
    Podcast Summary

    • Netanyahu's image as Israel's protector on international stageNetanyahu's reputation as a successful defender of Israel on the international stage and his reluctance to engage in ground wars made him a beloved and seemingly irreplaceable figure in Israel.

      Benjamin Netanyahu's indispensable image in Israel was built on his successful defense of the country on the international stage, his reluctance to engage in ground wars, and his assurance to Israelis that they don't have to resolve the Palestinian conflict immediately. Netanyahu's reputation as a peerless defender of Israel and his ability to secure deals with other countries despite the ongoing conflict made him a beloved and seemingly irreplaceable figure in Israel. However, his political longevity is now being challenged, and it remains to be seen who will step up to fill his role as the protector and spokesperson for Israel.

    • Israel's Political Instability: Three Inconclusive Elections and Netanyahu's IndictmentIsrael's political instability continued with three inconclusive elections due to Netanyahu's indictment and ideological differences, but the pandemic situation may lead to a resolution and Netanyahu's removal as prime minister.

      Israel's political instability reached a boiling point in 2019 and 2020 due to corruption charges against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the country's complex multiparty system. Despite his indictment, Netanyahu managed to win the most votes in the elections but failed to form a coalition government, leading to three inconclusive elections. The latest election in March 2021 was also inconclusive due to the failure of the main parties to pass the budget, triggering a snap election. The political deadlock was due to Netanyahu's loyal base, ideological differences, and other factors. However, the pandemic situation, with Israel being the first country to announce a second national lockdown due to a surge in new infections, seems to have shifted the dynamics and emboldened the parties to finally come together and potentially bring about Netanyahu's removal as prime minister.

    • Israeli politics shifts as PM Netanyahu faces backlash over pandemic and violenceAn unlikely coalition of Israeli political parties, including centrists, right-wingers, and Arabs, aims to oust PM Netanyahu due to his handling of COVID-19 and inter-community violence, marking a significant shift in Israeli politics.

      The political climate in Israel has shifted significantly due to the mismanagement of the COVID-19 pandemic and the escalation of violence between Jewish and Arab communities. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's handling of these crises, particularly his hands-off approach towards ultra-orthodox communities and his inflammatory rhetoric towards Arab neighbors, has led to a loss of public trust and support. This, in turn, has brought together an unlikely coalition of political parties from across the spectrum, including Yair Lapid's centrist Yesh Atid, Naftali Bennett's right-wing Yamina, and Mansour Abbas' United Arab List, with the shared goal of ousting Netanyahu from power. This emerging coalition represents a significant shift in Israeli politics and could mark the end of Netanyahu's long tenure as prime minister.

    • New Israeli leaders, Bennett and Abbas, have different motivations for replacing NetanyahuBennett, a former Netanyahu aide, grew disillusioned with his leadership during the pandemic, while Abbas, an Arab lawmaker, feels marginalized and demonized by Netanyahu.

      The three men, Naftali Bennett and Mansour Abbas, who are set to form the next Israeli government, have opposing reasons for wanting to replace Prime Minister Netanyahu. Bennett, a former Netanyahu chief of staff and ideological ally, grew disillusioned with Netanyahu's leadership during the pandemic, believing he was incapable of governing effectively. Abbas, an Arab lawmaker, has long felt that Israel's Arab population, which makes up 20% of the population, has been marginalized and demonized by Netanyahu, particularly during election seasons. The complex political landscape and personal narratives between these leaders add to the significance of their potential coalition, which could mark a shift in Israeli politics.

    • Historic first: Arab party joining Israeli governmentPrime Minister Bennett's divisive actions during pandemic and war led to formation of diverse coalition including Arab party for first time in Israeli history

      The current political situation in Israel could lead to a historic first: an independent Arab party joining the government. This would be a significant breakthrough for Arab citizens of Israel, as it has never happened before in the country's 73-year history. The coalition's formation was influenced by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's handling of the pandemic and the recent war, as well as his divisive approach to politics. Bennett's actions have disillusioned various sectors of Israeli society, including Arab leaders like Mansour Abbas and centrist politicians like Yair Lapid. Abbas, a centrist Arab leader, has spoken out against violence between Jews and Arabs and could potentially bring a new perspective to the government. Lapid, a centrist politician, is seen as the best hope for the Israeli left and has criticized Netanyahu's handling of the Palestinian issue and divisive politics. This ideologically diverse coalition could be seen as a result of Netanyahu's actions, as he has alienated various political factions throughout his tenure.

