
    Why Most Businesses Owners Are Stuck | Ep 738

    enJuly 17, 2024
    What challenges did Dr. Moses face in gym ownership?
    How does Dr. Moses compare business commitment to marriage?
    What underlying issues did Dr. Moses discover in various industries?
    What is the main focus for successful entrepreneurs according to Dr. Moses?
    Why should entrepreneurs understand the true nature of their business?

    Podcast Summary

    • Entrepreneurship realitiesEntrepreneurs may initially misunderstand their business, but focusing on marketing, sales, and customer acquisition can lead to the biggest opportunities and challenges

      Entrepreneurs often find themselves in businesses that are different from what they initially expected. Dr. Moses, the host of the show, shares his personal experience of misunderstanding the true nature of the businesses he got into, thinking they were about fitness, marketing and sales, or the product itself. However, he discovered that the biggest challenges and opportunities lay in areas like marketing, sales, and customer acquisition. For instance, in the gym business, the real challenge was not about fitness but attracting and retaining customers. In the cell phone company, it was about the product itself that was less important compared to the marketing and sales efforts. Therefore, entrepreneurs should be open to discovering the real business they're in and focusing on the aspects that bring the most return.

    • Branding and MarketingSuccess in industries like supplements and consumer goods often depends more on branding and marketing than product quality or unique features. Customers often buy based on factors like celebrity endorsements, personal recommendations, and appeal.

      The success of a business, particularly in industries like supplements and consumer goods, often depends more on branding and marketing than the quality or unique features of the product itself. The speaker shares his personal experience of entering the prestige lap business thinking that the focus should be on creating the best product, only to realize later that what mattered most was building a strong brand and generating significant media traffic. He emphasizes that customers often buy products based on factors like celebrity endorsements, personal recommendations, or the product's appeal, rather than the actual contents. The speaker advises entrepreneurs to learn from the biggest players in their respective industries and reverse-engineer their strategies to understand the importance of branding and media presence in driving business growth.

    • Understanding the core challengesThe real challenges and success factors in businesses often lie beneath the surface, requiring a deep understanding of the industry and addressing the underlying issues to achieve long-term success.

      The core of a business may not always be what it seems. The speaker shared his experiences in various industries, from software to gym ownership to cleaning services, and discovered that the real challenges and success factors often lie beneath the surface. In software, the challenge was delivering on the product's promise. In the gym business, it was acquiring and retaining customers. And in the cleaning business, it was recruiting and training reliable labor. These insights highlight the importance of understanding the true nature of your business and addressing the underlying challenges to achieve long-term success.

    • Paired metrics and productivityPaying employees based on productivity rather than hourly wage can incentivize both productivity and quality, leading to significant growth and success in various industries.

      Paired metrics can significantly boost productivity and quality in business operations. The speaker shared an example of a cleaning business that paid its employees based on the number of houses they could clean in a day rather than by the hour. This setup incentivized both productivity and quality, as employees were motivated to complete as many cleans as possible while ensuring they were done well to avoid having to return and redo them for free. The speaker also emphasized the importance of this concept in professional services businesses, where attracting and retaining top talent is crucial for success. By offering partnership opportunities, these businesses can incentivize and reward their best employees, creating a win-win situation for both parties. Overall, the use of paired metrics can lead to significant growth and success in various industries.

    • Problem solving and talentFocusing on talent and solving big problems leads to a successful and scalable business. The bigger the problem, the greater the potential reward.

      In order to build a successful and scalable business, it's essential to focus on talent and retaining it, rather than just marketing and sales. The bigger the problem you can solve, the greater the potential payoff. It's important to frame the problem correctly and understand the second or third order effects of solving it. Entrepreneurs are paid to solve problems, and the bigger the problem, the bigger the reward. So, it's crucial to allocate personal resources appropriately to tackle the biggest challenges and reap the financial benefits. Don't be deterred by the size of the problem; instead, focus on the potential reward on the other side. And remember, the key to building a valuable business is investing in talent and solving the right problems.

    • Collaboration and ChallengesEntrepreneurs should collaborate with others to grow their businesses and face challenges head-on to unlock enterprise value and achieve scale.

      Entrepreneurs should focus on growing their businesses by sharing knowledge and experiences with others, rather than keeping things to themselves. This collaboration can lead to improving private enterprise and ultimately making the world a better place. Additionally, entrepreneurs will encounter challenges or "women in red dresses" that may distract them, but it's important to stay focused and confront these issues head-on to unlock enterprise value and achieve scale. By looking at successful businesses in their industry, entrepreneurs can identify the big challenges they will face and prepare to tackle them with determination.

    • Business commitmentSuccessful business relationships require long-term commitment and treating the business as a long-term partner to free up mental energy and resources.

      Investing in a company or running a business requires a long-term commitment and patience. Comparing it to a marriage, the speaker suggests that entrepreneurs often waste energy on chasing potential opportunities instead of focusing on the main business. By fully committing to the business and treating it like a long-term partner, entrepreneurs can free up mental energy and resources to make significant progress. The speaker emphasizes that successful entrepreneurs are not necessarily geniuses but rather individuals who are willing to put in the time and effort to solve problems and build a strong foundation for their business. In essence, the key takeaway is that a successful business relationship requires the same level of commitment as a long-term marriage.

    • Staying focused on one goalTo achieve long-term success, it's essential to commit fully to one goal and avoid distractions from potential alternatives or side projects. The path to success requires significant effort and perseverance.

      Focusing on one goal and committing fully to it, without getting distracted by potential alternatives or side projects, is crucial for achieving long-term success. The speaker in this discussion emphasizes the importance of staying dedicated to a single business endeavor and not getting sidetracked by potential partners, other businesses, or personal distractions. He also warns against the allure of new relationships, which can often come with their own set of problems. The speaker's message is that the path to success is not an easy one, and it requires a significant amount of effort and perseverance. He encourages listeners to confront the challenges in their current business and keep pushing through, as the potential rewards on the other side are great. In essence, the speaker's advice is to stay focused, keep swinging the hammer, and don't let yourself get distracted by the woman in the red dress or any other potential distractions.

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    (14:04) Executive Health - Scale + Compliance

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    (17:27) Real Estate - ROAS & Trust are Down

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