
    Podcast Summary

    • The Pegasus story and defending privacy, plus frustration with coronavirus fear campaign and gun rightsThe Pegasus story, involving phone hacking and privacy invasion, is being overlooked due to financial interests. Protect your privacy with a VPN, accept coronavirus risks, and support gun rights.

      The Pegasus story, which involves a program designed to hack phones and invade privacy, is not receiving the attention it deserves. Dan Bongino, the host of the show, believes this is due to following the money. He also emphasizes the importance of defending one's right to privacy and suggests using a VPN. Additionally, Bongino expresses his frustration with the endless coronavirus fear campaign, which he believes is detached from the data. He encourages people to accept the risks and move on. Another topic covered in the show is the growing trend of Americans choosing to exercise their second amendment right to bear arms with the help of We The People Holsters. The show also briefly touched upon Jeff Bezos' space tour, which received extensive media coverage, but the hosts showed little interest in discussing it.

    • The Power and Consequences of Advanced Surveillance TechnologyThe Pegasus malware story reveals the potential dangers of advanced surveillance technology falling into the wrong hands, and the significant profits that can be made through influencer networks in the spyware industry.

      The Pegasus malware story, which involves a potentially dangerous spyware program created by the company NSO, is an important and concerning issue that has gained significant attention due to its potential for widespread surveillance. The ability to surveil individuals with just a click of a button is a significant shift from traditional methods, which required extensive resources and effort. The Washington Post reported that despite NSO's failure to build a large business in the US, influential networks of consultants, lawyers, and lobbyists have still managed to profit from the company's spyware ambitions. This story highlights the power and potential consequences of advanced surveillance technology in the wrong hands.

    • Israeli spyware raises concerns of misuse by foreign regimes and influential figuresThe Pegasus spyware, developed by NSO Group, can be used to spy on individuals' phones without their knowledge, raising concerns of misuse by foreign regimes and influential figures, and highlighting the need for careful consideration and regulation.

      The Pegasus spyware, developed by the Israeli company NSO Group, is a concerning piece of technology that can be used to spy on individuals' phones without their knowledge. The reach of this technology is vast, and its potential misuse by foreign regimes or malicious actors is a significant concern. Moreover, the Washington Post's reporting reveals that some influential figures in Washington, including former high-ranking officials from the Obama, Trump, and Biden administrations, have received payments from NSO or related companies. This raises questions about potential conflicts of interest and the influence this technology may have in political circles. The ease with which this technology can spread and be used makes it a significant threat to privacy and security, and the lack of transparency surrounding its use is a cause for concern. The sensitive nature of this technology warrants careful consideration and regulation to prevent its misuse.

    • Controversial tech company NSO Group accused of selling advanced surveillance technology to governmentsNSO Group's Pegasus technology can hack phones with a 'zero-click' technique, allowing governments extensive, invasive surveillance without target's knowledge or consent.

      The NSO Group, a controversial tech company, has been accused of selling advanced surveillance technology to various governments, including those with questionable human rights records. In response to these allegations, the company hired high-profile advisors to improve its reputation. However, the technology in question, Pegasus, is reportedly capable of hacking phones with a "zero-click" technique, meaning the target doesn't even need to click on a link for their phone to be infected. Once the phone is hacked, the government can access messages, turn on the microphone, take pictures, and gather passwords, contacts, and GPS location data. This is a significant concern as it allows for extensive, invasive surveillance without the target's knowledge or consent. The implications of this technology falling into the wrong hands are alarming, and it underscores the need for a thoughtful and informed conversation about the ethical implications of advanced surveillance technology.

    • Big Tech and Government Threaten Freedoms Amid COVID-19 Fear CampaignsQuestion data behind fear campaigns, prioritize physical fitness, and use the Teeter Free Step for low-impact exercise to maintain health

      We live in a dangerous time where big tech and government have formed a symbiotic relationship, threatening our freedoms and civil liberties. This partnership is particularly evident in the ongoing COVID-19 fear campaign, which is being amplified by big tech's censorship of opposing viewpoints. The speaker urges people to question the data behind the fear campaigns and encourages physical fitness as a way to maintain mental and emotional well-being. The Teeter Free Step, a low-impact exercise machine, is recommended as a means to improve overall health. The speaker also expresses gratitude to sponsors like Teeter and Brian Kilmeade for speaking out against fear campaigns.

