
    You Don’t Become a Millionaire by Investing Borrowed Money

    en-usAugust 15, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Focus on debt repayment for long-term wealthFollowing Dave Ramsey's baby steps prioritizes debt repayment before savings for emergencies or large purchases to maximize income's potential for growth.

      Following the baby steps philosophy by Dave Ramsey, which prioritizes becoming debt-free before saving for emergencies or making large purchases, can help individuals build long-term wealth. The speaker, a caller on the Ramsey Show, shared her concern about having a large car loan and a need to replace a deck, while also saving for retirement and emergency funds. Dave Ramsey explained that while it may be tempting to prioritize the deck repair or pay off the car loan first, the most effective approach is to focus on debt repayment and then address other financial goals in order. This philosophy is based on the idea that income is the most valuable wealth-building tool, and giving it to others in the form of debt payments limits its potential for growth. The baby steps provide a clear path to wealth by prioritizing debt repayment and savings in a specific order.

    • Focus on savings and budgeting for financial stabilityBuild an emergency fund, save for retirement, pay off debts, and enjoy small luxuries, while focusing on one goal at a time and avoiding borrowing for investments.

      Having a well-planned budget and savings strategy is crucial for financial stability and freedom. The discussion highlights the importance of building an emergency fund, saving for retirement, and paying off debts, while also enjoying small luxuries like a new deck. Rachel and Dave emphasized the importance of focusing on one financial goal at a time and not spreading resources too thin. They also advised against borrowing money to invest, as building wealth requires consistent saving and investing over a long period. Additionally, they recommended the use of Balance of Nature for easy access to essential resources for good health, which can contribute to overall well-being and professional success.

    • Balancing head and heart in financial decision-makingPaying attention to both emotional and practical aspects of money management is essential for financial success. Avoid neglecting the emotional side of your money mindset and consider the emotional implications of financial decisions.

      Focusing on both the emotional and practical aspects of money management is crucial for financial success. The speaker shared a story about someone who, despite having earned significant wealth, almost made a poor financial decision due to neglecting the emotional aspect of his money mindset. He emphasized the importance of paying attention to money, not in a negative or greedy way, but as a means to secure a better future. The speaker also advised against overthinking financial decisions and forgetting the emotional reasons for saving and spending. In the context of the call, a listener asked about using retirement funds to pay for college tuitions, and the speaker cautioned against making hasty decisions without considering the emotional implications. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of balancing the head and the heart in financial decision-making.

    • Considering Roth IRA for college funding but against principlesRetirement savings should be prioritized over college funding. Explore alternatives like scholarships, cash flow, and student employment before touching retirement savings.

      When it comes to funding college education, it's important to consider all available resources and options before dipping into retirement savings. In this discussion, the individuals were facing a shortfall in college funding and considered using their Roth IRA. However, they determined that it would result in a prolonged burn rate and went against their principles. Instead, they opted to cash flow, put kids to work, and pursue scholarships. It's crucial to remember that retirement savings should be a priority and not touched unless all other options have been exhausted.

    • Honesty and transparency in financial mattersBeing honest and transparent about financial matters builds trust and understanding between partners, relieves burden of keeping secrets, and allows both parties to work towards common goals.

      Honesty and transparency are crucial elements in building and maintaining a strong relationship, especially when it comes to financial matters. The speaker shared an experience where someone had been hiding a significant financial secret from their spouse for years, causing unnecessary stress and strain on their relationship. The speaker emphasized that coming clean and disclosing everything, no matter how difficult or uncomfortable, is essential for creating trust and understanding between partners. This not only relieves the burden of keeping secrets but also allows both parties to work together towards their financial goals. The speaker also encouraged engaging with followers on social media platforms and using their questions as inspiration for content. In the case discussed, the speaker provided advice on the importance of honesty in financial matters, emphasizing that deception and secrecy can lead to unnecessary complications and can hinder long-term success.

    • The Dangers of Passive WealthReceiving large sums of money without working can lead to emptiness, damaged relationships, and financial mismanagement. Keep working, communicate openly, and manage finances responsibly.

      Receiving large sums of money passively, without earning it through hard work, can lead to a lack of personal growth, deception, and damage to relationships. The speaker in this conversation expressed his concern for a family member who had been given a significant amount of money and was no longer working, leading to a sense of emptiness and a damaged marriage due to the lies and deception that came with it. The speaker believes that working is essential for personal growth and that the recipient should continue to work to maintain a healthy soul and marriage. He also encourages open communication and transparency in financial matters to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. The conversation also touched on the importance of being financially responsible and managing debt effectively.

    • Carrying financial burdens can add to anxiety and mental health strugglesFocus on eliminating debts and creating predictable order in life to help alleviate anxiety, prioritize mental health and well-being.

      Carrying unnecessary debts and open-ended issues can significantly contribute to anxiety and mental health struggles. In the case discussed, a woman was dealing with a contentious custody battle, depression, and anxiety, all while carrying the financial burden of a $50,000 truck loan for her fiancé. Although he was responsible for the payments, the debt still weighed heavily on her, adding to her anxiety and sense of being trapped. The experts advised her to sell the truck and focus on eliminating debts and creating predictable order in her life to help alleviate her anxiety. Additionally, they encouraged her to prioritize her mental health and well-being by addressing her current challenges and seeking professional help if needed.

