
    Why I'm Ready to Risk it All for VeeFriends | Blockchain & Booze Podcast

    enSeptember 29, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Gary Vaynerchuk's Transition to the Blockchain SpaceGary Vaynerchuk, a digital content and marketing expert, sees the blockchain space as a natural extension of his career and is now an active participant and investor in the NFT market.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, a well-known figure in the digital content and marketing world, has transitioned his focus to the blockchain space, viewing it as a natural extension of his career. He sees himself as a Vince McMahon or Walt Disney to the Hulk Hogan or Mickey Mouse personas he has built for himself in the public eye. Vaynerchuk was drawn to NFTs around March 2020 but was preoccupied with navigating his business through the COVID-19 pandemic. He believes that the blockchain space offers him new opportunities and ambitions, and he views his public persona, Gary Vee, as a gateway to these ventures. The community aspect and the potential of NFTs resonated with him, and he's now an active participant and investor in the space.

    • Gary Vaynerchuk's Enthusiasm for NFTs: Art, Collecting, and Human PsychologyGary Vaynerchuk is bullish on NFTs, seeing them as a game-changer for art, collecting, and human psychology. Through smart contracts and emotional signaling, NFTs offer utility and represent a shift in power back to creators.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, a businessman and internet personality, shares his excitement and belief in the potential of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) and the impact they will have on art, collecting, and human psychology. He emphasizes the utility of NFTs through smart contracts and emotional signaling, and how they represent a shift in power back to creators. Vaynerchuk also mentions his personal experiences, including raising funds for charity and discovering NBA Top Shot, which sparked his interest in NFTs. He sees NFTs as an indication of a person's identity and a way for creators to have accountability and control over their work. Vaynerchuk's bullishness on NFTs stems from his understanding of the technology and the human psychology behind it. He believes that NFTs will change the way we collect, own, and communicate value, and he's grateful to be in the prime of his career during this emerging trend.

    • Valuing Transparency and Authenticity in Web3Support each other's projects, stay true to values, focus on long-term perspective, and create value in the web3 community.

      In the world of NFTs and web3 projects, reputation and merit are key. The speaker shares his personal experiences of the unfair practices in the startup world and how he's learned to value transparency and authenticity in the blockchain space. He emphasizes the importance of supporting each other's projects and cheering for their success, as all boats will rise with the tide. The speaker also highlights the importance of staying true to one's beliefs and values, and not getting swayed by short-term gains or market fluctuations. He encourages a long-term perspective and a focus on building a strong brand and infrastructure. Ultimately, the speaker believes that everyone should aim to create value and make a positive impact in the web3 community.

    • Transparency in NFT MarketplacesNFT marketplaces offer complete transparency into provenance, ownership history, and real-time offers, eliminating the need for deceitful tactics and creating a level playing field for all participants.

      The NFT marketplace represents a radical shift from traditional art sales at auction houses like Christie's, with transparency being a key differentiator. The use of blockchain technology enables complete visibility into the provenance, ownership history, and real-time offers for NFTs, eliminating the need for "skullduggery and cloak and dagger tactics" that were common in the fine art world. This transparency not only makes the business more straightforward but also holds individuals accountable for their actions in the marketplace. The excitement and enthusiasm for this new way of buying and selling art are driven by the people involved, and the NFT marketplace is a space where everyone has equal access to information, making it a level playing field.

    • NFT market growth and Christie's latest salesChristie's latest sales accelerate NFT buying and selling process, featuring top-tier NFTs and physical items, with upcoming live auctions in Hong Kong and New York.

      The NFT market is experiencing rapid growth and development, with platforms like OpenSea accelerating the buying and selling process to hours instead of months. This was highlighted during the discussion about the latest Christie's sale featuring Gary Vaynerchuk, where the excitement was palpable as the community received constant updates and offers for their NFTs. Christie's is currently running an auction called "No Sound Like Present" in Hong Kong, which includes a collection of top-tier NFTs and physical items, such as a George Kondo painting and an amazing watch. The next sale, "October 1st post quarter presence," will take place in New York and will be the first live auction in Ethereum, featuring historic NFTs like the full set of Curio Cards and blocks curated full sets 1, 2, and 3 from the private collection of mister Barcela. The NFT community is buzzing with excitement for these sales and the opportunities they present.

