
    Who’s on the Epstein List? – Is it the end for Prince Andrew? – Saltburn resurrects Sophie Ellis-Bextor

    enJanuary 05, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Newspapers Cover a Variety of TopicsFrom the royal family to politics and entertainment, newspapers provide a mix of serious and light-hearted stories this week.

      This week's newspapers are filled with high-profile stories, from the royal family to politics and entertainment. The Telegraph reports that the Navy is facing a severe shortage of sailors, leading to the potential scrapping of ships. Labour leader Keir Starmer warns the Tories in The Guardian, vowing to fight fire with fire. The Times focuses on the NHS, emphasizing that it belongs to all of us. In entertainment news, The Guardian shares a picture of Britney Spears looking happy and well, while Daily Mirror and The Sun cover the release of the unredacted Jeffrey Epstein investigation, implicating Prince Andrew. The Daily Mail also reports on the prince's alleged involvement. The Sun also warns of the potential return of Donald Trump, with the headline "Operation IMPALOOPRA." Meanwhile, The Daily Star questions the authenticity of Marco Polo's tales. In the political sphere, The Telegraph, The Guardian, and The I all cover Labour's plans for no tax cuts for the next two years. The Mirror and The Sun focus on the royal family, while The Times tackles the NHS. Overall, this week's newspapers offer a mix of serious and light-hearted stories, from political battles to celebrity gossip.

    • UK Election Preparation Delay Causes Uncertainty and Potential InstabilityThe UK election's uncertain date and Labour's lack of preparation could lead to instability and inefficiencies if Labour wins.

      The UK election is expected to take place later this year, with most speculation pointing towards October or November. This decision has caused some confusion, as some believe it means the election is more likely to be in May. Additionally, the opposition party, Labour, has not yet been granted access to prepare for taking over the government, which could lead to disorganization if they win. This comes at a critical time, as the country faces a cost of living crisis. Despite this, the current prime minister, Rishi Sunak, has yet to give permission for Labour to begin their preparations. This lack of preparation could lead to inefficiencies and instability in the event of a Labour victory.

    • Prince Andrew's renewed scrutiny from Epstein filesThe Epstein files have renewed scrutiny on Prince Andrew, with no defense being put forward for him, despite his recent public appearances with the royal family. Media is calling for him to be kept away from public life.

      The Epstein files, recently released documents from a defamation case against Ghislaine Maxwell, have brought renewed scrutiny on Prince Andrew, who appears 69 times in the files. The papers are united in their criticism of Prince Andrew, with no defense being put forward for him, despite his recent public appearances with the royal family over the holiday season. The documents have revived old allegations against him, and the media is calling for him to be kept away from public life. The release of these files marks a significant moment for Fergie, the ex-wife of Prince Andrew, who has been a subject of criticism by the royal family in the past. Despite their treatment of her, Fergie has remained loyal to the monarchy and has always spoken positively about the queen. The media is currently showing solidarity in their stance against Prince Andrew, with no ambiguity regarding his public standing.

    • Fewer mentions of Sarah Ferguson in Epstein filesSarah Ferguson's name appears less frequently in the Epstein files than those of other prominent figures like Donald Trump and Bill Clinton, despite her estranged relationship with her ex-husband Prince Andrew.

      The Epstein files mention Sarah Ferguson fewer times than other famous figures, including Donald Trump and Bill Clinton. Despite her estranged relationship with her ex-husband Prince Andrew, who is named in the files, Ferguson's name appears less frequently than those of other prominent individuals. Clinton's name comes up 73 times, surpassing Andrew's mentions. The discussion also touched upon the perceived "derangement syndromes" surrounding Trump and Clinton, with some people defending Trump despite allegations, while others overlook Clinton's past scandals. The Epstein files serve as a reminder of the power dynamics and complexities surrounding wealth, fame, and relationships.

    • Creating Catchy HeadlinesA good headline is essential for grabbing readers' attention and conveying the story's essence. Be creative and submit your headline ideas for a chance to win a Papercuts t-shirt using #fixtheheadline.

