
    Podcast Summary

    • Challenges in Effectively Supporting Full Decarbonization of the Electric Grid with Lithium-Ion BatteriesVolta Energy Technologies is optimistic about near-term improvements in battery tech and EV business models, but grid storage remains uncertain due to intermittent electricity and profitability challenges. Several companies are working on affordable storage solutions for renewables adoption, but the winner is yet to be determined.

      While lithium-ion batteries have made significant strides in reducing costs and improving the electric vehicle market, there is still a long way to go before they can effectively support full decarbonization of the electric grid. Volta Energy Technologies, a venture firm focused exclusively on storage and storage-adjacent tech, is optimistic about near-term improvements in battery technology and business models for EV adoption. However, the outlook for grid storage is less clear due to the intermittency of electricity and the challenge of making money on storage. Despite these challenges, there are several companies working on different technology pathways to provide inexpensive storage that can support renewables adoption. The key question is which ones will win. Volta Energy Technologies is a venture firm dedicated to energy storage and related technologies, and Dave Schroeder, their CTO, sees great potential for near-term improvements in battery technology and business models for electric vehicles. However, the challenge of intermittent electricity and the difficulty of making a profit on storage for the electric grid makes the outlook for grid storage less clear. Regardless, many companies are working on various technology pathways to provide affordable storage for renewables adoption. The big question is which ones will ultimately succeed.

    • Expertise in EV batteries and grid scale storage from VoltaTo meet consumer needs and enable 100% EV adoption, we need more than just longer battery range. Fast charging capabilities and infrastructure are also essential to overcome 'product deficiency' called range anxiety.

      Volta is known for its deep expertise and diligence in the storage sector, specifically in batteries for electric vehicles (EVs) and grid scale storage. The conversation will focus on these two areas. EV batteries have reached an inflection point for market adoption, with market share doubling last year to around 9%. However, there's still a need for more battery range to meet the needs of all consumers and enable 100% EV adoption. Consumers want vehicles that meet their needs almost completely, not just nearly. To achieve this, we need more than just a few extra miles of range; we also need fast charging capabilities and the infrastructure to support it. The term "range anxiety" should be avoided, as it's not helpful for EV adoption. Instead, it's a product deficiency that needs to be addressed.

    • Factors affecting EV adoption: Battery range and charging speedEmerging technologies like silicon anodes and Niobium Tungsten oxide could improve EV charging speeds, addressing a significant concern for long-distance travel, while ensuring safety and affordability.

      Both battery range and charge rate are crucial factors in the adoption and convenience of electric vehicles (EVs). While there are batteries that can charge at high rates, they often come with trade-offs such as reduced energy density, cycle life, and cost. Currently, EV charging rates are much slower than refueling a gasoline vehicle, and there is a need for faster charging, especially for longer trips. Megawatt charging capabilities are the goal, but not necessarily for everyday use. Emerging technologies like silicon anodes and Niobium Tungsten oxide show promise for faster charging, as they can overcome the limitations of traditional lithium-ion batteries, which can lead to lithium plating and potential fires. It's essential to address both the range and charging concerns, as well as safety issues, to make EVs a more viable and convenient alternative to gasoline vehicles.

    • Unique safety challenges in EV batteriesAdvancements like solid-state batteries, careful inspection, and use of materials can help mitigate risks in EV batteries, despite their safety challenges. Cost remains a significant hurdle, but innovations and inspection could improve performance and reduce costs.

      While EV batteries offer numerous advantages, they also come with unique safety challenges such as lithium dendrite formation, separator issues, and thermal runaway. These failures can lead to fires and explosions, making safety a top priority. However, advancements like solid-state batteries, careful inspection, and the use of materials like silicon and Niobium oxides can help mitigate these risks. It's important to note that while EV fires make headlines, they are still less common than ICE vehicle fires per vehicle. The cost of batteries remains a significant challenge, but technological advancements and careful inspection could help reduce costs while improving performance. Overall, the EV space is at an exciting inflection point, with serious adoption on the horizon and promising technological developments on the horizon.

    • Exploring cost-effective battery materials and technologiesCompanies focus on improving cathode materials, recycling, and manufacturing processes to reduce battery costs. Silicon and sulfur have potential but come with challenges. Balancing cost and performance is crucial in the diverse battery industry.

