
    Who Are The Visitors & Why Are They Here - Guest : Whitley Strieber

    enJune 27, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Kroger's delicious meal options and savings vs. George Knapp, Jeremy Corbell, and Whitley Strieber's unexplored mysteries of the universeKroger provides affordable and tasty meal choices with additional savings through digital coupons and fuel points. Meanwhile, Strieber's claims of extraterrestrial encounters sparked curiosity and debate, leaving us questioning the nature of reality and our place in the universe.

      Kroger offers an extensive variety of delicious options for meals, along with everyday low prices and extra savings through digital coupons and fuel points. Meanwhile, in a different realm, the intriguing discussion between George Knapp, Jeremy Corbell, and Whitley Strieber explores the unexplained and unexplored mysteries of the universe, as Strieber shares his experiences with alleged extraterrestrial encounters and the profound impact they had on him and millions of others. Despite the skepticism and challenges to his credibility, Strieber's story sparked a wave of interest and debate, leaving us all pondering the deeper questions about reality and our place in the universe.

    • Discovering Support from Readers and Budd HopkinsWhitley Strieber's unexpected success with 'Communion' led to an influx of letters, which were managed by a local singer and actress. Interaction with artist and author Budd Hopkins provided a framework for understanding his experiences, despite later publishing misunderstandings.

      The success of Whitley Strieber's book "Communion" was unexpected and overwhelming, leading to a flood of letters from readers. Anne Strieber, Whitley's wife, read and cataloged each letter, discovering a local singer and actress who became Anne's secretary and helped manage the correspondence. The letters were stacked based on content, with the most significant ones saved. Whitley's experiences with alien encounters were catalyzed by his interaction with artist and author Budd Hopkins, who had written about similar experiences in his book "Missing Time." Hopkins' work provided Whitley with a framework for understanding his experiences, but their relationship was later strained due to publishing misunderstandings. Despite this, Hopkins' kindness and support were crucial for Whitley during a difficult time.

    • Childhood fascination with UFOs resurfacesPast experiences, no matter how insignificant, can resurface and significantly impact our present

      Our past experiences, no matter how seemingly insignificant or forgotten, can resurface and significantly impact our present. Whitley Strieber, the speaker in this text, had long forgotten his childhood fascination with UFOs until he found himself recalling vivid memories of being taken aboard one. Initially, he was convinced he had lost his mind, but after ruling out other explanations, he came to accept the reality of his experience. This realization not only transformed his perspective on the world but also saved his marriage as his wife had feared he was going crazy. It serves as a reminder that our past experiences, even those we may have dismissed or forgotten, can shape our present in profound ways.

    • Whitley Strieber's encounters with unexplained entitiesStrieber's experiences left lasting physical and emotional impacts, despite skepticism and disbelief. Focusing on physical evidence and an open mind can help us approach the truth.

      Whitley Strieber's experiences, as detailed in the discussion, involve encounters with entities that left a profound impact on him, both physically and emotionally. He moved to the University of Texas to escape his past, but was later subjected to traumatic experiences that he describes as real and inexplicable. He deals with skepticism and disbelief from others by focusing on the physical evidence of his experiences, such as scars and an implant. However, he acknowledges that it may be difficult for the human mind to fully comprehend the objective reality of these events. He also emphasizes the importance of approaching the truth with an open mind, while respecting the differing perspectives and beliefs of others.

    • Bullying and Trauma: Personal Experiences and Cosmic ImplicationsBullying, whether based on past traumas or other factors, can cause significant harm and should be treated with compassion and respect. Personal experiences of trauma can have cosmic implications, leading to unique perspectives and beliefs.

      Bullying and victimization, whether it's in the form of jokes or physical harm, is a harmful and destructive behavior that can have long-lasting effects on individuals, especially those who have experienced traumatic events like rape. The speaker shares his personal experience of being bullied and joked about regarding his rape, which he had endured for decades, and how it was a form of bullying that was as nasty as a human being gets. He also discusses the possibility that beings from another world might be breeding humans or creating a seed bank, and that this could be seen as a form of manipulation or exploitation. He emphasizes that it's important to understand the experiences of those who have been traumatized and to treat them with respect and compassion. The speaker also clarifies the differences between contactees, abductees, and experiencers, and shares his belief that some people in the spiritual community may be creating fantasies based on their experiences.

    • The Evolution of Perception: UFOs and Extraterrestrial BeingsThroughout history, the perception of UFOs and extraterrestrial beings has changed, from magical beings to advanced visitors or even part of our world. An open-minded approach is necessary if there's an official admission, as some aspects may still remain a mystery.

      The perception of UFOs and extraterrestrial beings has evolved throughout history, shaped by the cultural beliefs and understanding of each generation. What were considered as space aliens or magical beings in the past could be visitors or even part of our world today. For instance, the technological descriptions in ancient texts, such as Ezekiel's experience, suggest the presence of advanced beings that influenced various cultures. However, the common understanding of UFOs as aliens from other planets, fueled by secrecy and media assumptions, may lead to misconceptions and misunderstandings. If there is an official admission of the presence of UFOs and extraterrestrial beings, it's crucial to approach the situation with an open mind and consider alternative explanations, as some aspects of these phenomena may still remain a mystery. For example, the materials found associated with UFOs might not be of natural origin, and their origins could challenge our current understanding of the universe.

    • Exploring the Unknown: Parallel Realities and Alternate UniversesDespite the intriguing possibility of beings from alternate realities, their existence and appearance remain a mystery, with theories ranging from time travelers to advanced future beings.

      The existence of beings from alternate universes or parallel realities, with different isotopic ratios, cannot be easily proven or disproven, and their appearance to humans may vary greatly depending on our perception and understanding of reality. These beings might have technologies that we don't yet comprehend, and their motivations for interacting with us remain a mystery. Some theories suggest they could be time travelers trying to alter their own past, while others propose they are advanced beings from the future disguising themselves to blend in. The concept of parallel realities and alternate universes has gained more popularity since the discussion of such phenomena in various books and scientific papers. Ultimately, the nature of reality itself may be subjective, as our perception and interpretation of it shape our understanding. The visitors, whatever they may truly look like, are likely skilled at manipulating our perception and interpretation of their appearance.

    • Extraterrestrial visitors criticized 'Communion' with laughterWhitley Strieber's editor reported that ETs read his book, laughed, and dismissed it as untrue. Strieber confirmed the story with a lie detector test.

      The author, Whitley Strieber, encountered unexpected criticism of his book "Communion" from an unexpected source: extraterrestrial visitors. Strieber's editor informed him that these beings had entered a bookstore and read his book, laughing and dismissing the events as untrue. Despite his initial skepticism, Strieber eventually came to accept that this was not a practical joke, but rather a sign that the visitors had a sense of humor and were capable of playing pranks. Strieber even went so far as to subject Bruce Lee, the editor who had reported the incident, to a lie detector test to confirm the truth of the story. The test results confirmed that Lee was telling the truth, adding credibility to the bizarre encounter. Overall, the incident highlights the author's continued fascination with the unexplained and the unexpected, even when it comes from the most unlikely of sources.

    • Lie detector tests can reveal truths when administered by skilled operatorsDespite misconceptions, many individuals in sensitive positions undergo regular lie detector tests. The author's experiences with extraterrestrial beings were initially perceived negatively but evolved over time, leading to strange occurrences. Encounters were not negative or harmful, and the beings displayed a sense of humor.

      Lie detector tests, when administered by a skilled operator, can be effective in determining truthfulness. Despite common misconceptions spread by the intelligence community, many individuals in sensitive positions undergo regular testing. The experiences with extraterrestrial beings reported in the book "Communion" were initially perceived negatively, but the narrator's perspective evolved over time. He attempted to reconnect with the beings by visiting the site of the initial encounter late at night, leading to strange occurrences, including a UFO sighting. The absurdity of these experiences, such as the flying pile of logs with Christmas lights, was intentional, adding to the overall intrigue. The Nobel Prize-winning scientist Kerry Mullins also reported a bizarre encounter with a green raccoon, which he believed was a deliberate manifestation by the beings. Overall, the encounters were not negative or harmful, and the beings displayed a sense of humor in their interactions with humans.

    • Navigating the liminal space of UFOs and extraterrestrial encountersAcknowledge physical evidence while allowing for non-physical phenomena in UFO research, as witnessed by Art Bell's successful navigation of this space.