    • Early NFT artifacts hold significant valueEarly NFT artifacts, like original drawings and authenticated pieces, are expected to become increasingly valuable due to their historical significance and rarity.

      The early history of the NFT industry holds significant value, as evidenced by the importance of original drawings and artifacts from the inception of popular intellectual properties. Gary Vaynerchuk, for instance, trusted the speaker with five original drawings from the early days of VeeFriends, which are not technically NFTs but crucial artifacts. The speaker also shares his personal connection to these early pieces, having drawn the first character in the same spot where he launched VeeFriends and having the original drawings authenticated by PSA. The speaker's focus on intellectual property build and belief in the long-term value of these early pieces aligns with the excitement collectors feel about owning unique, authentic pieces, whether they're related to comics, movies, baseball cards, or NFTs. The speaker's son, for instance, sees no difference between digital and physical collectibles. As the NFT industry continues to evolve, these early pieces are expected to become increasingly valuable.

    • Digital Disruption and New Levels of Utility and ValueThe digital world offers new levels of utility and value, appealing to younger generations, despite the challenges of physical ownership. Art and sports examples illustrate this shift, and while skepticism exists, focusing on innovation and potential is crucial.

      The digital world, specifically NFTs and metaverses, is disrupting traditional industries and challenging societal norms. The speaker argues that despite the tedious and cumbersome aspects of physical ownership, the digital world offers new levels of utility and value that are increasingly appealing to younger generations. He uses examples from art and sports to illustrate this point, emphasizing that what was once considered worthless or stupid is now seen as valuable and innovative. However, the speaker also acknowledges the skepticism and resistance to these changes, urging people to focus on the innovation and potential rather than the perceived negatives. He encourages embracing the new paradigm shift and learning from it, even if it seems a little insane at first. In essence, the digital world is changing the way we perceive value and ownership, and those who can adapt and embrace it will be at the forefront of this global industry.

    • Global Phenomenon of NFTs: Quick Wealth Creation, Risks, and Geopolitical ChangeNFTs are a global trend, driven by young people for quick wealth creation, but come with risks. Regulation is needed to protect good actors and prevent harm. Christie's, led by Noah Davis, is well-positioned to navigate this new frontier.

      We are witnessing a global phenomenon with NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) that is happening at an unprecedented speed. This trend is not limited to the United States and is multilingual, with young people leading the charge. The appeal lies in the potential for quick wealth creation, although this comes with risks. The behavior of those involved is reminiscent of past tech booms, with some comparing it to the dotcom bubble. However, the infrastructure of NFTs has the potential for geopolitical change. It's essential to be educated about NFTs and not be swayed by hype or tips. Regulation is needed to protect good actors and prevent bad actors from causing harm. Christie's, led by young Noah Davis, is well-positioned to navigate this new frontier, as it has already proven successful in the crypto art market.

    • The Importance of Staying Informed and Long-Term Perspective in Emerging IndustriesStay informed in emerging industries, invest with knowledge and conviction, and adopt a long-term perspective for potential gains.

      Staying informed and putting in the necessary research and effort is crucial in the rapidly evolving world of technology and innovation. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being knowledgeable in emerging industries like cryptocurrency, as it could lead to valuable opportunities and financial gains. He also highlights the global nature of these industries and the adaptability of the US market to attract top talent. The speaker warns against the hype and quick-flip mentality and encourages a long-term, well-researched approach. He also shares his personal experience of investing in CryptoPunks and the importance of conviction in making decisions. Overall, the key takeaway is the value of dedication, knowledge, and a long-term perspective in the ever-changing landscape of technology and innovation.