    • New Israeli coalition focuses on essential projectsThe new Israeli government prioritizes infrastructure and economic issues, setting aside contentious matters like the Palestinian-Israeli conflict for coalition stability

      The newly formed coalition government in Israel, despite its ideological differences, may be able to focus on essential infrastructure projects and economic issues, which a large majority of Israelis agree upon. However, contentious issues like the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and settlements will likely be set aside for the sake of coalition stability. This means that the formation of this government may not lead to significant progress in the peace process or changes to the status quo regarding Palestinian territories. Instead, the coalition's primary focus will be on addressing issues like building roads, hospitals, and schools, which Israelis have been eager to see resolved.

    • Israel's Political Crisis: Netanyahu vs. the CoalitionIsrael's political crisis deepens as Netanyahu fights to stay in power, but his actions risk further dividing the country and could lead to coalition collapse

      The current political situation in Israel between the coalition trying to oust Prime Minister Netanyahu and Netanyahu's efforts to hold on to power is leading to a deeply divisive and volatile atmosphere. Netanyahu is fighting tooth and nail to remain in power, using impassioned speeches, protests, and even threats against coalition members. His actions are only proving the coalition's argument that he is too divisive to lead the country. However, with the coalition's fragility, Netanyahu still holds significant power and could potentially cause it to collapse. The outcome of this battle between indispensability and unity remains uncertain. The situation is increasingly ugly, with threats against coalition members and their families, and the potential for violence. Ultimately, the question is whether Netanyahu can continue to make the case that he is indispensable or if the coalition can hold together and prove that he is not.

    • Facebook Suspends Trump for Two Years, Vaccine Disparities PersistFacebook suspends Trump for two years, Oversight Board rules against indefinite ban. Vaccine distribution disparities continue, with Africa facing critical shortages and surging infections.

      Facebook has suspended former President Trump from its platform for at least the next two years. This decision comes after Facebook's Oversight Board ruled that an indefinite ban was inappropriate. Meanwhile, several of the world's poorest nations are facing major vaccine shortages, with the situation being most critical in Africa where only about 3% of the population has received at least one dose. Infections are surging in these areas, while in the United States, where 60% of people have received at least one dose, infections are declining. These developments highlight the ongoing challenges faced by social media companies in regulating content, and the disparities in vaccine distribution that continue to exist across the globe.

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    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

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    Background reading: 

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

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    Background reading: 

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

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    Background reading: 

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

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    Background reading: 

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    • The president has challenged voters to test the sincerity of their support for the far right. Were the French letting off steam in the European elections, or did they really mean it?

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

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    Background reading: 

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

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    Prince Handley
    President / Regent


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    At the first college I attended (out of eleven) I received my B.S.I.E. At the same time, I also received the annual “Most Worthless Senior” award. I won the award unanimously with the vote of ALL fraternities PLUS the independents; first time for a unanimous vote … evidently due to lack of competition commensurate with my experience!

    But the Great Good News is that four years later, the Mashiach of Israel made me worthy when I was reading in my room at night the following from the prophet Isaiah:

    Come now, and let us reason together, says the LORD, though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” (Tanakh: Isaiah 1:18)

    I shared this experience with you because when you are finished reading this BLOG you will probably wonder IF there is any hope left for Planet Earth. My friend, there is always hope left IF you know the Truth.

    Here are some areas we will traverse in this and future BLOGS:

    Largest Wealth Redistribution in History

    Obama's Muslim Brotherhood and Syrian Sisterhood

    Purim 2012 – Bibi's Major Decision: Defend or Deny

    OWS – Occupy World Streets

    Networking with the Opposite Sex in the End Times

    Nephilim, UFO Abductions, and Neo-Eschatology (covered in future BLOG)

    Energy: Bonding Element for the Kings of the East (covered in future BLOG)

    Let me refer you to my Boolean Blog for 2011 and 2012: Trends, Times & Tribulation. In Summer, 2011, I predicted the following:

    For the rest of this decade, technology will be the predominant driver, both as the underpinning and centroid of influence of: 1. The economy; 2. The eco-protective planet model with green friendly innovation and regulation; and, 3. Terrorism.

