
    You And Your Spouse Have To Be on the Same Page

    en-usNovember 03, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing George Campbell's new book 'Breaking Free From Broke',George Campbell's new book aims to help people navigate modern financial complexities, offering trusted guidance and going beyond 'The Total Money Makeover' principles.

      George Campbell and Dr. John Deloney, both YouTubers, discussed George's upcoming book "Breaking Free From Broke," which aims to help people understand and navigate the financial complexities keeping them broke. The book goes beyond the principles of "The Total Money Makeover" and addresses the modern financial landscape with its countless distractions and offers. George shared his personal experience of feeling overwhelmed by financial decisions and the need for trusted guidance. He expressed excitement about helping readers break free from the financial system and providing them with the truth about money through his book. The book, available for pre-order on RamseySolutions.com, comes with bonus items and is set to release on January 16, 2023.

    • Emphasizing Financial Responsibility and ControlTake charge of your finances, identify reasons for financial stress, and work towards peace and freedom with deliberate choices.

      Both the speaker and John Ramsey emphasize the importance of taking responsibility for one's financial situation and making deliberate choices towards financial peace. The speaker expresses excitement about Ramsey's new book, "Building an Anxious Life," as a potential Christmas gift, highlighting its relevance for those struggling with financial stress. Ramsey's book, "Breaking Free from Broke," addresses common reasons people give for not being able to get ahead financially and encourages readers to take action, emphasizing that it's not all their fault but their responsibility. The speaker also touches on the importance of physical health and aligning one's work with passion to achieve professional success. Overall, both individuals encourage listeners to take control of their financial and personal lives, work towards peace and freedom, and bridge the gap between financial stress and financial peace.

    • Focus on debt repayment and savings before buying a houseConsider renting to eliminate debt and build an emergency fund before buying a house. Prioritize debt repayment and temporarily pause retirement contributions to free up extra cash.

      Managing debt and saving for a home requires careful planning and prioritization. Tristan, a caller on the show, shared his desire to buy a new house but was concerned about his current personal debt of $33,000. The experts on the show suggested that he consider renting in a better neighborhood for a year while working on eliminating his debt and building an emergency fund. They emphasized the importance of having a solid financial foundation before making a large purchase like a house. They also suggested pausing retirement contributions temporarily to free up extra cash for debt repayment. By focusing on eliminating debt and building an emergency fund, Tristan can set himself up for long-term financial success and avoid potential financial stressors that come with homeownership. Balancing debt repayment and savings is crucial, and tools like Balance of Nature's nutrient-rich supplements can help provide the necessary fuel for a healthy financial journey.

    • Help children achieve financial peace for a stable family environmentBy paying off debt and building an emergency fund, parents can create a peaceful home and set their children up for financial success, allowing them to manage conflicts rationally and build wealth with less anxiety.

      Financial peace is a valuable gift for parents to give their children. George and John are not trying to be harsh, but they want to help Tristan get out of debt to provide a peaceful home for her family. By doing so, she will be able to hold her child accountable and respond rationally during conflicts, creating a stable environment for her kid. The speakers emphasize that peace is essential for the country's healing, and by taking 18 months to pay off debt and build an emergency fund, Tristan can change her family tree forever. They suggest selling their current home with equity and renting temporarily to focus on debt repayment and saving for a down payment. By following the baby steps and ensuring a mortgage payment no more than a quarter of take-home pay, Tristan can become a homeowner and build wealth with less anxiety. The ultimate goal is to break free from being broke, even with a six-figure income. Therapy can also be a valuable resource for managing life's challenges and finding balance.

    • Exploring the Benefits of Therapy with BetterHelpOnline therapy platforms like BetterHelp offer flexibility, affordability, and the ability to switch therapists for personal growth.

      Therapy, whether you've experienced trauma or not, can be a valuable tool for personal growth. BetterHelp, an online therapy platform, offers flexibility, affordability, and the ability to switch therapists at any time. The Ramsay Show team values your feedback through their annual listener survey, which helps shape the show for the next year and enters participants into a $500 gift card giveaway. Victoria from Phoenix shared her dilemma about being upside down on a car purchase for a planned road trip across the country. The Ramsey Show team advised against selling the car, as it was already a sunk cost, and suggested focusing on paying it off as quickly as possible instead.

