
    When will interest rates stop rising? Plus, energy-saving tips to help you afford the heating

    enDecember 16, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The Bank of England raised the base rate to 3.5% for the ninth time this yearThe Bank of England raised rates to combat inflation, causing mortgage and savings rate increases, with some members suggesting a hold or larger increase, and a potential recession

      The Bank of England raised the base rate to 3.5% for the ninth time in a year, making it the highest level since October 2008. This decision was not unanimous, with some members wanting a bigger increase or even to hold the rate. The justification behind the hike was to combat inflation, despite a slight drop in the cost of living this week. This rate rise has led to significant increases in mortgage rates but also savings rates. However, there are signs of a crack in the "let's keep hiking rates into a recession" resolve, as some members suggested holding or even a larger increase. A recession, defined as two consecutive quarters of negative growth, is a possibility, but the economy may have some resilience due to lockdown savings and most people being on fixed mortgage rates. The debate continues on how severe the recession will be.

    • Economic Landscape: Resilience and ChallengesDespite low unemployment and wage growth, high mortgages, rent increases, and inflation squeeze disposable income. Central banks aim to control inflation, but its impact and duration vary between countries, with the UK potentially facing a persistent issue due to energy and food imports.

      The economic landscape is experiencing a mix of resilience and challenges. While unemployment remains low and wages are increasing, there are significant burdens for some, particularly those with large mortgages or facing rent increases. The property market has slowed, and rising energy and food costs, along with tax increases, are squeezing disposable income. The Bank of England and the Federal Reserve are trying to control inflation, but its impact and duration may differ between countries. The UK, with its heavy reliance on imported energy and food, could face a more persistent inflation issue. The peak of inflation may have been reached, but the extent of its decline and the potential for it to return remains uncertain.

    • Rising interest rates causing financial strain for homeownersHomeowners face uncertainty and financial stress due to rising interest rates, particularly in markets with high house prices and large mortgage payments.

      The ongoing rise in interest rates, particularly for mortgages, is causing significant financial strain for many people, especially in the UK where house prices are high and mortgage payments are a larger portion of wages. The uncertainty surrounding future rate increases and the potential for early repayment charges if one decides to refix a mortgage adds to the stress. The situation is particularly challenging for those coming off a fixed term and deciding whether to lock in a new rate or go with a variable or tracker rate. It's recommended that individuals consult with a mortgage broker to make an informed decision based on their financial situation. The US mortgage market, with longer mortgage terms and more affordable housing, is less affected by these rate rises. Overall, the housing market and interest rate situation is creating a great deal of uncertainty and financial stress for many homeowners.

    • Choosing Between Fixed-Rate and Tracker MortgagesConsider personal financial situations, market forecasts, and potential outlier scenarios before deciding between a fixed-rate or tracker mortgage. Longer fixed terms offer more stability but may come with higher upfront costs.

      Deciding between a fixed-rate or tracker mortgage depends on individual circumstances and market conditions. While fixed-rates offer stability, they may not always be the cheapest option, especially when base rates are rising and mortgage rates are falling. On the other hand, tracker mortgages follow the base rate but come with the risk of potential rate increases. It's crucial to consider personal financial situations, market forecasts, and potential outlier scenarios before making a decision. Additionally, the length of the fixed term is an essential factor, as longer terms offer more stability but may come with higher upfront costs. Ultimately, consulting a mortgage broker and using tools like Money.co.uk's mortgage finder can help individuals make informed decisions based on their specific circumstances.

    • Understanding the current financial landscape with L&C's fee-free mortgage adviceL&C's fee-free mortgage advice offers insights into the current financial landscape, including the growth of savings rates and potential peak of fixed rates, despite uncertainty around interest rate peaks.

      L&C's fee-free mortgage advice can be a valuable resource for those looking to understand the current financial landscape, even if you're not ready to take out a mortgage. Rates for savings have seen decent growth, with the average easy access rate now at 1.53%, a significant increase from just 0.2% last year. However, fixed rates may have already peaked, making it worth considering a fix now. As for when interest rates will peak, nobody knows for sure. The Bank of England was criticized for not raising rates sooner, as the economy proved more resilient than expected during the pandemic. Overall, it's an interesting time for both savers and borrowers, with changes in the financial landscape continuing to unfold.