    • Fear Tactics and Civil LibertiesAuthoritarian regimes use fear to suspend civil liberties, social media limits access to info, Democrats and teachers unions push for masks and vaccines using fear, consider voting in states where your voice matters, resist fear campaigns

      The ongoing debate around mask mandates and civil liberties is driven by a pervasive use of fear by certain political and union groups. According to the speaker, this tactic of instilling fear is a common method used by authoritarian regimes throughout history to suspend civil liberties. The speaker also criticized social media platforms like Twitter for limiting access to information and fueling rebellion against these entities. Additionally, the speaker accused the Democrats and teachers unions of using fear to push for mask mandates and vaccines in schools, disregarding individual freedoms and the lack of substantial scientific evidence. The speaker urged listeners to consider moving to states where their votes have more impact and encouraged resistance against these fear campaigns.

    • Risks of COVID-19 for ChildrenDespite low number of COVID-19 deaths among children, policies like masking and school closures continue. A more nuanced approach considering each child's health and COVID's actual impact is needed.

      The risk of harm or death from COVID-19 for children is extremely low, with only 335 deaths reported among children under 18 according to the CDC. However, not all of these deaths can be definitively attributed to COVID-19, as many children may have had preexisting medical conditions or died from other causes while also testing positive for the virus. The speaker argues that we don't put masks on kids or lock down schools based on such a small number of deaths from other risks, so it's questionable why such measures are being taken for COVID-19. The speaker also criticizes the CDC for not investigating each COVID-related child death to determine if COVID was the actual cause. Overall, the speaker is advocating for a more nuanced and data-driven approach to assessing the risks and benefits of various policies related to COVID-19 and children.

    • Zero COVID-19 mortality rate for children with no preexisting conditionsDespite no deaths reported for children with COVID-19 and no preexisting conditions, schools remain closed and strict measures continue due to fear campaign. Prioritize facts and data, not fear and speculation, and focus on overall health through real food.

      The mortality rate for children under 18 with COVID-19 and no preexisting medical conditions was reported to be zero based on health insurance data from April to August. Despite this, schools have been closed and strict measures have been implemented due to the fear campaign surrounding the virus. A researcher from Johns Hopkins, McCarrie, reported this finding, yet it seems science has taken a back seat to politics. Furthermore, Matt Ridley's blog post suggests that the government's handling of the pandemic from the start and the lockdowns could have even made the virus more deadly. It's important to question the sources of information and the motivations behind the fear campaign. In essence, we should be focusing on facts and data, not fear and speculation. Additionally, prioritizing real food, like the high-quality fruit and vegetable powder from Brickhouse Nutrition, can support overall health and well-being.

    • Why respiratory viruses evolve to be less virulentRespiratory viruses evolve to be more transmissible but less virulent to maximize spread, while insect-borne or waterborne viruses don't prioritize host health.

      Respiratory viruses, such as those that cause colds and flus, have evolved to be more transmissible but less virulent. This is because the virus's main goal is to spread, and becoming more infectious helps it do so. In contrast, insect-borne or waterborne viruses don't care about the host's health, as they are transmitted by the insect or water rather than the host. Ridley Scott's blog discusses how the common cold is caused by various coronaviruses, some of which have evolved to be less virulent over time. The coronavirus causing COVID-19 is also a respiratory virus, and it's unlikely that every mutation will lead to a more virulent strain. However, there is one situation where respiratory viruses may stay virulent or even become more so: when they encounter new hosts or environments. This can make it challenging to predict the severity of new variants, but understanding the evolutionary pressures driving virus behavior can help inform public health responses.

