
    Podcast Summary

    • Obama's Claim of Impossibility of Election Interference vs. Preparing for EmergenciesFormer President Obama underestimated election interference risks, while it's crucial to be prepared with a reliable food supply, such as a two-week emergency kit, and individuals can make a difference through bravery and quick thinking.

      Former President Barack Obama once claimed that election interference was impossible during his tenure, despite later accusations against Russia's involvement in the 2016 election through the Trump campaign. Meanwhile, it's essential to prepare for emergencies by ensuring a reliable food supply. A simple way to start is by purchasing a two-week emergency food kit. The heroism of individuals, like combat vet Oscar Stewart, who bravely intervened during the California synagogue attack, is also worth acknowledging. Stewart's loud screams reportedly scared off the shooter, potentially saving lives.

    • Heroism of First Responders, Military, and Law EnforcementFirst responders, military personnel, and law enforcement show immense bravery, saving lives through training and preparation. Media scrutiny inconsistency should not overshadow their selflessness and dedication, while accountability for those in power is essential.

      The real heroism of first responders, military personnel, and law enforcement lies in their decision to train and prepare for dangerous situations, allowing them to act courageously when faced with horror. Despite their humility, their bravery is invaluable and saves lives. Another notable point is the inconsistency in media scrutiny, as Barack Obama's administration's role in the Spygate scandal and Russian interference in the 2016 election has received minimal attention. Regardless, it's crucial to acknowledge and appreciate the selflessness and dedication of our heroes and the importance of holding those in power accountable for their actions.

    • Obama administration's role in Russia investigationNewly released texts between FBI officials reveal Obama admin's desire for a unified message and raise questions about their involvement in Russia investigation

      The Obama administration's involvement in the Russia investigation and the subsequent spying scandal against the Trump team has been a significant issue that has received less attention than it deserves. The texts between FBI officials discussing the White House's involvement in the investigation and their desire to keep everything consistent raise questions about what exactly the Obama administration was running and what they knew. Despite the importance of these issues, there seems to be a lack of interest from the media in getting to the bottom of what happened during Obama's presidency. The convenient timing of these texts and the White House's desire for a unified message between the FBI and CIA add to the intrigue. It is crucial to remember these texts and the questions they raise as we continue to examine the role of the Obama administration in the Russia investigation.

    • Obama Dismissed Trump's Voter Fraud Concerns, But Russian Interference Was Later ConfirmedDespite Obama's dismissal of Trump's voter fraud claims, Russian interference in the 2016 US elections was later confirmed. The media's role in shaping public discourse and holding those in power accountable is crucial.

      During the 2016 presidential campaign, then-candidate Donald Trump raised concerns about voter fraud and election integrity. In response, then-President Barack Obama held a press conference in the Rose Garden to dismiss these concerns, stating that serious people do not believe US elections can be rigged or stolen. However, later investigations revealed that Russian interference in the elections did occur. Despite Obama's earlier statements, his administration was reportedly aware of Russian activities before the election. Yet, the Obama White House escaped significant scrutiny at the time, and the media has been criticized for not asking more questions about the situation. This is a significant example of the media's role in shaping public discourse and the importance of holding those in power accountable for their actions.

    • Shifting political landscape limits civil liberties under progressive policiesThe left's increasing desire to suppress opposing viewpoints and restrict individual freedoms is evident in calls for bans on right to work laws, which ensure workers' freedom to choose union membership.

      The political landscape is shifting towards policies that limit civil liberties, specifically the right to join unions, under the guise of progressive policies. Kamala Harris, a potential presidential candidate, recently called for a ban on right to work laws, which allow workers to choose whether or not to join a union. This issue goes beyond unions, as it's an example of the left's increasing desire to suppress opposing viewpoints and restrict individual freedoms. The right to work laws do not hinder unions' ability to organize but rather ensure workers are not forced to join against their will. It's essential to understand the difference between the union concept and being compelled to join one. The freedom to choose is a fundamental right that should not be infringed upon, regardless of potential externalities. The ongoing trend towards limiting civil liberties is a concerning development that warrants close attention.

    • Firefighter unions use dues for political causesFirefighters should question union spending and advocate for their interests, as some may not align with union's political views, potentially impacting their personal interests. Democrats criticized for pension issues and union freedom at risk.

      Firefighter unions, including those represented by the gentleman in question, use members' dues to support political candidates, regardless of whether those members personally support the candidate. This raises concerns for firefighters who may not align with the political views of their union, particularly when those views seem to contradict their personal interests. The speaker urges firefighters to question the use of their dues and to consider advocating for themselves if they feel their interests are not being represented. Additionally, the speaker criticizes Democrats for contributing to pension problems and warns against potential restrictions on workers' ability to choose whether or not to join a union.

    • Democrats criticize business monopolies but support labor union monopoliesDemocrats argue against business monopolies due to free market involvement, but support education union monopolies due to political alignment

      The Democratic Party's stance on monopolies is inconsistent. They criticize monopolies in business but support them in labor unions. The reason for this contradiction lies in where the money is directed. In healthcare, the majority of funds remain in the free market, while in education, a significant portion goes to unions, which support Democratic interests. Therefore, the Democrats argue against monopolies in healthcare due to the free market involvement, but in education due to the union monopoly. This inconsistency exposes a hypocritical stance on monopolies.

    • CNN Host Chris Cuomo's Misunderstanding of the Special Counsel's RoleMisunderstanding the relationship between the Special Counsel and the Department of Justice can lead to confusion about ongoing investigations. The Special Counsel is not a separate branch of government but rather part of the DOJ. Despite no criminal cooperation or conspiracy found, investigations into the Trump administration continue to cast a shadow.

      Chris Cuomo, a CNN host, was corrected by Michael Mukasey, a skilled lawyer, regarding his misunderstanding of the relationship between the Special Counsel and the Department of Justice. Cuomo incorrectly believed that the Special Counsel was a separate branch of government, but Mukasey explained that it is actually part of the Department of Justice. This misunderstanding led to further confusion about the investigation into the Trump administration and the role of the Department of Justice in it. Another takeaway is that the investigation into the Trump administration has been ongoing for nearly two years, and despite no criminal level cooperation or conspiracy being found, the administration continues to labor under its shadow. Lastly, it's important to note that the Special Counsel cannot indict or impeach, and any decisions regarding these actions lie with Congress.

    • CNN Host Mistakenly Believed Congress Could Indict IndividualsCNN host Chris Cuomo misunderstood the roles of Congress and the executive branch in indictments, highlighting the importance of accurate knowledge to avoid confusion and misinformation.

      Chris Cuomo, a CNN host, was confused about the roles and responsibilities of different branches of government regarding indictments. He mistakenly believed that Congress could indict individuals, but in reality, they have the power to impeach and conduct trials in the Senate, while indictments come from the executive branch through the Department of Justice. This misunderstanding highlights the importance of having a solid understanding of the functions and limitations of each branch of government. It's crucial for individuals, especially those in the media, to have accurate knowledge to avoid misinformation and confusion.

    • National debt crisis hindering potential economic prosperityGovernment spending on entitlement programs is a significant concern, prioritize taking care of older generations while acknowledging financial insecurity for future generations.

      The national debt crisis is a significant concern due to the government's excessive spending on entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare, which is hindering potential economic prosperity. The debt situation keeps Dan Bongino up at night, and he believes the government should prioritize taking care of those 55 and older while acknowledging that there is no financial security for generations to come with these programs for those younger. The genetic ancestry offer mentioned earlier ends on May 13th, but the discussion primarily focused on the severity of the debt crisis and its impact on the country's future prosperity.

    • Entitlement Funds: Some Improve, Others Face InsolvencyDespite some improvements in certain entitlement funds, others like the Medicare hospital trust fund are projected to run out of money soon. Moral arguments don't solve the financial problem, but people returning to work contribute to revenue. Obamacare's popularity may be due to hidden downsides being eliminated, leaving only benefits.

