
    Why Patience is The Unlock to Longterm Business Success

    enMarch 11, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Rushing to Achieve Success and Material PossessionsGary Vaynerchuk advises against rushing to achieve success and material possessions, emphasizing the importance of patience and staying true to oneself. The current economic situation presents opportunities for financial success, but requires patience and a long-term perspective.

      According to Gary Vaynerchuk, many young people today are in a rush to achieve success and material possessions to fill insecurities and vulnerabilities, but they may regret these choices long-term. He advises against this mindset and encourages patience, as the economy may soon face a crisis and the ability to make money is high. He also warns against the pressure to keep up with others and the importance of staying true to oneself. Additionally, he believes that the current economic situation makes it easy for anyone to succeed financially, but people are not deploying enough patience and are too focused on their 19-year-old perspectives.

    • Focusing on what you can control and being historically correct with clientsPatience, long-term vision, and accepting uncontrollable factors are key to building a successful business. Deliver tough truths to clients for historical accuracy.

      Building a long-term successful business requires patience, historical accuracy, and accepting what you can't control. According to Gary Vaynerchuk, most people have unrealistic expectations about starting their own businesses and may not have the means or resources to make it work. Instead, he suggests focusing on what you can control and being historically correct with your clients, even if it means delivering tough truths. He emphasizes that the success of a business often depends on factors outside of your control, so it's essential to have a long-term vision and mission to keep pushing forward, even when things get tough. Ultimately, it's important to remember that failure and setbacks are a natural part of the journey to success.

    • Embrace your work ethic and financial disciplineImmigrants and their descendants can leverage their unique advantages of hard work and savings to achieve great success in America.

      Having a strong work ethic and financial discipline, traits often seen in immigrants, can lead to great success. The speaker shares his personal story of starting with lemonade stands and baseball card sales, then transitioning to the family liquor business and eventually aiming for entrepreneurial ventures on a grand scale. He encourages everyone, especially those who are immigrants or children of immigrants, to embrace their unique advantage and focus on working hard and saving money for the future. As he puts it, "You're in America. You're in control." By doing so, one can turn their dreams into reality, just like the speaker did when he set his sights on opening 4,000 liquor stores and buying the New York Jets.

    • Leveraging the Early Internet for Business GrowthAdapt, experiment, and focus on underpriced opportunities to thrive in the digital age. In the early days of the internet, a small business owner grew a 200,000 subscriber email list and boosted sales with low-cost marketing.

      The early days of the internet presented endless opportunities for innovation and growth, even for those starting with limited resources. The speaker, who discovered the internet in 1994, was initially intrigued by its potential for business and quickly learned the ropes by observing others and experimenting with various platforms. He started an email newsletter in 1997, which grew to 200,000 subscribers by 1998, and used this low-cost marketing channel to drive sales for his wine business. The key takeaway is that in order to succeed in a rapidly changing digital landscape, it's essential to be adaptable, resourceful, and willing to try new things. Instead of overspending on traditional marketing methods, focus on finding underpriced opportunities and maximizing the value of every dollar spent. The speaker's success story demonstrates that with determination and a forward-thinking approach, even a small business can thrive in the digital age.

    • People's unpredictable behavior towards marketingMarketers should focus on creating valuable content and let go of the need to control people's actions

      People's behavior towards marketing and content consumption can be unpredictable. In the past, when email marketing was new, open rates were high because there was less competition. However, as marketing has evolved and saturation has set in, open rates have decreased. The speaker shares his experience of people unsubscribing from his emails after hearing him ask them to take action, only to find them watching his content elsewhere. He emphasizes that he can't control people's actions and that it's important to respect their choices. The speaker also shares his belief that people are misusing his content by watching it without taking action, and he encourages them to execute on the ideas presented. Ultimately, the speaker encourages marketers to focus on creating valuable content and letting go of the need to control people's actions.

    • Authenticity vs. Emptiness in Social MediaStay focused on your mission despite societal expectations. Authentic actions matter more than empty words and appearances online.

      There's a lot of noise and superficiality in social media, with many people talking a big game but not following through on their actions. The speaker shares his personal experience of staying focused on a mission despite not living up to societal expectations, while criticizing others for their empty words and lack of commitment. He encourages people to evaluate their own paths and not get sidetracked by the chatter and fakery they encounter online. The speaker's message is that authenticity and action are more valuable than appearances and empty promises.

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