    • Lockdowns may have hindered the natural evolution of milder strains of the virusLockdowns could have unintended consequences, such as hindering the natural evolution of milder strains of the virus and potentially leading to more severe mutations

      The theory suggests that lockdowns may have hindered the natural evolution of milder strains of the virus by keeping mild cases at home and allowing severe cases to spread and mutate further in hospitals and public settings. This theory, while not definitively proven, raises concerns about the potential long-term consequences of public health measures like lockdowns and mask mandates. Additionally, the retraction of a controversial mask study and the publication of a letter supporting the lab leak theory in a different scientific journal highlight the politicization of science and the importance of maintaining objective and rigorous scientific inquiry.

    • Scrutinize health and safety guidelines' reliabilityReliance on credible, scientific sources is crucial for accurate information, especially during uncertain times. Entrepreneurial optimism and ease of hiring through services like ZipRecruiter are on the rise.

      The reliability and sources of information, particularly regarding health and safety guidelines, should be scrutinized carefully. During a discussion about masking in offices and schools, it was pointed out that some directives lacked scientific citations or were based on non-expert opinions. The importance of relying on credible, scientific sources for information, especially during uncertain times, cannot be overstated. Another key point was the increasing entrepreneurial optimism and the ease of hiring through services like ZipRecruiter to start or grow a business.

    • Disparity in Sentences for Political ProtestersThe January 6th Capitol riot resulted in harsher sentences than the prolonged assault on a federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon, raising concerns about justice and equality under the law.

      There is a significant discrepancy in the sentences handed down to individuals involved in different political protests. Michael Hodgkins, who entered the Capitol building during the January 6th riots, received an eight-month prison sentence for trespassing. However, no individuals have been charged or sentenced for their involvement in the prolonged assault on a federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon, during which attempts were made to burn it down. The disparity in sentences raises questions about justice and equality under the law. The sentencing of Hodgkins sets a precedent for other cases, and the length of his sentence falls in the middle of the sentencing guidelines, but his actions during the riot escalated his charges and sentence above those of other defendants. The lack of accountability for those involved in the Portland protests highlights the need for equal application of justice.

    • Speaker disagrees with prioritizing facts or ideologies over individual freedomSpeaker criticizes AOC for misunderstanding capitalism as profit-driven, argues for economic freedom including private property ownership

      During the discussion, the speaker expressed strong disagreement with those who prioritize scientific facts or liberal ideologies over individual freedom. He also shared his appreciation for his audience's support of his radio show, which consistently ranks number one in the demo. Additionally, the speaker criticized Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) for her misunderstanding of capitalism, accusing her of prioritizing profit over human and environmental costs. The speaker argued that capitalism is not a belief system but rather a description of economic freedom, including the ability to own private property. He encouraged listeners to ask their liberal friends to define capitalism and expressed skepticism that they would be able to do so.

    • Misunderstanding of economic conceptsLack of understanding of capitalism, private property, and pricing system can hinder productive discussions and limit the ability to propose effective solutions.

      During the discussion, it became clear that there is a fundamental misunderstanding of economic concepts, particularly capitalism and private property, among some individuals. Capitalism is defined as economic liberty and the ability to own private property, as well as a pricing mechanism. Objecting to capitalism, therefore, implies an objection to private property and the pricing system. The only alternatives to pricing and private property are rationing or indentured servitude. The interlocutors in the discussion seemed to lack a clear understanding of these concepts and were unable to provide coherent answers when challenged. It's essential to have a solid grasp of economic principles to engage in meaningful discussions and propose viable solutions.