      The power of a good headline cannot be underestimated. During their podcast, the hosts discussed various headlines from news articles and invited listeners to submit better alternatives. One of the headlines, "Be a dog for 11k," from an article about a man who competed with his dog in an agility competition, was deemed unsatisfactory. The hosts encouraged listeners to submit their ideas using the hashtag #fixtheheadline for a chance to win a Papercuts t-shirt. Another headline, "Spandout Belly," about pop legend Tony Hadley's complaint about larger underwear being thrown at him during concerts, was met with enthusiasm and laughter. The hosts praised the creativity of the headline and the overall story. The podcast also touched on other topics, such as a gadget to enhance erections using radio frequencies and people faking alien encounters for financial gain. The hosts shared their thoughts on these stories and encouraged listeners to submit their headline ideas. Throughout the podcast, the hosts emphasized the importance of a catchy and engaging headline to grab readers' attention and convey the essence of the story. They encouraged listeners to be creative and submit their ideas for a chance to win a Papercuts t-shirt.

    • Historical Beauty Practices: From Arsenic to Electric CorsetsThroughout history, individuals have pursued various extreme and sometimes harmful methods to enhance their appearance, driven by societal pressure and the desire to stand out.

      Throughout history, people have gone to great lengths to enhance their appearance, sometimes with unconventional or even harmful methods. The Guardian Online article by Emma Beddington explores this theme, discussing the use of arsenic and lead by Renaissance women for a pale complexion, Roman hair removal, an electric corset from the 1890s, and a radium perm from the 1920s. While some of these practices may seem extreme or even dangerous by today's standards, they reflect the societal pressure to look good and the desire to stand out. Even in modern times, people continue to experiment with various beauty treatments, some of which may have questionable health effects. The title of an 1874 beauty bible, "The Ugly Girl Papers," encapsulates the idea that people have always sought ways to feel more confident and attractive, even if it means embracing imperfection and rejecting the need for constant self-improvement.

    • The Evolution of Beauty Standards and Self-Care PracticesMany embrace invasive cosmetic treatments and self-care practices to enhance appearance, challenging societal norms around aging and beauty. Women over 40 often look better than men their age, and celebrities like Sophie Ellis Bextor inspire confidence and self-care.

      Societal norms around beauty and aging have evolved significantly, with many people embracing various cosmetic treatments and self-care practices to enhance their appearance. Some of these methods, like Botox and vampire facials, involve invasive procedures that can be seen as extreme or even borderline torturous. However, many individuals, including the speaker, feel passionately about these practices and the role they play in helping people feel good about themselves. The speaker also challenges the stereotype that women age worse than men, arguing that women over 40 often look better than men their age. Furthermore, the speaker expresses admiration for celebrities like Sophie Ellis Bextor, who continue to look and perform well as they age. Ultimately, the speaker celebrates the power of science and self-care to help people feel confident and beautiful, regardless of age or societal expectations.

    • A Week of Mixed News: Music, Politics, Navy, Entertainment, and HealthBarry Jordan faced criticism for his accent in a film, Labour vowed to resist tax cuts, Navy may scrap ships due to sailor shortage, Britney Spears took a break from music, and old beauty remedies and air fryers were topics in health news.

      The media is abuzz with various topics this week. Barry Jordan, a musician, made headlines for his performance in a film, with some commentators noting his questionable accent. Meanwhile, political news dominated the front pages, with Labour promising to fight fire with fire against the Tories and no tax cuts for two years under their proposed policy. The Navy was in the news due to a lack of sailors, leading to the potential scrapping of ships. In the world of entertainment, Britney Spears made headlines for stepping back from her music career. And in the realm of health and wellness, newspapers discussed old beauty remedies and the benefits of various appliances like air fryers. Overall, it was a week filled with a mix of serious and light-hearted news.

    • British media covers Prince Andrew's association with Jeffrey Epstein and potential election chaosThe Daily Mirror, The Sun, and The Daily Mail report on Prince Andrew's connection to Jeffrey Epstein and potential royal consequences, while The Daily Star discusses the possibility of Trump's return and election chaos

      The British media is currently focused on various political and celebrity stories. The Daily Mirror and The Sun are reporting on Prince Andrew's appearance in Jeffrey Epstein's unredacted investigation and the potential consequences for his royal duties. The Daily Mail is also covering the same story, with a focus on the infamous photo of Prince Andrew with Epstein. The Daily Star is discussing the possibility of Donald Trump's return to the presidency and the potential chaos that could bring. Additionally, there are calls for civil servants to prepare for whichever party wins the upcoming election, as the UK does not have a transition period like the US does. The media's coverage of these stories reflects the public's interest in these high-profile figures and the uncertainty surrounding the upcoming election.