    • Navigating the NFT and Web 3 Industry: Embrace Your Role and StrengthsUnderstand your role and expertise in the NFT and web 3 industry, lean into your strengths, and embrace the learning process for success.

      The digital world, particularly in the realm of NFTs and web 3, is evolving at an incredible pace. What was once considered ridiculous or impractical is now becoming the norm. It's important for individuals to understand their role and expertise within this space. Some may excel as creators, while others may thrive in areas like PR or long-term investment. Personal experiences and skills play a significant role in navigating this industry. For instance, Gary Vaynerchuk, who learned the web through hands-on experience, saw an opportunity to create his own NFT project, VeeFriends, despite initial challenges and setbacks. The key is to double down on your strengths and embrace the learning process, even during tough times. The NFT and web 3 industry may seem risky to some, but its potential for growth is immense.

    • Learning Opportunities in the NFT IndustryThe NFT industry offers valuable learning experiences for young individuals, surpassing those of traditional tech companies in the early years. Anyone can find a place and contribute meaningfully.

      The NFT industry offers immense learning opportunities for young individuals, even more so than working for large tech companies in the first few years. The speaker, who has experience in both the art and NFT worlds, emphasizes that anyone can find their fit in this space and contribute meaningfully. He believes that while some traditional art enthusiasts remain skeptical, many more are starting to explore NFTs with curiosity and openness. The resistance to NFTs among some art world figures may be driven by financial concerns or aesthetic preferences, but ultimately, the speaker suggests that those who are open to change and new possibilities will thrive in this paradigm shift.

    • Exploring the Diverse Range of NFT CollectorsFrom traditional art collectors to newcomers, the NFT market is seeing a surge in interest. Transparency in transactions is both a selling point and a potential source of misinformation.

      The NFT market is attracting a diverse range of collectors, from the old guard blue chip fine art world to newcomers. The process of entering the market can be intimidating for some, requiring the creation of a digital wallet and navigating the complexities of NFT transactions. Notable collectors have been making moves in the market, and there's a sense that we're only at the beginning of this phenomenon. As people become more serious about collecting NFTs, they're likely to make larger purchases. Transparency is a double-edged sword, as the public nature of NFT transactions can lead to speculation and potential misinformation. However, for collectors like Gary Vaynerchuk, the transparency is a selling point, allowing everyone to see their purchases and collections. The market continues to evolve, with whales making significant moves that can shake up the market.

    • Importance of transparency and authenticity in cryptoBeing open and transparent in crypto projects builds trust and helps filter out spammers. Authenticity and courage are key to navigating the crypto world's opportunities and pitfalls.

      Transparency and authenticity are crucial in the crypto world, especially when it comes to NFTs and airdrops. The speaker shared his experience of being frustrated with anonymous airdrops and the negative impact they can have on the community. He emphasized the importance of being open and transparent in projects, as opposed to hiding behind anonymity. The speaker also discussed the challenges of filtering out the good projects from the bad ones, with the current situation of too many spammers making it difficult for legitimate projects to reach their audience. He concluded by encouraging courage and a willingness to take risks in the face of uncertainty, as the crypto world is full of opportunities but also potential pitfalls. The speaker's overall message was that while the crypto world can be chaotic and overwhelming, being authentic and transparent can help navigate the space and make the most of its potential.

    • Embrace conviction and take bold actionFocus on minimizing regret by fearlessly executing ideas and leaning into personal convictions

      Importance of embracing conviction and taking bold action, even if it means taking risks and potentially facing failure. Gary and Noah emphasized the unique position we all hold as individuals with access to vast amounts of information that the majority of the world is unaware of. They encouraged listeners to execute their ideas fearlessly and focus on minimizing regret. It's a critical time to lean into your convictions and make a difference. If you're inspired by this podcast, consider leaving a review to share your experience and potentially receive a shout-out. Your support means a lot and helps spread the word about this worthwhile content. Find Gary on Twitter @garyvee and Noah @nonfungiblenoah. Thank you for tuning in and for those who have left reviews, your support is greatly appreciated.

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