
    Writer/Comedian Jensen Karp, Andy Dalton's Goodbye + Things We Think About When We're High

    en-usMay 01, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Insights from Comedian Jensen Karp and NFL Quarterback Jameis WinstonJensen Karp shared his Hollywood experiences and unique background, while Jameis Winston's LASIK surgery could potentially enhance his gameplay. The hosts debated the implications of these developments.

      Comedian, rapper, writer, author, art dealer, Jensen Karp, shared some interesting insights during the podcast about his experiences in Hollywood and his unique background. Meanwhile, in sports news, NFL quarterback Jameis Winston underwent LASIK surgery and is now able to read license plates and street signs clearly, which could potentially change his gameplay. The hosts discussed the implications of this improvement and debated whether they would prefer to have Winston for 30 years at a lower salary or Dak Prescott for just one year at a higher one. Additionally, the podcast mentioned various promotions, including a Father's Day collection from g 4 and a discount offer from Cash App. Overall, the episode provided a mix of entertainment, sports analysis, and lifestyle tips.

    • Media bias and Jameis Winston's Hall of Fame potentialThe speaker challenges the notion that Jameis Winston's NFL career is doomed due to media bias, highlighting his potential Hall of Fame caliber performances and value as a backup quarterback.

      Despite the ongoing debate about Jameis Winston's NFL career and his pay, the speaker argues that media bias may be overlooking his potential Hall of Fame caliber performances. He believes that Winston's detractors are afflicted with "Jameis Winston Derangement Syndrome," causing them to overlook his value as a quarterback. The speaker also compares Winston's current pay to that of other quarterbacks, arguing that Winston's past options and potential make him a more valuable backup. The conversation then shifts to discussing other quarterbacks, including Andy Dalton, and the speaker expresses his belief that Dalton could be a solid addition to a team. The conversation ends with a discussion about various "Andys" in sports and pop culture. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities and nuances of evaluating NFL quarterbacks and the potential impact of media bias on public perception.

    • Focus on the experience, not the toolsThe quality of a gaming experience or performance depends on the individual using the tools, not the tools themselves.

      Tools or equipment, such as monitors or keyboards, do not define the quality of an experience or performance, but rather the individual using them does. Andy and Hank shared their experiences with being pressured into upgrading their gaming setup and feeling intimidated by the community's expectations. However, they realized that the focus should be on enjoying the activity itself, whether it's playing video games with a controller on a TV or trying out a new setup like a monitor and PC. The importance lies in the personal experience and the skills of the user, not the tools they possess. Additionally, Andy shared his thoughts on ginger athletes, naming Andy Dalton as a standout, and expressing his appreciation for their achievements despite societal stereotypes.

    • Adapting to new technologies and the generational divideThe struggles of adapting to new technologies, such as learning new channels and remote controls, and the generational divide were discussed. Despite the benefits of having a monitor for a video game system, it may not matter as much if the system itself is not a PC. The conversation also touched upon the satisfaction and tedium of everyday tasks.

      While having a monitor for a video game system can be beneficial, it may not matter as much if the system itself is not a PC. Additionally, during the discussion, the topic shifted to the struggles of adapting to new technologies and services, such as learning new channels and remote controls with the impending return of live sports and the end of the pandemic. The group also touched upon the generational differences, particularly between millennials and the older generations, and the challenges that come with remembering and adapting to technological advancements. Another topic that arose was the chore-like nature of certain activities, such as cooking and doing dishes, which can be satisfying but also tedious and time-consuming. Overall, the conversation highlighted the challenges and frustrations of adapting to new technologies and the generational divide, as well as the importance of finding enjoyment in everyday tasks.

    • A woman's snacking video sparks intense debate on social mediaSocial media can cause intense reactions and misunderstandings, highlighting the importance of being mindful of online presence and actions.

      Social media can spark intense reactions and debates, even over seemingly trivial matters. In this case, a video featuring a woman's snacking habits went viral, with some people demanding it be removed due to its cringeworthy nature. Others defended it, finding the video entertaining and relatable. The incident highlights the power of social media to generate engagement and the potential for miscommunications or misunderstandings. It also showcases the importance of being aware of one's online presence and the potential consequences of one's actions. The story also features an interesting anecdote about a media personality taking credit for discovering and promoting the career of Kate Upton.