    • Opposition party's access to prepare for government unclearDespite a potential Labour government and ongoing Prince Andrew controversy, the opposition party has not been granted access to prepare for taking over the government, and recent documents have kept the prince in the headlines

      The convention of the opposition party meeting with the civil service to prepare for taking over the government is not set in stone and can vary based on the prime minister's decision. However, with the current cost of living crisis and the likelihood of Labour forming the next government, it's surprising that they have not yet been granted access to prepare. Additionally, recently released documents from a defamation case involving Ghislaine Maxwell and Virginia Giuffre have brought renewed attention to Prince Andrew, who appears 69 times in the files. Despite this, some accusations against him are not new, but the documents have kept the story in the headlines. The documents' release also seems to be an opportunity for the press to criticize Prince Andrew and keep him out of public life.

    • British Press Criticizes Prince Andrew Amid Epstein ScandalThe British press is collectively criticizing Prince Andrew's involvement in the Jeffrey Epstein scandal and calling for him to be kept away from public life. Sarah Ferguson, his ex-wife, may be his only hope for a comeback due to her loyalty to the royal family and public sympathy.

      The British press is united in their criticism of Prince Andrew following the latest developments in the Jeffrey Epstein sex scandal. None of the major papers are defending him, and there's no ambiguity in their stance that he should be kept away from public life. The press seems to be showing their disapproval collectively, with no room for debate or defense. Sarah Ferguson, Prince Andrew's ex-wife, has emerged as a potential savior for his public image, as she's earned sympathy from the public for her past treatment by the royal family. Despite her own challenges, Fergie has remained loyal to the Queen and has not spoken ill of the royal family. Her support could be the only way for Andrew to make a comeback. The files also mention several other famous names, including Donald Trump, who were associated with Epstein but not involved in the sex allegations.

    • Jeffrey Epstein's Social Circle and Bill Clinton's LiesDespite Epstein's association with Clinton and allegations of sexual misconduct, Clinton faces minimal scrutiny or consequences due to supporters' loyalty.

      The late Jeffrey Epstein's social circle included many prominent figures, including former President Bill Clinton, who has been accused of sexually assaulting multiple women. Clinton's association with Epstein has been documented extensively in the Epstein case files, yet there seems to be a notable lack of scrutiny or consequences for Clinton due to what some call a "Bill Clinton derangement syndrome" among his supporters. Meanwhile, headline writers continue to produce less-than-impressive headlines for various news stories. For instance, a story about a man competing in a dog agility competition with his dog was given the uninspired headline "Be a dog for 11k," while a story about Tony Hadley's larger audiences was labeled "Spandout Belly." Listeners are encouraged to submit better headline ideas for a chance to win Papercuts merchandise. Other stories in the news include potential advancements in erectile dysfunction treatment using radio frequencies and concerns about people falsely claiming alien encounters for financial gain.

    • Woman Wakes Up with Geordie Accent After Migraine, Spice Girls Make History, Star Wars Fans React, and Extreme Beauty PracticesA woman's life is disrupted by a new accent after a migraine, the Spice Girls reach a milestone with a stamp collection, Star Wars fans debate a feminist director, and women throughout history have gone to extreme lengths for beauty.

      Our daily news consists of a mix of unusual stories and cultural commentary. In the first story, a woman named Verity Wentz woke up with a Geordie accent after a migraine and is now dealing with the consequences. The media has dubbed her a "Speeky Blinder." In the second story, the Spice Girls are making history as the first band to be featured in a 30th anniversary stamp collection. The third story touches on the ongoing culture war debates, focusing on Star Wars fans' reactions to a feminist director. Lastly, an article in The Guardian explores the extreme measures women took in the past to enhance their appearance, from using arsenic and lead as skin products to electric corsets. Despite the oddities of the past, some practices still resonate with our modern obsession with self-improvement.

    • Historical efforts to enhance physical appearancePeople have long sought to improve their appearance through extreme methods, leading to advancements in beauty treatments despite potential risks.

      Throughout history, people have gone to great lengths to enhance their physical appearance using various methods, some of which may seem extreme or even harmful by today's standards. From the use of electric corsets and radium-based beauty products in the 1920s to modern-day practices like Botox and vampire facials, the desire to look good has led people to experiment with various treatments, regardless of potential risks. Despite the controversy surrounding these practices, they continue to be popular and have even led to significant improvements in the way women age, challenging the stereotype that women age poorly compared to men. Ultimately, the quest for beauty is a complex and ongoing process that reflects societal norms and values.

    • Song 'Groovejet (If This Ain't Love)' resurfaces due to 'Saltburn' scene with Barry KeoghanOld songs can remain relevant through pop culture references and memorable performances, leading to newfound interest.

