
    When you've feel like you've tried EVERYTHING as a parent...

    enJune 08, 2021

    About this Episode

    Have you ever received advice from a professional and it takes all your willpower not to roll your eyes - because you've already tried that strategy? That is exactly how it feels sometimes. Today we talk about how we can shift our perspective and try strategies in a new light!

    We are so glad you're here! At Be a Problem Solver Services, our goal is to help parents raise decent humans in a digital world. Need more help addressing social media use, teenage transitions, or essential workplace skills with your child? Check out our online services here:


    Be a Problem Solver Services are Kate (M.Ed., CCC-SLP) and Cory (Ph.D., LCMHC, NCC) - a wife speech pathologist and husband mental mental health counselor who focus on bringing you information about social skill development and character building. We both practice independently, and then come together to collaborate on important social skills issues that we hear from our clients over and over again!

    Recent Episodes from Be a Problem Solver Podcast

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    Grab our $7 e-book to help you get started on practicing for tech wellness!

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    Is your tween ready for a phone? Take the quiz!


    To learn more about the Pinwheel Phone (#af), click here: https://www.pinwheel.com/?via=kate

    To learn more about Bark monitoring software (#af), click here: 


    We are so glad you're here! At Be a Problem Solver Services, our goal is to help parents raise decent humans in a digital world. Need more help addressing social media use, teenage transitions, or essential workplace skills with your child? Check out our online services here:

    Ep. 167 Should you be your kid's friend?

    Ep. 167 Should you be your kid's friend?

    We are tackling the controversial issue - should you be your kid's friend? We tend to disagree about this topic quite a bit in our household and this will probably be a source of debate in a lot of houses! Let us know your thoughts!

    Grab our $7 e-book to help you get started on practicing for tech wellness!

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    Is your tween ready for a phone? Take the quiz!


    To learn more about the Pinwheel Phone (#af), click here: https://www.pinwheel.com/?via=kate

    To learn more about Bark monitoring software (#af), click here: 


    We are so glad you're here! At Be a Problem Solver Services, our goal is to help parents raise decent humans in a digital world. Need more help addressing social media use, teenage transitions, or essential workplace skills with your child? Check out our online services here:

    Ep. 166 Loving Someone with Neurodiversity

    Ep. 166 Loving Someone with Neurodiversity

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    Grab our $7 e-book to help you get started on practicing for tech wellness!

    We'd love it if you help us grow our social following and recommend our podcast

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    Is your tween ready for a phone? Take the quiz!


    To learn more about the Pinwheel Phone (#af), click here: https://www.pinwheel.com/?via=kate

    To learn more about Bark monitoring software (#af), click here: 


    We are so glad you're here! At Be a Problem Solver Services, our goal is to help parents raise decent humans in a digital world. Need more help addressing social media use, teenage transitions, or essential workplace skills with your child? Check out our online services here:

    Ep. 165 Raising kids with honesty and integrity shouldn't be this hard

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    Grab our $7 e-book to help you get started on practicing for tech wellness!

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    Is your tween ready for a phone? Take the quiz!


    To learn more about the Pinwheel Phone (#af), click here: https://www.pinwheel.com/?via=kate

    To learn more about Bark monitoring software (#af), click here: 


    We are so glad you're here! At Be a Problem Solver Services, our goal is to help parents raise decent humans in a digital world. Need more help addressing social media use, teenage transitions, or essential workplace skills with your child? Check out our online services here:

    EP 164. How your kids should actually be studying for tests and quizzes

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    Grab our $7 e-book to help you get started on practicing for tech wellness!

    We'd love it if you help us grow our social following and recommend our podcast

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    Is your tween ready for a phone? Take the quiz!


    To learn more about the Pinwheel Phone (#af), click here: https://www.pinwheel.com/?via=kate

    To learn more about Bark monitoring software (#af), click here: 


    We are so glad you're here! At Be a Problem Solver Services, our goal is to help parents raise decent humans in a digital world. Need more help addressing social media use, teenage transitions, or essential workplace skills with your child? Check out our online services here:

    Helping your tween and teen with anxiety

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    Grab our $7 e-book to help you get started on practicing for tech wellness!

    We'd love it if you help us grow our social following and recommend our podcast

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    Is your tween ready for a phone? Take the quiz!


    To learn more about the Pinwheel Phone (#af), click here: https://www.pinwheel.com/?via=kate

    To learn more about Bark monitoring software (#af), click here: 


    We are so glad you're here! At Be a Problem Solver Services, our goal is to help parents raise decent humans in a digital world. Need more help addressing social media use, teenage transitions, or essential workplace skills with your child? Check out our online services here:

    Things parents are doing right

    Things parents are doing right

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    Grab our $7 e-book to help you get started on practicing for tech wellness!

    We'd love it if you help us grow our social following and recommend our podcast

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    Is your tween ready for a phone? Take the quiz!


    To learn more about the Pinwheel Phone (#af), click here: https://www.pinwheel.com/?via=kate

    To learn more about Bark monitoring software (#af), click here: 


    We are so glad you're here! At Be a Problem Solver Services, our goal is to help parents raise decent humans in a digital world. Need more help addressing social media use, teenage transitions, or essential workplace skills with your child? Check out our online services here:

    What types of therapy does your child need?

    What types of therapy does your child need?

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    Grab our $7 e-book to help you get started on practicing for tech wellness!

    We'd love it if you help us grow our social following and recommend our podcast

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    Is your tween ready for a phone? Take the quiz!


    To learn more about the Pinwheel Phone (#af), click here: https://www.pinwheel.com/?via=kate

    To learn more about Bark monitoring software (#af), click here: 


    We are so glad you're here! At Be a Problem Solver Services, our goal is to help parents raise decent humans in a digital world. Need more help addressing social media use, teenage transitions, or essential workplace skills with your child? Check out our online services here:

    Tech Time: Getting on the same page as your partner

    Tech Time: Getting on the same page as your partner

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    Grab our $7 e-book to help you get started on practicing for tech wellness!

    We'd love it if you help us grow our social following and recommend our podcast

    You can follow along on:





    Is your tween ready for a phone? Take the quiz!


    To learn more about the Pinwheel Phone (#af), click here: https://www.pinwheel.com/?via=kate

    To learn more about Bark monitoring software (#af), click here: 


    We are so glad you're here! At Be a Problem Solver Services, our goal is to help parents raise decent humans in a digital world. Need more help addressing social media use, teenage transitions, or essential workplace skills with your child? Check out our online services here:

    Calm conversations or screamfest?

    Calm conversations or screamfest?

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    Grab our $7 e-book to help you get started on practicing for tech wellness!

    We'd love it if you help us grow our social following and recommend our podcast

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    Is your tween ready for a phone? Take the quiz!


    To learn more about the Pinwheel Phone (#af), click here: https://www.pinwheel.com/?via=kate

    To learn more about Bark monitoring software (#af), click here: 


    We are so glad you're here! At Be a Problem Solver Services, our goal is to help parents raise decent humans in a digital world. Need more help addressing social media use, teenage transitions, or essential workplace skills with your child? Check out our online services here: