
    You Can’t Live Your Dreams if You Don’t Prepare for Them

    en-usOctober 20, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Considering a home purchase? Weigh the benefits of saving for a down payment versus continuing to save and wait for a better opportunity.To decide whether to focus on saving for a down payment or continuing to save, consider income, current savings, and the housing market in your area. Aim for a 15-year fixed mortgage rate and budget 25% of take-home pay towards the mortgage once ready to buy.

      When it comes to managing your finances and planning for a home purchase, having an emergency fund is crucial. However, deciding how much to save beyond that for a down payment versus continuing to save and wait for a better home buying opportunity depends on individual circumstances, such as income and the current housing market. Austin and his wife, who were debt-free and had saved an emergency fund, were unsure whether to focus on saving for a down payment or continuing to save and wait for a better home buying opportunity. The Ramsey Solutions team advised them to consider their income, current savings, and the housing market in their area before making a decision. They also suggested aiming for a 15-year fixed mortgage rate and budgeting 25% of take-home pay towards the mortgage once they were ready to buy. Ultimately, patience and careful planning were key to achieving their homeownership goals.

    • Maximize savings and investments for home buyingFocus on saving for a down payment while also investing for two years to maximize compound interest and financial readiness for home buying.

      If you're considering buying a house but haven't yet due to uncertainty about the market or interest rates, it might be time to take action. George and Jake suggest focusing on saving for a down payment while also starting to invest once you reach the two-year mark. By doing both simultaneously, you can maximize compound interest and avoid missing out on valuable time. They emphasize that the best time to buy a house is when you're financially ready, and waiting for perfect market conditions could mean missing out on opportunities for long-term wealth building. Additionally, interest rates and housing market fluctuations are unpredictable, so it's essential not to let analysis paralysis keep you from entering the market. Instead, take steps like getting pre-approved for a mortgage and working with a trusted real estate agent to help you navigate the process. Remember, renting forever also means your housing payment could continue to fluctuate, while a mortgage payment can provide stability and help you build wealth over time.

    • Negotiate with creditors for lower payments or interest ratesTo manage high-interest debt, negotiate favorable terms, increase income, and address underlying behavior.

      If you're overwhelmed by high-interest debt, especially credit card debt, it's important to negotiate with your creditors for lower payments or interest rates. You don't have to give them your bank account information or set up a payment plan right away. Instead, make clear that you'll only make payments if the terms are favorable. Additionally, try to find ways to increase your income, such as asking for a lower interest rate or refunding old fees. And, if possible, sell unnecessary items or find other sources of income to put towards your debt. Remember, it's essential to address the behavior that led to the debt, rather than just looking for a quick solution like selling your home.

    • Exploring a career transition while staying true to valuesDental hygienist Monica, seeking a change, can consider offices prioritizing care over sales for a balance. Gradual transition, communication, and alignment with values are key.

      Monica, a dental hygienist with eight years of experience, is considering a career transition into financial coaching due to her love for educating patients and her discomfort with sales pressure in her current role. One potential solution suggested is for Monica to explore different dental offices that prioritize patient care over sales, allowing her to focus on her strengths while still gaining experience in financial coaching on the side. It's important for Monica to communicate her concerns with her current employer and consider building her financial coaching business gradually before making a full transition. The ultimate goal is to make a career move that aligns with her values and skills, rather than taking a giant leap of faith without proper preparation.

    • Managing finances with irregular income and the dilemma of pausing retirement contributionsPausing retirement contributions to focus on debt repayment can accelerate debt payoff and lead to greater investment opportunities, but individuals should weigh the benefits against the potential loss of employer match and consider their unique financial situation.

      Effective budgeting, especially for those with irregular income, requires visual guidance and dedication. The Ramsey Show's budgeting webinars provide valuable insights into managing finances, helping individuals create margins and stick to their budgets. A common question discussed during these webinars is whether to pause retirement contributions to focus on debt repayment. While it may seem counterintuitive to give up the employer match, doing so can accelerate debt payoff and lead to greater investment opportunities in the future. However, those who hesitate or delay in implementing financial strategies risk falling behind and missing out on potential growth.