      Sophie Alice Bextor's song "Groovejet (If This Ain't Love)" has resurfaced in popularity due to its appearance in a crucial scene in the film "Saltburn." This scene features Barry Keoghan, who has become a fan favorite for his unique performance and unexpected accent. The song's resurgence on the US Spotify viral 100 chart can be attributed to the TikTok generation rediscovering it. Despite initial reservations, fans are now drawn to the film and the song because of Barry's memorable portrayal. This demonstrates how pop culture references and memorable performances can keep old songs relevant and generate new interest.

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    England flop but come out on top – Are you pale, male and stale? – How to party like a New Yorker
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    We read the papers so you don’t have to. Today: Take a chance on me. Odds are that the papers are talking about the Tory betting scandal. All work, all play. The Fence ranks industries by their staff parties. Plus – Tats all folks. The Daily Mail encourages their middle aged readers to get inked up.  Miranda Sawyer is joined by journalist Holly Thomas and comedian Andrew Maxwell. Come and see us LIVE at the Cheerful Earful podcast festival on 12 Oct. Tickets here: https://dice.fm/partner/artist/event/pyonwk-paper-cuts-live-from-cheerful-earful-podcast-festival-12th-oct-the-clapham-grand-london-tickets Support Paper Cuts and get mugs, t-shirts and extended ad-free editions: back.papercutsshow.com Follow Paper Cuts: • Twitter: https://twitter.com/papercutsshow • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/papercutsshow • TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@papercutsshow • Threads: https://www.threads.net/@papercutsshow Illustrations by Modern Toss https://moderntoss.com  Written and presented by Miranda Sawyer. Audio production: Robin Leeburn. Production. Liam Tait. Assistant Production: Adam Wright. Design: James Parrett. Music: Simon Williams. Socials: Chris Jones. Managing Editor: Jacob Jarvis. Exec Producer: Martin Bojtos. Group Editor: Andrew Harrison. PAPER CUTS is a Podmasters Production Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    Paper Cuts
    enJune 18, 2024

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    England win sends the papers crazy – Gen Z says car boots are cool now – Why your favourite crisps are wrong
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    Paper Cuts
    enJune 17, 2024

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    We read the papers so you don’t have to. Today: Keir we go again. Labour launches its manifesto as Sunak gets intimate with the Italian PM. That’s not in the Christmas ad! Daily Mail’s new features section releases fresh hell – sex in John Lewis. Plus – Scrolling through the Doom Days. The Guardian is on a quest to stop you doom scrolling. Miranda Sawyer is joined by Pod Save The UK host Coco Khan and comedian Sooz Kempner. Support Paper Cuts and get mugs, t-shirts and extended ad-free editions: back.papercutsshow.com Follow Paper Cuts: • Twitter: https://twitter.com/papercutsshow • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/papercutsshow • TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@papercutsshow • Threads: https://www.threads.net/@papercutsshow Illustrations by Modern Toss https://moderntoss.com  Written and presented by Miranda Sawyer. Audio production: Robin Leeburn. Production. Liam Tait. Assistant Production: Adam Wright. Design: James Parrett. Music: Simon Williams. Socials: Kieron Leslie. Managing Editor: Jacob Jarvis. Exec Producer: Martin Bojtos. Group Editor: Andrew Harrison. PAPER CUTS is a Podmasters Production Podmasters.co.uk Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Paper Cuts
    enJune 14, 2024

    Sunak’s Bet Shop Boy – Would you live in “Midurbia”? – Socks Education! Millennial foot shame

    Sunak’s Bet Shop Boy – Would you live in “Midurbia”? – Socks Education! Millennial foot shame
    We read the papers so you don’t have to. Today: I’m AM a betting man. Sunak aide under fire for alleged betting on 4th July date before PM’s announcement. Our House, in our unaffordable street! The Evening Standard creates a new neighbourhood you can’t afford to live in” “Midurbia”. Plus – Socks in the city. The Independent digs into “toxic sock syndrome”. Alex von Tunzelmann is joined by journalist and author Jonn Elledge and comedian Gráinne Maguire. Support Paper Cuts and get mugs, t-shirts and extended ad-free editions: back.papercutsshow.com Follow Paper Cuts: • Twitter: https://twitter.com/papercutsshow • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/papercutsshow • TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@papercutsshow • Threads: https://www.threads.net/@papercutsshow Illustrations by Modern Toss https://moderntoss.com  Written and presented by Alex von Tunzelmann. Audio production: Simon Williams. Production. Liam Tait. Assistant Production: Adam Wright. Design: James Parrett. Music: Simon Williams. Socials: Kieron Leslie. Managing Editor: Jacob Jarvis. Exec Producer: Martin Bojtos. Group Editor: Andrew Harrison. PAPER CUTS is a Podmasters Production.  Podmasters.co.uk Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Paper Cuts
    enJune 13, 2024

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    Sasquatch eyewitness “they live all around me”!

