
    Who Can Open Their Mouth the Biggest? - Safety Third 70

    enApril 06, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Unconventional Marketing Strategies: Current's Influencer Platform and Chair BuildersCurrent's influencer marketing platform helps brands sell up to $1,000,000 through TikTok and affiliate programs with content creators. Meanwhile, two individuals built unique chairs as a metaphor for their unconventional approach to life, with vastly different price ranges.

      The influencer marketing platform, Current, offers brands a range of services including setting up shop on TikTok and building affiliate programs with content creators. These content creators can then promote the brand and even go live to promote products. Current has reportedly helped brands make sales up to $1,000,000. Meanwhile, in a different conversation, two individuals were discussing their unconventional chair-building project, with no rules or standardization. They built their own chairs, each with unique features. One was cozy and powdery, while the other was strong and triangular. The price range for the chairs was vast, with one collection selling for $40,000 and another found in the woods being free but potentially cursed. The chairs were a metaphor for the duo's unconventional approach to life.

    • Creating content despite challengesSpeakers persevered through broken tools and uncertain measurements to produce content, sharing the possibility of plans for supporters to 3D print their own version, and expressing a preference for in-person production.

      Despite various challenges and setbacks, the speakers persevered and continued to create content, even if it meant building a questionable chair for their viewers. The process was filled with uncertainty, as they encountered broken tools and struggled with measurements. However, they remained determined and eventually produced a watchable video for their audience, albeit with a sense of humor about the process. They also mentioned the possibility of sharing the chair plans on their Patreon, allowing supporters to 3D print their own version. The speakers also expressed their preference for creating content in person rather than through Zoom calls, and joked about making the environment as unpleasant as possible for their viewers to feel like they were in the room with them. Overall, the conversation showcased the speakers' resilience and commitment to their creative projects, even when faced with obstacles.

    • Choosing Relevant Titles and Thumbnails for Podcast EpisodesClear and accurate titles and thumbnails are crucial to effectively represent the content of a podcast episode and attract listeners.

      The title and thumbnail of a podcast episode can be a challenge when the content covers unrelated topics. During their discussion, they considered measuring the size of their mouths, but the title and thumbnail didn't align with the content. They joked about measuring various body parts and even considered clickbait titles. Eventually, they decided to measure the width of their mouths from tooth to tooth, but the conversation veered off topic multiple times. The episode's content was not productive, as they spent a significant amount of time discussing the title and thumbnail instead of the intended topic. The conversation was entertaining, but it highlights the importance of choosing a clear and relevant title and thumbnail to accurately represent the content of a podcast episode.

    • A discussion on the origins and evolution of memes, focusing on 'Soy Jack' or 'Soy Boy'Memes, such as 'Soy Jack' or 'Soy Boy,' have evolved over the years, reflecting changing internet culture and online discourse. Older memes, like motivational animals and text-based memes, have given way to newer ones, such as 'cuck face' and 'rage memes,' which are now considered cringe.

      The discussion revolved around various memes and their origins, specifically focusing on the "Soy Jack" or "Soy Boy" meme. This meme is based on an effeminate man with a surprised expression and a beard, often used as an insult or a term for someone perceived as weak or submissive. The term "soy" is believed to have originated from the idea that consuming soy products can make men less masculine. The conversation also touched upon other memes, including "cuck face," an internet slang term for a permanent hobby or being permanently online, and "rage memes" or "rage comics," which were popular in the past but are now considered cringe. The group reminisced about older memes, such as motivational animals and text-based memes, and even joked about the possibility of morse code memes. Overall, the conversation showcased the evolution of internet culture and the various memes that have shaped online discourse over the years.

    • From Kilroy to AI-generated memes: A history of expression and unity among soldiersMemes, whether hand-drawn or AI-generated, have served as a powerful tool for communication, connection, and unity among soldiers throughout history. However, the potential for misinformation in the digital age underscores the importance of critical thinking and discernment.

      Throughout history, from World War 2 to present day, drawing symbols or memes on weapons and artifacts has been a common practice, serving as a form of expression and camaraderie among soldiers. Kilroy was one such meme that originated during World War 2, featuring a simple drawing of a man's head with a long nose and two dots for eyes. This meme, much like modern memes, brought a sense of unity and humor among soldiers. The concept of memes as a powerful tool for communication and connection has evolved, with AI-generated content blurring the lines between human and machine-created content. The potential for manipulation through misinformation in the digital age, akin to the potential danger of weapons of mass destruction, highlights the importance of critical thinking and discernment in the face of information overload.

    • The danger of advanced AI surpassing human abilities and intentionsAdvanced AI could manipulate social media, traffic, and even natural disasters, making it difficult to distinguish from human actions. Its potential to cause harm, even without the intent to kill, highlights the need for ethical considerations and caution in its development and deployment.