    • The Power of AttractivenessAttractiveness can unlock privileges and opportunities, inspiring various reactions from individuals, and businesses can thrive by understanding and catering to consumer desires.

      Attractiveness can grant privileges, even in seemingly exclusive social settings. Darren's Instagram post about recognizing attractive women, no matter their current circumstances, is an example of this phenomenon. For some individuals, this reality might lead to flexing or boasting, while for others, it could be a source of amusement or endearment. In a different context, Abercrombie's new wedding shop caters to the needs of their customers who often attend various wedding-related events. This business move highlights the power of understanding and catering to consumer desires. Jensen Karp, a multi-talented artist, comedian, and businessman, shares an intriguing story of turning a failed music career into a successful art business. His journey demonstrates the importance of adapting and finding opportunities in unexpected situations.

    • Child actor experiences and the industry's darker sideFollow passions with awareness of potential pitfalls, contrasting early acting career successes and failures.

      Everyone's journey to success and failure looks different. The speaker shared his experience as a child actor who dipped his toes into the industry but didn't let it consume him, contrasting his story with his wife's experiences as an actor who saw the darker side of the industry. They discussed the implications of starting a child's acting career early, including potential financial benefits through residuals. The speaker's mother was also mentioned as an entrepreneur who ran her own penny saver, which was a precursor to modern couponing. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of following one's passions while being aware of the potential pitfalls.

    • Unexpected connections from past acquaintancesLife can take unexpected turns, leading to new relationships and discoveries. Stay open to new experiences.

      Fame and popularity can lead to unexpected connections and relationships, even if they don't develop until much later in life. The speaker, who grew up in the same high school as Topanga from Boy Meets World, never watched the show while they were acquaintances. However, after they reconnected years later, she showed him a few episodes, and they eventually started dating. The speaker found it amusing to watch these old ninety sitcom episodes featuring his wife as a teenage actress, and they even discovered some nostalgic items from her past in their garage. Despite his initial perception of California teenagers as cooler and more rebellious than others, the speaker acknowledges that there is some truth to this stereotype, as he recalls seeing celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio living a different lifestyle during his teenage years. Overall, this conversation highlights the unexpected twists and turns that life can take, and the importance of staying open to new experiences and connections.

    • Feeling Out of Place Among Young CelebritiesThe speaker expresses a disconnect from young celebrities' culture and concerns for their lifestyle choices, while maintaining a love for the LA Clippers basketball team.

      The speaker expresses a sense of disconnection and confusion towards the culture of young celebrities, particularly those from California, and feels out of place around them. He shares anecdotes of encountering them at events and recognizing their fame, but feeling like an outsider. He also expresses concern for their lifestyles and lack of focus on education. Despite this, he maintains a love for the LA Clippers basketball team and acknowledges the excitement of their recent success. The speaker's perspective showcases a feeling of nostalgia for the past and a struggle to understand the current cultural landscape.

    • Exploring Unconventional Ideas for Sports During the PandemicDiscussed NBA games on a cruise ship, shared experiences writing for Monday Night Raw, and introduced Roman Swipes for longer-lasting intimacy.

      Despite the uncertainty surrounding the return of sports due to the ongoing pandemic, there's no shortage of creative ideas being thrown around. During a recent conversation, the hosts discussed the unconventional idea of having NBA games on a cruise ship, acknowledging both its potential benefits and drawbacks. However, they agreed that until a foolproof solution emerges, the brainstorming session will continue. Elsewhere in the discussion, the topic of pro wrestling came up, with one host sharing his past experience of writing for Monday Night Raw for six months. He expressed his mixed feelings about the job, mentioning the challenges of constant traveling and working under tight deadlines. Despite his enthusiasm as a young fan, he felt less creative over time due to the demanding nature of the job. In a different segment, the hosts introduced Roman Swipes, a product from Roman, an online men's health company, that aims to help men last longer during sex. They emphasized its ease of use, effectiveness, and discreet shipping, making it an attractive option for those seeking longer-lasting intimacy. Overall, the conversation touched upon various aspects of sports, entertainment, and personal well-being, demonstrating the hosts' ability to explore diverse topics with enthusiasm and curiosity.