      The battery industry is constantly seeking materials and technologies that can improve both performance and cost. While some materials, like silicon, offer high energy density and potential cost savings, they come with challenges such as volume expansion and cracking. Others, like sulfur, may have low cost but struggle with low rates and cycle life. However, progress is being made, with companies like Conomics making strides in sulfur technology. The cathode, being the most expensive component, is a major focus for cost reduction. Recycling lithium, nickel, and cobalt, as well as improving manufacturing processes, are other ways to reduce costs. It's important to note that there will likely be trade-offs in the battery space, and finding the right balance between cost and performance will be key. The battery industry is diverse, with different applications requiring different solutions, from passenger EVs to fleet vehicles and long-haul trucking. While passenger EVs are seeing significant adoption, other sectors are still in the early stages, presenting both challenges and opportunities.

    • Different EV battery solutions for various applicationsCity EVs with short ranges require fast charging and long cycle life, making lithium iron phosphate batteries popular. High-rate and long-cycle life batteries like tungsten niobium oxide could be suitable for city vehicles with minimal long-range requirements. EVs have lower life cycle emissions than ICE vehicles, especially with renewable energy sources.

      The battery market for electric vehicles (EVs) will consist of a variety of solutions catering to different transport applications, rather than a single "holy grail" battery. For instance, city EVs with short daily ranges require fast charging capabilities and long cycle life, making lithium iron phosphate batteries a popular choice. On the other hand, high-rate and long-cycle life batteries like tungsten niobium oxide could be suitable for city vehicles with minimal long-range requirements. Additionally, while some argue that EVs have higher life cycle greenhouse gas emissions than internal combustion engine vehicles due to battery production, this is generally not the case, especially as the trend towards renewable energy sources continues. Instead, the focus should be on increasing EV adoption to reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions.

    • Understanding the role of battery cost and grid decarbonizationTo meet greenhouse gas emissions targets, we need to reduce battery costs, decarbonize the grid, and improve grid reliability. Long duration storage is important, but cost remains a significant challenge for lithium-ion batteries.

      The drive to reduce costs in battery manufacturing aligns with the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. New methods for creating less energy-intensive cathodes will positively impact both cost and embedded CO2. However, to meet our greenhouse gas emissions targets, we need to decarbonize our grid, which can be challenging due to the variability of renewable energy sources. While some argue that we need more storage to manage this variability, others argue that what we truly need is more renewable energy and improved grid reliability. The term "long duration storage" can be misleading, as duration from a technology standpoint is the opposite of high performance. Lithium-ion batteries, which can store energy for more than 24 hours when not in use, can indeed do long duration, but the real issue is the cost. It's essential to understand these concepts as we work towards a more sustainable energy future.

    • Limitations of batteries in terms of energy capacity and discharge rate lead to poor performance attributes for long duration storageBatteries with high energy capacity and high discharge rates come with a high cost, making them less cost-effective for long duration storage. Flow batteries may be a more cost-effective alternative.

      Batteries, from a technological standpoint, have limitations in terms of their energy capacity and discharge rate. These limitations result in poor performance attributes such as low energy density, round trip efficiency, and maximum discharge rate. The reason for these limitations is primarily cost. While it's theoretically possible to have batteries with high energy capacity and high discharge rates, the cost would be significantly higher. The trade-off is that larger energy storage capacity may not be used as frequently, reducing the overall cost-effectiveness of the battery. Long duration storage, typically defined as more than 8 hours, is a key area where these limitations are most apparent. Lithium-ion batteries have historically been the cost leader for shorter duration storage, but for longer duration storage, other technologies like flow batteries may be more cost-effective. However, the cost remains a significant challenge in the field of long duration storage.

    • Lithium-ion batteries' high upfront costs and temperature control requirementsLithium-ion batteries have high costs and temperature control needs, limiting their value in long-term, infrequently used storage installations. Flow batteries, an alternative, offer potential solutions but have their own challenges.

      While lithium-ion batteries have high upfront costs, they have been driven down by early adoption and scale in industries like electric vehicles. However, lithium-ion's cost doesn't change based on the amount of energy stored, and its temperature control requirements add to the cost. The infrequent use of long-duration storage installations further decreases the value of the stored energy. Flow batteries, an alternative technology, could potentially address some of these issues as they do not degrade with long-term use and can be refueled instead of recharged. However, they may not completely solve the cost issue as they have their own unique challenges.

    • Flow batteries offer cost-effective scaling for grid energy storageFlow batteries, with their scalable energy storage tanks and potential cost-competitiveness, could challenge lithium-ions for grid energy storage applications.