    • Focus on debt and savings prioritizationConsider selling unnecessary items, making sacrifices, and following the debt snowball method to pay off debt and build an emergency fund before making large investments.

      When it comes to managing debt and savings, prioritization is key. The speaker recommends focusing on paying off consumer debt using the debt snowball method and building an emergency fund before making large investments, such as starting a business. In this specific case, the couple should consider whether their dream of starting a business is more important than having a nice car. If it is, they could sell the car, drive a beater, save up an emergency fund, and then save up the necessary funds for the business. This may involve making sacrifices, such as working longer hours or getting a part-time job, but it will help them avoid being stretched too thin and ultimately achieve their goals. It's important for couples to sit down and create a realistic plan based on their income and expenses, and to stick to it in order to make progress towards their financial goals.

    • Financial margin opens doors to opportunities and wealthEffective budgeting tools, trustworthy financial partners, financial literacy, humility, and reliable resources contribute to financial freedom

      Having financial margin, or the ability to save and invest, can lead to unexpected opportunities and wealth. This was illustrated through a story about a couple who were able to co-own a business due to their financial situation. However, the discussion also touched on the importance of trustworthy financial tools, such as Churchill Mortgage and Every Dollar, to help manage money and build margin. Additionally, the shutdown of Mint highlighted the need for effective budgeting tools like Every Dollar to help individuals achieve financial goals and break the cycle of being "financially homeless." The webinar mentioned offered a chance for those struggling with budgeting to learn and get personalized help. Overall, the importance of financial literacy, humility, and the use of reliable tools were emphasized for achieving financial freedom.

    • Understanding Your Finances with Every DollarEvery Dollar is a budgeting app that helps users manage income, expenses, and debts, without selling data or pushing unsolicited products. It promotes financial clarity and debt reduction through simple tracking and future focus.

      Every Dollar is a powerful tool for managing personal finances, and it offers a solution for those feeling overwhelmed by budgeting and debt. Unlike other financial apps, Every Dollar does not sell user data or push unsolicited financial products. Instead, it provides a simple, user-friendly platform for tracking income, expenses, and debts. The app encourages users to list out their income, expenses, and debts to gain clarity on their financial situation and find ways to increase income and decrease expenses to pay off debt faster. By focusing on the future and the benefits of being debt-free, Every Dollar aims to help users reduce anxiety and feel more in control of their finances.

    • Childhood experiences shape adult money anxietiesAcknowledge emotional aspects of money issues, validate partner's fears, and work together on a plan for financial freedom.

      Our past experiences with money can significantly impact our current financial anxieties. The speaker shared his personal experience of growing up with money challenges and how it affected him as an adult when he and his wife found themselves in debt. He emphasized the importance of acknowledging and addressing the emotional aspects of money issues instead of just focusing on solutions like spreadsheets and plans. He suggested listening to your partner's fears and validating their feelings, which can help reduce anxiety and create a plan together. The speaker also promoted his new book, "Breaking Free From Broke," which aims to help people understand the truth about money and provide a path to financial freedom.

    • Considering the long-term consequences of financial decisionsWeigh the impact on family life before making major financial decisions. Explore alternative income streams for extra money without disrupting family routine.

      It's essential to weigh the long-term consequences of your financial decisions against the potential disruption to your family life. The speaker suggests that if the financial stress is causing significant distress, there may be other ways to earn extra income without upending your family's routine. He also emphasizes that some financial burdens are worth enduring for a limited time if there's a reward at the end. The speaker shares his own experience of going through a demanding season in his career and encourages the listener to consider the seasonality of their current situation and what comes next. He also suggests exploring alternative income streams, such as handyman work or mobile oil change services, to earn extra money without causing significant disruption to family life.

    • Secure your future with term life insurance and enjoy the holiday seasonSecure your family's future with term life insurance from Zander Insurance, save during the holiday season with giveaways and discounts, and practice gratitude through letter writing and new TV shows.