    • Paying off debt faster can lead to investing opportunitiesIncreasing debt payments by $400 could reduce payoff time by one month, allowing for more investment opportunities and greater returns.

      Intensity and focus on paying off debt can significantly reduce the time it takes to become debt-free and increase the ability to invest. Kim and her husband currently have a combined debt of 22,000, with a current debt payoff plan of 11 months. By increasing their monthly payments by $400, they could pay off their debt in nine months. This progress would allow them to invest more money in the future, leading to greater returns. The emotional and behavioral aspects of debt should not be overlooked, and it's essential to recognize the importance of making sacrifices to achieve financial goals. Many Americans are stuck in a cycle of investing a small percentage to receive a match while carrying high levels of debt. This mindset can be compared to a toddler's desire for instant gratification rather than focusing on long-term benefits. As a country, we need to prioritize debt reduction and increased investing to build wealth and retire with dignity.

    • Addressing financial health requires addressing both positives and negativesSeek professional help, address underlying financial issues, invest wisely, live below means, and spread financial literacy.

      Just like maintaining a healthy body requires addressing both good habits and potential issues, the same applies to financial health. While having savings or investments may give the appearance of financial well-being, it's crucial to acknowledge and address any debt or financial missteps. The speaker emphasized the importance of seeking professional help, such as therapy, to work through challenges and improve overall well-being. Additionally, sharing knowledge and resources with others can help spread financial literacy and debt freedom. Investing wisely and living below your means are key components of financial health, but addressing any underlying financial issues is equally important.

    • Achieving financial goals with savingsBe debt-free and have an emergency fund before saving for a down payment. Consider tax implications and allow 6-12 months for credit score to stabilize after paying off debts.

      Having a significant amount of savings can help individuals achieve financial goals, such as making a down payment on a house. During the discussion, it was emphasized that having an emergency fund and being debt-free are important principles to follow before making such a large purchase. The speaker suggested that a nurse, who is debt-free and has an emergency fund, could comfortably save for a down payment with three to six months of expenses covered. However, it's essential to consider the tax implications of withdrawing savings for a down payment. The speaker also clarified that closing credit card accounts does not result in a credit score dropping to zero, but it may take six to twelve months for the score to stabilize after paying off debts. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of having a solid financial foundation before making significant financial decisions.

    • Caution with Credit Monitoring SitesApproach credit monitoring sites with caution, as they may sell debt and market loans, potentially harming those trying to improve credit scores. Instead, focus on living debt-free and avoiding credit scores altogether.

      While credit monitoring sites like Credit Karma can be useful tools, they should be approached with caution. These sites make money by selling debt and marketing loans to users, which can be detrimental to those trying to improve their credit score. The information may not always be accurate, and keeping an unused credit card open can actually lower your score. Instead, the Ramsey Solution encourages living without a credit score, as it's possible to rent, buy a house, and even get a car without one. The discussion also touched on the emotional impact of seeing a credit score go to zero and the importance of being patient and committed to the debt-free lifestyle. A listener shared a personal story about discovering hidden credit cards in a family member's name and the challenges that came with dealing with them. Overall, the message was to be aware of the potential pitfalls of credit monitoring sites and to trust the debt-free journey.

    • Clear and written agreements needed for financial mattersEnsure prompt resolution of financial issues, clear communication, and monitor credit reports to prevent unexpected fees or surprises.

      Communication and documentation are crucial when dealing with financial matters. Tristan's experience with a credit card company charging him late fees for a card he didn't know existed, due to a plane ticket purchase made by his mom years ago, highlights the importance of clear and written agreements. This situation not only caused frustration and hassle for Tristan but also had the potential to negatively impact his feelings towards his late mother. It's essential to address financial issues promptly and ensure that all parties involved are aware of the terms and conditions. Additionally, parents should be cautious when involving their children's credit and allow them to make their own financial decisions when they become adults. Regularly monitoring your credit report can help prevent unexpected financial surprises.

