
    Who Was Ella Baker? pt. 1

    enDecember 13, 2020

    About this Episode

    Follow Dr. Barbara Ransby on twitter.

    Ella Baker and the Black Freedom Movement: a Radical Democratic Vision is published by the University of North Carolina Pres.

    Phil Hutchings page on SNCC Digital Gateway.

    Alfredo Lopez' wikipedia page and his current project, May First Movement Tecnology.

    Visit our website at www.EllaBakerCenter.org.

    Recent Episodes from Ella's Voice

    Life is More Sacred Than Property

    Life is More Sacred Than Property

    Watch Zach's KRON interview.

    Watch Ella Baker's full speech "The Voice that Says Life is More Sacred Than Property Must Be Heard!" 

    For information on upcoming protests in Oakland and the Bay Area, make sure to check the Ella Baker Center Twitter and Facebook pages.

    And if you are participating in actions, we encourage you to take all safety precautions recommended by public health officials.