      Life is unpredictable, and having term life insurance is crucial for those who have dependents. Zander Insurance is recommended due to their simplified application process and competitive rates, some of which don't require an exam. Additionally, the holiday season brings opportunities for giving and saving, such as entering the Ramsay Show's Christmas cash giveaway and taking advantage of discounted books and conversation cards. Furthermore, expressing gratitude through handwritten letters and discovering new TV shows are simple yet meaningful ways to enhance our lives.

    • Overcoming Financial Struggles: A Story of HopeNo matter the circumstances, seeking help and staying focused on goals can lead to financial improvement.

      No matter how difficult or seemingly insurmountable one's financial situation may seem, there is always hope and help available. Valerie, a listener on the call, shared her story of overcoming a serious accident and subsequent financial struggles. Despite feeling stuck and anxious, she acknowledged her situation and sought help from experts like Ken Coleman and the Ramsey Solutions team. The key is to be honest about your circumstances, stay focused on your goals, and take small steps towards improvement. Even if it seems impossible to get out of debt or find a better job, there are resources and support available to help you get back on track. So, if you're feeling overwhelmed and unsure of where to turn, remember that you're not alone and there is always a way forward.

    • Reframe your mindset and identify strengthsWhen facing financial hardships, write a letter to your past self, communicate openly with family, explore income-increasing options, and shift perspective to focus on strengths

      When faced with financial hardships and feeling stuck, it's important to reframe your mindset and identify your strengths. Valerie, a listener on the Ramsey Show, was feeling overwhelmed with debt and a difficult situation. Dave Ramsey encouraged her to write a letter to her former self, acknowledge the past, and focus on the present and her current abilities. He also suggested having an open and honest conversation with her children about the financial situation and the need for their help. Lastly, he advised Valerie to explore options for increasing her income, such as working at a fast food job, and checking into disability benefits if applicable. By shifting her perspective and taking actionable steps, Valerie can begin to turn her situation around.

    • Challenging overwhelming emotions and seeking evidenceFocus on present actions, seek help, and challenge negative thoughts to overcome anxiety and fear of the future.

      When faced with overwhelming emotions and feelings of failure, it's important to challenge those thoughts and seek evidence to determine their validity. Anxiety often stems from fear of the future and trying to solve imaginary problems in the present. Instead, focusing on the present and taking actionable steps, such as seeking counseling, financial advice, and creating a budget, can help individuals overcome their fears and move forward. Additionally, prioritizing basic necessities and seeking help from loved ones can provide much-needed relief during difficult times. Remember, you're not a failure, and you're worth more than you think.

    • Focus on smallest debt first for psychological benefitsPaying off smallest debts first, even with lower balances, can lead to faster debt repayment and greater sense of accomplishment, known as the debt snowball method.

      When dealing with multiple debts, focusing on paying off the smallest debt first, even if it's not the debt with the highest interest rate, can provide psychological benefits and help build momentum towards becoming debt-free. Monica, who has 16 student loans, was advised to prioritize paying off the smaller ones first, despite their lower balances, before tackling her car loan. This approach, known as the debt snowball method, can lead to faster debt repayment and a greater sense of accomplishment. It's important to remember that while the math may suggest paying off debts with the highest interest rates first, the psychological benefits of paying off smaller debts can be significant and help keep individuals motivated throughout the debt repayment process.

    • Pay off smallest debts firstFocus on paying off debts, especially small ones, to improve financial situation and build credit

      Focusing on paying off debts is a crucial step towards financial freedom. The speaker in this conversation was contemplating what to do with some extra money he had, and was advised to put it towards paying off his smallest debts first. He had several loans, including an ATV loan, a personal loan for a truck repair, and a car loan. The speaker expressed regret over taking on these loans earlier in life, as they were not helping him build credit as he had been led to believe. He was encouraged to sell an ATV and use the proceeds to pay off the smallest debt, and then focus on paying off the next smallest debt. The speaker's financial situation was challenging, as he was underwater on most of his debts and working out of town, but he was encouraged to explore local job opportunities that could provide better pay and allow him to work overtime and improve his financial situation. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of prioritizing debt repayment and making informed financial decisions.

    • From Broke to a Millionaire: The Journey to Financial FreedomFollow the Ramsey method for debt snowball, emergency funds, and smart investing to achieve financial freedom and peace of mind.

      Financial freedom and peace of mind don't come easy or quickly, but following a proven plan like the Ramsey method can help. The author, John, shares his personal journey from being broke to a millionaire in a decade, emphasizing the importance of debt snowball, emergency funds, and smart investing. He also debunks common myths about credit scores, loans, and consumerism, providing research and anecdotal evidence to support his advice. The ultimate goal is to help readers break free from financial stress and live a more peaceful life, even if it requires waiting to build up sufficient savings and down payment for a mortgage. The author encourages listeners to pre-order his book, "Breaking Free from Broke," for valuable bonuses and support.

    • Boost your income to reach your savings goal fasterIncreasing income can help you save for a house down payment in less time, potentially reducing the waiting period by years.

      If you're aiming to buy a house but haven't saved enough for a down payment yet, focus on increasing your income to reach your savings goal faster. For instance, if you can save $1,000 a month, it would take five years to save $12,000 for a $24,000 down payment. However, if you can boost your income by $2,000 a year, you could reach that goal in just two years, enabling you to buy a house sooner. Additionally, if you've paid off your debts and don't have a credit card, you might still be able to secure a mortgage with manual underwriting, where a human underwriter assesses your financial situation rather than relying on a credit score. Remember, building wealth is about effective money management, not just wealth accumulation. If you're interested in learning more about investing, consider attending a virtual event. By focusing on increasing your income and understanding the basics of investing, you can confidently work towards securing your financial future.

    • Seeking help from friends vs asking family for assistance during holidaysSeeking help from friends can be easier and less complicated than asking family for assistance. Paying off debts, especially when interest rates are low, can lead to mental peace and relief

      While some traditional dishes like congealed salad can be awkward and uncomfortable during holidays, seeking help from friends is generally easier and less complicated than asking family for assistance. Moreover, paying off debts, especially when interest rates are low, can lead to significant mental peace and relief, as evidenced by Joseph's experience. The extra money earned might not be substantial, but the freedom from debt and the reduction in stress and anxiety can be priceless. It's essential to consider these factors when making financial decisions.

    • Prioritize Debt Repayment for Financial FreedomFocus on becoming debt-free for greater peace of mind and financial freedom, even if it means making short-term sacrifices.

      Individuals should prioritize becoming debt-free over holding onto low-interest debt, even if it means making sacrifices in the short term. This can lead to greater peace of mind and financial freedom. For example, if someone has $100,000 in cash earning a 5% return, but owes $58,000 in debt, they could pay off the debt and still have $45,000 left. The freedom from debt can outweigh the potential gains from keeping the debt and earning interest. This was a key message shared in a conversation between Joseph and Dr. John Deloney on The Ramsey Show. They encouraged individuals, especially those with high incomes, to make debt repayment a priority and not be held back by the idea of a low interest rate.

    • Overcoming Financial MistakesEven with past financial mistakes, it's possible to regain control by cutting expenses, increasing income, and facing financial reality.

      Even if you've made financial mistakes in the past, such as purchasing a degree from a fraudulent school or accumulating debt on unnecessary expenses, it's never too late to turn things around. The interviewee shares how they were able to get their money back and forgive their debt during the COVID-19 pandemic by getting serious about cutting expenses and increasing income. They also emphasized the importance of swallowing pride and facing financial reality head-on. The couple's story serves as an inspiration for those feeling overwhelmed by debt and struggling to make ends meet.

    • Overcoming Debt: Persevere and PrioritizeDespite challenges, prioritize financial future, swallow pride, and make sacrifices for debt freedom. Mark Twain's quote reminds us to continuously learn towards financial education.

