
    WTF is going on in the World? | Interview with MoistCr1itikal

    en-usJune 07, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The line between personal gambling and promoting gambling to minors online can be blurry and harmfulOnline gambling can lead to mental health issues and the spread of harmful ideologies, emphasizing the need for education and mental health resources.

      The line between personal gambling and promoting gambling to minors, especially through online platforms, can be blurry and potentially harmful. The ease of access to online gaming and the potential for indoctrination or mental health issues can contribute to the radicalization of individuals, leading them to believe and spread harmful ideologies. It's important to understand the root causes of these beliefs and to provide resources and support for those struggling with mental health issues. Unfortunately, the internet provides a vast echo chamber where individuals can find like-minded individuals and reinforce negative beliefs, leading to the spread of misinformation and potentially dangerous actions. It's crucial to educate ourselves and others about the potential dangers of online spaces and to provide resources for mental health support. Additionally, it's important to critically evaluate information and not fall prey to conspiracy theories or misinformation.

    • Discussion on JFK Junior's alleged resurrection and the use of a photo of Trump's hand as evidenceCritical thinking and fact-checking are crucial in combating the spread of conspiracy theories and misinformation. Beliefs about physical attributes influencing relationships are not scientifically proven, but can still hold significant influence in online communities.

      Conspiracy theories, no matter how outlandish they may seem, can gain traction and spread rapidly through online communities. In this discussion, the topic was the alleged resurrection of JFK Junior and the use of a photo of Trump's hand as evidence. The speakers also touched on the formation of echo chambers on the internet and the belief systems of incels. While some research suggests that certain physical characteristics may influence attractiveness, the speakers noted that beliefs about height and muscularity being key factors for successful relationships are not supported by scientific evidence. Despite this, height remains a common concern among incels, and some may be beyond help. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of critical thinking and fact-checking in the face of misinformation and the potential harm of isolating oneself in online communities.

    • The power of social media and memes can revive failed projectsSocial media and memes can turn around negative public perception, leading to increased interest and profits for struggling projects or companies.

      The power of social media and memes can turn a seemingly failed project into a profitable one, as seen with the Morbius movie. The film, which was widely panned by critics and audiences alike, gained notoriety online due to memes making fun of its poor quality. This led to a surge in interest and ticket sales, resulting in the movie making more money than it cost to produce. Similarly, companies like GameStop, which were once struggling, have found new life through the adoption of NFTs and the hype surrounding digital assets. Despite the challenges faced by these entities, the power of community engagement and online culture can breathe new life into them.

    • NFTs Criticized for Lack of Inherent ValueThe speaker believes that many NFT sales are self-promotional and lack inherent value, with skepticism towards NFTs and the crypto community's negative reputation due to money-driven FOMO and price volatility.

      NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) have been criticized for being a potential scam due to their association with inflated prices driven by hype and reselling among crypto enthusiasts. The speaker believes that many NFT sales are self-promotional and lack inherent value, with examples being the Bored Ape Yacht Club and similar projects. While the speaker acknowledges the potential value of blockchain technology in crypto for businesses and transactions, they express skepticism towards NFTs and the crypto community, which they find annoying and negative in reputation. The speaker's perspective is that people get into crypto primarily to make money, driven by fear of missing out (FOMO), and that the unpredictability and volatility of crypto prices contribute to its negative reputation.

    • The Risks and Instability of Decentralized Finance Projects: A Case Study of LunaInvestors must conduct thorough research, understand technology, and consider risks before investing in crypto projects. Luna's collapse serves as a reminder of the potential instability and manipulation in DeFi markets.

      The crypto market, specifically the situation with Luna and its founder Do Kwon, highlights the risks and potential instability of decentralized finance (DeFi) projects. Luna, once the 4th most traded crypto, crashed from $100 a token to a fraction of a penny in just 7 days. Do Kwon, the project's head, had publicly made bets against the crypto's recovery on livestreams, which some saw as a sign of insider knowledge or manipulation. The instability of Luna's stablecoin, combined with large bets against it, led to its collapse. This incident underscores the importance of thorough research, understanding the underlying technology, and being aware of potential risks before investing in crypto projects. Despite the losses and controversies, some investors continue to buy into Luna 2.0, demonstrating the allure and delusion of quick profits in the crypto market.

    • The psychology of crypto investing and poor decision makingInvestors can fall prey to sunk cost fallacy and counterfactual thinking, leading to poor investment decisions and potential significant losses in crypto, amplified by the lack of regulation and ease of access to crypto gambling platforms.