    • Regularly check your credit report to protect against fraud and ensure accurate debt recognitionChecking your credit report annually is crucial for identifying unauthorized accounts and debt, safeguarding your finances, and maintaining good credit health.

      It's essential to regularly check your credit report to protect yourself against fraud and ensure you recognize all debts. This can be done for free once a year on the authorized website annualcreditreport.com. During the discussion, examples were shared of how checking credit reports led to discovering unauthorized accounts and debt. Additionally, it was emphasized that everyone, especially those with families relying on them, should have term life insurance. The insurance company recommended is Zander Insurance, which offers competitive rates and a simplified application process. Another topic touched upon was the concept of "girl math," which refers to the mental gymnastics women use to justify unnecessary spending. This financial behavior was described as a series of justifications that can lead to overspending. While some of the examples shared were relatable, it was important to acknowledge that men also engage in similar financial behaviors, which can be referred to as "dimath." Overall, the importance of financial awareness, regular credit report checks, and proper insurance coverage were emphasized.

    • Be honest about all income sourcesHonesty in reporting income and expenses is crucial for successful budgeting and maintaining trust in relationships.

      It's important to be honest and transparent with your spending, no matter the source of the funds. Whether it's a return, cash, or other forms of income, all money should be accounted for in the budget. The speaker shared personal experiences of justifying overspending by using returns or cash, but emphasized the importance of being truthful and reflecting all income and expenses in the budget. The conversation also touched on the potential for misunderstandings and mistrust in relationships when one partner hides their spending. Ultimately, the goal is to work together towards financial goals, not to deceive or hide purchases.

    • Acknowledging and addressing hidden expensesExamine cash-apps, make all income part of budget, use a budgeting app to manage money effectively.

      Hidden expenses and justifications for unnecessary spending, such as using transaction apps for "found money" instead of adding it to a budget, can hinder financial growth. It's essential to acknowledge and address these behaviors as adults and adopt budgeting tools to help manage money effectively. The call to action is to examine your cash-apps and Venmos, make all income part of your budget, and use a budgeting app like EveryDollar to help curb these tendencies. By doing so, you'll be able to have control over your money and make it work for you instead of the other way around.

    • Considering a larger mortgage for a new house due to a babyCouple weighs financial implications of moving to a larger house with a bigger mortgage due to a new baby, while also addressing current home issues and financial goals.

      The decision to move into a larger house due to the upcoming birth of a new baby and the desire for more space comes with significant financial considerations. The couple's current household income of $220,000 and their existing mortgage of $210,000 on a house worth $275,000 have them questioning whether they should move and take on a larger mortgage. They have been in their current home for only two years and have experienced issues with internet connectivity, which prompted their consideration of moving. However, they have concerns about the financial implications of moving into a house three times the cost of their current mortgage, especially with the added expense of a nanny. The couple's goal is to finalize Baby Steps 3 by December 1st and stockpile cash to move, but they also want to be settled in their home before bringing their new baby home. The ideal situation is to make the current home work temporarily and wait to shop for a new house with more financial stability. The risk of taking on a larger mortgage and potentially stretching their income too thin is a major concern.

    • Managing Finances: Being Proactive and ResourcefulExplore cost-effective solutions like remote work and company phones to manage expenses, stick to a budget, and avoid accumulating debt, especially from credit cards.

      When dealing with financial changes, such as a new income or expenses, it's essential to be mindful of lifestyle creep and consider creative solutions before making hasty decisions. The speakers discussed a situation where a family, despite having a high income, was struggling to afford necessary expenses and pay off debt due to lifestyle choices. They suggested exploring options like working remotely from a co-working space or coffee shop, using a company phone, and routing desktop phone calls to a cell phone. They also emphasized the importance of sticking to a budget and being intentional with money to reach financial goals. Additionally, they warned about the dangers of accumulating debt, especially from credit cards, and the importance of addressing it promptly. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of being proactive and resourceful when managing finances.