      Despite the challenges and hardships that come with paying off debt, it's important to persevere and not let pride get in the way. The speaker shares his personal experience of paying off $124,000 in debt in three years by budgeting, getting multiple jobs, and swallowing his pride. He emphasizes the importance of not despising small beginnings and encourages couples to prioritize their financial future for the sake of their family. Mark Twain's quote, "Don't let schooling interfere with your education," serves as a reminder to continuously learn and make sacrifices towards financial freedom. Ultimately, the reward is a peaceful and debt-free life, allowing couples to enjoy their hard-earned success and set a good example for their children.

    • Selling trading cards for financial securitySelling valuable assets like trading cards can help pay off debts and build emergency funds, providing financial security for individuals and families.

      Selling valuable assets, in this case, trading cards, can help individuals pay off debts and secure their financial future, especially for new parents. The speaker's situation involved having a high income but significant debt due to expenses and a pregnant wife who was unable to work. By selling his trading cards, he could pay off the debt and build an emergency fund, buying himself and his family two years of financial security. This example highlights the importance of prioritizing debt repayment and recognizing the value of assets that can be liquidated to achieve financial goals.

    • Focus on long-term financial stability and personal growthQuit unnecessary habits, prioritize saving and investing, seek out resources and support to make informed financial decisions, and prioritize long-term goals over short-term distractions.

      Investing time and energy into things that don't contribute to your long-term financial stability and personal growth can be a waste. The speakers on The Ramsey Show discussed the importance of quitting unnecessary habits, such as trading cards or excessive trading on investment apps, and focusing on building wealth through smart financial decisions. They emphasized the importance of taking pride in being a grown adult and making responsible choices, like saving and investing money, to secure a better future for yourself and your family. The speakers also encouraged listeners to seek out resources and support, like the book "Breaking Free From Broke" or the Entre Leadership Podcast, to help them make informed financial decisions and overcome challenges. Overall, the message was to prioritize long-term financial stability and personal growth over short-term distractions.

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    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 20, 2024

    All About Family Money Drama!

    All About Family Money Drama!
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze answer your questions and discuss: "I did a bad deal with my parents and now I'm not getting paid," "Is it possible to build wealth while renting?" Why you don't need to build your credit score if you don't plan on borrowing money, "I'm tired of paying so much in taxes..." "My husband gambled away our HELOC," "My wife is a compulsive shopper" "What can I do to stop overdrafting my account?" Support Our Sponsors: BetterHelp NetSuite Zander Insurance Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  📚 Teach Kids About Money!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster

    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Dr. John Delony answer your questions and discuss: "How can I operate my business without debt?" "Can we move to get out of my wife's toxic job situation?" The best way to "lower" credit card debt, Insurance vs. investments, "Everyone seems to be winning except me," Dave's message to congress Support Our Sponsors: NetSuite Zander Insurance Christian Healthcare Ministries Churchill Mortgage Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📖 Your summer reading list is here. Don’t miss these (cool) summer reads! Beat the heat with bestselling books that will make 2024 your best summer yet.  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 18, 2024

    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process

    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss: "Should we combine finances in our unique situation?" "My girlfriend will lose her pension if we get married..." "My rent is more than my income, what can I do?" "When will the overbidding on houses end?" "Should I stay at my job until they close?" "Does it make sense to pay off my mortgage?" Support Our Sponsors: Zander Insurance BetterHelp Yrefy Health Trust Financial Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📚 Teach Kids About Money!  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 17, 2024

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    Should We Pause Investments To Pay Off Debt? (Hour 2)

    Should We Pause Investments To Pay Off Debt? (Hour 2)
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    Assess and Adjust Your Spending To The 50, 30, 20 Rule

    Assess and Adjust Your Spending To The 50, 30, 20 Rule

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    Stay well, stay motivated and most of all reach those goals.

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    Link: https://youtu.be/07muaDOcBW8

    ✅ The Importance Of Pensions:
    Link: https://youtu.be/XvOF_jEHdaI

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    Suggested Videos:
    ✅ Work Place Pension:
    Link: https://youtu.be/ojizsp5YfuQ

    ✅ Priorities, Pension Or Amazon:
    Link: https://youtu.be/07muaDOcBW8

    ✅ The Importance Of Pensions: