
    Will You Be Replaced by Someone Cheaper? It's the Great Salary Reset

    enJuly 17, 2024
    What industries are primarily experiencing the salary reset trend?
    How are companies justifying salary resets to employees?
    What actions can employees take to protect their finances?
    How does Sean's experience illustrate concerns about salary fairness?
    What are the potential long-term impacts of replacing experienced workers?

    Podcast Summary

    • Great Salary ResetMany large companies are quietly resetting salaries downward, affecting employees in tech, media, and consulting industries. Employees should be aware and discuss salary transparency with their employers.

      Many large companies are quietly resetting salaries downward, often replacing employees with cheaper, younger, or less experienced workers. This trend, which has been happening since the beginning of the year, is particularly noticeable in the tech, media, and consulting industries. While some of this is being masked by encouraging job data and low unemployment rates, the economic climate is enabling employers to reset salaries in ways that may not be immediately apparent, such as insisting on no cost-of- Living adjustments or quietly laying off employees. This phenomenon, known as the "great salary reset," can be a challenge for American employees who may have worked hard to earn a good salary, only to find it being reset downward. It's important for employees to be aware of this trend and to take steps to protect their financial well-being. Some companies are transparent about their salary practices, but others may try to keep it quiet. Employees should consider discussing salary transparency and fairness with their employers and seeking out resources like financial professionals to help them navigate their financial situations.

    • Great Salary ResetThe job market is shifting with companies replacing full-time employees with contract workers or outsourcing, leading to feelings of replacement, undervaluation, age and tenure discrimination, and lack of transparency in compensation.

      The job market is undergoing significant changes, with companies replacing full-time employees with contract workers or outsourcing to other countries for lower wages, and older, more experienced workers being replaced by younger, cheaper labor. This trend, known as the "great salary reset," was highlighted in a recent Instagram story post that received numerous emails from individuals across various industries and sectors. The stories shared common themes of feeling replaced and undervalued, with some finding new jobs that paid less and others still struggling to find work. The trend also involves age and tenure discrimination and the rapid rehiring of similar jobs at lower compensation after layoffs. The lack of transparency and the seemingly deliberate hiding of lower salaries from affected employees add to the sense of unease and unfairness. It's important for workers to stay informed and network with colleagues to navigate these changes and advocate for fair compensation.

    • Job insecurity and pay cutsEmployees are experiencing anxiety due to job insecurity and potential pay cuts, with some companies reposting jobs at lower salaries or moving them to lower-cost locations, causing uncertainty and worry among employees, and negatively impacting morale and productivity.

      Many employees are experiencing anxiety due to job insecurity and potential pay cuts or layoffs in their organizations. This has been happening in various industries and even at large companies, leading to uncertainty and worry among employees. Some companies have been reposting jobs at lower salaries after layoffs, while others have announced plans to move jobs to lower-cost locations. High-performing employees, even those in non-client-facing roles, have not been exempted from these changes. The lack of transparency and warning about these decisions has added to the anxiety, making it difficult for employees to prepare or feel secure in their jobs. Despite the anxiety, some employees have taken steps to prepare, such as building emergency funds and saving money. However, the uncertainty remains, and the impact on morale and productivity can be significant.

    • Job Loss, SkincareAdvocate for fair compensation and negotiate salaries to mitigate financial consequences of job loss. Consider the potential positive impact of offshoring and global economy. Choose safe and effective skincare ingredients.

      Even though leaving a job can be a difficult decision, it may lead to new opportunities and growth. However, the experience of being let go can have financial and emotional consequences, including the possibility of lower pay and feelings of uncertainty. It's important to advocate for fair compensation and negotiate salaries to avoid being left in a precarious financial situation. Additionally, offshoring and the global economy can lead to job losses, but it's essential to consider the potential positive impact on individuals in lower-cost living areas. Lastly, choosing the right skincare ingredients is crucial for maintaining healthy skin, and companies like Drunk Elephant prioritize the use of safe and effective ingredients.

    • Compensation and PrideCompensation and pride can significantly impact an employee's decision-making process, and undervaluing experienced employees can lead to a loss of expertise and long-term costs for businesses.

      Compensation and pride in work can significantly impact an employee's decision-making process, even if the financial difference may seem insignificant. Sean's experience of being offered a promotion with a lower salary than his friend and colleague, despite having similar responsibilities and experience, led him to decline the offer due to feelings of pride and self-worth. Furthermore, there seems to be a trend in companies of replacing experienced, higher-paid employees with cheaper, less experienced ones, potentially saving millions in annual compensation. However, this approach may lead to a loss of valuable expertise and experience, ultimately impacting the business's bottom line. It's essential for individuals to consider the intangible benefits of their work beyond just the financial compensation and for companies to recognize the value of experienced employees and the potential long-term costs of replacing them.

    • Cost-saving measures, employee impactCompanies prioritizing cheaper labor can lead to job loss and feelings of undervaluation for employees, highlighting the importance of open communication and alternative career paths

      Companies may prioritize hiring cheaper labor, even experienced and skilled workers, over retaining and investing in their current workforce, leading to a lack of team integration and potential job loss for employees. This was evident in the stories shared by Ryan, who was replaced by a contracted data analyst from the Philippines, and Heather, who was given three months' notice to train her replacement before being laid off. These actions, under the guise of cost-saving measures, can have significant impacts on employees and their careers, leaving them feeling undervalued and uncertain about their future in their industry. It's important for employees to be aware of this trend and consider alternative career paths or opportunities for continuous learning and growth. Additionally, companies should prioritize open communication and feedback to maintain a strong team culture and prevent feelings of isolation and disengagement among their employees.

    • Tech Industry InstabilityLayoffs, misleading job promises, and cost-cutting measures can negatively impact workers in the tech industry, leading to feelings of mislead and unfair treatment.

      The tech industry's current state of instability and cost-cutting measures can lead to layoffs, misleading job promises, and a difficult job market for workers. Ally, a software engineer who once earned a six-figure salary, experienced this firsthand when she was laid off from her company in 2022 and has since been offered contract positions for less money. Despite her hard work and dedication, she feels misled about the opportunities her hustle would open up for her. Lisa, another individual, signed an NDA and couldn't share too many details but felt her company was planning to replace her with a cheaper employee after hiring for a different role. The tech industry needs to have a reckoning with its bad behaviors and ensure fair treatment for employees. Workers are rethinking their careers, seeking better work-life balance, and being more cautious about the price they pay to work in corporate America.

    • Job Market InstabilityJob market instability can lead to unexpected challenges for employees, including being replaced by less experienced and younger workers, layoffs, and hiring of contractors instead of full-time employees. To mitigate these risks, individuals can build a network, gain skills, and be adaptable to change, but the most secure option might be working for oneself as a contract consultant.

      The job market can be unpredictable and employees may face unexpected challenges such as being let go while the company continues to hire new workers for less pay. This was the experience of someone who shared their story on a podcast, where they detailed how they were replaced by a younger and less experienced employee despite being a top performer and a long-term employee. This situation, although not new, has been exacerbated by factors such as technology, offshoring, remote work, and weakened worker protections. Companies are trying to regain profits from labor by cutting wages and traumatizing employees with layoffs. The trend of hiring contractors instead of full-time employees is also prevalent, as it allows companies to avoid providing healthcare and benefits and to terminate contracts at will. The individual can take steps to mitigate these risks, such as building a network, gaining skills, and being adaptable to change, but ultimately, the most secure option might be working for oneself as a contract consultant.

    • Financial preparationPrepare for economic instability by building a strong financial foundation, including emergency funds and considering potential risks of lifestyle choices.

      No matter how valuable or tenured you are in your job, economic instability can still impact you. It's essential to prepare for unexpected circumstances by building a strong financial foundation. The stories shared on The Money With Katie Show highlight the importance of having emergency funds and considering the potential risks of lifestyle choices, such as overspending or buying a house at the top end of your budget. Even if things are going well financially, it's worth reflecting on these lessons and considering how they can inform your financial planning. Ultimately, taking control of your own financial situation is a valuable asset, especially during uncertain times.

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