
    You Can Smell The Dem’s Desperation (Ep 1175)

    enFebruary 06, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Senate's Acquittal of Trump: A Republican VictoryThe impeachment process strengthened the Republican party's stance despite calls for Trump's conviction.

      The Senate's acquittal of President Trump marked a significant victory for him and the Republican party. Despite calls for conviction, no Republicans joined Mitt Romney in voting to convict. This event was a turning point, with Pelosi's symbolic act of ripping up the State of the Union address being countered by Trump's literal tearing up of the articles of impeachment. The impeachment process, while contentious, ultimately strengthened the Republican party's stance. Additionally, the use of a teeter inversion table was promoted as a beneficial tool for maintaining a healthy spine and active lifestyle.

    • Impeachment a Political Success for GOP, President's Approval Rating at All-Time HighDespite impeachment attempt, President Trump's approval rating reached an all-time high, indicating public support and distrust of bureaucratic interference.

      The impeachment process against President Trump was a political success for the GOP, as evidenced by the president's all-time high approval rating according to Gallup polls. The speaker argues that impeachment is a political attack, not a criminal trial, and the failure of this political attack to decrease public support for the president can be seen as a sign of its failure. This trend of the American public turning against impeached presidents is seen as a reflection of the country's preference for choosing their own leaders and distrust of bureaucratic interference. The speaker also references historical precedent, such as President Clinton's high approval rating after his impeachment.

    • Impeachment Process Consumes Media Attention, Leaves Democrats Off MessageThe impeachment process has absorbed media focus, boosted Trump's approval, and left Democrats without a clear message on key issues like healthcare, taxes, and jobs.

      The ongoing impeachment process has consumed the media's attention for the past three months, leaving little time for coverage of Democratic policies and campaigns. This has resulted in President Trump's approval rating increasing, the media being fully occupied, and the Democrats being entirely off message. The irony lies in the fact that during the State of the Union address rebuttal, the Democratic Party chose Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan as their candidate, who ran on a campaign slogan to "fix the damn roads," while the party has been focused on the impeachment hoax for the past 90 days. The American people are more concerned with issues such as healthcare, tax rates, job future, and local matters, and the impeachment process is seen as a farce.

    • Democrats' Pursuit of Impeachment Costly According to Media PunditsMedia pundits believe the Democrats' relentless focus on impeachment may have cost them voter support, making them appear as the 'party of outrage and contempt' instead of addressing important issues

      The Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi's apparent tear-ripping incident during President Trump's State of the Union address was a major disaster for the Democrats, according to various media pundits, both from the right and left sides of the political spectrum. Terry Moran, an ABC News journalist who is not known to lean right, expressed his concern that the Democrats' relentless pursuit of impeachment against Trump may have cost them dearly, making them appear as the "party of outrage and contempt" to voters. This opportunity cost refers to the potential benefits that were lost by focusing on impeachment instead of other important issues. Using an analogy, Dan Bongino explained that just as a skilled web designer incurs a significant opportunity cost by not utilizing her expertise to build websites, the Democrats missed out on potential gains by focusing on impeachment rather than addressing other pressing matters. Overall, the tear-ripping incident served as a reminder of the potential political consequences of such actions.

    • Democrats missed chance to address key issues during impeachmentThe Democrats missed an opportunity to focus on healthcare, government, and education during impeachment, potentially altering the outcome. Supporting companies with shared values is also essential.

      The Democrats missed a significant opportunity to address issues important to their base during the impeachment process. This lost opportunity comes with a cost, as the outcome could have been different had they focused on areas like healthcare, government, and education instead. Additionally, President Trump's State of the Union address highlighted the country's progress in oil production and factory growth since he took office. These accomplishments underscore the importance of recognizing and seizing opportunities for positive change. Furthermore, it's crucial for individuals to support companies that align with their values, such as Patriot Mobile, which donates a portion of monthly bills to organizations fighting for conservative causes.

    • Manufacturing boom under Trump leads to record low unemployment for minorities and wage growthUnder Trump, manufacturing industry's resurgence led to historic low unemployment for African Americans and Hispanics, 7 million Americans came off food stamps, and wages for middle and lower income workers grew faster than for wealthiest.