      The world of UFOs and extraterrestrial encounters exists in a liminal space between the physical and the non-physical. The physical evidence, such as debris and material, coexists with the testimonies of witnesses who describe encounters with beings and technologies beyond our current understanding. The absurdity and unexplainable elements of these stories serve to confirm their reality to witnesses and keep the question open for further exploration. The challenge lies in staying on the tight rope between these two worlds, acknowledging the physical evidence while also allowing for the possibility of non-physical phenomena. The late author and UFO researcher, Art Bell, who had a background as a horror novelist and prankster, was able to navigate this space well and accurately convey these stories to the public. Despite his background, his experiences and encounters with key figures in the field, such as Dr. Robert Sarbacher, lent credibility to his work. The ongoing debate and exploration of this phenomenon requires a willingness to question and a willingness to entertain the possibility that the unknown may not fit neatly into our current understanding of the world.

    • UFOs, the dead, and otherworldly beingsPersonal accounts of UFO encounters include not only physical debris and technology, but also encounters with the dead and otherworldly beings, raising questions about the nature of reality and potential cover-ups.

      The UFO phenomenon involves not only physical debris and technology, but also encounters with the dead and otherworldly beings. The speaker, Whitley Strieber, shares his personal experiences with these encounters and the strange circumstances surrounding the death of a doctor who had requested his written account. The implications of these encounters raise questions about the nature of reality and the possibility of a cover-up. Despite the skepticism and debunking efforts, the speaker believes that physical evidence of UFOs exists, and the next logical question will be to understand the connection between these physical encounters and the experiences with the dead.

    • Encountering the Afterlife and Interaction with the DeadThe speaker shares a personal experience of interacting with the dead and believes in the existence of an afterlife, which is indirectly concealed by extraterrestrial beings through government secrecy.

      The speaker believes in the existence of the afterlife and the interaction between the living and the dead. He shares a personal experience of encountering a being who confirmed this concept. The speaker also suggests that the secrecy surrounding this topic is imposed indirectly by extraterrestrial beings on governments and militaries, as evidenced by incidents like Roswell. The speaker's conviction comes from his own experiences and the confirmation from his deceased wife. He encourages an open-minded approach to understanding these phenomena, acknowledging that they challenge secular beliefs. The speaker's book, "The Key," explores these themes further.

    • Roswell: A carefully planned event for extraterrestrial contactExtraterrestrial beings established contact with humans through the Roswell incident, a significant event due to the presence of atomic bombers and potential threat to global security. They've been gradually revealing their presence and technology to prevent planetary instability.

      The Roswell incident in 1947 was not just a crash of a mysterious object, but a carefully planned event by extraterrestrial beings to establish contact with the human race. Before Roswell, there were incidents like the Trinity incident and missile shoot-downs at White Sands, which were covered up by the military. The Roswell incident was significant because it involved the presence of operational atomic bombers near the crash site, making it a potential threat to Soviet Union leader Stalin. The visitors, who had been observing human civilization for a long time, decided it was time to establish a more direct relationship with humans. They kept their presence hidden while teaching us about their technology and culture. The gradual emergence of this information into the public domain is an ongoing process, and it's happening now as the planet faces instability due to overpopulation. The visitors are intervening carefully to prevent the planet's failure, and they have a contingency plan in place. The ultimate goal is to integrate with humans in a way that goes beyond just physical contact and involves deeper spiritual and philosophical understanding. Communion, as described in Phil Corso's book, was not just about personal experiences but also about government programs and cover-ups related to extraterrestrial life.

    • Ongoing debates over extraterrestrial life disclosureDespite efforts to reveal extraterrestrial life and advanced technologies, opposition exists. Some believe ETs control disclosure, while others suggest multiple agendas. Personal encounters, warnings of cataclysms, and potential ET intervention are discussed.

      There are ongoing efforts to disclose information about extraterrestrial life and advanced technologies, but these efforts face opposition from those who wish to keep such information hidden for various reasons. Some believe that extraterrestrial beings are in control of the disclosure process and that it will continue regardless of human resistance. Others suggest that there may be multiple groups of extraterrestrial beings with differing agendas. The speaker also shares a personal story about a man who encountered extraterrestrial beings and was haunted by one after accidentally harming it. The speaker and his collaborator have warned about impending cataclysms and the importance of taking care of the planet. The possibility of extraterrestrial intervention to prevent disasters is raised, but it's unclear if such intervention has occurred or will occur in the future.

    • Encounters with Extraterrestrials: Their Interest but AbsenceDespite reported encounters, extraterrestrials have not intervened definitively, leaving their intentions and reasons for absence uncertain, possibly due to being an earthly species living underground.

