
    Why Millennials Are Failing, with Andy Frisella - MFCEO209

    enJanuary 26, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Recognizing the Value of MillennialsDon't make assumptions about millennials based on stereotypes. Instead, acknowledge their contributions and value in today's society.

      It's important to recognize and appreciate the contributions and skills of the millennial generation. Andy, the host of the MFCEO project, shared his experience from a recent conference where he was surprised by the negative attitudes that older generations expressed towards millennials. Despite building a successful brand and company with mostly millennials, he heard comments implying that they were lazy or unfocused. However, Andy strongly disagreed and highlighted the impressive technological advancements and social media platforms created by millennials. He encouraged people to stop making assumptions and instead acknowledge the value that millennials bring to the table.

    • Millennials' lack of patience is a result of societal valuesMillennials are not lazy or unproductive, but prioritize differently and value instant gratification due to societal influences

      Millennials are often criticized for lacking patience, but this is a result of growing up in a society that values instant gratification. They didn't learn the value of patience from their upbringing. Millennials are not lazy, dumb, or unproductive, but rather, they have different priorities and values. They want to succeed just as much as previous generations, but they struggle to see the long-term benefits of investing time and resources into something that doesn't show immediate results. It's important for us to recognize and understand this perspective, rather than labeling millennials negatively.

    • The importance of time and proactive action in achieving long-term goalsAggressive patience involves recognizing the importance of time while taking proactive steps to expedite the process, not giving up too soon, and minimizing distractions to make the most of your time.

      Aggressive patience is a mindset that recognizes the importance of time in achieving long-term goals, but also encourages proactive and urgent action to expedite the process. It's not about being complacent and waiting for things to happen, nor is it about giving up too soon. Instead, it's about understanding that time is a factor, but also taking aggressive steps to make the most of that time. The analogy of baking a cake is a good way to understand this concept. You can have the best recipe in the world, but it still takes time for the cake to bake. However, you can also take steps to ensure that the baking process goes as smoothly and efficiently as possible, such as preheating the oven properly, measuring the ingredients accurately, and avoiding distractions. Similarly, in business or any other endeavor, you can't rush the natural timeline of success, but you can take aggressive actions to position yourself for success and minimize the time it takes to reach your goals.

    • The importance of patience in achieving goalsPatience involves maintaining a persistent and determined attitude while recognizing the importance of time. Rushing or neglecting the process can hinder progress. Understand aggressive patience to approach challenges with calm, confidence, and certainty.

      Time and effort are essential ingredients for success, but they cannot be rushed or circumvented. Aggressive patience, which involves maintaining a persistent and determined attitude while recognizing the importance of time, is crucial for achieving goals. Comparing this to baking a cake, the heat (effort) and time must be appropriate for the cake to turn out correctly. Rushing the process (impatience) can lead to burnt results, while neglecting the process entirely can prevent progress altogether. Understanding aggressive patience allows individuals to approach challenges with a sense of calm, confidence, and certainty, enabling them to persevere and ultimately reach their objectives.

    • Trusting the Process in the Face of SetbacksMaintain faith and trust in the process, make small adjustments as needed, and trust in yourself to give it your all for long-term success.

      Maintaining belief and confidence in the face of setbacks and uncertainty requires faith and trust in the process. Even when things don't go as planned, it's important to make adjustments in real time and give small-scale decisions the attention they need, as these small adjustments can add up to significant progress over time. Trust that you're giving it your all, and understand that the big-picture success will take time to materialize. Don't let setbacks derail your plan, but instead make micro adjustments as you learn what works and what doesn't. Remember, you are the only one who can truly know if you've given it your all, so trust in yourself and have faith that things will work out.

    • The Power of Patience in Achieving Long-Term SuccessStay committed and put in consistent effort daily to prove doubters wrong and achieve long-term success, no matter the time frame or personal goals.

      Success takes time and requires aggressive patience. It's not about being lazy or unintelligent, but rather not fully grasping the concept of patience. Millennials, in particular, may face criticism, but they have the potential to accomplish more than previous generations due to the technology available to them. To prove doubters wrong, it's essential to stay committed and put in consistent effort day by day, whether it's in business or personal goals like fitness. Time is a crucial factor, but every small step counts towards achieving long-term success.

    • Stay committed and persistent in pursuing goalsFocus on taking daily action towards goals, avoid making excuses, and maintain aggressive patience to increase chances of success

      It's essential to put in consistent effort and not make excuses when pursuing goals. According to the speaker, one should focus on taking action every day towards their objectives and not rely on external factors to determine their success. This approach, referred to as "aggressive patience," involves being persistent and determined, even when faced with challenges. The speaker advises against jumping from one thing to another and making excuses when things don't go as planned. Instead, one should stay committed and make things work, rather than waiting for things to fall into place. By following this mindset, individuals can increase their chances of achieving their goals and avoiding being in unsatisfying situations for the rest of their lives. This idea aligns with the concept of "winning the day" every day, as discussed in episode 107 of the Win the Day podcast. Overall, the key takeaway is to take responsibility for making things work and staying committed to your goals.

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    Any company today may have up to five generations: from The Silent Generation to Baby Boomers and from Generation X to Millennials and Gen Z.

    Henry delivers keynotes, diagnostics, consulting, masterclasses, workshops and coaching to ensure diversity and inclusion across all employee age-groups. Her work enhances communications, increases collaboration and inspires employees of all ages to give of their best, whether working from home or remotely, or working in a bricks & mortar, or hybrid setting.

    Whilst working at Pinewood Studios Henry once got told off by “Dracula” (Christopher Lee). She’s face-blind (prosopagnosia) but can tell if someone is lying just by listening to their voice or watching their body language.

    Recorded on: 10th December 2020


    More about Henry Rose Lee

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    To access the full show notes, transcription and resources mentioned in my episodes, please visit the podcast page on my website to subscribe to my newsletter at https://growthsessions.co/cadence-podcast/