
    Why its Hard to Make Friends as an Adult ft. AnneMunition!

    en-usSeptember 22, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Struggling to form deep friendships in streaming communityStreaming for an extended period can make it difficult to form deep friendships due to blurred lines between professional and personal relationships, potential unequal reciprocation, and lack of in-person interactions.

      Streaming for an extended period can impact the way a person forms deep friendships, as it can sometimes feel transactional and create a blurred line between professional and personal relationships. Anne, a long-time streamer on Twitch, discussed her experiences in this area. She mentioned that she's had a hard time making deep friendships, both in and outside of the streaming world. Anne grew up playing FPS games and has always enjoyed them, but she's struggled to make friends while streaming due to concerns about being seen as trying to leech off others or vice versa. Anne's social circle is primarily made up of people in the streaming industry, and she finds it difficult to form deep friendships with those individuals due to the potential for unequal reciprocation. She also noted that the lack of in-person interactions at conventions has made it even more challenging to form deep connections. Anne's experiences highlight the complexities of forming friendships in the streaming community and the potential challenges that come with the blurring of professional and personal relationships.

    • Complexity of some mental health strugglesTherapists acknowledge limitations and complexities of mental health issues, and content creators face challenges managing their online persona while staying true to themselves

      Mental health issues and personal circumstances can significantly impact a person's wellbeing, and not all struggles can be solved through traditional therapeutic methods. The therapist in this conversation acknowledges the complexity of some situations and the limitations of her ability to help in certain cases. She recognizes the importance of acknowledging the challenges her patients face and the potential complicating factors, such as dual relationships and conflicts of interest. Additionally, the conversation highlights the challenges content creators face in managing their online persona and balancing the need to please their audience with their authentic emotions.

    • Streaming: Dealing with Negative Attention and Double StandardsStreamers face negative comments and double standards, affecting their mental health. Maintaining composure on camera can be challenging, and some choose to mute or ignore the haters. Misogynistic comments can escalate, drawing unwanted attention and amplifying the issue.

      Streaming involves dealing with a constant barrage of opinions and comments, some constructive and some hurtful or derogatory. The double standard of how these comments are received based on the gender and following size of the streamer can be frustrating. Despite feeling frustrated at times, the streamer tries to maintain an even-keel demeanor on camera. The experience of receiving negative attention and amplification can be intimidating, leading some to mute or ignore the haters. The streamer shared an experience where they were subjected to misogynistic comments during a gaming session, which was later reported on Kotaku, resulting in a larger spotlight on the issue. Despite the attention, the streamer felt the focus was on something not particularly significant to them and was more concerned about potential negative reactions.

    • Frustration might be a cover for other emotionsRecognizing frustration as a possible cover for other emotions can help us navigate complex situations and build stronger relationships.

      Frustration may not always be the primary emotion we experience, but rather a cover for other emotions such as intimidation, concern, or a lack of understanding between our experiences and how they are perceived by others. For example, when someone's actions are misconstrued or magnified beyond their intention, it can lead to feelings of being misunderstood or even put on a pedestal, creating a sense of disconnect. This disconnect can make forming meaningful connections challenging. Understanding that frustration might not be the root emotion can help us navigate these complex situations and build stronger relationships.

    • Perception of self and others impacts friendship formationRecognizing and addressing perceived obstacles to building relationships, self-awareness, and intentional effort are crucial in overcoming challenges and forming meaningful friendships.

      The way we perceive ourselves and our relationships with others can significantly impact our ability to form meaningful connections. The speaker in this conversation expresses feelings of not being understood and being trapped by others' reactions, which contributes to their difficulty in forming friendships. This perception of the world as an unchanging entity can hinder the ability to build relationships. The speaker also acknowledges their own role in not trying hard enough due to fear of rejection or pressure. The metaphor of taking steps forward and then stepping back due to perceived barriers can be a common experience in forming friendships, and it's essential to recognize and address these perceived obstacles to move forward. Overall, self-awareness and intentional effort are crucial in overcoming these challenges and building meaningful relationships.

    • Fear of rejection and feeling like an outsider can hinder relationship buildingFear of rejection and feeling like an outsider can prevent us from making meaningful connections, both personally and professionally. Past experiences, such as social exclusion, can contribute to this fear and lead to hesitation or reluctance to pursue relationships.