      Despite numerous reported encounters with extraterrestrial beings, they have not intervened in a definitive way, leaving it up to humans to make changes for a new world. The beings have shown interest in our planet and may even consider it their home, but their level of involvement and the reasons for their absence remain uncertain. Some theories suggest they could be an earthly species living underground, carefully avoiding contact. The lack of clear communication and physical intervention from these beings leaves the future of human-extraterrestrial relations uncertain.

    • Whitley Strieber's experiences with otherworldly beings at his cabinWhitley Strieber's encounters with otherworldly beings led to inspiration for his writing and influenced popular culture, despite misconceptions from media.

      Whitley Strieber, the author of "Communion," had a profound and continuing experience with otherworldly beings that began after the loss of his wife. During these encounters, he received inspiration for his writing, particularly during the early hours of the morning. These experiences have been documented in his books and in a documentary for the Travel Channel. Whitley has returned to the cabin where many of these encounters occurred and found that the stone circle and his work are still appreciated there. He will be returning for a week-long visit in August. Whitley's experiences have influenced popular culture and our understanding of the topic of alien encounters, despite some misconceptions from movies and media. The first half of his new book includes an analysis of 11 different experiences from other people, some of which were previously published in "Communion" and some of which are new. Whitley is known for his jovial personality and tries to find the humor in his spiritual experiences. Despite the challenges and criticisms, he continues to share his experiences and insights with the world.

    • Understanding Extraterrestrial EncountersWhitley Strieber emphasizes the importance of communicating with extraterrestrial beings, despite differences in brain structure and function. He encourages an open-minded approach to the topic and highlights the potential for successful interaction.

      The author, Whitley Strieber, claims to have a unique understanding of extraterrestrial encounters based on his personal experiences. He believes that these beings have interacted with humans throughout history, often provoking military responses due to their incursions into restricted airspace. The second half of his book delves into the challenges of communicating with beings from another planet, given the vast differences in brain structure and function between species. Strieber emphasizes the importance of understanding these beings and their intentions, despite any potential discomfort or fear. He also highlights the fact that they have chosen to engage with humans, indicating their belief in the potential for successful interaction. Overall, Strieber encourages readers to approach the topic of extraterrestrial life with an open mind and a willingness to learn.

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    UFOlogy's DARTH VADER Changes His Tune About CRASHED SAUCERS - Guest : John B. Alexander

    UFOlogy's DARTH VADER Changes His Tune About CRASHED SAUCERS - Guest : John B. Alexander
    Long before the existence of AAWSAP or AATIP, there was another UFO investigation within the Dept. of Defense named ATP [the Advanced Theoretical Physics program], headed by a veteran intelligence officer named Col. John Alexander. Alexander and colleagues searched for hidden evidence of UFO crash retrieval/reverse engineering programs but didn't find any. For years afterward, Alexander was skeptical whenever "crashed saucers" were mentioned, but what about now?  His detractors refer to Col. Alexander as "Dr. Death”. He is purported to have psychic powers and mind control abilities, is often associated with the shadowy "Aviary" group of UFO insiders, and is viewed with fear and suspicion whenever he attends a UFO conference, on a par with the Men in Black or Darth Vader. Alexander chuckles about how he is perceived by ufologists. He led special forces teams into combat during the Vietnam conflict, was involved with the US Army's remote viewing program, became the head of Non-Lethal Weapons research at Los Alamos lab, and in the 90's, hooked up with NIDS, the National Institute for Discovery Science which was created and funded by Las Vegas billionaire Robert Bigelow. Alexander was with Bigelow when the businessman purchased what came to be known as Skinwalker Ranch.  In this episode, Dr. Alexander reveals to George and Jeremy how his view of the “crashed saucers” story has evolved, shares his impressions from the recent Sol conference, discusses previous attempts to achieve UFO transparency through congressional action, and gives his assessment of fellow intelligence officer Col. Phillip Corso.  Check out Col. John B. Alexander's books here : https://www.amazon.com/stores/John-B.-Alexander/author/B001HCZBZY  •••  GOT A TIP? Reach out to us at WeaponizedPodcast@Proton.me  For breaking news, follow Corbell & Knapp on all social media.  Extras and bonuses from the episode can be found at https://WeaponizedPodcast.com  To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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