    • Staying focused on long-term financial goalsAvoid dipping into emergency savings and maintain debt freedom to progress towards financial goals. Disability insurance from employers is often sufficient.

      Financial security and discipline are crucial for achieving financial goals. During a conversation on the Ramsey Show, Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruz discussed the importance of focusing on debt payoff and building an emergency fund before using savings for other purposes, such as adding to retirement or custodial accounts. They emphasized that the negative feelings associated with dipping into savings intended for other purposes can hinder progress and make it difficult to regain momentum. Additionally, they advised against purchasing supplemental disability insurance outside of what is provided by an employer due to the high cost compared to the potential benefits. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of staying focused on long-term financial goals and avoiding distractions that can derail progress.

    • Supplemental Disability Insurance: Gimmicky or Necessary?Focus on long-term disability insurance for income protection and budget effectively for financial stability, while supplemental policies may not provide significant value for everyone.

      While long-term disability insurance is essential, supplemental disability insurance, such as accidental death or cancer policies, can be considered gimmicky and expensive. These additional policies may not provide significant value, especially for those with a stable income and minimal debt. Instead, focus on obtaining long-term disability insurance through work or associations to cover the first 60-70% of your income, which is statistically more likely to be needed due to disability than death. Regular budgeting is also crucial for managing your finances effectively and achieving financial stability.

    • Preparing for Long-Term Care: A Multi-Faceted ApproachLong-term care insurance is crucial but may not cover all costs. Building wealth through savings and investments can provide additional resources. Start preparing early for potential care periods that can last decades.

      Preparing for the financial burden of long-term care, especially in cases of early onset Alzheimer's or similar conditions, requires a multi-faceted approach. While long-term care insurance is important, it may not cover the entirety of the costs involved. Building wealth through savings and investments, such as those not trapped in retirement accounts, can provide additional resources. The process can be emotionally challenging and may require adjustments to financial plans. It's crucial to start preparing as early as possible, as the potential care period can last for decades.

    • Prioritize financial discipline and planning earlySacrifice short-term enjoyment for long-term financial security, maintain balance, protect against fraud, and consider buying out leases at a discount

      For individuals facing unexpected financial burdens or family obligations, it's crucial to prioritize financial discipline and planning from an early age. This can mean sacrificing some short-term enjoyment for long-term security and stability. However, it's important not to let fear drive these decisions and to maintain a sense of joy and balance in life. Additionally, protecting oneself from financial fraud, particularly tax refund fraud, is an essential aspect of financial responsibility. In the case of a listener named Danielle, it may be beneficial for her to consider buying out her car before its lease ends if she can do so at a significant discount, despite having student loan debts. Overall, being intentional and proactive with financial planning can lead to peace of mind and financial security.

    • Focus on debt repayment before big purchasesPrioritize debt repayment for financial security and peace of mind, save up cash for affordable purchases.

      While it may be tempting to make large purchases or investments before becoming debt-free, it's generally wiser to focus on eliminating debt first. In the discussion, a person was considering buying a $20,000 car while still having student loans and other debts. However, it was advised that they should instead prioritize paying off their debts and save up cash to buy a more affordable car. The benefits of owning a home were also discussed, as it provides stability and can increase in value over time. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that financial security and peace of mind come from prioritizing debt repayment and building a solid financial foundation before making large purchases or investments.

    • Buying a Home Before Investing Real EstateFocus on debt freedom before investing in real estate. Budget, pay cash, and avoid overspending to achieve financial stability.

      Before considering investment real estate, prioritizing buying and paying off a home first is essential. The speaker, Dave Ramsey, emphasizes the importance of budgeting and paying cash for investments, including real estate. He relates to the emotional desire to invest but advises against relying on financial gifts or ignoring financial issues. In the discussion with a caller, it becomes clear that their budget is upside down due to overspending, and they are struggling to afford their home and cars. The speaker advises selling the house and potentially the car to get out of debt and regain financial control.

    • Making tough financial decisions for a debt-free futureTo regain control of finances, sell assets, reduce expenses, and follow a step-by-step plan like Financial Peace University for a debt-free life.

      In order to regain control of your finances and improve your quality of life, it may be necessary to make difficult decisions such as selling a house or car, and reducing expenses. Trusting the Lord is important, but action is also required. Many people accumulate debt during the early years of marriage, living beyond their means, and later realizing the financial strain. Banks are willing to loan large sums of money, leading to unsustainable financial situations. To breathe easier and avoid unnecessary stress, it's crucial to create a budget, eliminate unnecessary expenses, and work towards a debt-free life. Financial Peace University can provide a step-by-step plan for achieving this goal. Don't let the stress of financial burdens damage your relationship with your spouse. Take control, make tough choices, and work towards a debt-free future.

    • You can't inherit a timeshare's debtTimeshares can negatively impact an estate, best to avoid inheriting one due to hidden fees and potential financial burden.