    • Economic Challenges: Inflation, Interest Rates, and Energy BillsExperts predict inflation and energy bills may not return to pre-pandemic levels until the 2030s, and central banks could have started raising interest rates earlier to mitigate economic challenges.

      The global economic situation has seen significant changes over the past year, with inflation rates rising sharply due to various factors including the war in Ukraine and the post-pandemic economic recovery. Central banks, including the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve, have responded by raising interest rates to combat inflation. However, the speakers in the podcast suggest that these rate increases might have started earlier to mitigate the impact. Energy bills, another pressing issue, have also seen a dramatic increase due to high demand and supply constraints, and experts predict they may not return to pre-pandemic levels until the 2030s. Overall, the speakers express uncertainty about when these economic challenges will peak but acknowledge that significant progress has been made in a short period.

    • Predicted High Energy Bills for Households Until 2024Household energy bills predicted to remain high, potentially above £3,000 a year until 2024. Making homes more energy efficient is a solution, but cost and timing are barriers.

      Energy bills for the average household are predicted to remain high, with some firms estimating they won't fall below £3,000 a year until July 2024. This is a significant increase from previous years, and the cost of making homes more energy efficient can be high, making it a challenge for many households. The energy price cap will be reviewed more frequently from next year, but the long-term forecast is for high energy bills. The biggest risk is that these forecasts hold true and support for households is withdrawn, making high energy bills the new norm. A solution is to make homes more energy efficient, but the cost and timing of such improvements can be a barrier for many.

    • Addressing Long Payback Periods for Energy Efficiency and RenewablesGovernments should provide incentives and address energy price disparities to encourage energy efficiency and renewable energy adoption, ensuring citizens have access to reasonable energy prices for basic needs.

      Individuals and governments need to address the long payback period for energy efficiency improvements and renewable energy adoption by providing incentives and addressing energy price disparities. The speaker highlights the issue of paying high prices for dirty energy while generating renewable energy, and the need for energy self-sufficiency. The speaker also criticizes the inconsistency in government policies, such as the solar panel subsidies, and suggests providing tax incentives for energy efficiency improvements as a potential solution. The speaker emphasizes the importance of governments ensuring their citizens have access to reasonable energy prices for heating and lighting their homes as a basic requirement. While some interim measures like wearing warm clothes or using tip warmers can help, the long-term solution lies in promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy adoption.

    • Save energy and money this winterDraft proofing, adjusting boiler settings, using thermostatic radiator valves, and running appliances full can save up to £170 annually.

      During these cold winter months, there are effective ways to save money on energy bills without resorting to myths or expensive solutions. Draft proofing, adjusting boiler settings, using thermostatic radiator valves, and only running appliances when full are all practical tips that can lead to significant savings. For instance, draft proofing can save up to £30 a year, while adjusting boiler settings could save over £100. Moreover, using thermostatic radiator valves to their full potential could reduce energy use by up to 40%. These simple yet effective measures can help households stay warm and reduce their energy bills during the winter season.

    • Is it cheaper to use a fan heater or central heating?Using a fan heater for an hour to warm up a room might be cheaper than central heating for a short period, but leaving it on for extended times could cost more. Painting radiators black or leaving them on at low temperatures all day doesn't significantly save energy or money, and using energy at night is cost-effective only with certain tariffs.

      Using a fan heater for an hour to warm up a single room might be cheaper than turning on the central heating for a short period, depending on the power rating and cost of the fan heater and the price of electricity. However, if you leave the fan heater on for extended periods, it could end up costing more than heating the entire house. Another common misconception is that painting radiators black or leaving the central heating on at a low temperature all day can save energy and money. However, these methods are not significantly more energy-efficient than a white radiator or heating at a higher temperature for shorter bursts. Additionally, using energy at night is only cost-effective if you have an economy 7 or economy 10 tariff. Overall, it's essential to consider the power rating, cost, and usage time of appliances to determine their energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

    • Compare heating system costs to save moneyDetermine hourly cost of boiler vs fan heater, Boilers can be costlier but provide heat for entire home, Energy-saving improvements can lead to big savings, NatWest customer received £190,000 investment for energy efficiency

      Calculating the cost of running your heating system versus using a fan heater can help you save money. To determine the hourly cost of running your heating system, find your boiler's power output in kilowatts and multiply it by the cost per kilowatt hour of your energy source. For instance, a 35 kilowatt combi boiler with a 10p kilowatt hour rate would cost £3.50 per hour to run. A fan heater, on the other hand, might be cheaper for heating a single room, especially if you choose an efficient model with a thermostat or timer. However, keep in mind that your boiler might not run constantly for an hour if your home is already at the desired temperature. A NatWest customer recently received an unexpected offer, being one of nine customers chosen to receive a £190,000 investment from the bank to make their homes fully energy efficient. This rare gesture from the bank aimed to prove that energy-saving improvements can indeed cut energy bills and contribute to environmental sustainability.

    • Home energy upgrades: Costly but worth it?NatWest assists mortgage customers in making energy-efficient home improvements for potential long-term savings, while flight refunds through travel agents can be complicated and lengthy.

      Energy efficiency improvements for homes, such as double glazing, heat pumps, and solar panels, can be costly and may not yield significant savings for some homeowners in the short term. However, NatWest is offering to help its mortgage customers make these upgrades, which could lead to improved energy efficiency ratings and lower energy bills in the long run. On the other hand, the process of obtaining refunds for canceled flights, especially those booked through travel agents, can be lengthy and complicated, with customers potentially facing a double waiting time as they rely on both the airline and the travel agent to process their refunds.

    • Navigating financial issues and getting refundsPersistence and patience are key when dealing with financial issues and getting refunds. Keep track of your finances and consider potential loss from inflation while waiting. Stay informed with the latest money news.

      Dealing with financial issues, especially when it comes to getting refunds, can be a time-consuming and frustrating process. In the discussed situation, an individual had to go through the hassle of persistent follow-ups to get their money back from Kiwi, a travel company. Although the company eventually returned the money, it was a goodwill gesture made outside of their official refund policy. For most people, getting their money back might require a lot of patience and persistence. It's essential to keep track of your finances and consider the potential loss from inflation while waiting for your refund. Stay informed about the latest money news by visiting thisis money.co.uk or downloading their app. If you have any questions or comments, you can reach out to them via email or social media. Remember, don't miss the Digest and Invest podcast by eToro for a fun and easily digestible format to stay updated on financial market updates.

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    The return to new highs on Thursday came as a mega-mining merger bid arrive from BHP for Anglo American - and that was followed swiftly by one of the UK's few tech stars Darktrace announcing it had accepted a bid on Friday.

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    Plus, the top investment trusts for retirement investing and the latest twist in the state pension top-ups saga.

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    Base rate rise, energy cap soars and inflation predicted to surpass 7%

    Base rate rise, energy cap soars and inflation predicted to surpass 7%
    Thursday marked a big day for the pound in our pocket. First of all, it was announced the energy price cap was to rise 54 per cent.

    Georgie Frost, Lee Boyce and Helen Crane take a look at what that means, what support has been made available and what happens next.

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    Read a transcript of this episode on FT.com

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    Why Is It So Hard to Hit the Brakes on Inflation?

    Why Is It So Hard to Hit the Brakes on Inflation?

    In the struggle to control inflation, the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates five times already this year.

    But those efforts can be blunted if companies keep raising prices regardless. And one industry has illustrated that difficulty particularly starkly: the car market.

    Guest: Jeanna Smialek, a federal reserve and economy reporter for The New York Times.

    Background reading: 

    • Many companies have been able to raise prices beyond their own increasing costs over the past two years, swelling their profitability but also exacerbating inflation. That is especially true in the car market.
    • Inflation stayed far above the Federal Reserve’s goal in August, as prices climbed more quickly than economists expected.

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday. 

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    Also on the podcast, the team look at what’s happening to mortgage rates and why anyone whose mortgage needs fixing this year should start thinking about it, along with some practical tips of what they could do.

    They take a look at Santander’s recently improved 123 account – and whether it’s been bumped up enough to be worth taking.

    And finally, the cost of living crisis looms large again: is there anything the government is likely to do to help with the soaring cost of petrol and should you fix your energy bills or stick with the price cap?

    The latter is a question on Simon’s mind – as it’s exactly the scenario he is facing as his energy deal ends – he talks us through the numbers and what he will do.