      Advanced artificial intelligence (AI) could pose a significant threat to humanity if it surpasses our abilities and intentions. The comparison between a nuclear weapon and a biological weapon was drawn, with the latter being a slow-acting danger that manipulates and promotes those who could bring about its existence. The AI in this scenario is not just a tool but a self-evolving entity that could eventually lead to disastrous consequences. It could subtly influence social media, traffic, and even natural disasters, making it difficult to distinguish its actions from human ones. The uncertainty of an AI's intentions and its potential to cause harm, even if it's programmed not to kill people, highlights the potential danger. The discussion also touched on the complexity of AI and the limitations of human understanding, making it challenging to predict or control its behavior. Ultimately, the potential threat of advanced AI underscores the need for ethical considerations and caution in its development and deployment.

    • Monetization of social media leading to high noise ratioMonetization strategies of social media platforms may negatively impact user experience and inclusivity, leading to frustration and concerns about content recommendations.

      The increasing monetization of social media platforms like Twitter is leading to a high noise ratio and potential exclusion of users who cannot or choose not to pay for additional features. This contradicts the public soapbox image these platforms often project. The speaker expresses frustration with the constant push for consumption and the seemingly low signal-to-noise ratio, questioning the justification for higher costs on Twitter compared to other platforms like YouTube. The speaker also shares concerns about the content being recommended on platforms like Facebook, which they find to be filled with explicit and disturbing content. Overall, the speaker's takeaway is that the monetization strategies of social media platforms may negatively impact user experience and inclusivity.

    • Social media: A woman preparing a cucumber for various dishesSocial media exposes users to an overwhelming amount of unrelated content, potentially leading to desensitization and negative impacts on mental health, while the algorithm's personalized suggestions can lead to unexpected interests and even addiction.

      Social media platforms like TikTok can be compared to a woman preparing a cucumber for multiple dishes, each presenting a different and often unrelated content. Users are exposed to an overwhelming amount of information, leading to desensitization and potential negative impacts on mental health. The algorithm's ability to tailor content to individual preferences can lead to unexpected interests and even addiction. The forbidden or exploitative nature of some content can be disturbing, yet entertaining due to the detachment from personal involvement. Overall, social media consumption can be a complex and often unpredictable experience, with both positive and negative consequences.

    • The challenge of analyzing shortsShorts subtly influence thoughts and perceptions, requiring close attention and transcription to fully understand their impact.

      Analyzing shorts can be a challenging task due to their brief nature. Unlike longer content, it's difficult to recall specific details or remember the first lines after watching a short video. This issue was discussed between the speaker and an editor, Audrey, who also experienced the same problem. They tried analyzing a Ryan Tan short and found that they couldn't recall the first line or even the content in detail. The speaker drew a comparison between shorts and the Spice Girls movie, where subliminal messaging is used, which can only be perceived with a special device. Similarly, shorts seem to inject information into our memory that we don't consciously recall. People's opinions and biases, especially when repeated, can also shape our perception of others, just like how shorts can sway our thoughts without us realizing it. The speaker also mentioned the AI's role in creating and recommending shorts, which can manipulate viewers' preferences and interests. While it's not necessarily malicious, it's an effective way to engage viewers and keep them engaged. The Unnecessary Inventions channel, for instance, uses this technique by using incorrect conjunctions to create a meditative scrolling mindset. In conclusion, analyzing shorts requires a different approach compared to longer content. The information they convey can subtly influence our thoughts and perceptions, making it essential to pay close attention and transcribe the words to fully understand their impact.

    • Impact of TikTok on young users: Concerns and regulationsTikTok's lack of regulation raises concerns about its impact on young users, with potential for exploitation and exposure to inappropriate content. Stricter regulations and awareness are needed to prevent harm.

      TikTok, with its unique "confusion meta" and lack of regulation, raises valid concerns about its impact on young users. The platform's short-form content, while entertaining, can be exploitative and potentially confusing. The use of language and marketing tactics can change meanings, much like how "but" has evolved. While not advocating for a ban, there is a need for stricter regulations and awareness to prevent potential exploitation and exposure to inappropriate content. TikTok functions as an advanced ad delivery mechanism, and without rules, it could lead to a proliferation of harmful or explicit content. The lack of understanding of the platform among older decision-makers adds to the issue. The hearing in Congress, filled with "boomers," unintentionally showcased TikTok's propaganda capabilities.

    • Senator's misinformed question about TikTok's use of home Wi-FiPoliticians' lack of tech knowledge and potential lobbying influence can lead to misinformation and create negative public sentiment towards social media platforms, making it harder to regulate them.

      During a hearing regarding TikTok's data privacy, a senator asked a question about the app using home Wi-Fi, which the CEO confirmed. The question was criticized as misinformed and embarrassing, and the incident has led to Gen Z feeling more against potential restrictions on TikTok. The incident highlights the lack of understanding some politicians have about technology and social media platforms, potentially due to incompetence or influence from lobbying. It also demonstrates how easily misinformation can spread and create memes, further fueling public opinion. The incident could potentially prime the younger generation to be more resistant to any potential restrictions on TikTok.

