
    Why the dollar’s dominance is hard to dislodge

    enApril 18, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussion of US dollar's role as international reserve currencyThe CBO report emphasizes potential implications of a shift in global reserve currency, but does not predict an imminent change. Monitoring this trend is important.

      According to a new report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the US dollar's role as the international reserve currency is under discussion, with some speculating that currencies like the Chinese renminbi or the euro could potentially replace it. The CBO, a nonpartisan office that assists Congress in understanding the federal budget, emphasized that any issues with the budget lie with Congress, not the CBO. The report, titled "The US Dollar is an International Currency and Its Economic Effects," discusses the potential implications of a shift in the global reserve currency. While the report does not predict an imminent change, it highlights the importance of monitoring this trend.

    • The US dollar's dominance as the international reserve currencyThe US dollar remains the leading international reserve currency, with dollar-denominated assets making up the largest share of foreign exchange reserves and being the most commonly used unit of account for trade and finance.

      The US dollar continues to hold its status as the primary international reserve currency, despite some erosion in its strength over the past two decades. The dollar's dominance is evident in the fact that dollar-denominated assets, such as US Treasury securities, make up the largest share of foreign exchange reserves held by central banks around the world. The dollar is also the most commonly used unit of account for setting trade prices and denominating financial assets. Furthermore, international central banks frequently use the dollar as an anchor currency. This paper highlights the benefits and costs of the dollar's international use and concludes that it will remain the leading international reserve currency over the next decade, although its use may decline gradually. This is an important point for those interested in macroeconomic issues, as the dollar's status has significant implications for global finance and trade.

    • Wealth and Service: Contrasting Realities in the USDespite $4 trillion in US wealth overseas, underfunding of IRS hampers tax collection, while nonprofits face a volunteer shortage, resulting in a 7 point decrease in participation since 2019.

      While US taxpayers hold an enormous amount of wealth overseas, with around $4 trillion in foreign accounts, nearly half of which is in tax havens, there is a significant issue with tax collection due to the underfunding and under-resourcing of the Internal Revenue Service. Simultaneously, there is a pressing issue on the other end of the economic spectrum, with a nationwide shortage of volunteers for nonprofits, leading to a precipitous drop in volunteer participation, which has seen a 7 percentage point decrease between 2019 and 2021. This highlights the contrasting realities of wealth and service in the United States.

    • The need for volunteers is increasing due to the pandemic and other factorsVolunteering, especially in areas like food assistance and domestic violence, is crucial during the pandemic and beyond. Small acts of kindness can have a big impact.

      The need for volunteers is greater than ever, especially in areas such as food assistance for those experiencing homelessness and domestic violence victims. Reasons for this increase include the pandemic, retirees working longer, and caregiving responsibilities. Training is often required for these volunteer opportunities, making it even more crucial to find dedicated individuals. Small acts of kindness, as simple as a note or a compliment, can have a significant impact on people's lives, making volunteering an even more valuable endeavor. Research shows that people underestimate the importance of their kind actions towards others. So, consider volunteering your time and efforts, and remember that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference.

    • The Impact of Doing Good on Emotional Well-BeingEngaging in acts of kindness can boost emotional well-being and bring joy from personal experiences and shared accomplishments, like SpaceX's rocket launches and unexpected political news.

      Doing good for others can positively impact one's own emotional well-being. This was emphasized during the conversation, with the speaker sharing personal experiences and the quote from their father. The discussion also touched upon two specific topics that brought them joy: SpaceX's near success in launching their giant rocket, and the unexpected announcement of George Santos' reelection bid, which brought a humorous reaction. The speaker's first point highlighted the excitement surrounding SpaceX's progress in space exploration, while the second point showcased their amusement towards the political news. Overall, the conversation demonstrated the importance of kindness and the joy that can be found in various interests and accomplishments.

    • Rep. George Santos Returns More in Donations Than RaisedRep. George Santos refunded $8,400 in donations, leaving him with $25,000 in cash on hand, while another Nassau County Republican raised over $215,000 from individuals and $300,000 from PACs, indicating Santos' struggle for significant financial support.

      George Santos, the Republican representative from New York's 3rd Congressional District, has returned more money in donations than he raised during the first quarter of 2023. Santos refunded nearly $8,400, leaving him with just over $25,000 in cash on hand. In comparison, another Republican from Nassau County raised over $215,000 from individual donors and more than $300,000 from political action committes. This indicates that Santos is struggling to secure significant financial support from individual donors and the party. Despite the financial setback, Santos will be discussing the space economy and its implications for the economy as a whole on the next episode of "Make Me Smart." If you have any questions, comments, or thoughts, please send them to make me smart at marketplace.org.

    • Learn effective communication skills from expertsImprove communication abilities through expert tips on managing conflicts, mastering small talk, and overcoming anxiety on Think Fast, Talk Smart podcast.

      Effective communication is a valuable skill worth investing in. Matt Abrahams, host of Stanford Graduate School of Business's Think Fast, Talk Smart podcast, invites experts to share tips on various communication topics, from managing conflicts to mastering small talk and overcoming communication anxiety. By tuning in every Tuesday on your favorite podcast platform or YouTube, you'll gain practical insights and tools to improve your communication abilities. Enhancing your communication skills can lead to stronger relationships, increased productivity, and overall success in both personal and professional settings. So, join the conversation and start your journey to becoming a more confident and effective communicator.

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    The US dollar loses its crown

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    For further reading:

    US dollar hits reverse gear as Fed cedes rate-rise ‘driver’s seat’

    Dollar touches 7-month low as Fed rate rise expectations slide

    The downturn in the dollar is not just about rates

    Emerging market governments raise $40bn in January borrowing binge

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

    On Twitter, follow Kate Duguid (@kateduguid) and Michela Tindera (@mtindera07)

    Read a transcript of this episode on FT.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Transform your Approach to Business and Volunteering with Olivia Cook

    Transform your Approach to Business and Volunteering  with Olivia Cook
    Join my conversation with the amazing Olivia Cook!

    Olivia Cook is a certified Transformational Success Coach & NLP Practitioner, podcast host and motivational speaker. She helps service-based female entrepreneurs and content creators build habits to reach their next level of success. Focusing on productivity, mindset and using their menstrual cycles to their benefits. Her clients are able to increase their income, reduce their stress levels and enjoy their success journey.

    Her podcast, The Empowered Woman Badass & Unfiltered was made to inspire, empower and educate. It showcases badass women from all over the world. Providing tips on personal development, mindset and healing.

    She is the co-founder of the motivational Christian brand, Relentless Glory. A brand whose purpose is to spread the word of God through motivation, education and praise.

    Olivia is also a christian, military wife and humanitarian. She actively gives back to her community.

    Here’s how you can reach her:

    Email - olivia@oliviatmcook.com
    Links and Freebies - https://linktr.ee/Oliviatmcook

    Free 20 Minute Strategy Session - https://calendly.com/oliviatmcookcoaching/strategy-session

    Special thanks you to Marcus for podcast music Sunday Coffee. You can reach him at: https://linktr.ee/mrcxs

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    Nwanneka Tesy is the Host and Creator of Living the Life Podcast