    Concerning employment, the three (3) major “safe zones” in the Western world will be:
    1. Healthcare; 2. Government (including the military and police forces); and, 3. Education.

    The Boolean-centric model pictured in the blog was purposefully NOT shown as a peripheral symmetry circumscribing “Technology” because … as represented visually … the three driven modules are paradoxically both: 1. Supported AND dependent upon the driving force of technology; and, 2. Organically developed as an outgrowth “child” of Technology.


    In the USA, the winner of the November 6, 2012, Presidential election will be the one who most effectively convinces the populace that he or she can tackle the three (3) sub-domains above (Economy, Green and Terrorism), while effectively guaranteeing the protection, intellectual privacy, and practice of the Technology sectors of public, political, and professional modules of society.

    The Achilles Heel – unknown by frontrunners at this time – will prove to be “Cyberspace” and the “promise” by the winning contender to PROTECT and maintain the FREEDOM of use of the Cyberspace – viz-a-viz the Internet - for the following elements of USA society: citizenry, industry, education, healthcare and government; and, to protect these elements from outside, international world powers and institutions: viz., the UN, rogue nations, and intellectual pirates.


    The contender for the USA Presidency who wins the election will also be the one who most convincingly promises to unwaveringly help and defend Israel. However, there is a CAVEAT: If that person later turns their back on Israel and does NOT keep their promise, the USA will suffer dire judgment. Also, that President will suffer manifest judgment from God.

    Only recently, has their been another person who agrees with my “Achilles Heel” prediction concerning internet – cyberspace security freedom alert and its affect upon the 2012 Presidential Election, and that is Gerald Celente of The Trends Research Institute.

    This Spring 2012 BLOG is actually an “insert” for my 2011-2012 Boolean Blog mentioned above. I say “insert” because the basic tenets of the 2011-2012 blog are as current as ever. This “insert” is additional information.


    Largest Wealth Redistribution in History

    The greatest tax increase ever – probably over 300 billion (that's a “B”) – is about to be foisted on the American people by Barack Hussein Obama through cap and trade energy regulations. It will be the largest socialist redistribution of wealth in the history of the world brought about by emissions regulations. When Obama's green jobs' czar, Van Jones, was removed after the public found out he was an avowed Communist, Obama shifted gears in the background to bring the same objectives to pass.

    For further study, I recommend you study New Global Currency at the University of Excellence website to learn more about Van Jones' hidden agenda. Also, study USA: Past and Future. And, for specific information on HOW Obama wants to use global warming and energy regulations to take your money and redistribute it to other individuals … as well as other countries ... read the book: The Greatest Hoax: How The Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future.

    Obama's Muslim Brotherhood & Syrian Sisterhood

    The Syrian dilemma is NOT really a dilemma. Syria is Iran's KEY play against Israel, providing not only arms for Hizballah, but a strategic weapon depot for attack against Israel. Russia helps Syria to earn favor with Iran and oil largesse, plus Iran's promise to hold back Islamic - Muslim terrorism inside Russian territory (which the Russians will find out is only temporary at some time in the future).

    Thousands of people have been injured or killed by Syria's leader Assad … way worse than the atrocities in Libya. However, instead of going into help the 1,000's of injured people in Syria by direct attack on Damascus, the US President proffers humanitarian routes of escape IF Assad agrees. This “safe haven” plan of “humanitarian routes of aide and rescue” – while proposing to help the wounded – at the same time gives the murderer ruler, Assad, international immunity for his crimes. And it gives Obama some measure of accolades for a re-election campaign.

    President Obama has back-pedaled out of helping Israel several times, while at the same time helping Iran gain time in the enrichment of uranium and building a potential nuclear arsenal. If you consistently study my BLOG - podcasts on Podcast Satellite: The Voice of Israel, you will see that since 2006 I have been warning Israel and its leaders NOT to depend on Obama, the UN, the EU, or NATO for help against Iran. Also, see what I said in August, 2008, about Obama, Syria, and Israel.

    Binyamin Netanyahu is is in agreement with Saudi rulers in his disagreement to big power policies of the US for handling the Assad regime in Syria. Obama acts as though he is shocked by the Syrian ruler's violence against his own people, but the US President will NOT initiate steps for his removal, while Moscow showers arms and intelligence on the Syrian despot to preserve him from his enemies. Obama is afraid to take steps against Syria slaughtering people (because of US election) while Russia showers them with arms and intel to gain favor with Iran and secure a footprint in the Middle East.