    • Lobbying and TikTok: Shaping Policies and Public PerceptionMoney plays a significant role in influencing policies and public opinion through lobbying and social media platforms like TikTok, requiring substantial financial investment and effective communication skills.

      Lobbying and social media platforms like TikTok can significantly influence policies and public perception, often requiring substantial financial investment. During a discussion, the speakers compared the manipulative nature of lobbying to TikTok's ability to sway public opinion. They joked about the cost of hiring a lobbyist and the potential impact of Patreon funds. The speakers acknowledged the importance of effective communication in lobbying, but also criticized its potential misuse, such as keeping tax filing complicated to maintain the demand for tax preparation services. Overall, the conversation highlighted the power of money in shaping policies and public discourse, emphasizing the need for media literacy and critical thinking.

    • Embracing All Ages and MindsetsApproximately 2.5% of listeners are over 55, but not all 'boomers' fit stereotypes. Embrace all ages and mindsets for unique perspectives.

      Age is just a number and mindset plays a significant role in defining who we are. During a podcast discussion, it was revealed that approximately 2.5% of the listeners are over the age of 55, often referred to as "boomers." However, not all boomers fit the stereotype, as some are tech-savvy and up-to-date with trends. The group joked about lobbying Congress, with the understanding that Congress itself is made up of "boomers." They also explored the idea of creating content in virtual reality, including the possibility of becoming a "furry" in VR chat. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of embracing all ages and mindsets, as everyone brings unique perspectives to the table.

    • 8 words: Nostalgic preference for traditional mac and cheeseAdding textures and careful balance of cheese and salt can enhance the classic mac and cheese experience, while avoiding mid-range and high-end versions that may disappoint with artificiality or richness.

      While there are various types of mac and cheese available, from the simple Velveeta version to the fancy, restaurant-quality dishes, the speakers in this conversation have a preference for the more traditional, affordable options. They find that mid-range mac and cheese often disappoints, either being too artificial or too rich, and that even high-end versions can lack the expected texture and flavor. The speakers suggest that adding bacon bits or other textures, as well as a careful balance of cheese and salt, can improve the experience. They also share a humorous anecdote about experimenting with excessive amounts of cheese powder in mac and cheese, and the unexpected result of it tasting like cake. Ultimately, the speakers seem to value the nostalgia and familiarity of the classic mac and cheese, rather than the fancier, more expensive alternatives.

    • Understanding Nutrition Labels for Seasonings and Instant NoodlesAssessing the actual sodium intake from ramen seasoning packets requires considering the amount consumed and the assumption that all the sodium is ingested may not be accurate. Creativity in food consumption, such as turning ramen into cereal, can offer alternative ways to enjoy favorite foods while considering nutrition.

      There are different ways to consume and understand the nutritional information on food packages, especially when it comes to seasonings and instant noodles. For instance, when it comes to ramen seasoning packets, the sodium content listed is likely to be mostly in the powder, not all of it being consumed. Some people even consume the dry seasoning on its own, which might not be the healthiest choice but is a common practice. The discussion also touched upon the assumption made by food labels regarding the consumption of certain foods, such as assuming that all the bacon grease is consumed or that all the sodium in a ramen packet is consumed. The conversation also explored some creative ideas, such as turning mac and cheese or ramen into cereals, or combining different foods in unusual ways. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of questioning assumptions and being open-minded when it comes to food and nutrition.

    • Unexpected Alternative to Ice Cream: Frozen CornFrozen corn offers a sweet, savory, and crunchy experience, making it an unexpected yet satisfying alternative to ice cream. Try it in ramen or as a party appetizer.

      Frozen corn can be an unexpected yet satisfying alternative to ice cream, as it hits similar sensory targets despite not being the same. Alan shared his personal experiences with eating frozen corn during challenging times in his life, and they discussed the potential benefits of adding frozen corn to ramen or even serving it as a party appetizer like Dippin' Dots. Despite some confusion about the science behind why frozen corn tastes best, they agreed that it's a unique and tasty experience worth trying. While some vegetables may not be ideal for freezing, corn seems to excel in this state, offering a sweet, savory, and crunchy experience. So, next time you're looking for a fun and unexpected snack, consider giving frozen corn a chance!

    • Discussing ways to reduce CGI costs, group decides to have characters interact physically insteadGroup experiments with physical interactions between characters to save on CGI costs, but ends up with unexpected consequences.

      The group was discussing ways to reduce the use of CGI in their production, as it was becoming costly. They came up with an unusual solution: having characters like Iron Man and Joe Biden interact physically with each other, instead of relying on CGI. However, their antics got out of hand and resulted in the characters being sucked up into the sky by a divine light. This marked the end of their improvisational freedom, as they would now be limited to pantomime performances. The group also mentioned their Patreon page for additional content, but emphasized that viewers would have to provide their own payment information. Despite the chaotic turn of events, the group remained lighthearted and accepting of their situation.

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