    • Hiding debt and secret financial decisions can harm relationshipsTransparency and honesty in finances lead to healthier situations and stronger relationships.

      Hiding debt and making secret financial decisions can lead to significant consequences, damaging relationships and trust. The speaker shared her experience of helping her daughters by taking on their debt, but due to broken promises and lack of transparency, the situation escalated into a large debt and family tension. She regrets her actions and wishes she had handled it differently. It's important for couples to communicate openly about finances and avoid keeping secrets, even if it's out of fear of conflict or damaging relationships. Transparency and honesty can lead to healthier financial situations and stronger relationships.

    • Communicating openly and combining finances during financial hardshipsOpen communication and collaboration are essential in managing finances during tough times. Pride should be set aside for the sake of the relationship and long-term financial stability.

      During challenging financial times, it's essential to communicate openly with your spouse and consider combining your finances to tackle the issue together. Pride should be set aside for the sake of the relationship and the common goal of financial stability. In the case discussed, a woman facing income loss due to COVID-19 had to ask for her husband's help to pay off debt and avoid financial infidelity. Meanwhile, siblings considering taking on their parents' mortgage were warned about the potential risks and the importance of considering all factors before making a decision. Overall, open communication, collaboration, and a focus on long-term financial stability are crucial in navigating difficult financial situations.

    • Exploring alternatives for supporting aging parents financiallyConsider selling the family home to help fund a more affordable living situation for aging parents, explore living arrangements with siblings, and prioritize financial stability for all family members.

      The family needs to reconsider their plans for supporting their mother financially and consider alternative living arrangements to prevent draining their own resources and potentially causing family tension. The sale of the family home could provide a solution, with the proceeds being used to help her secure a more affordable living situation, such as an apartment or condo. The family should explore various options and potentially consider having their mother live with one or more siblings to reduce costs. It's important for the family to face reality and understand that their mother's current financial situation may not allow her to live the life she desires, and they need to make decisions that prioritize their own financial futures. Additionally, they should consider the potential benefits of having their mother live with a sibling, such as companionship and cost savings. Ultimately, the family needs to work together to find a sustainable solution that prioritizes their mother's well-being while also protecting their own financial stability.

    • Exploring resources for wealth building and informed investment decisionsRegardless of financial situation, prioritize debt repayment or maintaining affordable payments while creating a solid financial plan.

      No matter your financial situation or current debt, it's never too late to start building wealth and making informed investment decisions. During the discussion, they encouraged listeners to explore resources like Ramsey Solutions' Financial Peace University, EveryDollar budgeting app, and investing essentials event. A listener named Nick asked about paying off a car debt versus keeping the car and making payments. The advice given was that if someone has the means to pay off the debt quickly, it's recommended to do so. However, if the car is necessary and the payments fit within the budget, keeping it could also be an option. Ultimately, the focus should be on creating a solid financial plan and making progress towards debt freedom.

    • Importance of open communication and teamwork in managing financesEffective communication and collaboration are essential for managing finances in a relationship. Unilateral decisions can lead to mistrust and misunderstanding. Building trust and strengthening partnership involves educating both partners and making it a shared responsibility.

      Effective communication and collaboration in managing finances within a relationship is crucial. A husband in the discussion made a significant financial decision without consulting his wife, leading to mistrust and misunderstanding. To rectify the situation, he recognized the need for both partners to be involved in managing their money as a team. By introducing his wife to financial education resources and making it a shared responsibility, he aimed to build trust and strengthen their partnership. This experience highlights the importance of open communication, mutual respect, and teamwork in managing financial resources in a relationship.

    • Navigating financial and real estate transactions requires clear communication and trustBe cautious in financial and real estate transactions, ensure clear communication, build trust, and surround yourself with a trusted team to make smart decisions

      Effective communication and trust are crucial in navigating financial and real estate transactions. Christian's experience of repeatedly coming close to closing a house sale only to have it fall through due to unexpected financial issues underscores the importance of clear communication and trustworthiness. The Ramsey Show's hosts advised Christian to be cautious and consider his next steps carefully, as the repeated setbacks could indicate larger issues. Additionally, they emphasized the importance of having the right team in place, including a trusted real estate agent, to help make smart decisions and build confidence during the buying and selling process.