      During President Trump's tenure, there has been an increase in the number of manufacturing factories in the United States, leading to decreased unemployment rates for African Americans and Hispanics at historic lows. Additionally, 7 million Americans have come off food stamps, and wages for middle and lower income workers have grown faster than for the wealthiest. Rand Paul, during the impeachment trial, attempted to ask a question regarding the whistleblower, but it was refused by the Chief Justice. Paul believed this was significant, as it was later revealed that the FBI investigation into the President was predicated on 17 lies from biased individuals. Paul's questioning sheds light on what he believes was an illegitimate investigation, and the impeachment process itself was labeled a hoax by the President.

    • Suspicious connections between impeachment figuresTwo ex-NSC staffers joined Schiff's team, around same time whistleblower complaint filed, raising questions about coordination and potential ulterior motives

      There appear to be suspicious connections between key figures involved in the impeachment inquiry against President Trump. Rand Paul raised concerns about two former National Security Council staffers, Abigail Grace and Sean Misko, who left their positions in the Executive Office of the President to work for Adam Schiff, who was coordinating with the whistleblower, around the same time the whistleblower complaint was filed. Additionally, a report from a red state news source claims that Misko and the whistleblower discussed removing Trump from office shortly after his inauguration. While these connections may be considered coincidental by some, the pattern of events raises questions about the coordination and potential ulterior motives behind the impeachment process.

    • Altered rules allowed second-hand impeachment complaint, coordinated by a fake whistleblower with Schiff's teamDuring impeachment, rules changed to accept second-hand complaint from a fake whistleblower, who coordinated with Schiff's team and had ties to Biden and Soros-funded groups.

      During the impeachment process against President Trump, the rules were altered to allow a second-hand complaint about an alleged quid pro quo that never happened. The complaint was filed by a fake whistleblower who did not hear the call in question and coordinated with a staffer on Adam Schiff's team. The inspector general who received the complaint, Michael Atkinson, had previously approved warrants to spy on Trump and was once a lawyer in the Department of Justice National Security Division. The fake whistleblower was also an advisor to Joe Biden on Ukraine issues, and during the Obama administration, he signed in a director of a Soros-funded group that the Ukrainian embassy told not to prosecute. The connections between these individuals and their roles in the impeachment process raise concerns about potential conflicts of interest and coordination to remove President Trump from office.

    • Deep state's lengths to hide truthUnelected bureaucrats obstruct truth, DOJ reviews criminal referral against Eric Prince, while Mrs. Fields Cookies offer a sweet escape with Valentine's Day gifts and 100% satisfaction guarantee.

      The deep state's efforts to hide information and get rid of those who may expose the truth continues, as seen in the DOJ's review of a criminal referral against Eric Prince made by Adam Schiff. This is just one example of the lengths unelected bureaucrats will go to prevent the truth from coming out. Meanwhile, a more delightful distraction comes from Mrs. Fields Cookies, offering a sweet alternative to the ongoing political drama. With their delicious treats, you can send a Valentine's Day gift to your loved ones or even treat yourself, all with a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. So, while the swamp's antics may leave a bad taste in your mouth, Mrs. Fields' cookies are sure to bring joy and sweetness.

    • Allegations of Russian collusion with Eric PrinceEric Prince met with RDIF head Kirill Dimitriev, raising collusion concerns. However, it's unclear if this was a setup or evidence of wrongdoing. Previous Clinton campaign bundlers represented RDIF, adding complexity to the investigation.

      There have been allegations of collusion between certain individuals and the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), co-founded by Vladimir Putin. Eric Prince, a supporter of Donald Trump, met with the head of the RDIF, Kirill Dimitriev, raising concerns for some that this could be evidence of Russian collusion. However, it has been suggested that this meeting was a setup, as the Democrats and media were eager to find evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Interestingly, two major lobbyist bundlers for the Clinton campaign, Richard Sullivan and David Jones, had previously represented the RDIF. This raises questions about the motivations behind the push to investigate Eric Prince and the possible double standards in the investigation of alleged Russian collusion. Ultimately, the veracity of these claims and the motivations behind them remain subjects of debate.

