regulated industries, fostering profitability and competitiveness.

      Effective leadership involves having a visionary founder at the edge of the business, while the rest of the organization should be self-sufficient. Outdated communication and a lack of innovation can hinder progress, especially in regulated industries. To expand and innovate from within these organizations, it's essential to ask what is safe to try and identify the obstacles preventing the team from doing their best work. By focusing on these areas, businesses can become more profitable and competitive, as evidenced by successful companies in various industries. The book also highlights the importance of expanding established spaces and exploring niche markets to build innovative business models. Ultimately, by adopting a growth mindset and challenging the status quo, organizations can overcome learned helplessness and thrive in an ever-changing business landscape.

    • Starting from a place of connection and understandingBuilding trust and progress requires starting conversations where people are at, and authentic entrepreneurship thrives in the middle amidst an abundance of fake entrepreneurship

      Starting from a place of understanding and connection with others is crucial for building trust and driving progress. The speaker emphasizes the importance of beginning conversations where people are at, and expresses his excitement about the potential for impact in his new role. He also shares his belief that entrepreneurship is in a challenging stage due to an abundance of fake entrepreneurship, and that the most practical and authentic entrepreneurship can be found in the middle. The speaker's personal experiences and connections to various cities, including Kansas City, demonstrate his deep appreciation for entrepreneurship and his commitment to supporting it. Additionally, he mentions the recent trend of more startups exiting than entering, which he sees as a positive sign for the future of authentic entrepreneurship.

    • Evaluating Products: Personal Opinions vs. Market RealityDon't dismiss a product based on personal opinion, consider market reality and authenticity of the company.

      As a business owner or marketer, it's important to be selective about the companies and products you work with. However, the reason for not believing in a product doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad fit. The market's opinion on a product can differ from one's own subjective opinion. It's crucial to distinguish between the human and the operator when evaluating products. Being overly critical or expert in a field might limit opportunities. It's essential to understand that some products may not align with personal values or beliefs, but still perform well in the market. It's also important to ensure that the companies and products we work with are honest and authentic in their value proposition. The goal is to expose the product to more people, potentially helping to fix any issues, rather than fixing them ourselves. Ultimately, it's about finding a balance between personal values and business opportunities.

    • Consider moral compass and opportunity costs in business decisionsThoughtfully evaluate business decisions by considering personal opinions, values, and the potential impact on the world

      Expertise and personal opinions play a role in evaluating the best options in business, but it's essential to consider the potential impact on the world before making decisions. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of considering moral compass and opportunity costs when determining which business concepts to pursue. He encourages individuals to prioritize their values and not be afraid to pass on opportunities that don't align with them. Furthermore, he suggests starting small and experimenting with alternative approaches to solve problems at work. Even as a CEO and COO, Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of this mindset to drive innovation and improvement within his own company. The key takeaway is to approach business decisions thoughtfully, considering both personal opinions and the potential impact on the world.

    • Roles of CEO and COO should be based on individual strengths and passionsIdentify problem to solve and determine necessary skills, focus on strengths and passions to create effective roles

      The roles of CEO and COO in a company are not set in stone and should be defined based on individual strengths and passions. Gary Vaynerchuk shared his experience of having a COO who had different perspectives and thoughts, which sometimes slowed down his decision-making process. He suggested that instead of hiring another CEO or changing roles, individuals should identify which roles they truly want to play and focus on those. The titles of CEO and COO are not definitive, and people should consider what they are great at and enjoy doing the most. Instead of worrying about which skill to focus on, individuals should identify the problem they want to solve and then determine which skills are necessary to address it. Ultimately, people should focus on their strengths and passions to create a fulfilling and effective role within their organization.

    • Believe in your abilities and seize opportunitiesAge is not a barrier to starting a tech company or creating content. Focus on consistency, quality, and putting your work out there.

      Age should not be a barrier to starting a tech company or creating content. The consistency and quality of one's work, as well as the ability to put it out there, are more important. The speaker, who has experience in tech and business, encouraged the interlocutor to pursue his tech venture and offered guidance. He also emphasized the importance of putting out content and not undervaluing oneself. The speaker used an example of a seemingly insignificant item, a Vermont cow mug, to illustrate the potential value of opportunities and the importance of thinking beyond the immediate. In essence, the speaker encouraged the interlocutor to believe in his abilities, create content, and seize opportunities.

    • Acknowledge and address the barriers to unlocking your full potentialReflect on what's holding you back and consider how to overcome it to reach your goals, continuing to ask questions and seek answers brings progress towards achieving your best self.

      We all have the capacity to do our best work, but sometimes we face obstacles that hold us back. During this conversation, we discussed the importance of continually asking ourselves what's preventing us from reaching our full potential. This question, which can be applied to any team or individual, has the power to spark introspection and motivation. By acknowledging and addressing the barriers that hinder us, we can make progress towards achieving our goals. So, take a moment to reflect on what's holding you back and consider how you can overcome it to unlock your full potential. Keep asking questions and seeking answers, and remember that every step forward brings us closer to our best selves.

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