    • Vince McMahon's Unusual Expectations and QuirksVince McMahon, known for his eccentricities, had an aversion to weakness and threw almonds at sleeping passengers on private planes. He discovered and promoted talented individuals like Owen Hart and The Rock.

      Vince McMahon, the legendary professional wrestling promoter, had unusual quirks and expectations. A wrestler, who wore a nice suit every day to impress McMahon, shared stories about McMahon's eccentricities, including his aversion to weakness and his habit of throwing almonds at sleeping passengers on private planes. The wrestler also shared two rejected storyline ideas for wrestlers Chet Jablonski and Perry Hodder, which involved their extensive wrestling knowledge and physical prowess. Despite McMahon's intimidating reputation, the wrestler found him both intimidating and likable. Owen Hart and The Rock were two of the wrestler's favorite wrestlers of all time, highlighting McMahon's ability to discover and promote talented individuals in the wrestling industry.

    • Roan's friendships and experiences bring people togetherRoan's unique friendships and shared interests create memorable moments and unexpected connections.

      Roan's friendships and experiences, whether it's attending a wrestling event or bonding over pop punk music, have a way of bringing people together and creating memorable moments. During Roan's bachelor party, an unexpected incident occurred when he went missing after the event, causing concern among his friends. However, it turned out that he had made new friends at a nearby gym and was simply enjoying their company. This incident led to a running joke among their group text messages. Roan's connection to musician Tom DeLonge also came up in the conversation, as they had bonded over their shared interest in UFOs. DeLonge had recently gained mainstream attention for his advocacy on the subject, and Roan's friends joked about how he had "made it big" by being associated with him. The conversation also touched on the potential friendship between Roan and Mark Hoppus, another member of Blink-182, and the possibility of a Blink-182 reunion. Another topic discussed was Roan's radio show and his co-host's experience of interviewing Tom DeLonge before the pandemic. The interview had led to some playful banter between the co-hosts and DeLonge about who was crazier, with DeLonge joking that the tables had turned and it was now the co-hosts who were questioning his beliefs. Lastly, Roan mentioned his book, and the conversation ended with a reflection on the interconnectedness of various circles of life and how they can bring people together in unexpected ways.

    • Writing about past experiences for personal growthExploring past experiences through writing can provide therapeutic benefits and lead to new perspectives, even if it involves unresolved debts or past grievances.

      Writing about past experiences can provide a sense of vindication and help move on from difficult moments. The speaker, Jensen Karp, shares his story of writing a book about his teenage years as a rapper and dealing with a mental breakdown. He mentions an outstanding debt of $300 from Kanye West, which served as a clickbait title for the book. However, the real value of the book came from the therapeutic process of writing it down and gaining a new perspective on the experience. Despite considering a manipulative scheme to get Kanye to pay the debt, the speaker ultimately decided against it when Kanye expressed disapproval. The experience taught Jensen that sometimes, letting go of past grievances can lead to personal growth.

    • Eminem's Rap Battles: Dedication, Wit, and Legal IssuesEminem's rap battles showcased his dedication, quick wit, and memorable feuds. However, his disrespectful rhyme towards Tyrese highlighted the blurred lines between creativity and legal issues. In the professional world, clear communication and boundaries are crucial.

      Eminem's success in the rap battle scene came with intense dedication and quick wit, leading to memorable feuds and iconic moments. During his time on the battle circuit, he faced off against various opponents, including one named Tyrese, whom he infamously disrespected with a rhyme that led to a real-life response. This incident highlights the fine line between creativity and potential legal issues, as the context of a battle rap can blur the lines between joking and serious offense. In a professional setting, it's essential to consider the implications of such actions and ensure clear communication and boundaries. Eminem's experience also showcases the power of collaboration, as he later worked with Roan on a TV show and engaged in friendly battles to test the skills of a new talent. These experiences demonstrate the importance of resilience, creativity, and professionalism in the entertainment industry.