      The psychology of crypto investing can lead people to make poor decisions based on the sunk cost fallacy and counterfactual thinking. After experiencing losses, some investors believe they can make up for their losses by continuing to invest, as they feel they've learned from their mistakes and understand the market better. This mentality is similar to gambling, where people believe they can make up for previous losses by continuing to play. However, the risks are amplified in crypto due to the lack of regulation and the potential for significant losses. The ease of access to crypto gambling platforms, like Stake, which require no verification, can exacerbate the problem, particularly for younger individuals. Overall, it's crucial for individuals to be aware of these psychological biases and to approach crypto investing with caution.

    • Crypto Casinos and the Challenge of Protecting Vulnerable PopulationsCrypto casinos lack regulation, allowing underage individuals to gamble and profiting from their participation. Stricter regulations are necessary to protect vulnerable populations.

      While cryptocurrency offers the advantage of being unrestricted and decentralized, it also presents challenges, particularly in the context of online gambling. The lack of regulation in crypto casinos allows underage individuals to easily sign up and gamble, creating a significant problem. This issue is not just about the sign-up process but also about the casinos themselves, which can profit from children's participation. The shady practices in the crypto world, including sponsored streams and under-the-table deals, make it a lucrative environment for companies to take advantage of gullible individuals. It's essential to be aware of these issues and advocate for stricter regulations to protect vulnerable populations.

    • Operating in shady areas and targeting vulnerable individualsSome companies intentionally skirt regulations by targeting vulnerable individuals and operating in shady areas, highlighting the need for increased scrutiny and regulation in certain industries.

      Some companies, like Steak, intentionally operate in shady areas and are aware of their predatory practices. Steak, an offshore casino, does not require verification for deposits but does for withdrawals, allowing them to target vulnerable individuals and skirt regulations. This behavior is not unique to all companies, but it is concerning and highlights the need for increased scrutiny and regulation in certain industries. Furthermore, the discussion touched upon the topic of gun control and its relationship to mass shootings. While gun control laws have not significantly worsened in the US, other factors such as the Internet and mental health have contributed to the increase in mass shootings. Growing up, there was more access to guns in public, but the process to obtain them has become slightly more difficult. Some suggest increasing the minimum age for gun ownership or making it later to prevent young adults from obtaining guns and committing crimes. However, it's important to note that gun control is just one piece of the puzzle, and addressing this complex issue requires a multifaceted approach.

    • The Danger of Online Echo ChambersInternet's recommendation system can lead users to form harmful echo chambers, potentially contributing to dangerous behaviors. Seek diverse perspectives and be aware of this phenomenon.

      The internet's ability to recommend emotionally engaging and polarizing content can contribute to the formation of harmful echo chambers. These echo chambers can lead individuals to gradually consume increasingly radical content, potentially contributing to dangerous behaviors such as mass shootings. The speaker believes that while platforms like YouTube and social media sites aren't necessarily to blame, it's important for users to be aware of this phenomenon and make a conscious effort to seek out diverse perspectives. Additionally, the availability of guns and the impact of isolation and echo chambers on individuals should be addressed through stronger gun control laws and efforts to combat online radicalization.

    • The Spread of Misinformation and Conspiracy TheoriesPeople can get drawn into believing bizarre conspiracy theories despite living normal lives, raising ethical questions about regulating information and understanding why people believe them.

      The dissemination of information on the internet, particularly concerning conspiracy theories and misinformation, can lead individuals down rabbit holes of increasingly bizarre beliefs. This phenomenon, fueled by the constant hunger for more content, can result in people holding onto seemingly irrational ideas despite living normal lives. The challenge of controlling misinformation raises ethical questions about the role of governments and platforms in regulating information, as well as the psychology behind why people believe such theories. For instance, studies are being conducted to understand the personality traits of those who believe in conspiracy theories. While some argue that such beliefs indicate mental instability, others maintain that these individuals are not mentally deranged but rather misguided. The line between mental health and mental illness in relation to these beliefs is not always clear-cut, and nuanced discussions are necessary. In the case of violent acts, such as school shootings, it is widely accepted that the perpetrators are mentally unwell. The complexity of these issues highlights the need for ongoing dialogue and research.

    • Understanding the Complexities of Extreme Human BehaviorsLabeling extreme behaviors as mental illnesses alone may not be accurate or sufficient. Consider individual circumstances and nuances when evaluating cases, as mental health issues are complex and multifaceted.

      While some extreme human behaviors may indicate mental instability, labeling such behaviors as mental illness alone may not be sufficient or accurate. Mental illnesses can be treated, but the possibility of relapse and potential danger to society remains. The discussion also highlighted that assuming all extreme behaviors are mental illnesses can misrepresent the complexities of mental health conditions. It's essential to consider the nuances and individual circumstances when evaluating such cases. The case of the individual who committed a heinous act on a bus, for instance, raises questions about the extent of treatment, the likelihood of full recovery, and the potential risks to society. Ultimately, it's crucial to recognize that mental health issues are complex and multifaceted, and a holistic approach is necessary for understanding and addressing them.

    • Understanding the Complex Causes of Tragic ActsBiological factors may contribute to mental health conditions, but social and environmental influences like indoctrination, lack of resources, and personal hurt can lead to extreme beliefs and violent acts.

      While there may be a biological basis for mental health conditions like depression, the motivation behind tragic acts such as suicide bombing or mass shootings may be more complex and influenced by social and environmental factors. Indoctrination and conditioning within echo chambers can lead individuals to adopt extreme beliefs and values, and a lack of mental health resources can exacerbate these issues. Hatred and resentment, often stemming from conditioning or personal hurt, can drive individuals to commit violent acts. It's crucial to address these underlying causes and provide support and resources to those at risk. However, finding solutions to prevent such tragedies remains a complex challenge.

    • Exploring the complex causes of deranged behaviorTo prevent deranged behavior, focus on communication skills, questioning belief systems, and addressing the root causes of resentment at primary, secondary, and tertiary levels.

      Understanding the complex causes behind deranged behavior, such as school shootings, requires a nuanced perspective that goes beyond labeling it as mental illness. While treatment can help, it's essential to explore the roots of the problem through open conversations and questioning beliefs. These conversations can reveal the human side behind the labels and provide insights into motivations, beliefs, and the conditions that led to the behavior. Prevention efforts should focus on primary, secondary, and tertiary levels, addressing communication skills, questioning belief systems, and addressing the root causes of resentment and nurturing conditions that contribute to the development of deranged behavior.

    • Assessing for Suicidality and Homicidal IdeationMental health professionals assess for suicidality and homicidal ideation to identify potential threats, but predicting outcomes is not certain. Deterministic mindset and feelings of being a loser could be indicators.

      While it's crucial to identify potential threats, such as kids exhibiting violent behavior or expressing suicidal or homicidal ideation, mental health professionals cannot predict such outcomes with certainty. However, part of their training involves assessing for both suicidality and homicidal ideation. During these assessments, professionals might ask questions about a person's perception of the world, their feelings of being a loser, and their options if they find themselves in the losing bracket. A deterministic mindset, where a person believes they have no control over their future, could be a significant indicator of potential extreme behavior. These assessments are not perfect, but they provide valuable insights and help professionals intervene when necessary. It's essential to remember that these assessments are not echo chambers but opportunities for open dialogue and understanding different perspectives.

    • The Power of Positive Emotions in Harmful ActionsPositive emotions can lead individuals to engage in harmful actions, especially when they believe they're acting for a greater good or as part of a group, making it crucial for psychologists to analyze written materials related to such incidents to understand the motivations behind them.

      The human tendency towards positive emotions can lead individuals to engage in harmful actions when they believe they are acting for a greater good or as part of a group. This can be seen in various forms of extremism, such as suicide bombing or school shootings. The motivations behind these actions are often rooted in a sense of common identity that outweighs individual identity. However, understanding the language used in manifestos or written materials related to these incidents can be challenging for psychologists, as they are not typically trained to analyze written material, and the correlation between an analysis and a clinical application is not always clear.

    • Understanding the root cause of harmful behaviorThe process of radicalization, not the beliefs themselves, is the root cause of harmful or radicalized behavior. Engaging in debates or arguments may not be effective, but asking genuine questions can help improve relationships.

      While the content of an individual's delusional beliefs may be analyzed through manifestos or statements, the root cause of harmful or radicalized behavior lies in the process of radicalization itself, rather than the beliefs themselves. The discomfort and unease we feel when encountering individuals with disorganized thinking and speech is a natural response based on various non-verbal cues, such as eye contact and facial expressions. Analyzing manifestos can provide insight into the motivations and thought processes of individuals, but engaging in debates or arguments with the intention of changing their beliefs may not be effective. Instead, asking genuine questions to learn and understand different perspectives can help improve interpersonal relationships.

    • Shifting from win-lose to collaborative conversationsProductive conversations require respect, active listening, open-ended questions, and a focus on common ground, rather than trying to convince others they're wrong.

      Productive conversations between people with differing beliefs require a shift from a win-lose mentality to a collaborative approach. Debates, which are focused on convincing the other person that they're wrong, often lead to polarization and a lack of cooperation. Instead, having conversations where both parties respect each other's beliefs and work towards finding common ground can lead to more effective communication and understanding. Additionally, people's strong desire to surround themselves with like-minded individuals can make it difficult to have productive conversations, as disagreements can feel like personal attacks. It's important to remember that no one wants to be seen as wrong, and forcing someone to admit fault or accept responsibility can lead to resistance rather than resolution. Instead, a more effective approach is to listen actively, ask open-ended questions, and seek to understand the other person's perspective. This can lead to a more productive conversation and potentially even a deeper connection between the parties involved.

    • Understanding others' perspectives is key to productive argumentsInstead of focusing on who's right or wrong, aim for open conversations and try to understand why someone holds a certain belief.

      Instead of focusing on who is right or wrong in an argument, it's more beneficial to try to understand the other person's perspective. Arguing often puts the mind in a frame that is not conducive to learning, and personal attacks or insults only make the situation worse. Politicians and individuals alike should strive for open conversations and aim to understand why someone holds a certain belief, rather than trying to convince them. It's important to remember that people who disagree with us have reasons for their beliefs and it's not necessarily about intelligence. Engaging in respectful dialogue can lead to a more productive and less time-wasting interaction. Additionally, it's crucial to find a balance between having open conversations and not platforming controversial views that may upset a large number of people.

    • Understanding Beliefs: Complex Constructs Shaping Our PerceptionBeliefs are shaped by experiences, upbringing, and understanding. They are not inherently good or bad, but can be changed through education and exposure to diverse perspectives. Open dialogue is key to bridging gaps between different beliefs.

      Beliefs, whether they be about race, sexuality, religion, or any other subject, are complex constructs that shape how individuals perceive and interact with the world. They are not inherently good or bad, but rather a reflection of an individual's experiences, upbringing, and understanding of the world. It is important to remember that people are not their beliefs, and that beneath the surface, there is usually a good person striving to make sense of the world in their own way. However, it is also important to recognize that beliefs can be changed and that education and exposure to different perspectives can help challenge and expand our understanding of the world and the people in it. Ultimately, it is through open and respectful dialogue that we can bridge the gaps between different beliefs and find common ground.

    • Encountering Prejudice and Challenging BiasesPersonal experiences and open-ended dialogue can challenge biases, motivational interviewing is an effective method for guiding individuals towards acknowledging their problems, and change comes from within.

      Ignorance often fuels prejudice and harmful beliefs. The speaker shares his personal experience of encountering racism and homophobia, and how getting to know people of different backgrounds helped him understand their humanity and challenge his own biases. He also emphasizes the importance of asking questions and encouraging open-ended dialogue as a means to help people recognize and address their own misconceptions. The technique of motivational interviewing, used in addiction psychiatry, is mentioned as an effective method for guiding individuals towards acknowledging their problems. The overall message is that change comes from within, and that creating a non-judgmental space for learning and exploration can lead to greater understanding and acceptance.

    • Exploring difficult topics through open conversationsEngaging in genuine and curious conversations about personal struggles can lead to valuable insights and growth, and the collective wisdom of a community can provide powerful solutions

      Having open and honest conversations with others, even about difficult topics like past relationships or personal struggles, can lead to valuable insights and growth. During a conversation with a professional, Charlie shared that two people had ended relationships with him due to his drinking habits. Instead of pushing his beliefs or conclusions on the other person, he asked for their thoughts and perspectives. By engaging in a genuine and curious conversation, both parties were able to explore the issue together and potentially reach a better understanding. This approach not only allows individuals to learn from each other but also reinforces the idea that solutions to complex problems may not always come from professionals. Instead, the collective wisdom and experiences of a community can be a powerful tool for personal growth.

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    | Dr. Daniel Jolley |

    ► Website | https://www.danieljolley.co.uk

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    ► Youtube Channel | https://bit.ly/3HYFqMz


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