    • Clinton's associates involved with suspected Russian industrial espionageDuring Hillary Clinton's time in office, her associates had ties to a Russian tech project suspected of industrial espionage, while Bill Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech to meet with a Skolkovo donor.

      During Hillary Clinton's tenure, some of her closest associates and lobbyists were involved with the Russia Direct Investment Fund, which had a partnership with the Russian technology project Skolkovo. Skolkovo, which Hillary Clinton also actively supported, was suspected of engaging in mass industrial espionage and stealing American technology to develop military weapons. Bill Clinton himself was paid $500,000 for a speech in Moscow to meet with a Russian businessman connected to the Skolkovo project and a major Clinton Foundation donor. The Army's own intelligence branch had identified Skolkovo as a potential threat for technology transfer and industrial espionage. This association raises serious concerns about the Clinton's dealings with Russia and their potential involvement in the transfer of sensitive American technology.

    • Clinton-Russia Connections: Speeches, Uranium Deals, and Alleged MeetingsThe Clinton family has been accused of having complex ties to the Russian government through business dealings, including Bill Clinton's $500,000 speech and Hillary Clinton's reported meeting request with a Russian businessman. The Uranium One deal, which sold American uranium to Russia and benefited the Clinton Foundation, is a major point of contention.

      There have been allegations of a complex web of connections between the Clinton family, the Russian government, and various business dealings. One such deal involves Bill Clinton being paid $500,000 by a Russian investment bank, Renaissance Capital, to give a speech in Moscow. This bank has ties to the Kremlin and was involved in the Uranium One deal, which sold American uranium to Russia and funneled millions to the Clinton Foundation. Hillary Clinton also reportedly wanted to meet with a Russian businessman, Vexelberg, who was involved in the Skolkovo Project, which is accused of stealing military technology from the US. Despite these connections, there have been investigations and allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 election against the Trump administration, while allegations of similar involvement by the Clintons have received less attention. The speaker also notes the irony that the Trump administration was investigated and impeached based on hearsay, while the Clintons have received significant financial gains from Russian sources.

    • Allegations of conflicts of interest involving Clinton Foundation and business dealsUnproven allegations of conflicts of interest surround the Clinton Foundation, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and various business entities and countries, including Russia. Deals like Uranium One and Skolkovo, and donations to the Clinton Foundation are under investigation for potential wrongdoing.

      There are allegations of conflicts of interest and questionable dealings involving the Clinton Foundation, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and various business entities and countries, including Russia. These allegations include the Uranium One Deal, Skolkovo Project, and donations to the Clinton Foundation from American companies involved in these projects. Hillary Clinton's support for these projects and her State Department's role in approving certain deals are also under scrutiny. Additionally, there are claims of collusion and attempts to silence critics. The veracity of these allegations is a matter of ongoing debate and investigation. It's important to note that these are allegations and not proven facts, and further investigation and evidence are needed to determine the truth. The implications of these allegations are significant, as they touch on national security, foreign policy, and ethical conduct.

    • Romney confidant Cofer Black's involvement in Ukraine corruption scandalDan Bongino discusses the pervasive political corruption in the 'swamp', involving individuals connected to both Mitt Romney and Joe Biden in a Ukrainian scandal

      The swamp of political corruption extends beyond one party, as evidenced by the involvement of individuals connected to both Mitt Romney and Joe Biden in a controversial board in Ukraine. Dan Bongino, during his podcast, expressed his disappointment in Romney and revealed that one of Romney's confidants, Cofer Black, sat on the same board and was involved in the same corruption election that hired Biden's son, Hunter. Bongino believes that this highlights the pervasive nature of political corruption and calls it the "swamp." He encourages listeners to stay informed and engage in discussions on platforms like Reddit. To access his content, listeners can subscribe to his YouTube channel or listen to his podcast on iTunes or SoundCloud, and follow him on Twitter for updates.

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