      Flow batteries offer a unique advantage in energy storage for grid applications due to their ability to scale cost-effectively by increasing the size of their energy storage tanks without a proportional increase in power output cost. This is different from traditional batteries like lithium-ion, where increasing power output significantly increases cost. Flow batteries, which can be found for every element in the periodic table and have round trip AC to AC efficiency in the 65% range, have the potential to be cost-competitive with lithium-ions, especially for long-duration applications. Additionally, flow batteries have advantages such as not burning and not requiring HVAC systems for the most part. However, they may face challenges in finding applications outside of the grid due to their need to scale within grid applications. Thermal energy storage is another promising solution for grid energy storage, as it allows for the independent choice of the size of the heat reservoir and the size of the heat engine, and can be used directly to help decarbonize industrial processes or generate electricity. The competition between thermal storage and lithium-ion batteries depends on the specific application and the cost of the thermal energy storage materials.

    • Exploring Alternatives to Lithium-Ion Batteries: Thermal Energy StorageThermal energy storage, using molten salt, hot rocks, or glycol slush, offers flexibility in heat and electricity production but faces high costs due to conversion processes, similar to flow batteries. Safety and supply chain benefits add complexity to investment decisions. Some systems use hydrogen, potentially reducing costs with hydrogen infrastructure.

      Thermal energy storage, specifically using molten salt, hot rocks, or glycol slush, is an emerging energy storage technology that offers flexibility in producing both heat and electricity. The cost of thermal energy storage is primarily driven by the expensive conversion process, making it analogous to flow batteries. While there are advantages such as safety and supply chain benefits, the investment decision is complicated due to the vast array of technologies and their potential interchangeability. Additionally, some thermal energy storage systems use hydrogen as a component, which could lead to further cost savings if connected to hydrogen infrastructure. Overall, the flexibility and potential financial benefits of thermal energy storage make it an intriguing alternative to traditional lithium-ion batteries and pumped hydro storage.

    • Challenging Lithium-Ion Dominance with Gravitational Energy StorageGravitational energy storage using cement blocks and electric elevators is a potential alternative to lithium-ion batteries, especially for large-scale installations. Success depends on grid's renewable energy penetration and EV adoption, which can provide demand response and support infrastructure investment.

      While lithium-ion batteries have been a popular choice for grid-supportive storage, alternative technologies like Energy Vault's gravitational energy storage system have the potential to challenge this dominance, particularly in large-scale installations. This technology uses cement blocks and electric elevators, and can even incorporate waste products into the concrete. However, the success of these alternative technologies depends on the grid's need for such storage, which in turn requires higher renewable energy penetration. One potential solution to this chicken-and-egg problem is the increasing connection between the grid and transportation through EVs, which can provide demand response and reduce the need for certain types of storage. Additionally, facilitating EV adoption and investing in infrastructure to support it could help pave the way for the success of alternative energy storage technologies. Ultimately, the future of energy storage may involve a mix of various technologies, each excelling in different applications.

    • Advancements in battery technology and related fields are driving the future of energy storage for EVsAdvancements in solid-state batteries, high power and charge rate technologies, extreme low-cost materials, power electronics, avoiding rare earths, wireless charging, and recycling will drive down costs and increase EV adoption within the next 5 years

      The future of energy storage, particularly for electric vehicles (EVs), is exciting due to advancements in battery technology, energy storage, and related fields. Dave Schroeder, CTO of Volta Energy Technologies, highlighted solid-state batteries, high power and charge rate technologies, extreme low-cost materials, and cost reductions as key areas of focus. Additionally, power electronics, technologies avoiding rare earths, wireless charging, and recycling of materials are important areas of development. Within the next 5 years, while wireless charging off solar windows for phones may not be a reality, these advancements will drive down costs and increase EV adoption.

    • Sean Marquand's Production Contributions to CatalystEffective theme song and mixing by Sean Marquand enhance Catalyst's overall listening experience, setting a professional tone and encouraging regular tuning in.

      The creation of a captivating and engaging podcast involves various elements, such as a well-composed theme song and effective mixing. Sean Marquand's contributions to Catalyst, including the theme song and mixing, play a significant role in enhancing the overall listening experience. These elements help to establish a consistent and professional tone for the podcast, making it more appealing to listeners. Additionally, the high-quality production values set a standard for the content that follows, ensuring a positive first impression and encouraging listeners to tune in regularly.