    • Beyond Sports: Conversations, Charity, and CreativityThe No Sports Report podcast explores topics beyond sports, raises funds for charity, and showcases the hosts' creativity and adaptability during the pandemic

      The No Sports Report podcast, which started during the coronavirus pandemic, focuses on discussing various topics beyond sports. The hosts engage in conversations with guests about their experiences during the pandemic and share jokes, stories, and insights. The podcast also gives a significant portion of its earnings to charity. The hosts, including Blake Anderson, have a history of writing and collaborating on comedic projects, with Blake often contributing funny lines. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, the team continues to produce content, showcasing their creativity and adaptability.

    • Embracing the Absurdity of Personal PursuitsIndividuals find joy and entertainment in unique interests, prioritize personal growth, and create their own fabricated side lives, despite criticism and challenges.

      Despite the challenges and criticisms, the individuals in this conversation continue to find joy and entertainment in their unique pursuits. They embrace the absurdity of their interests, from watching DVD logos bounce on screens to debating whether Michael Jordan is a loser based on his gambling habits. They also prioritize personal growth and fitness, as seen in the speaker's dedication to Peloton and training. Despite the haters and the losers, they remain committed to living their lives to the fullest and creating their own fabricated side lives that sustain them. They find magic in the mundane and continue to push each other to be their best.

    • Michael Jordan's Memorable Moments and Unconventional OpinionsDespite controversies and unconventional views, Michael Jordan's impact and influence continue to resonate in popular culture.

      Michael Jordan, despite his immense success and iconic status, continues to be a source of entertaining and provocative discourse due to his meme-worthy moments and unconventional takes. While some may view him as a winner for his basketball achievements and brand, others see him as a "loser" for his emotional displays and unconventional opinions. Regardless, Jordan's impact and influence continue to resonate, making him a timeless figure in popular culture. Additionally, the discussion touched on the idea that even when faced with serious issues like CTE and coronavirus, some individuals choose to embrace unconventional perspectives, adding to the richness and diversity of discourse.

    • Exploring the unexpected and absurdities of lifeLife's surprises and absurdities remind us to find humor and wonder in the everyday, and our perception shapes our reality

      Life can be full of unexpected surprises and absurdities, as highlighted in the conversation about living with a wild animal and the experience of phantom phone vibrations. The conversation also touched upon the sense of wonder and amazement at the randomness of our existence and the complexities of the world around us. Additionally, the discussion emphasized the importance of perspective and how our perception can influence our reality, as seen in the example of feeling as if one's feet are wet even when they are not. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of finding humor and wonder in the everyday and recognizing the absurdities that make up the human experience.

    • Exploring the Power of Human ImaginationThe human imagination is a powerful tool capable of creating intricate ideas and fueling creativity, even from our fears and anxieties. Embrace your thoughts and use them as a source of inspiration.

      The human imagination is capable of creating intricate and complex ideas, just like the engineering feats we see in the world around us. Our fears and anxieties can fuel our creativity, leading us to imagine scenarios that seem impossible. For some, these thoughts may revolve around bridges and tunnels, while for others it could be something entirely different. Regardless, the power of the mind is a fascinating thing, and it's important to remember that our thoughts, while sometimes scary, are just that - thoughts. They don't have the power to harm us unless we let them. Additionally, it seems that some people may feel more in tune with their imaginations than others, leading to a heightened sense of awareness and creativity. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of embracing our thoughts, both positive and negative, and using them as a source of inspiration and creativity.

    • Exploring the Connection Between Wolves and DogsWolves may exhibit dog-like behaviors and could potentially understand human language, leading to intriguing possibilities for interspecies communication and companionship.