      Fear of rejection or being an outsider can hinder progress in building relationships, whether in personal or professional contexts. This fear can stem from past experiences, such as feeling like an outsider in social groups during school or college. The speaker shared personal experiences of feeling like an outsider in various social situations, including at work and in school organizations. This fear can manifest in the form of hesitation or reluctance to pursue connections, leading to a sense of disconnection. The speaker also shared that they have had experiences where they initiated interactions or activities with others, only to have those interactions not lead to a deeper connection. This fear can be particularly pronounced when it comes to reaching out to people online or in streaming communities. The speaker also shared some insights into their personal life, including their family background and their tattoos, which provided further context into their experiences and motivations.

    • The speaker's complicated relationship with their fatherDespite language barriers and cultural differences, the speaker believes their father cares for them, but feels disconnected from their Korean heritage due to their father's focus on American assimilation.

      The speaker's complex relationship with their father stems from their father's attempts to assimilate into American culture and the resulting tension between his Korean heritage and his American family. The speaker felt like an outsider in their father's family due to language barriers and cultural differences. The father's desire for his children to be successful Americans led him to neglect teaching them the Korean language and culture, leaving the speaker feeling disconnected from their heritage and their father's side of the family. Despite the father's questionable decisions and past behavior, the speaker believes that he cares for them as his children. The speaker also reflects on the experience of discussing these past issues and feels that they have moved on. The speaker's personal aesthetic, which includes a preference for black and gray, is a separate matter.

    • Anne's personal style is a reflection of her mood and comfortAnne's clothing choices reflect her emotions and comfort level, evolving from mostly dark to brighter hues.

      Anne's personal style, including her choice of clothing colors, is a reflection of her comfort and mood, rather than a conscious decision based on any specific reason. She has a history of wearing mostly dark colors but has recently started branching out to include brighter hues. The origins of her aesthetic are unclear, and it seems to be a deeply ingrained part of her identity. Anne is a Twitch streamer who values forming genuine relationships but finds it challenging in the transactional world of streaming. She has a complex dynamic with her father, and there may be unresolved issues there. Overall, Anne is capable of forming close relationships and is interested in forming true friendships. However, she may have a fatalistic approach to things and could benefit from exploring her past experiences and emotions to better understand herself and her relationships.

    • Understanding Ewan's Fatalistic AttitudeEwan's belief in external factors controlling her ability to connect can be changed by focusing on internal factors, like her actions and responses, to foster stronger connections and a more optimistic outlook.

      Ewan expresses a sense of fatalism and feelings of being an outsider, which impacts her ability to connect with people. She believes her circumstances, such as not learning the language as a child, determine her inability to connect. This belief stems from a fear of judgment and a lack of agency to change others' perceptions. Ewan's thought process often focuses on scenarios where she cannot win despite her efforts, which is a manifestation of her fatalistic attitude. Understanding this dynamic can help in addressing her challenges and fostering healthier connections. The concept of locus of control can be applied here. People either believe they have control over their circumstances (internal locus) or that external factors dictate their lives (external locus). Ewan tends to default to an external locus, attributing her inability to connect to external factors like not learning the language or others' judgment. Shifting her locus of control to focus on internal factors, such as her actions and responses, can help her build stronger connections and foster a more optimistic outlook.

    • Our past experiences shape current relationshipsUnderstanding past experiences can help navigate new relationships with intention and empathy. Recognize the nuances of various relationship types and their potential complexities.

      Our past experiences and relationships can shape the way we approach new situations and form connections. For instance, the speaker shared her experience of trying to make friends with streamers and the challenges she faced due to the transactional nature of streaming relationships. She also discussed her complicated relationship with her father and how his request for money affected their dynamic. These experiences have likely influenced how she views and navigates relationships in general. It's essential to recognize how our past can impact our present and use that understanding to approach new situations with intention and empathy. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of understanding the nuances of different types of relationships, including those that may seem transactional or unconventional, and the potential complexities they can bring.

    • Understanding past relationships' impact on emotional suppressionAcknowledging and processing emotions rather than suppressing them is crucial for forming deeper connections.

      The feelings of being an outsider and not being a top priority in relationships, which Anne has experienced throughout her life, including before she started streaming, can lead to a protective mechanism where one distances oneself emotionally to avoid pain. This pattern may have started early in life, possibly with her relationship with her father. Anne has learned to suppress emotions and put them in a metaphorical box, which has become a maladaptive coping mechanism over time. To form deeper connections with people, it's essential to acknowledge and process emotions rather than suppressing them. Understanding the origins of these patterns can help in making positive changes.

    • Fears and worries can act as invisible wallsRecognize fears preventing action, challenge defaults, and keep trying to form meaningful connections.

