
    Why Unicorn Island Was Inevitable with Lilly Singh

    enOctober 10, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Lilly Singh Launches Unicorn Island Fund, Sharesight Offers Investment Tracking SolutionComedian Lilly Singh starts a nonprofit for girls' education and Sharesight provides advanced investment tracking for better portfolio management

      Lilly Singh, a renowned comedian, YouTuber, author, and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, has recently launched the Unicorn Island Fund, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping girls reach their fullest potential by providing access to education, life skills, and opportunities. Meanwhile, for investors looking to better manage their portfolios, Sharesight offers a comprehensive investment tracking solution with insights beyond brokerage statements, including analyzed reports, dividend gains, and currency fluctuations. The platform supports over 500,000 stocks, ETFs, and funds, and integrates with more than 200 platforms. For a limited time, Sharesight is offering a special deal for those interested in their annual premium plan. Overall, both Lilly's philanthropic efforts and Sharesight's investment tracking solution demonstrate innovative ways to make a positive impact and take control of one's financial situation.

    • Reframe your perspective on moneySee money as a tool for positive change and open up conversations to make informed decisions and work towards fairness and equality.

      Money should not be viewed as a taboo or something to be hidden, but rather as a tool for positive change. The way we perceive money is often shaped by our upbringing and societal norms. For many, money is associated with negativity and is seen as something that should not be discussed. However, this mindset holds people back from reaching their financial potential and making a difference in the world. The founder of Unicorn Island Fund encourages everyone to reframe their perspective on money and see it as a source of power and magic that can be used to create a better world. By sharing our financial realities and normalizing open conversations about money, we can make informed decisions and work towards fairness and equality.

    • Our upbringing and cultural background shape our relationship with moneyRecognize the impact of upbringing and culture, but also embrace new perspectives and learn to use money effectively

      Our upbringing and cultural background can significantly influence our relationship with money. Many people, particularly those from immigrant communities, may have grown up with taboo surrounding topics like sex, relationships, and money. This can lead to a complicated relationship with money as we get older. However, as we encounter inspiring individuals who use money for good and see the positive impact it can have, our perspective can shift. Personal experiences and the people we meet can help us learn to embrace money and use it effectively. For instance, while our parents may have taught us valuable money-saving habits, we can also learn to diversify our investments and embrace the importance of cash flow. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize that our relationship with money is shaped by our experiences and cultural background, but we have the power to change our mindset and use money as a tool for positive change.

    • Overcoming Intimidation to Ask QuestionsDon't let fear or embarrassment stop you from asking questions about money and investing. Embrace your curiosity and see asking questions as a valuable tool for growth and knowledge acquisition.

      It's important for individuals, especially women, to ask questions and seek understanding when it comes to money and investing, despite any feelings of embarrassment or fear. The speaker shared her personal experience of feeling intimidated in new environments and industries where financial terminology was commonplace. She felt the pressure to hide her lack of knowledge and avoid asking questions. However, she eventually learned the value of asking "dumb questions" and giving herself permission to learn. By focusing on her purpose and mission, she was able to reframe her perspective and view asking questions as a necessary step towards growth and knowledge acquisition. This mindset shift not only helped her in her professional life but also allowed her to become a smart and effective leader.

    • Asking questions about money and building a team are crucial for growthAsking questions about money and building a team can lead to missed opportunities and misunderstandings, but seeking advice and utilizing innovative solutions can empower individuals and businesses to make informed decisions and grow.

      Asking questions about money and building a team are essential for personal and professional growth. Feeling intimidated or unsure about money matters can lead to missed opportunities and misunderstandings. Asking questions and seeking advice from experts, like Rain Johnson, can help clarify confusion and empower individuals to make informed decisions. Building a team and sharing the financial pie can lead to bigger opportunities for everyone involved. Additionally, utilizing innovative solutions like Tap to Pay on iPhone powered by Stripe can simplify the process of accepting payments for businesses of all sizes.

    • Investing in others and oneself leads to growthInvesting in others and personal development can lead to increased revenue, expanded reach, and enhanced customer experience.

      Investing in others and in yourself can lead to significant growth and success for both parties. Tap to pay on iPhone and Stripe can help businesses increase revenue, expand reach, and enhance customer experience with a quick setup. This concept of collective investment and growth was emphasized by the speaker's personal experiences, including her partnership with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and her investment in the LA Angel City women's soccer team. The speaker also highlighted the importance of investing in herself through personal development, such as therapy and a life coach, as a means of becoming the best version of herself and ultimately generating more revenue and success. Overall, the message is that investing in others and in oneself can lead to mutually beneficial outcomes and unlock new opportunities for growth.

    • Investing goes beyond financial gainsInvesting can have a valuable impact beyond financial returns, aligning with values and making a difference in someone's life.