    • Navigating Real Estate Transactions with Flexibility and Clear CommunicationBe cautious when dealing with real estate transactions, ask for written guarantees, and consider waiting if necessary to secure a solid deal.

      When dealing with real estate transactions, flexibility and clear communication are key. The speaker is currently trying to sell their house to buy an apartment before the birth of their second child. They've encountered potential buyers who have backed out, leaving them uncertain about the solidity of offers. The speaker advises being cautious and asking for written guarantees to avoid wasting time and resources. They're considering waiting until spring to relist the house if the current deal falls through. The mortgage payment, while significant, is not currently overwhelming. The speaker plans to consult their realtor for advice on their next steps.

    • Balancing financial independence and relationshipsOpen communication and careful planning can help achieve financial independence while maintaining relationships. Quote: 'A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it's not open'.

      While it's important to consider financial stability and independence, there may be relational and emotional factors at play when deciding to move out of a family home. In this case, the caller's mother's concern for her son's safety and financial well-being might be influencing her opposition to his move. However, with careful planning and consideration, the caller can make progress towards becoming debt-free and eventually moving out. The callers' situation highlights the importance of open communication and finding a balance between financial independence and maintaining relationships. Additionally, the quote "A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it's not open" emphasizes the importance of keeping an open mind and being receptive to new ideas and opportunities.

    • Balancing Financial Stability and Personal GrowthLiving with parents can offer financial benefits, but independence and personal growth are crucial. Consider individual circumstances and prioritize safety when making housing decisions.

      While living with parents can provide financial benefits for young adults, it's essential to establish independence and make decisions based on personal circumstances. The speaker in the conversation shares her experience of wanting to move out and make better financial decisions, despite her mother's concerns. The discussion also touches upon the idea that living at home too long can hinder personal growth and independence. Additionally, there's a debate about the safety of living on different floors of an apartment building, but ultimately, it's crucial to consider individual circumstances and prioritize safety. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of striking a balance between financial stability and personal growth.

    • Moving out and growing upTaking responsibility for one's life and finances can lead to personal growth, even in challenging circumstances.

      Taking the initiative to move out and live independently, even in less than ideal circumstances, can be a valuable step towards growing up and building a life. The speaker shared their experience of living on a couch in an apartment with friends before getting married. Although it wasn't an easy situation, they managed to survive and eventually move on. The key message is that no matter the challenges, taking responsibility for one's life and finances can lead to personal growth. As Dave Ramsey often says, "You can't control all the things that happen to you, but you can control your attitude and response to them." If you're feeling stuck in your own financial situation and want to take control, consider signing up for our weekly newsletter at RamsaySolutions.com. You'll receive helpful articles and tips on following the Ramsay way to financial freedom. Don't let your circumstances hold you back – take the first step towards a better financial future today.

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    The Ramsey Show
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    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster

    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Dr. John Delony answer your questions and discuss: "How can I operate my business without debt?" "Can we move to get out of my wife's toxic job situation?" The best way to "lower" credit card debt, Insurance vs. investments, "Everyone seems to be winning except me," Dave's message to congress Support Our Sponsors: NetSuite Zander Insurance Christian Healthcare Ministries Churchill Mortgage Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📖 Your summer reading list is here. Don’t miss these (cool) summer reads! Beat the heat with bestselling books that will make 2024 your best summer yet.  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 18, 2024

    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process

    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss: "Should we combine finances in our unique situation?" "My girlfriend will lose her pension if we get married..." "My rent is more than my income, what can I do?" "When will the overbidding on houses end?" "Should I stay at my job until they close?" "Does it make sense to pay off my mortgage?" Support Our Sponsors: Zander Insurance BetterHelp Yrefy Health Trust Financial Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📚 Teach Kids About Money!  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 17, 2024

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