    Purim 2012 – Bibi's Major Decision: Defend or Deny

    Israel and Bibi's government, in particular, have been visited by US diplomats to the point of embarassment in recent days. One of Solomon's proverbs says, “Withdraw your foot from your neighbor's house; lest he grow weary of you, and so hate you.” (Proverb 25:17) The USA leaders – Obama in the forefront … NOT the American populace – are afraid of Israel attacking Iran. Excuses range from: 1. Iran will react with attacks on US overseas bases and personnel; 2. Obama may have to respond with war; and 3. This would mean another “back pedal” from Obama's campaign promises in 2008. However, the REAL reason is threefold:

    1. Obama is NOT the friend of Israel;
    2. Obama is (from his background) pro-Islamic; and,
    3. Obama does NOT want to jeopardize his chances of winning a re-election.

    See my prophecy of June 18, 2009, concerning Obama and Israel: “Bibi, Baylon and 'Bama: Land for Peace, Petra and Prophecy.” Netanyahu holds White House talks with Obama on March 5th 2012. Also, they will both speak, at separate times, to AIPAC, The American Israel Public Affairs Committee on March 4th. Unless Netanyahu holds his cards tightly to his chest before laying down his royal flush, he is going to be tricked by the USA leader. A lot depends upon who speaks FIRST at AIPAC. However, even if Netanyahu speaks first – which gives Obama a chance to counter – he must defend Israel's right to not only exist, but to defend herself.






    Purim begins in the evening of Wednesday, March 7, 2012, and ends in the evening of Thursday, March 8, 2012. That is the 14th of the Hebrew month Adar. Purim in 2012 occurs in between the March 5th meeeting of Netanyahu and Obama … AND … the March 8th date selected by the FBI to shutdown Internet servers (still) infected with the notorious DNSChanger Trojan virus. As of the first of February the DNSChanger Trojan was still active on computers at half of Fortune 500 companies, as well as on PCs at 50 percent of federal government agencies. Although NOT probable, this shutdown could be critical – and dangerous – for BOTH the USA and Israel as it could affect … or be used concurrently with cyber hacking to deter or cause confusion among … military, first responder, and emergency communications.

    Also, PRAY for protection for Israel during Purim. (For a full account of Purim, read the Book of Esther. You may also read Prince Handley's study on Esther and Purim at: “Israel: Replacement Time in Leadership – Preparing for War with Iran.”

    OWS – Occupy World Streets

    No, we did not make a mistake. Occupy Wall Street has mutated. OWS has duplicated into larger, more frequent and geographically diverse demonstrations … and it is NOT going to slow down. It may even turn out – in the USA – to be a “feeder” for the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 signed by President Obama. This Act went into effect on March 1st. It is the first time since the Civil War that the military can be used for law enforcement.

    The Act includes provisions that would allow for the indefinite detention of American citizens without any recourse to legal interventions or civil rights if accused of a “belligerent act” or any terror-related offense. The term “belligerent act” could be a broad term, the interpretation of which would be highly subjective; also, the Act seems to be in direct opposition to the Bill of Rights. Several legislators are attempting to “clean up” the terminology and provisions of this Act. If not accomplished, it could be a milestone against free speech and right to assembly.

    As for the worldwide implications of the mutating OWS movement, you may begin to see more chaos and rioting with severe injuries on both sides … especially when fueled by economic conditions. See the Specific Regional Prophecy (scroll down) by Prince Handley in 2009.


    Networking with the Opposite Sex in the End Times

    Open marriage and deviant sexual behavior are just one of the End Times signs that will increase. Check out Trumpet #6 at Revelation and End Times. Here are practices that will increase as time progresses:

    Drugs (which can be an association with witchcraft)
    Fornication and sexual immorality
    Demon worship (some may be unknowingly committed)
    Idol worship

    However, we are NOT talking about networking for deviant sex in this section of the BLOG. We are talking about, Business, Networking and Sex. (You can read a sample chapter here.)