      Investing and being wealthy go beyond just financial gains. According to our interviewee, there are different forms of investments, and the impact they make can be more valuable than the return on investment. They also believe in the intersection of spirituality and business, and that there are various ways to be rich, not just monetarily. Being impactful with money is a crucial aspect, and it can be achieved by investing in companies, products, or nonprofits that align with one's values. Our interviewee sees money as a tool to leave a legacy and make a difference in someone else's life. They believe in using their time, money, and resources to help others and make the biggest impact possible. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of considering the impact of investments and using resources to make a difference in the world.

    • From personal experiences to positive changeEmbrace your passion and experiences, learn, and assemble a team to make a meaningful impact on causes you care about.

      Everyone has a cause they're passionate about, often rooted in their personal experiences, and turning that passion into impact requires dedication, learning, and the right team. The speaker, a successful entertainer and founder of Unicorn Island Fund, shares her journey of advocating for gender equity since her early YouTube days. She emphasizes the importance of embracing the "chip on one's shoulder" and using it to fight for causes. Her personal experiences as a second daughter in an Indian household and being in male-dominated rooms fueled her passion. Over ten years, she tried various approaches, from comedic videos to social campaigns, before finally launching Unicorn Island Fund to make a tangible difference on the ground. The process was challenging, as she admitted her lack of knowledge about the nonprofit world and the complexity of issues. Yet, she persevered, learned, and assembled a team to make a meaningful impact. Her story serves as a reminder that everyone has the potential to turn their personal experiences and passions into positive change.

    • Promoting girls' education requires addressing cultural beliefs and societal structuresInvesting in girls' education goes beyond just financial resources, it involves addressing cultural beliefs and societal structures to promote equal opportunities and challenge traditional gender roles, benefiting families and communities as a whole.

      Addressing social issues, such as girls' education, requires a multifaceted approach that goes beyond just providing financial resources. While money can be used effectively, it's essential to address the underlying cultural beliefs and societal structures that prevent girls from attending school. This involves engaging community leaders, family members, and local organizations to promote girls' education and challenge traditional gender roles. Moreover, investing in women and girls has a significant ripple effect, as they are more likely to use their resources to empower their families and communities. The nonprofit sector, which has received over a trillion dollars in funding, can benefit from a more diverse investment pool to foster innovative thinking and solutions. Unicorn Island Fund aims to use storytelling as a powerful tool to raise awareness and funds for grassroots organizations addressing these complex issues.

    • Under-representation of Women in Non-Profit Leadership RolesWomen's under-representation in non-profit leadership perpetuates a culture that hinders meaningful change and is rooted in cultural norms favoring men. Changing the narrative from the top down is crucial.

      The under-representation of women in leadership roles within non-profit organizations, particularly those with larger budgets, perpetuates a culture that does a disservice to the people these organizations aim to help. Women make up roughly 30-45% of non-profit CEOs, with even smaller representation in wealthier organizations. This lack of representation extends to non-profit boards, which are predominantly composed of white men. This issue is not unique to non-profits, as it's a common narrative across various industries. The patriarchy, or the cultural norms that favor men, is often the root cause. The author argues that culture is just a narrative created for the convenience of one group, and it's crucial to challenge and change it. Storytelling plays a significant role in upholding culture, and addressing the issues that disproportionately affect women requires changing the narrative from the top down. The absence of women in leadership roles in non-profits hinders their ability to effect meaningful change.

    • The Power of Storytelling to Inspire and EmpowerStorytelling can inspire, change minds, distribute resources, and empower individuals and communities. Personal experiences, representation, collaboration, and social media are key elements in effective storytelling.

      Storytelling has a profound impact on people and can unlock potential, change minds, and distribute resources in meaningful ways. The speaker shared how they were inspired by others' stories and went on to inspire others in turn. They also highlighted the importance of representation and the need to reimagine finance and impact through storytelling. The speaker's personal experiences and the feedback from Ramakrishnan and Iman illustrate the ripple effect of storytelling and its power to empower individuals and communities. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of collaboration and social media in reaching a wider audience. Overall, the conversation underscores the significance of storytelling in shaping culture, creating opportunities, and inspiring change.

    • Using social media to make a difference for causesInvest in organizations that focus on education, conflict resolution, and confidence building for girls. Experience the impact firsthand and donate through social media or the website.

      Social media is a powerful storytelling tool for raising awareness and funds for causes, especially for engaging young people. Unicorn Island Fund, founded by Summerlin McCormick, started by investing in organizations like Room to Read, Breakthrough, Pardada Pardadi, and Magic Bus, which focus on education, conflict resolution, and confidence building for girls. Summerlin emphasizes the importance of experiencing the impact of these organizations firsthand and the humility that comes with it. She encourages listeners to learn more about Unicorn Island Fund and donate through various social media platforms or the website, unicornisland.com/fund. Summerlin believes in giving back to communities that have helped her succeed and invites everyone to join her in making a positive impact.

