
    Wondrous Things

    enJune 08, 2024
    What do the works of God reveal about Him?
    How is God's word described in the text?
    What is the importance of God's law mentioned?
    How does the speaker suggest starting each day?
    Where can listeners donate to support the ministry?

    Podcast Summary

    • God's creationThe wonders of God's creation in the universe, living creatures, and His word reveal His infinite power and wisdom, and His word provides a foundation for understanding His works in history and converting the soul.

      The wondrous works of God, as seen in the universe, living creatures, and God's written word, reveal His infinite power and wisdom. The speaker encourages listeners to stand in awe of God's creation and to consider the perfection and enduring nature of His word. The speaker also highlights God's omniscience and the importance of His word in converting the soul and providing a foundation for understanding His works in history. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the endless discoveries to be found in God's law and encourages listeners to start each day with a devotion to Him. To support this ministry, listeners are invited to visit ICR.org and make a donation.

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