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    Show Notes:


    0:00:00 The Importance of Privacy in Genetic Information
    0:01:29 Comparing DNA Privacy to Other Personal Information Concerns
    0:04:07 Irreversibility of DNA Data and Potential Consequences
    0:06:07 Insurance Companies and Access to DNA Information
    0:07:56 Long-term Implications and Prudence of Sharing DNA Information
    0:09:04 The Potential of Machine Learning and Unknown Futures
    0:10:07 Privacy Concerns with Genetic Testing
    0:12:21 Money and Politics: A Problematic Combination
    0:13:21 Concerns about Knowing Genetic Information
    0:14:45 Call our Google Voice Number for Further Inquiries
    0:15:28 Science Fiction Movies Inspiring Real-Life Innovations
    0:16:55 Twinkly App-Controlled LED Holiday Lights and Featured Gear
    0:18:36 CEO of Largest Banks Steps Down from DJing
    0:19:13 Goldman's 10-year agreement with Apple
    0:20:56 Goldman's challenge in getting out of the agreement


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    Goldman Sachs CEO stops doing controversial DJ gigs


    Web Bixby has been in the insurance business for 40 years and has been an Apple user for longer than that.You can catch up with him on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

    Eric Bolden is into macOS, plants, sci-fi, food, and is a rural internet supporter. You can connect with him on Twitterby email at embolden@mac.com, on Mastodon at @eabolden@techhub.social, and on his blog, Trending At Work.

    Brian Flanigan-Arthurs is an educator with a passion for providing results-driven, innovative learning strategies for all students, but particularly those who are at-risk. He is also a tech enthusiast who has a particular affinity for Apple since he first used the Apple IIGS as a student. You can contact Brian on twitter as @brian8944. He also recently opened a Mastodon account at @brian8944@mastodon.cloud.

    Jeff Gamet is a technology blogger, podcaster, author, and public speaker. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s Managing Editor, and the TextExpander Evangelist for Smile. He has presented at Macworld Expo, RSA Conference, several WordCamp events, along with many other conferences. You can find him on several podcasts such as The Mac Show, The Big Show, MacVoices, Mac OS Ken, This Week in iOS, and more. Jeff is easy to find on social media as @jgamet on Twitter and Instagram, jeffgamet on LinkedIn., @jgamet@mastodon.social on Mastodon, and on his YouTube Channel at YouTube.com/jgamet.

    David Ginsburg is the host of the weekly podcast In Touch With iOS where he discusses all things iOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and related technologies. He is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. Visit his YouTube channel at https://youtube.com/daveg65 and find and follow him on Twitter @daveg65 and on Mastodon at @daveg65@mastodon.cloud

    Jim Rea built his own computer from scratch in 1975, started programming in 1977, and has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. He’s been a speaker at MacTech, MacWorld Expo and other industry conferences. Follow Jim at provue.com and via @provuejim@techhub.social on Mastodon.

    Ben Roethig has been in the Apple Ecosystem since the System 7 Days. He is the a former Associate Editor with Geek Beat, Co-Founder of The Tech Hangout and Deconstruct and currently shares his thoughts on RoethigTech. Contact him on  Twitter and Mastodon.

    Guy Serle, best known for being one of the co-hosts of the MyMac Podcast, sincerely apologizes for anything he has done or caused to have happened while in possession of dangerous podcasting equipment. He should know better but being a blonde from Florida means he's probably incapable of understanding the damage he has wrought. Guy is also the author of the novel, The Maltese Cube. You can follow his exploits on Twitter, catch him on Mac to the Future on Facebook, at @Macparrot@mastodon.social, and find everything at VertShark.com.



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    00:00:00 The Importance of Privacy in Genetic Information 00:01:29 Comparing DNA Privacy to Other Personal Information Concerns 00:04:07 Irreversibility of DNA Data and Potential Consequences 00:06:07 Insurance Companies and Access to DNA Information 00:07:55 Long-term Implications and Prudence of Sharing DNA Information 00:09:04 The Potential of Machine Learning and Unknown Futures 00:10:06 Privacy Concerns with Genetic Testing 00:12:20 Money and Politics: A Problematic Combination 00:13:20 Concerns about Knowing Genetic Information 00:14:44 Call our Google Voice Number for Further Inquiries 00:15:28 Science Fiction Movies Inspiring Real-Life Innovations 00:18:36 CEO of Largest Banks Steps Down from DJing 00:19:12 Goldman's 10-year agreement with Apple 00:20:56 Goldman's challenge in getting out of the agreement

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