
    Why Gratitude Is Your Smartest Investment

    enNovember 23, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Side Hustles and GratitudeAirbnb hosting is an accessible side hustle, practicing gratitude is beneficial for mental health, experiences with emailing on Thanksgiving may vary.

      Utilizing your existing resources, such as hosting your space on Airbnb, can be an effective and easy side hustle. Gratitude is another important theme, which can positively impact mental health. Regarding Thanksgiving, the etiquette around emailing people on this day is unclear, and experiences may vary. Historically, the speaker has worked on Thanksgiving and assumed people would respond to emails due to a desire for distraction. However, it's uncertain if this holds true today. Airbnb hosting is an accessible side hustle, and practicing gratitude is beneficial for mental health.

    • Respecting holiday time when sending emailsBe mindful of recipients' feelings during holidays, consider scheduling emails to send the next day, and use the season to stand out with unique content.

      While some people may be less responsive to emails or messages during holidays like Thanksgiving due to spending time with family, there is still a significant audience engaging with content. However, it's essential to be mindful of the recipient's feelings and respect their holiday time. Sending emails to friends or friendly acquaintances on Thanksgiving is acceptable, but scheduling them to send the next day is a more respectful approach. Additionally, holidays can be a great opportunity for creators to stand out by producing content, as there may be less competition for attention. Ultimately, the holiday season is a time for expressing gratitude, and it's essential to remember that beyond social media and emails, there are deeper meanings and moments to be cherished.

    • Failure as a catalyst for growthFailure can be a valuable source of learning and inspiration when embraced with the right mindset. See setbacks as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles.

      Failure, though often seen as a negative experience, can be a valuable source of learning and inspiration when embraced with the right mindset. The speaker, in sharing his experience of launching a paid newsletter and facing initial low subscriber numbers, expressed the feeling of vulnerability and panic that comes with failure. However, he also recognized the importance of failure as an opportunity to learn and connect with others. He found solace in a post about the value of every challenge and how every scar is earned. This realization led him to see his own failure as useful and a source of empathy for others. By reframing failure as a catalyst for action and growth, the speaker encourages us to view setbacks as opportunities rather than insurmountable obstacles.

    • Express gratitude towards supporters during failuresAcknowledge supporters' investment in you, even during failures, for their trust and belief in your potential

      Failure can be a valuable learning experience, but it's essential to express gratitude towards those who support us during those moments. The speaker learned this lesson when she wrote a newsletter about a past failure without acknowledging the 14 people who had paid for it. Her friend Tara pointed out the importance of acknowledging the people who bought into her idea and trusted her, even if it was just an intangible product. This realization was humbling for the speaker and made her appreciate the value of her supporters. It's crucial to remember that people invest in us not just for the end product, but for the potential and trust they have in us.

    • Maximizing what you have: Home rentals and hiring top talentMonetizing a home through Airbnb and hiring top talent on LinkedIn Jobs can bring significant financial benefits and personal growth. Expressing gratitude for opportunities and the people who make them possible is essential.

      Making the most of what you already have can bring significant financial benefits and personal growth. The speaker shares her experience of monetizing her home through Airbnb, which not only covers her travel expenses but also brings joy and a sense of accomplishment. Similarly, LinkedIn Jobs offers an opportunity to tap into a vast pool of highly qualified candidates who might not be actively looking for a job but could be a great fit for your team. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing the decisions and faith that others place in us, and expressing gratitude for their actions, no matter how small they may seem. Whether it's monetizing a home or hiring top talent, expressing gratitude for the opportunities and the people who make them possible is a powerful reminder of the positive impact we can have on each other's lives.

    • Practicing Gratitude: Focus on Specific Actions and MomentsBe intentional about expressing gratitude for specific actions and moments to strengthen neural pathways, improve well-being, and create stronger memories.

      Practicing gratitude involves more than just feeling generally thankful. It's important to be specific and intentional about the actions and moments in your day that you're grateful for. This can help create new neural pathways around gratitude and train your mind to focus on the present. Gratitude exercises like keeping a journal and writing down three things you're grateful for each day, with a focus on specific actions, can make this practice more effective. By focusing on the present and recognizing the value of the things and moments you have now, you can improve your overall well-being and happiness. Additionally, being present in a moment for about 20 seconds without distraction can help create a stronger memory of that moment. So, by practicing gratitude and staying present, you can appreciate the things you have now and set yourself up for a better future.

    • Appreciating Progress and Moments of AdditionRecognizing and being grateful for achievements, no matter the size, can deepen appreciation and increase satisfaction. Focusing on moments of addition, such as support from others, can help us appreciate progress and feel proud of ourselves.

      It's essential to appreciate the progress we've made instead of constantly moving the goalpost and focusing on what we don't have yet. Our former selves would be proud of our achievements, no matter how small they may seem in the present. The practice of recognizing and being grateful for the moments of addition can help us bathe in the joy of our accomplishments. One example of something to be grateful for is the support we receive from others, even if they are strangers. The fact that they believe in us and invest in our work creates an obligation for us to deliver the best we can. It's essential to acknowledge and appreciate these moments of addition to fully experience the satisfaction of our achievements. Moreover, being specific about what we're grateful for can help deepen our appreciation. For instance, focusing on the 14 people who believe in us, despite not knowing us personally, is a remarkable thing. We have an obligation to deliver for them and should be grateful for their trust and investment. In summary, practicing gratitude and focusing on the moments of addition can help us appreciate our progress and be proud of ourselves, just as our former selves would be.

    • The power of a support networkA strong support network provides comfort, reassurance, and growth. Being there for others creates a reciprocal relationship of support and gratitude.

      Having a strong support network can provide comfort and reassurance in times of need. The speaker expressed gratitude for the people in her life who have shown up for her, whether it be through a voice memo or a simple text message. These connections not only provide immediate comfort but also allow for growth and learning. The speaker also acknowledged the importance of being someone who is there for others, as it creates a reciprocal relationship of support and gratitude. Ultimately, having a network of trusted individuals can help alleviate fear and uncertainty, making everyday challenges feel more manageable.

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