    • Founder goes the extra mile for global donationsPhilanthropy should be global, donating is easy and accessible, and Girls That Invest is for education only

      Felicien, the founder of a global education initiative, went the extra mile to ensure that donations can be made from anywhere in the world, making it a truly global effort. This is an important reminder that philanthropy should not be limited to a specific region or nationality. The functionality was initially designed for Americans, but Felicien made sure that it is accessible to everyone. Donating is seamless and easy, and help is available if needed. As a Kiwi, Felicien expressed gratitude for the support and emphasized the importance of education. It's crucial to remember that Girls That Invest does not provide personalized investing advice and should be used for educational purposes only. Always do your research and use your due diligence when making investment or financial decisions.

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    #23 [ L'ENTREPRENEURIAT au FEMININ ] par Véronique Forge-Karibian

    "Ma vie professionnelle a été ponctuée de rencontres inspirantes avec des femmes comme Christine Lagarde, Simone Veil, Arianna Huffington, Barbara Hendricks et tant d’autres… Elles avaient toutes en commun d’avoir réussi à développer leur potentiel.

    J’ai ainsi acquis la conviction que nous avions toutes en nous des richesses dont nous n’avions parfois pas conscience et que nous méritions de nous donner cette chance de les découvrir. 

    Mon ambition avec Business O féminin est de révéler vos potentiels grâce à un accompagnement à 360° qui vous permettra de trouver votre voie et d’atteindre un équilibre tant professionnel que personnel. 

    Oprah Winfrey a dit :

    «  Reaching your potential is more than an idea, it is the ultimate goal » 

    La mission de Business O Féminin est d’aider les femmes à s’accomplir, gagner en confiance et ainsi prendre toute leur place. 

    Nous sommes désormais une plateforme mondiale, preuve s’il en est que notre message résonne. 

    Rejoignez-nous ! "

    Véronique Forge

    Le MOTO de Business o féminin :


    Business O Féminin est une plateforme multimedia qui s’adresse à la femme active en l’accompagnant dans sa vie professionnelle et personnelle via son media, son podcast, son Academy, ses workshops et son réseau de membres internationaux.

    Avec le Membership Business O Féminin, vous profitez d’une véritable expertise sur des domaines précis et vous pouvez vous focaliser sur vos projets et les faire grandir.

    Véronique Forge Karibian est la fondatrice de www.businessofeminin.com et des Business O Féminin Awards lancés en 2017.

    Ils récompensent chaque année des startups fondées ou confondées par des femmes dans 4 catégories : Scale-up, Start-up, Impact et Young.

    Marraines des Business O Féminin Awards :

    • Fleur Pellerin,  CEO de Korelya Capital (2017)
    • Céline Lazorthes, Co-fondatrice & Co-CEO de Resilience care (2018)
    • Clara Gaymard, Co-fondatrice de RAISE (2019)
    • Virginie Morgon, CEO d’Eurazeo (2020)
    • Fanny Moizant, Co-fondatrice & Présidente de Vestiaire Collective (2022)
    • Lucie Basch, Co-fondatrice de Too Good To Go (2023) !!

    Un engagement en faveur des femmes depuis 2005 

    Depuis 2005, date à laquelle elle intègre la chaine DIRECT 8, elle est engagée sur le sujet des femmes et de leur Empowerment. Elle anime durant plusieurs années l’émission « Femmes d’exception » (Talk show quotidien de 26 minutes) où elle reçoit de nombreuses femmes d’influences et politiques comme Christine Lagarde, Simone Veil ainsi que des personnalités des Arts et Lettres comme Barbara Hendricks ou encore Mary Higgins Clarck. Elle anime également une matinale hebdomadaire et une mensuelle sur L’Afrique « Paroles d’Afrique ». En 2017, elle a animé une émission sur les femmes (Rendez-vous avec …) sur CNEWS.

    ✅ Vous aimerez j'en suis sûre cet épisode qui vous fait découvrir la plateforme Business o féminin, que vous soyez salariée, en transition, porteuse d'un projet, entrepreneuse ou dirigeante ! Alors n'hésitez pas à m'envoyer de la Forme et mettre 

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    A bientôt et merci, 

    Géraldine Jackowski

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    Welcome to the leading podcast for financial empowerment and wealth creation.

    Subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss an episode. You can connect with Jason on social media and subscribe to the Jason Graystone YouTube Channel for weekly videos Don’t forget to also subscribe to the weekly newsletter to receive frequent educational content and action steps to help you design your life so you can be who you want to be. For news on all future events and updates, go to www.JasonGraystone.com

    This is the Pilot Episode and the purpose of this episode is to just give you a bit of background information to who I am and how I started out in life.