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    Is Meghan Markle's Fashion Sense Kinda Basic? An In-Depth Look at Her Style with Guest Katie Sturino, Founder of The 12ish Style

    Is Meghan Markle's Fashion Sense Kinda Basic? An In-Depth Look at Her Style with Guest Katie Sturino, Founder of The 12ish Style

    On this episode of Royally Obsessed, Lisa and Kaitlin are joined by a very special guest, Katie Sturino, founder of MegaBabeBeauty.com and the12ishstyle.com, who is responsible for the #SuperSizeTheLook movement. Together, they celebrate the Cambridges' seven-year wedding anniversary and weigh in on the royal baby's name, Louis. Also, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have made an announcement about their wedding party! Then, Katie leads our hosts into a deep dive into Markle recent outfits, with tips for how any fan can recreate them! See all the side-by-side comparisons on Katie's Instagram by following @the12ishstyle.

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    The Corrie Comedown

    The Corrie Comedown

    We can’t believe it’s already over! We’re back stateside, and we still have so much to discuss. First up: Our attendance at the Coronation concert at Windsor Castle (and getting a front row seat to the royals’ dance moves). Also, Prince Harry’s court case begins, Meghan takes a “clarity hike” and Kate rewears a fan favorite. We also tie up loose ends from the Coronation ceremony on Saturday, including (but not limited to): the Corrie grim reaper (?!), lip readers, memes, royal fashion and more. Finally, some thank yous, especially to our listeners who we met in London. What a treat! Grab some “Return of the King” beer and tune in!


    Presented by PureWow and Gallery Media Group. Follow all the royal news at purewow.com/royals. Shop Royally Obsessed sweatshirts and totes at shop.royallyobsessed.com. Follow us on Instagram at @RoyallyObsessedPodcast

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    282: Metabolic Dysfunction Disaster Fueling Skin Problems w/ Dr. Robert Lustig

    282: Metabolic Dysfunction Disaster Fueling Skin Problems w/ Dr. Robert Lustig

    You go to the doctor, get blood panels run, but you're told you're fine. However, you don't feel well. Have you ever felt that maybe there's a step missing somewhere or something is just being overlooked?? Today you'll hear from someone who might be able to give you some insight on why things have shifted in the medical system and what you can do to support health, especially your mitochondrial health.

    My guest today is Dr. Robert Lustig, MD, MSL. He is Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology and Member of the Institute for Health Policy Studies at UCSF. Dr. Lustig is a neuroendocrinologist, with expertise in metabolism, obesity, and nutrition. He is one of the leaders of the current “anti-sugar” movement that is changing the food industry. Dr. Lustig graduated from MIT in 1976, and received his M.D. from Cornell University Medical College in 1980. He also received his Masters of Studies in Law (MSL) degree at University of California, Hastings College of the Law in 2013.

    I'd love to hear if something really stuck out to you in this interview! Share with me in the comments below!

    In this episode:

    • What is metabolic health + what all does it affect?
    • Insight on the liver enzyme ALT + how it's normal range has changed
    • What are Dr. Lustig's "Hateful Eight" for metabolic health?
    • Thoughts about why the diabetes diagnosis is exploding
    • Glucose vs. fructose - which is worse?
    • The importance of fiber


    "It makes sense that the disease of alcohol and the disease of sugar should be the same, and that's why children now get type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease without alcohol." [5:01]

    "It turns out there are a whole lot of mitochondrial toxins out in our environment. But the mitochondrial toxin that you have the most control over, that you could deal with yourself in a flash and get rid of about 85% of the mitochondrial dysfunction in your body in one fell swoop, is the molecule fructose, which is one half of sugar." [20:17]


    Follow Dr. Lustig on Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn

    Check out a charity Dr. Lustig supports: Eat REAL

    Get ALL of Dr. Lustig's books:

    Looking for some healthy snacks made from REAL food? Try PaleoValley!

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 007: How To Combat Your Chronic Skin Issues By Helping Your Liver w/ Dr. Alan Christianson

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 047: Will A Liver Detox Help My Skin Rashes?