      While some entitlement funds like the Disability Fund have seen positive changes due to a recovering economy and reduced fraud, other funds like the Medicare hospital trust fund are projected to go broke soon. The speaker emphasized that people's tax dollars have been spent and cannot be magically returned, and that moral arguments do not solve the financial problem. However, there is a silver lining as people who were on disability and are now able to rejoin the workforce become taxpayers themselves, contributing to the revenue needed for social security and other benefits. Unfortunately, the Medicare hospital trust fund is expected to run out of money by 2026, and the Obamacare tax that was supposed to help finance it has not had the intended effect. The speaker concluded by noting that Obamacare's popularity may be due to the fact that its downsides have been largely eliminated, leaving only the benefits for many Americans.

    • Obamacare's Impact on Entitlement ProgramsObamacare's popularity strains tax dollars, potentially leading to a two-tiered healthcare system, and underscores the need for entitlement reforms

      The popularity of Obamacare, despite its flaws, poses a significant challenge for the future of other entitlement programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. With Obamacare's individual mandate and tax penalty eliminated, more people are receiving "free" healthcare benefits, which will compete for limited tax dollars. This could lead to a two-tiered healthcare system, with the wealthy and privileged having access to private insurance and high-quality care, while those dependent on government programs face rationed care and longer waiting lines. The speaker urges the need to address the financial unsustainability of entitlement programs and consider reforms to ensure their long-term viability.

    • Sally Yates calls for Trump indictment based on shifting political landscapeDespite lack of credibility due to past fabrications, Sally Yates calls for Trump indictment to deflect attention from Obama admin's spying scandals

      Sally Yates, a former acting attorney general, is calling for the indictment of President Trump on obstruction charges due to her involvement in the Flynn investigation during the transition period and her belief that he could be subjected to Russian blackmail. However, her motivations for speaking out now are not based on the merits of the case but rather on the shifting political landscape, as the focus has moved from the debunked collusion hoax to the Obama administration's spying scandals. Yates's claims are not credible, as she previously fabricated a legal theory about Russian blackmail and signed one of the FISA warrants used to spy on the Trump team based on discredited information. Her statements should be viewed with skepticism as she is trying to refocus attention back on Trump to deflect from the scrutiny she and other Obama administration officials are facing for their role in the weaponization of the police state against the Trump team.

    • Support Our ShowSubscribing to our channels and podcasts helps expand our reach and make a significant impact on our ability to share information with a wider audience.

      Your support is essential to keep our content accessible. During today's show, we encouraged our audience to subscribe to our YouTube channel, podcast on iTunes, iHeart, and SoundCloud. These subscriptions are free, but they help us reach more people by boosting our rankings. Our sponsors cover the production costs, but your subscriptions help us expand our reach. We deeply appreciate your support and look forward to bringing you more content tomorrow. So, in essence, your actions, no matter how small, can make a significant impact on our ability to share information with a wider audience. Thank you for being a part of our community.

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    You can connect with Kensi on Instagram @kensiduszynski and check out her website bravemarriage.com


    P.S. On Friday 13 December, the Freedom Method Mentorship is officially open to the public.  It's the only way to work with me in 2020 for health coaching.  Join me on a 6 month walk of faith, where you will experience massive transformation and find true freedom in your body and mind - register here: https://chasingfreedom.lpages.co/fmm-sales-page/.


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    During this episode, we speak with a digital transformation expert who operates on a global stage. Falk Bothe carries responsibility for driving transformations and developing the top forty leaders for the Volkswagen Group - one of the largest companies in the world. In his role, Falk helps top executives cut through the inertia of a successful past to envision and take advantage of the future. Throughout the conversation, Falk advises transformation leaders and shares his views on the disruption occurring in the automotive industry. Falk discusses his “top three”, which includes peers and family as well as someone who is his direct report and highlights how learnings from rock acrobatics (yes, you read that right!) carries over to his work.

    AbouT falk bothe

    Falk Bothe (48), since January 1st 2017 Director Digital Transformation Office at Volkswagen AG is responsible for the Digitalization Program Management, Committees and overall Change Management for Digital Transformation within the Volkswagen Group. He reports to Jürgen Rittersberger, Chief of Staff and Chief Strategy Officer of Volkswagen AG.