    If you want to be more productive, make more money, and negotiate more successfully in the coming years, then you are going to have to learn HOW the other sex – other meaning “the opposite gender” – thinks. Over a four year period, 25,000 people participated in this study. Some of the key issues discovered are as follows:

    1. Are transactional not relational
    2. Network more often, but seem to be less satisfied with their results
    3. Believe self-improvement comes from doing it on their own, not learning from others
    4. Build credibility by stating their credentials, contacts and successes

    1. Are all about the relationship not the transaction
    2. Network less often, but network longer and are more satisfied with their results
    3. Believe self-improvement comes from a variety of sources and doing it themselves is not one of them
    4. Build credibility by getting to know another's character, family and personal issues

    Men and women see things differently when it comes to relationship building and communication in both the work – and non-work – environment. Learn to improve in every area of your life as things will become more competitive in the future.

    And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge.” (Brit Chadashah: 2 Peter 1:5)

    I trust that this BLOG has given you something to think – and pray – about. What you may NOT have realized already is that the topics covered – plus those listed below which will be covered in future BLOGS – are KEY sectors for Boolean logic commonalities in relation to trends and issues. This is the purpose of the University of Excellence which you may read on the U of E Home Page. NOTE: We purposely omitted Entertainment and Style as not critical to the objectives of this presentation. Also, Economics, Green, and Technology are included in the 2011-2012 BLOG of which this blog is an “insert.” To be covered in the future are:

    Nephilim, UFO Abductions, and Neo-Eschatology (covered in future BLOG)

    Energy: Bonding Element for the Kings of the East (covered in future BLOG)

    Remember … there is always hope IF you know the Truth.

    Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai.

    Your friend,

    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence


    Podcast time: 22 minutes, 1 second.

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    New year, old problems

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    The Bibi Report Book in review W/ Aliza Davidovit on New book "The Words That Shaped Me"

    The Bibi Report Book in review W/ Aliza Davidovit on New book "The Words That Shaped Me"
    Our guest journalist Aliza Davidovit talks to Jacob and Eric exclusively about her new book "The Words That Shaped Me: A brilliant, touching and hilarious journey through the dictionary and life, selecting the words that have shaped both her and society, She discuss excerpts of her book, her experience as a journalist interviewing World leaders, her views on the US-Israel relationship, Her dream of PM Benjamin Netanyahu, and the lessons learned to imply on our daily life. The Bibi Report Radio page: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/bibireport The Bib Report Blog: http://www.bibireport.com


    PODCAST SATELLITE  /  The Voice of Israel
    with Prince Handley

    Prince Handley


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    Specific details of HOW God draws Russia and Iran, including their allies, to attack Israel ... and WHY Israel might be attacked at this very present time by Syria. I back them up with research. A war between Israel and probably ALL of the Middle East will happen, not just bordering Arab states like Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan. Israel will CONTROL the East Bank of Jordan ... also, the Arab nations of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE, and others.

    In the last podcast we discussed how God draws Russia and Iran to attack Israel ... and WHY this battle will be different than the Battle of Armageddon.

    We discussed that Israel will be positioned into a force of prosperity and power: an international "sign" to the nations!

    You might wonder HOW ths will happen if you’ve been keeping up with the news this week.

        PM Olmert is acting against national interest and is positioning Israel in great danger.
        The Syrian foreign minister has said that PM Olmert agreed to cede the entire Golan and pull back to the pre-1967 war lines. This is land that was not only WON by the blood of Israelis ... but was PROMISED by G-d to Israelis!
        Olmert is NOT of sufficient mental freedom at this time, due to his own corruption scandal to negotiate anything of importance in Israel’s name ... especially a peace treaty with enemies and liars (who will never keep a treaty).
        Due to political realignment in Lebanon,  Hizballah’s armed militia now has the right to stockpile their own weapons armory.
        Plus, Syria is not so much worried about Israel’s ground movements or armor. Syria is now trying to purchase  missile, air and navy weapons to gain strategic superiority over Israel:  Iskander-E missiles, MigG29SMT fighter-bombers and Amur-class submarines.
        Syria and Iran both  support these two: Hizbullah and Hamas.

    But ... I have GOOD NEWS for you.

    A war between Israel and probably ALL of the Middle East will happen, not just bordering Arab states like Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan.

    In Isaiah Chapter 11, verses 12-16 we read a description of a war that will happen BEFORE Messiah comes to earth again (the second time). The first 11 verses tell us about Messiah's return and his rule of peace on earth. Verses 12-16 cannot happen during this time because Messiah's reign is characterized by peace. Another distinctive feature of the prophecy in verses 12-16 is that the war therein described has not happened historically

    This position of prosperity and power will be part of the "hook" in the jaw that God uses to draw the powers from the north (Russian and her allies) to wage war against Israel.

     Israel will "fly down upon the shoulder of the Philistines (the Palestinians) to the west". In context Israel will strike against Egypt and Iraq (Assyria) and "plunder the people of the East". Israel will CONTROL these nations, and evidently, their WEALTH as a result of the plundering. Lexicographically, the "people of the East" include the Arab nations of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE, and others.

    It is very evident here (in this passage) that Israel will CONTROL the East Bank of Jordan (Ammon, Moab, and Edom). This happened in Joshua's time and has NOT happened SINCE the days of Isaiah. This is a future prophecy that WILL happen!

    The extreme wealth that Israel will control will be one of the things G-d uses to draw the northern confederacy described in Ezekiel.  (See the TANACH: Ezekiel 38:4-5, 39:2 and Ezekiel 38:10-12.)

    Notice … it is G-d that  DRAWS the enemy from the north (Russia, and her allies: Iran and others. … He puts "hooks in their jaws and leads them out with their armies."

    Also, any of the following reasons God might use to draw the northern power(s) at this present time:

        Israel's present wealth (its people);
        Israel's scientific superiority;
        Israel's strategic geo-military positioning;
        Israel's previous victories over Islamic / Arabic factions.


    In addition to the FUTURE WEALTH that Israel will control, as I described previously, there is also a present wealth of potential in the people of Israel.

    The following interview of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu by The Jerusalem Post was distributed by Netanyahu's office on or about  Monday May 4th, 1998.

    Q: "Will there ever be another decade in which a million Jews immigrate to Israel?"

    A: "It is possible, and I would like to see it come from the West. Israel has just achieved the per capita income of Western Europe, and has more scientists, technicians, technologists - relative to the size of the population - than any other country. This is potentially the source of great wealth, because wealth in the 21st century will be created by conceptual products.

    Look at the wealthiest man in the world today, Bill Gates. Nobody can count his billions. But what we do know is how much he had 10 years ago: close to zero. [Editor’s note: now 20 years]. This is the greatest multiplication of wealth in history. And what is true of individuals is true of nations, too. Those nations will thrive that have the ability to manipulate knowledge in every field of human endeavor, and I believe that we are very fortunate to have that kind of advantage. Therefore I think that Israel could - fasten your seat belts - be a very wealthy country, and I think that as the standard of living rises, it will begin to attract Jews from the West.

    It already is attracting Jews from parts of Great Britain that have a lower per capita income than Israel does. I believe it will attract many Jews from South America, and many remaining Jews in Russia who are concentrated in the Moscow area, and who are doing better than they did before, but will do even better here. And I believe that we will see in the next 10 years a much larger immigration of Jews from North America.

    Clearly, I would like to see all that immigration motivated first and foremost by Zionist ideals. But I also know that the span of this immigration would increase significantly if Israel is transformed, as we are rapidly transforming, into a liberal, free-market economy and society."


    Israel has more scientists per capita than Switzerland.


    When I was younger I enjoyed playing the game of "Risk". It is a simulated military game where each opponent utilizes military forces in different geographical confines, and then plans strategy from these bases, as well as from any new conquered positions. I learned after several games that whenever I controlled Israel I always won!

    Israel is located at a KEY geo-military position. Geographically, it is the land hub of Europe, the Near East, the Far East, the Middle East, and Africa. It is also the place where Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel, will return to earth at His Second Appearance.


    In the 1967 "Six Day War" (when Israel was attacked) the victories were of Biblical proportions (and, over the same general enemy). By the end of the war, Israel had conquered enough territory to more than triple the size of the area it controlled, from 8,000 to 26,000 square miles. The victory enabled Israel to unify Jerusalem (See footnote 1). Israeli forces had also captured the Sinai, Golan Heights (See footnote 2), Gaza Strip (See footnote 3) and West Bank (See footnote 4).

    Israel now ruled more than three-quarters of a million Palestinians, most of whom were hostile to the government. Nevertheless, more than 9,000 Palestinian families were reunited in 1967. Ultimately, more than 60,000 Palestinians were allowed to return (See footnote 5).

