
    Why People Are the Variable of Success | Q&A in Long Island New York 2018

    enAugust 04, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Gary Vaynerchuk Hiring Creators for VaynerMediaGary Vaynerchuk is hiring creators for VaynerMedia, prioritizing video and image skills, good ideas, and scrappiness. He encourages action despite fear of others' opinions and offers insights on various topics.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, the CEO of VaynerMedia, is currently hiring creators for his company. He's specifically looking for individuals who are video and image capable, have good ideas, and are scrappy and hungry. He encourages applicants to join the VaynerX family by filling out the form on garyvee.com/creators. Vaynerchuk also shared his belief that many people don't take action due to their fear of others' opinions. He emphasized the importance of asking specific questions and encouraged the audience to think about branding and sales. He offered to answer any question and provided insights on various topics, from social media trends to business strategies. Overall, Vaynerchuk's message was one of encouragement and opportunity, urging individuals to take action and seize the moment.

    • Shift to a media company mindsetProduce content across various formats to reach a wider audience and engage in different ways, build a strong personal brand and loyal following.

      To succeed in today's digital world, it's essential to think of yourself as a media company rather than just an individual or a business. According to Gary Vaynerchuk, this mindset shift can lead to significant opportunities and impact. By producing content across various formats such as video, audio, and written word, individuals can reach a wider audience and engage with them in different ways. This approach also allows for long-term goals and consistent branding. If you're not comfortable with video, consider focusing on writing or collaborating with someone who can help you produce video content. The key is to fill out all the different ways people consume content and not discriminate against any particular format. Remember, the goal is to communicate effectively with your audience, not just for your own satisfaction. By adopting this media company mindset, you can create a strong personal brand and build a loyal following.

    • Investing in business growth vs personal spendingA clear vision, investing in people, and resources can lead to significant long-term business success.

      To build a successful business, it's essential to invest your resources, including money, into growing the business rather than spending it on personal items. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized this point by sharing his personal experience and the importance of setting clear goals for both financial success and building a positive legacy. He also advised figuring out what you want to accomplish long-term and structuring your business decisions around that vision. For smaller companies, focusing on hiring the right people and creating a strong company culture can significantly impact the business's success. Vaynerchuk's emphasis on HR is a testament to this belief, as he spends a considerable amount of time and resources on building a strong team and creating a positive work environment. Overall, the key takeaway is that having a clear vision and investing in people and resources can lead to significant long-term success.

    • Building a strong company culture is key to long-term successTreat employees well, prioritize relationships, value contributions, prioritize empathy and humility, and avoid toxic employees to build a strong company culture and achieve long-term success

      Focusing on people and building a strong company culture can lead to significant long-term success, rather than just focusing on short-term financial gains. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized the importance of treating employees well and valuing their contributions, as they are the key to a business's success. He encouraged business leaders to prioritize building strong relationships with their employees, even if it means spending more time and resources on HR. He also emphasized the importance of empathy and humility in leadership, and warned against the dangers of short-term financial decision making and allowing toxic employees to remain in the organization. Ultimately, Vaynerchuk believes that by prioritizing people and building a strong company culture, businesses can create a legacy and achieve long-term success. He urged young business leaders, who may not have experienced economic downturns, to learn from those who have and to understand the importance of valuing employees and building a strong company culture.

    • Prioritize Employees' Needs and InterestsEffective leaders prioritize employees' needs and interests, foster open communication, actively listen, and lead by example to build a successful organization.

      Effective leadership involves prioritizing employees' needs and interests above one's own, creating a work environment where open communication and honest feedback are encouraged. The speaker emphasizes the importance of actively listening to and understanding employees' concerns and desires, and making adjustments accordingly. He also highlights the importance of leading by example and setting aside time for regular, one-on-one meetings. Additionally, the speaker shares his personal experience of not monetizing his audience directly and instead focusing on building a separate business to generate income, allowing him to freely share valuable insights and knowledge. Overall, the discussion underscores the significance of putting employees first and fostering a genuine, authentic connection with them to build a successful and thriving organization.

    • Provide value upfront to build audience interestGive away best content to build interest, unique insights & experiences are valuable, curate & package content into products, sell what feels good, not just for financial gain.

      Providing value upfront through giving away your best content is key to building an audience's interest and eventually selling access to non-scalable, high-value offerings. Information may be commoditized, but unique insights and personal experiences are not. Access to your time and expertise is valuable, and curating and packaging your content into a product can be an effective alternative for those who don't want to sell their time. Ultimately, it's essential to sell something that you feel good about, not just for financial gain, and to consider the value you're providing to your audience. The speaker's personal experience of writing a book and granting access to exclusive content highlights the potential success that comes from this approach.

    • Better to start than neverStarting a project, even if it fails initially, is better than not starting at all. Focus on building and growing for legacy and personal fulfillment, rather than solely for earnings.

      Starting a project, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, is better than not starting at all. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized the importance of self-awareness and not letting ego get in the way of taking action. He shared his experience of persisting with Wine Library TV on YouTube despite initial lack of success and the potential regret of not starting earlier. He also advised considering the nature of the business - whether it's momentary or evergreen - before making an exit strategy, and being clear about what one intends to do with the potential earnings. Ultimately, he encouraged the audience to focus on building and growing, rather than selling, for the sake of legacy and personal fulfillment.

    • Financial preparation and understanding unique abilities are keys to successBe financially prepared when selling a business, leverage strengths, and use collaborators for content creation

      Building a successful business and creating meaningful content requires a strong financial foundation and a deep understanding of one's unique abilities. Mike Veequist, the speaker in this conversation, emphasized the importance of being financially prepared when selling a business and recommended bringing in a strong financial partner to help maximize profits. He also shared his personal experience of having a natural talent for creating content and understanding current trends, which has contributed to his long-term success. For those who may struggle with consistency or creativity, Mike suggested using other people as guests or collaborators to make content creation easier. Ultimately, the key to success is knowing your strengths and leveraging them effectively.

    • Observing people and culture for insights and opportunitiesStay attuned to cultural trends and be open to new technologies to gain a competitive edge.

      Observing and understanding people and culture can provide valuable insights and opportunities. The speaker shares his ability to read people quickly and use cultural trends to predict future trends, such as the rise of slime for 8-year-old girls. He also mentions his early adoption of Snapchat by observing teenagers. In the realm of technology, the speaker discusses his investment in cryptocurrency and his belief in the disruptive potential of blockchain technology. However, he also acknowledges the challenges and potential resistance from governments to its implementation due to its disruptive nature. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of staying attuned to cultural trends and being open to new technologies to gain a competitive edge.

    • Investing in digital platforms for business growthSocial media and targeted ads offer underpriced attention for businesses. Build a strong social media presence, allocate resources, and create compelling content for potential customers.

      Investing in digital platforms, particularly social media and targeted ads, can lead to significant returns for businesses. Gary Vaynerchuk shares his regret of not investing enough in Google AdWords for his family business in the past, and now encourages entrepreneurs to take advantage of the underpriced attention on Facebook and Instagram. He believes that social media celebrities have surpassed mainstream celebrities in terms of fame and influence, and that businesses should allocate more resources towards building a strong social media presence. Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of creating compelling content to capture the attention of potential customers. Overall, Vaynerchuk encourages a mindset of taking bold action and not being held back by others' opinions.

    • Engaging with critics can lead to meaningful connectionsResponding to negative comments with gratitude and authenticity can build strong relationships and inspire self-improvement

      Engaging with critics and haters can lead to meaningful connections and understanding. The speaker shared his experience of receiving negative comments on YouTube and replied to each one, expressing gratitude and sharing his personal story. He emphasized the importance of self-esteem and overcoming the fear of other people's opinions, especially for young people. He also highlighted the power of authentic leadership and building strong relationships with employees and team members. By listening, caring, and being authentic, one can create a positive impact and build a strong reputation. The speaker's ultimate goal is to inspire and help young people become better versions of themselves. He believes that by focusing on self-improvement and spreading positivity, one can make a difference in the world.

    • Staying Relevant: Gary Vaynerchuk's Advice for EntrepreneursSuccessful entrepreneurs adapt and evolve by focusing on consistency, authenticity, personal connections, embracing new opportunities, and being open to trying new things.

      Successful entrepreneurs are constantly adapting and evolving to reach new heights. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of keeping the pulse on your audience and adjusting your approach as needed. He shares his experience of scaling his brand by focusing on consistency, authenticity, and personal connections. He also encourages entrepreneurs to embrace new opportunities, like social media platforms, and not be afraid to take risks. Vaynerchuk also emphasizes the importance of parenting in a way that evolves with your child's age and encourages entrepreneurs to remember that what got them to their current level may not be what gets them to the next. He also encourages entrepreneurs to learn about new platforms and tools, like Facebook Watch, and to be open to trying new things. Ultimately, Vaynerchuk's message is one of resilience, adaptability, and a willingness to take risks in order to grow and succeed.

    • Essential social media education for business growthOutsource social media tasks to young people, educate yourself, build relationships, provide value, stay informed, and adapt to future technologies.

      Social media education and presence are essential for businesses in today's digital age. Outsourcing social media tasks to young people who understand the platforms is a smart move, as they can help drive your business growth. It's no longer an excuse not to know about social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Business owners need to educate themselves to effectively communicate with customers and stay competitive. Additionally, social media is not just about likes and followers; it's about building relationships and providing value to your audience. The principles of effective social media use will likely apply to future technologies, so it's essential to start now. Furthermore, understanding the trends and advancements in technology, such as voice, AR, and VR, will be crucial for businesses in the future. As the business landscape evolves, staying informed and adaptable is key to success.

    • B2B marketing on social media: A new opportunityCreate valuable content, target employees, engage with small businesses, respect freedom of speech, and bring value to customers.

      B2B marketing in social media is an untapped opportunity for businesses. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized that anyone, including B2B companies, can target their employees on social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram with ads. He encouraged creating valuable content to grab their attention instead of directly selling. He also suggested reaching out to small businesses in industries like martial arts through social media direct messaging. For women entrepreneurs and immigrants, bringing value upfront is particularly effective. Regarding the NFL kneeling controversy, Vaynerchuk emphasized respecting freedom of speech and understanding the perspective of those who have lived in countries without such freedoms. Overall, his advice was to bring value to customers, listen to their needs, and respect their opinions.

    • Empathy and Understanding Different PerspectivesThe importance of empathy and understanding different perspectives is crucial in today's society. Personal experiences and friendships can shape empathetic viewpoints, and opportunities for growth exist in various industries, including sports representation.

      Empathy and understanding different perspectives are crucial in today's society. The speaker emphasized the importance of putting oneself in other people's shoes and not letting everything become politicized. He shared personal experiences that shaped his empathetic viewpoint, including his Jewish heritage and friendships with African Americans. Additionally, the speaker discussed the future of sports representation through his company, VaynerSports. He mentioned their current focus on football, but plans to expand into eSports and the NBA in the future. He expressed bullishness on the potential of mixed martial arts, but hasn't yet considered expanding into that area. The speaker also touched on the financial disparities between athletes in different sports and acknowledged the potential for change. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of empathy, understanding different perspectives, and recognizing opportunities for growth in various industries.

    • Balancing Respect and AutonomyCommunicate openly with loved ones about personal choices and intentions. Assert autonomy and set boundaries, even if uncomfortable. In business, maintain a consistent brand image while allowing for local personalization and competency variations.

      It's essential to find a balance between respecting others' opinions and standing firm in your decisions, without allowing them to dictate your actions and leading to resentment later in life. This applies to personal and professional situations, especially when it comes to managing a business and setting boundaries with family or colleagues. Practically speaking, if you want to work less and prioritize personal interests, accept that it comes at the cost of business growth. Additionally, managers or employers cannot be held accountable for the same level of work as you unless they are compensated equally. To avoid feeling trapped and resentful, communicate openly and honestly with loved ones about your choices and intentions. It's okay to assert your autonomy and set boundaries, even if it may initially cause discomfort. When dealing with difficult family dynamics, consider flipping the power dynamic and treating them as a bully to regain control. Remember, as the money maker, you hold significant leverage. In a business context, maintaining a consistent brand image is crucial, but it's also essential to allow for local personalization and competency variations. Therefore, striking a balance between centralized control and local autonomy is the key to success.

    • Investing in an internal B2B podcast for franchiseesEducating franchisees through internal podcasts can improve business performance by discussing best practices, management styles, and essential topics. Audio content caters to busy schedules and can be monetized through advertising.

      Investing in an internal B2B podcast for franchisees can be a game-changer for businesses. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of educating franchisees through various means, especially audio content, as it caters to their busy schedules. He suggests creating an internal podcast to discuss best practices, management styles, and other essential topics. Advertising on these podcasts can also help measure their impact and reach. Vaynerchuk believes that audio content is the future and has even invested in a large-scale studio for video and audio production. Additionally, when it comes to branding, both personal and corporate branding can work, depending on the individual's comfort level and preferences. It's essential to understand the psychology of the audience on different social media platforms and tailor content accordingly.

    • Understanding the unique aspects of each social media platform and audienceEffective social media marketing requires tailored strategies for each platform and audience, with valuable insights gained through continuous learning and adaptation.

      Effective social media marketing requires a tailored approach for each platform. The use of hashtags on Instagram, for example, can help expand reach and engagement, while they may not be as effective on Facebook. The nuances of each platform's audience and features necessitate a thoughtful and strategic approach. Furthermore, the value of listening to marketing podcasts was emphasized in the episode, with a listener sharing how the marketing to Gen Z episode shifted her perspective as a dietitian and swim coach. By gaining insights into the minds of younger generations, she felt better equipped to serve them. Overall, the episode highlighted the importance of understanding the unique aspects of each social media platform and audience, as well as the value of continuous learning and adaptation in marketing. Don't forget to leave a review and subscribe to the podcast for more valuable insights!

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    Conscious Millionaire Network has over 2,000 episodes and 12 Million Listeners in 190 countries. Our original Conscious Millionaire Podcast was named in Inc Magazine as one of the Top 13 Business Podcasts!

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    Conscious Millionaire Epic Achiever Podcast is an entrepreneurial, business, and mindset show that reveals the secrets of the world’s Entrepreneur Epic Achievers. Join Marcus Aurelius Anderson as he goes inside the minds of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, athletes, authors, and experts who teach you how they turned their greatest Adversities into their most Epic Wins.  

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    Conscious Millionaire Network has over 1,800 episodes and 12 Million Listeners in 190 countries. Our original Conscious Millionaire Podcast was named in Inc Magazine as one of the Top 13 Business Podcasts!