    Before that, he was Executive Assistant to the CDO from January 2016 on, responsible for the organizational buildup, Recruiting, Event Management, and organizational set up of Volkswagen Group Future Centers California and Asia. From 2010 to 2015 he worked at Volkswagen Consulting as Organizational Development Consultant, responsible for multiple Change Management Projects, such as Vision, Mission, Strategy and Leadership Development, Transformation and Business Reengineering, designing and facilitating major events for multinational Customers within the Volkswagen Group on all hierarchy levels. He was responsible for the Product Development of Business Reengineering Interventions, Communication and Corporate design of Volkswagen Change Management. Since 2014 he is guest lecturer for Organizational Change at TU Braunschweig and Hochschule Osnabrück, University of applied science.

    Falk Bothe was born on 18th April 1971, in Braunschweig, Germany. He holds a Business Administration Degree, Dipl.-Kaufmann (FH) from Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode. He is a certified Business Coach, specialized in Provocative Style (DIP Munich), coaching both Top Managers and Organizations. He also holds a Harvard Kennedy School Executive Certificate in Public Leadership. He was semi-professional competitive Dancer in Rock Acrobatic for 25 years, multiple Winner of National Competitions, World Masters Finalist and Member of the German Rock Acrobatic National Team from 2006 – 2008 and as Main Class instructor coaches couples on international level.

    Falk Bothe is married and has two Children.

     Show Highlights

    Segment 1: Introduction

    1:48        Battling Structural Inertia: Being a change agent and transformation leader at a global scale.

    4:48        Falk’s background: From banking to digital to transforming an automotive giant.

    10:01      The Volkswagen Group: 12 brands. 153 countries. 122 product facilities. 656,000 worldwide employees.

    Segment 2: Brave Leadership & the “Top Three”

    15:03      Falk’s “Top Three”: Daniel Mulhern & Jennifer Granholm – Living leadership. (Books. LinkedIn.)

    15:33      Falk’s “Top Three”: Ulrika Bothe – Understanding both the personal and business context.

    17:06      Falk’s “Top Three”: Michael Köhler – Development through ‘drafting’ and the value of adaptive leadership. (Harvard Kennedy School.)

    19:30      Adaptive Leadership: Technical Challenges vs. Adaptive Challenges. (Ronald Heifetz.)

    22:36      Falk’s “Top Three”: Martin Akar – Pushing for improvement on a daily basis. (MHP Consulting.)

    24:55      Falk’s “Top Three”: Diana Lingg – Having a ‘gut feel’ for what will work.

    26:56      Falk’s “Top Three”: Iris Bothe – How to leverage the intrinsic part of leadership.

    Part 3: Industry Disruption & Transformation

    31:30      “Companies have a big responsibility for the society they serve and also the community they are in.” (Dr. Herbert Diess, VW CEO. Paris Climate Agreement.)

    35:45      Automotive disruption has three key parts. (Tesla. Uber. Lyft. DiDi. M-Pesa.).

    39:40      “It isn’t just building cars anymore. It is providing the means of transportation from A to B for people, goods, and waste all over the world”.

    46:51      “Look not only for a way to use the official channels ,but also look for ways to hack the system”.

    51:25      “To go outside and lead, even if you have the authority, is dangerous business.” (Rock Acrobatics. Tim O’Brien.)

    57:00      “Leadership is an action, not a role.”

    Part 5: Wrapping up

    1:00:20  “Wish List” introductions: Barack Obama & Joe Biden – how they motivated themselves when they reached ‘the top’.

    1:02:00  How to change now? Choose what mood you bring to the office.

    56:09      Contact Falk via social media.

    Additional Information

    Contact Falk Bothe:

    Contact Gregg Garrett:

    Contact CGS Advisors:

    I Stood at the Window - Number 44

    I Stood at the Window - Number 44
    I could have stayed on the bench. I could have been content with just getting on the ride. It was a big step. It could have been enough, but then I wouldn’t know if I was capable of more. I wouldn’t have seen the view which looked so very different from the window. I wouldn’t have a shared experience with Rob and Molly, and I was really tired of the disconnect that comes when you live trapped in fear and anxiety. So I got off the bench and forced myself to do number 44 on the list... I stood at the window. 

    If you enjoyed this episode and want to dig deeper into each story, my husband Rob and I do an exclusive companion podcast on my Patreon page.  We give further background into the story and include the spouse's perspective.  Each one of these episodes averages 45 minutes to an hour. Find the link below.

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