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    Demystifying the Chinese EV market
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    Heavy duty decarbonization

    Heavy duty decarbonization
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    This week, we’re featuring a crossover episode of With Great Power, a show produced by Latitude Studios in partnership with GridX. Subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get podcasts. Ahmad Faruqui has been researching electricity pricing since the mid 1970’s, when the cost of a kilowatt-hour was flat. But in the 80’s and 90’s, he started working on dynamic pricing – pioneering the concept of time-of-use rates. The big breakthrough for time-of-use rates came during the fallout from the California energy crisis. Later, thanks to the rollout of smart meters, more power providers started experimenting with dynamic rates. Now, new technology is making time-of-use rate design more transparent. This week, Ahmad talks with Brad about why dynamic pricing is gaining momentum among electric utilities – and what makes for good rate design.  On June 13th, Latitude Media and GridX will host a Frontier Forum to examine the imperative of good rate design – and the consequences of getting it wrong. Register at the link in the show notes, or go to latitudemdia.com/events. See you there!

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    Could VPPs save rooftop solar?
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    Understanding SAF buyers

    Understanding SAF buyers
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    The news quiz episode!

    The news quiz episode!
    This week, we have something a little different: a news quiz.  We recently took the stage with four investors at the Prelude Climate Summit — armed with a bell, a buzzer, and four different categories of questions. We tested two teams of venture investors on their knowledge of the most recent industry news. Shayle Kann and Cassie Bowe, partners at venture firm Energy Impact Partners, are team High Voltage.  Dr. Carley Anderson, principal at venture firm Prelude Ventures, and Matt Eggers, Prelude’s manager director, are team Shayle Gassed. (Prelude led fundraising for Latitude Media.) Stephen Lacey, executive editor of this show and host of The Carbon Copy, quizzes the teams on the latest in climate tech news. Which team will come out on top? Catalyst is supported by Origami Solar. Join Latitude Media’s Stephen Lacey and Origami’s CEO Gregg Patterson for a live Frontier Forum on May 30th at 1 pm Eastern to discuss Origami’s new research on how recycled steel can help reinvigorate the U.S. solar industry. Register for free on Latitude’s events page.

    CO2 utilization

    CO2 utilization
    The IPCC says that we likely need to capture hundreds of gigatons of CO2 if we want to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. So what are we going to do with all that carbon? In this episode, Shayle talks to Julio Friedmann, chief scientist at Carbon Direct. Julio says we will store the vast majority of that CO2. But the markets for using CO2 in things like concrete, fizzy water, and chemicals will play an important role in developing the carbon management economy. Shayle and Julio cover topics like: The roughly 50 carbon capture facilities operating today and how much carbon they capture Why we should recycle carbon at all when we could just store it  Current uses for CO2, like fizzy water, enhanced oil recovery, and concrete Emerging chemical uses, like jet fuel, ethanol, urea, and methanol Substituting glass and metal with products that use recycled carbon, like polycarbonate and carbon fiber The “over the horizon” stuff, like making space elevators from graphene Solving the challenge of local opposition to carbon infrastructure Who will pay the green premium for products made with recycled carbon   Recommended Resources: Center on Global Energy Policy: Opportunities and Limits of CO2 Recycling in a Circular Carbon Economy: Techno-economics, Critical Infrastructure Needs, and Policy Priorities Canary Media: US Steel plant in Indiana to host a $150M carbon capture experiment NBC: Biden admin seeks to jumpstart carbon recycling with $100 million in grants Are growing concerns over AI’s power demand justified? Join us for our upcoming Transition-AI event featuring three experts with a range of views on how to address the energy needs of hyperscale computing, driven by artificial intelligence. Don’t miss this live, virtual event on May 8. Catalyst is supported by Origami Solar. Join Latitude Media’s Stephen Lacey and Origami’s CEO Gregg Patterson for a live Frontier Forum on May 30th at 1 pm Eastern to discuss Origami’s new research on how recycled steel can help reinvigorate the U.S. solar industry. Register for free on Latitude’s events page.

    Building a supply chain for rare earth elements

    Building a supply chain for rare earth elements
    Rare earth elements (REEs) are essential ingredients in electric vehicles, wind turbines, and many electronics. As with most critical minerals, China controls the vast majority of the REE supply chain. And so when it banned the export of REE processing technology last December, it raised concerns about supply. So what will it take to secure the supply of REEs?  In this episode, Shayle talks to Ahmad Ghahreman, CEO and cofounder of Cyclic Materials, a rare earth elements recycling company. (Energy Impact Partners, where Shayle is a partner, invests in Cyclic.) They cover topics like: The five high-value REEs used in the permanent magnets inside EVs, wind turbines, and other electronics The many steps in the supply chain, from extraction to end-of-life Building magnets without REEs Increasing production outside of China The role of recycling Why Ahmad is optimistic about developing a supply chain in North America Recommended Resources: MIT Technology Review: The race to produce rare earth elements IEEE Spectrum: Who Will Free EV Motors from the Rare Earth Monopoly? Are growing concerns over AI’s power demand justified? Join us for our upcoming Transition-AI event featuring three experts with a range of views on how to address the energy needs of hyperscale computing, driven by artificial intelligence. Don’t miss this live, virtual event on May 8.

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    Read: Poco F4 5G hands-on

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    Follow Gadgets 360 on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

    Write to us at podcast@gadgets360.com


    • Intro (00:00)
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    Photo credits: Roydon Cerejo/Gadgets 360, Google.

    Regulating Technologies

    Regulating Technologies
    Roger Brownsword argues that the legal community should be concerned to contribute to debates about the implications and regulation of rapidly developing and converging technologies (eg ICTs, biotech / nanotech). Roger Brownsword argues that the emergence of a raft of rapidly developing technologies (ICTs, biotechnologies, nanotechnologies and neurotechnologies), together with the prospect of significant convergence between some or all of these technologies, should be of major concern to the legal community. One set of questions focuses on the regulatory environment in which these technologies first emerge before developing and moving on. What contribution can lawyers make to ensuring that the regulatory environment is fit for purpose? In particular, how well does law perform in controlling for the risks presented by these technologies; and how well does it perform in supporting the research, development, and distribution of these technologies? A second set of questions relates to the use by regulators of various kinds of technological fix, including fixing opportunities presented by developments in these emerging technologies. In addition to checking that technological fixes are legitimate and effective, what should the legal community make of the possibility that technology might displace law as an instrument of social control? In short, lawyers should be concerned to contribute to debates about getting the regulatory environment right for emerging technologies, but they should also be concerned about the implications of technology and design replacing law as a channelling mechanism. This lecture is part of a series organised in collaboration with the Society for Computers and Law (SCL) to provide a platform for leading international scholars to address emerging legal issues concerning the Internet: its use, governance and regulation.

    citiesabc interview: Colm Murphy, Senior Cyber Security Advisor at Huawei - 5G, Cyber Security & Transparency

    citiesabc interview: Colm Murphy, Senior Cyber Security Advisor at Huawei - 5G, Cyber Security & Transparency

    Prior to joining Huawei Colm Murphy was the International Director of BSI Group's Cyber Security and Information Resilience professional services business, responsible for this business units growth beyond the UK and Ireland. Before that he worked with Deloitte and McAfee.

    Previously, as a Director of Espion, Colm was a founding member of the management team responsible for growing the company to international success. Espion's Cyber security Technology Distribution business unit was acquired by Exertis (a subsidiary of DCC plc.) in November 2015 and its Cybersecurity Consulting business unit was acquired by BSI Group in April 2016.

    Colm holds a B.A. from Trinity College, Dublin, and a Post Graduate Diploma from Dublin Institute of Technology. He has 20 years experience working in #Cybersecurity, Information Resilience, Privacy, eDiscovery & Digital Forensics and Incident Response in both sales and technical roles. He has led and managed a range of projects across EMEA, APAC and the US.

    Interview Focus:

    1. Can you tell us about your Profile and background?
    2. What are your views on how businesses and governments can cope with digital transformation?
    3. How do you see the Cyber security industry best practices?
    4. There is no doubt about the importance of Cyber security, the important is how do you cope with that and prepare?
    5. How to protect cities and governments from cyber threats?
    6. #5G is out there with a lot of challenges and opportunities. How do you see that?
    7. How do you see the unified or verified security standards in the 5G or telecom industry?
    8. What kind of challenges the industries are facing when the security standards are missing and the development progress of some security standards, such as 3GPP, NESAS?
    9. How could we measure cyber security? Both for countries, cities and businesses and What is the meaning of developing the security standards for public and industries?
    10. Can you tell us about Huawei’s progress in cyber security and security verifications? and especially  the ERNW Reviews Source Code for Huawei 5G Core Network UDG?
    11. Can you share some case studies that you highlight as good practices?

    About Dinis Guarda profile

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