      Animals, particularly wolves, may be more similar to dogs than we think. The speaker shared an experience of encountering friendly wolves that behaved like dogs. They speculated that if animals could understand human language, they might choose to ignore us or even spy on us like pets. The conversation then shifted to reminiscing about past possessions and wondering about the number of times we've performed certain actions in our lives. The speaker expressed a desire for a statistical database to answer such questions. The conversation also touched upon the idea of cherishing relationships and realizing the passage of time. Ultimately, the discussion revolved around the intriguing notion of connections between seemingly disparate things – wolves and dogs, human language and animal intelligence, and past experiences and future reflections.

    • Transitioning from childhood to adulthood decreases physical activityBe mindful of decreased physical activity in adulthood and make a conscious effort to incorporate more movement in daily life for better health.

      The amount of physical activity in our daily lives tends to decrease as we transition from childhood to adulthood. During our childhood years, we take numerous steps each day due to the various activities we engage in. However, as we graduate high school and enter the corporate world or college, we tend to become less active. In the corporate world, walking is often discouraged, and we spend most of our time at desks. In contrast, during our college years, we may spend more time in our dorm rooms due to a lack of external pressures to leave the house. When we do go out, we often walk longer distances, such as to parties, but these instances may be few and far between. Overall, it's essential to be aware of this trend and make a conscious effort to incorporate more physical activity into our daily lives to maintain good health.

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 12, 2024

    Greg Olsen, Celtics Take Game 2, SCF G1 And Vanny Woodhead Is Back

    Greg Olsen, Celtics Take Game 2, SCF G1 And Vanny Woodhead Is Back

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 10, 2024

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    The Boundaries of AI: From Realistic Songs to Camera-like Video Games

    Dive into the world of artificial intelligence with Mark and Mitch as they explore the fascinating progress of AI-generated content. This episode kicks off with a discussion on AI-created music and the recent controversies surrounding songs made to sound like famous artists (0:02:16). Discover the exciting advancements in Nvidia's text-to-video software and how it's revolutionizing video games (0:03:44). 

    The conversation takes a lighter turn as they debate the merits of sunscreen for bald heads (0:09:53) and then delve into the benefits of AI in education (0:11:36).Further discussions touch on the impact of social media platforms on Google rankings (0:18:32), the recent theft of $9 million and a gold heist (0:22:06), Starbucks coffee and alternative brewing methods (0:30:07), and the challenges of intellectual property rights in the face of copycats (0:32:11). Join them as they chat about reselling used items on eBay (0:40:27), investing in Dogecoin (0:42:01), and the incredible results of AI image generation (0:45:23).

    Stay tuned for the conversation summary covering AI, McDonald's layoffs, and lab-grown food (0:46:51). In this episode, Mark and Mitch examine the evolving landscape of AI technology, its potential applications, and the impact on various industries. Listen in to discover the fascinating world of AI and the incredible advancements being made. 

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    This Is What Finally Broke Me and Made Me No Longer Trust Authorities | Dr. Drew Pinsky

    This Is What Finally Broke Me and Made Me No Longer Trust Authorities | Dr. Drew Pinsky
    Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Dr. Drew Pinsky about the current state of mental health in America; the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic; the influence of politics on society; his concern over the increasing rates of anxiety, depression, and drug use — particularly among young people; the dangers of a lack of interpersonal connections, over-reliance on screens, and the effects of lockdowns and social distancing measures; the over-prescription of psychotropic drugs and the overemphasis on safety at the expense of personal freedom; why you should show your kids “South Park”; and much more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Biden Intends To End COVID Emergency Declarations. Now What?

    Biden Intends To End COVID Emergency Declarations. Now What?
    Republican Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy was at the White House on Wednesday for talks as President Biden continues to insist that the U.S. paying its debts is non-negotiable. House Republicans remove Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota from her seat on the Foreign Relations committee. And in response to pressure from Congress, the administration says it will end the COVID emergency declaration. Here's what that means in practice.

    This episode: political correspondent Susan Davis, White House correspondent Tamara Keith, senior political editor and correspondent Domenico Montanaro, and health correspondent Selena Simmons-Duffin.

    This episode was produced by Elena Moore and Casey Morell. It was edited by Eric McDaniel. Our executive producer is Muthoni Muturi. Research and fact-checking by Devin Speak.

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