    In the 1973 Yom Kippur War the Jews were attacked on their religious holy day, the Day of Atonement, while fasting. Egypt and Syria launched the Yom Kippur War (See footnote 6) in a coordinated attack that confronted the IAF with its harshest challenge to date. Denied permission for a pre-emptive strike, IAF fighters scrambled off the runways in defense of Israel's skies. They dumped their bombs into the sea ... bombs that might have been able to change the course of the war even before it began.

    The desperate situation on both fronts did not leave the IAF with the time required to neutralize the enemy's surface-to-air missile (SAM) threats. Indeed, the majority of the IAF's war losses occurred above the heavily defended front lines, while supporting ground forces during the first few days of fighting. Marshaling its forces, the IAF struck back at its ground-based adversary. Israeli fighters and Arab missile sites engaged in mutual bloodletting, like prize fighters slugging it out toe-to-toe.

    In one operation alone, the IAF lost 6 planes while destroying only one Syrian SAM. On the Western front the IAF destroyed 32 Egyptian SAM sites and damaged 11 more. Phantoms (See footnote 7) brought the war home to the Syrian capital, striking Damascus and other strategic targets. Israel fighters clawed their way toward air superiority, bombing Syrian and Egyptian airfields which, unlike in '67, were now hardened against attack.

    Most enemy aircraft survived these attacks but IAF fighters still destroyed more than 450 enemy planes, mostly in dogfights. In fact, the IAF's air combat (won-loss) record for 1973 was twice as good as it had been during the 1967 Six Day War (See footnote 8). As a result, the enemy had to concentrate his sorties in defense of his own backyard. Of the few enemy planes which attacked inside Israel, not one succeeded in striking and returning (See footnote 9)!




    After Moshe had spent many weeks in the presence of G-d, he came down to the camp and found the people worshiping the golden calf. (Torah, Exodus Chapter 32)

    In the Torah, Exodus Chapters 32 and 33 we read of the account when Moshe returned to the LORD in the mount to intercede for the children of Israel after they had partied and worshiped the golden calf.

    Then Moses went back up to be with G-d for 40 days and nights, fasting, writing upon the tables the Covenant, the Ten Commandments. During this time he interceded with G-d for four (4) things:

        1. That G-d would spare the children of Israel, and not destroy them.

        2. That G-d would forgive the children of Israel their sin and idolatry.

        3. That G-d would go before them with His presence on their journey.

        4. That G-d would allow Moses the privilege of seeing His glory.

    As a result of Moshe’s intercession, the LORD turned from His fierce wrath which he had determined to do to the children of Israel, and He gave Moshe a promise.

    The LORD said “ ... I will do marvels, such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation ...”  (Exodus 34:10). The Hebrew word here used for “marvels” is “pala.” It is a primitive root which means “miracles ... real miracles ... wonderful acts.”

    What Israel needs is a leader who will seek after the face of G-d: one who pays the price to know the will of G-d for Israel at each turn.  A man or woman (like Deborah) that will earn the respect of the Israelis.

    Israel needs a selfless (SELF LESS) leader who will pray and fast to break the powers of darkness that would destroy Israel at this time.

    There are many end time prophecies that pertain to Israel ...  I mentioned some today (Ezekiel 38 and 39, Isaiah 11:12-16); however, in any generation there are people ... called of G-d ... who are to pray, fast, and work hand-in-hand with God for the salvation of Israel. Are you one?!

    For your further study, I have included footnotes in the show notes of this podcast to which you may refer.

    I trust you have enjoyed this series. You and I are living in the most exciting time: the time for which God has prepared us from our mother's womb! Watch and pray!!

    Prince Handley

    References below are for the footnotes cited above.

        1. Jerusalem  http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/Peace/jerutoc.html
        2. Golan Heights  http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/Peace/golantoc.html
        3. Gaza Strip  http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/Peace/ciagaza.html
        4. West Bank  http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/Peace/ciawb.html
        5. Encyclopedia American, Annual 1968, p. 366.
        6. Yom Kippur War  http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/History/1973toc.html
        7. Phantom  http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/History/phantom.html
        8. Six Day War  http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/History/67_War.html
        9. Israel Defense Forces  http://www.idf.il/

    Podcast time:   13 minutes, 13 seconds (with music).
    Podcast size:   12.1 MB

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