
    Whom Shall I Fear?

    enJuly 22, 2024
    What does the text suggest about God in adversity?
    Who is the author of Psalm 27 mentioned?
    How can we find courage according to the text?
    What activities can support ICR’s mission as per the text?
    What are the benefits of engaging with the daily devotional?

    Podcast Summary

    • Trusting in God's strengthNo matter what challenges we face, we can trust in God to be our source of deliverance and strength, providing courage and confidence in His presence.

      , no matter what challenges or opposition we face in life, we can trust in God to be our light, our salvation, and our strength. As David, the author of Psalm 27, experienced firsthand, God delivers us from physical and spiritual danger, and provides us with the strength to overcome adversity. By focusing on God as our source of deliverance, rather than on the problem itself, we can find courage and confidence in His presence. Whether we are facing darkness or danger, or feeling overwhelmed by opposition, we can wait on the Lord and trust in His strength to sustain us.

    • ICR daily devotional supportEngaging with the daily devotional from ICR not only benefits personal growth but also helps spread biblical truth and encouragement to a larger audience through subscribing, rating, reviewing, and donating.

      Engaging with the daily devotional from ICR not only provides personal spiritual growth but also contributes to spreading biblical truth and encouragement to a wider audience. By subscribing, rating, and reviewing the podcast, and making a donation, listeners can support this mission and help more people start their day with faith and inspiration.

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