      Our fears and worries can act as invisible walls that prevent us from connecting with others. In the discussion, it became clear that the speaker had a tendency to pull back when trying to connect with people due to their fear of rejection or annoyance. This pattern had been reinforced by past experiences, leading the speaker to default to this behavior. However, this tendency is particularly poorly suited for social environments where people may be less reliable or consistent, such as in the context of streaming or making friends. The real challenge is to recognize that these fears are preventing us from taking action and to find ways to push past them. By understanding that our minds generate responses based on our experiences, we can begin to challenge these defaults and develop new patterns of behavior. Ultimately, the key is to keep trying and not let our fears hold us back from forming meaningful connections with others.

    • Fear of rejection can limit building meaningful connectionsAsk direct questions to clarify interest in continuing relationships instead of assuming rejection

      Building meaningful connections can sometimes feel like being attached to a bungee cord – you extend yourself, but there's a limit to how far you can go before being pulled back. This fear of rejection can make it difficult to be emotionally vulnerable with others, especially when trying to make friends or deepen existing relationships. It's important to remember that people are busy and may not always be able to respond right away. Instead of assuming rejection, try asking direct questions to clarify their interest in continuing the relationship. For example, "I've noticed that I've invited you to hang out a few times, but you've been unable to make it. Do you want me to continue inviting you in the future?" By being explicit, you can avoid misunderstandings and build stronger connections. Remember, it's okay to extend yourself, but also important to respect others' boundaries and give them the space they need.

    • Building friendships with streamers: Clear communication is keyBe upfront about intentions, acknowledge challenges, understand potential misinterpretations, and practice clear communication for successful digital friendships

      Effective communication is key when trying to build friendships with streamers or in any other context. The speaker emphasized the importance of being explicit about your intentions and acknowledging the potential challenges of forming friendships in a digital environment. They suggested being upfront about your desire to make friends and understanding that the relationship might not always be as straightforward as an in-person one. Additionally, they advised being aware of the potential for misinterpretation when dealing with radio silence and considering the unique circumstances of trying to build friendships through streaming platforms. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of clear communication and self-awareness when navigating the complexities of building friendships in the digital age.

    • Navigating Discomfort in Online InteractionsRecognize and communicate feelings clearly, be aware of motivations, and remember negative thoughts may not reflect reality.

      Engaging with streamers or forming new friendships can be uncomfortable, and it's natural to feel anxious or unsure. However, it's important not to let these feelings dictate your actions immediately. Instead, try to communicate clearly and be aware of your motivations. As human interactions evolve, more explicit communication about feelings and intentions is becoming more common and can provide closure and simplicity. Additionally, it's important to remember that negative thoughts and feelings are often based on past experiences and not necessarily reality. Try to recognize these thoughts as "pop up ads" in your mind and not let them define your actions or self-worth.

    • Mental distractions can hinder our relationshipsStay aware of mental distractions, assess situations, and make conscious efforts to improve relationships

      Our minds can sometimes deceive us and present us with false information or challenges, much like how we may encounter fake download buttons or intrusive pop-ups. It's essential to stay aware of these mental distractions and not let them hinder our progress in forming meaningful connections with others. We may be unintentionally holding back or not fully committing in certain areas of our lives, leading to half-hearted efforts. Meditation can be a helpful practice in focusing our energy and improving our relationships, even if the scientific basis for chakras is debatable. Remember, when faced with challenges or distractions, take a step back, assess the situation, and make a conscious effort to move forward.

    • Practice breathwork for Svadhisthana chakra to release negative thoughtsFocused breathwork at Svadhisthana chakra can help alleviate self-consciousness and reduce negative thoughts during social interactions

      Practicing breathwork focused on the Svadhisthana chakra, located at the pubic symphysis, can help release negative thoughts and emotions. During this practice, individuals focus on breathing in and out of the area, imagining bringing in cool, nourishing air and letting out heat and toxicity. This can help alleviate feelings of self-consciousness and concern for others' opinions. The recommended practice is to breathe into the bladder for a few minutes each day or during social interactions when feeling self-conscious. The ultimate goal is to reduce the influence of these thoughts and act differently in social situations.

    • Embrace new experiences and be adaptableTry new things outside of comfort zone, no pressure to commit, and embrace consistency in new experiences

      It's essential to be open-minded and willing to try new things, even if they're outside of our comfort zone. Anne mentioned how she's going to give meditation a try, despite never having done it before, and encouraged listeners to do the same. She emphasized that there's no pressure to commit to anything, and that the goal is simply to give it a shot and see if it works for us. Anne also shared that she can be described as even-tempered and that viewers can expect this consistency when they tune in to her Twitch stream, where she plays FPS games like Escape from Tarkov and Rainbow 6 Siege. Overall, Anne's message was about embracing new experiences and being adaptable, which are valuable skills in any area of life.

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