      You cannot inherit a timeshare or its associated debt. While the time share company may be able to foreclose on the timeshare and potentially impact the estate, it will not affect you personally. However, it's important to communicate with family members that inheriting a timeshare could negatively impact their estate. Timeshares are often considered a liability and a bill, and it's best to avoid inheriting one if possible. They can be full of hidden fees and are often considered a form of legalized fraud. If you find yourself in a situation where you may inherit a timeshare, make sure to express your desire to not take it, no matter the compensation offered.

    • Mother-in-law's debts can impact inheritanceBe cautious with mother-in-law's debts, they must be paid off before inheritance, and be wary of timeshares industry's tactics. Max out employer match before retirement savings if significant debt.

      While you may not be personally liable for your mother-in-law's debt, it can still impact what you inherit from her estate. Debts, including timeshares, must be paid off before any distributions can be made. The timeshare industry is particularly notorious for preying on older and more vulnerable individuals, using tactics that border on fraud. The speaker expresses strong disdain for the industry and advises caution when dealing with them. On a separate note, a listener inquired about contributing to a 401k while still in the baby steps. The speaker advised that it's generally a good idea to max out an employer match before focusing on debt repayment, but individual circumstances may vary. The listener's situation involved significant debt, and the speaker suggested exploring options to sell assets, like a $26,000 tractor, before turning to retirement savings.

    • Selling Assets for Financial ReliefSelling assets like vehicles and land can provide funds for debt repayment and future savings/investments. Prioritize debt elimination and commit to lifestyle changes for a secure financial future.

      When faced with financial struggles, drastic measures may be necessary to get back on track. In this case, selling assets like a tractor and car, and even reevaluating land ownership, can provide much-needed funds for debt repayment and future savings or investments. However, this process can be uncomfortable and may require significant lifestyle changes. It's essential to prioritize debt elimination before focusing on additional financial goals. By staying committed and reframing challenges as smart choices, individuals can work towards securing their financial future.

    • Pay off debt for financial freedomPrioritize debt repayment and make smart financial decisions to maximize opportunities for future wealth

      It's never too late to work towards financial freedom, even if it means making difficult decisions and sacrifices in the present. Debt can be a significant obstacle, but with determination and discipline, it can be paid off. In the case of John, he was advised to pay off his student loan debt as soon as possible, rather than utilizing a tax credit program that would have extended the repayment period. By doing so, he would be able to regain control of his finances and move on with his life. Additionally, having a valuable degree and being in a high-demand career field like engineering increases the potential for financial success. Therefore, it's essential to prioritize debt repayment and make smart financial decisions to maximize opportunities for future wealth.

    • Assessing Student Loan SituationsNegotiate settlements for past due payments, support current borrowers with matching payments, and communicate openly to encourage financial growth.

      If you're struggling with student loans or helping a loved one manage their debt, it's important to assess the situation carefully. If they're behind on payments, you might be able to negotiate a settlement. But if they're current, you may not be able to help through loan forgiveness or settlements. Instead, consider matching their payments as a way to support them while encouraging financial discipline. And remember, communication is key – stay informed about their debt situation and make sure they're committed to making lasting changes. Proverbs 27:17 encourages us to "sharpen one another," so engage in open, respectful conversations to help each other grow financially.

    • Everyone's financial journey is unique when dealing with unexpected circumstances like cancerPrioritize emotional and spiritual energy on winning the battle against cancer while making financial decisions that bring peace

      Everyone's financial journey is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach when dealing with unexpected circumstances like cancer. Tina, a caller on the show, shared her experience of following the baby steps out of order due to her cancer diagnosis. Instead of focusing on the baby steps, she prioritized building an emergency fund and paying off debt while undergoing treatment. Dave Ramsey acknowledged that this wasn't a typical baby steps approach but emphasized that Tina's choice was valid, as long as she felt peace with her decision. The key takeaway is that it's essential to prioritize your emotional and spiritual energy on winning the battle against cancer while making financial decisions that bring you the most peace. There's no right or wrong answer, and it's essential to choose your financial journey based on your unique circumstances and priorities. Tina's story is a reminder that everyone's financial situation is different, and it's crucial to focus on what brings you peace and power during challenging times.

    • Accumulate savings during hard timesDuring tough times, save money to build emotional, spiritual, and financial strength, then tackle debt.

      During challenging times in life, it's essential to pause and accumulate savings instead of strictly following the traditional debt-payoff method. This approach, referred to as "piling up cash," provides individuals with the necessary emotional, spiritual, and financial strength to face adversities. By accumulating a substantial amount of savings, individuals can return to the debt-payoff plan when they're ready, and in the meantime, focus on addressing the immediate issue. The analogy of buffaloes running into a storm illustrates this concept: by facing the storm head-on, one can reduce the duration of the experience. So, during difficult times, be the buffalo, accumulate your savings, and face the storm with confidence. Remember, ultimately, achieving financial peace requires a daily walk with Christ. If you need help, reach out to us at Ramsysolutions.com and click "Get Started" for personalized advice.

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    Don’t Believe the Lies – YOU Are the Hero of Your Story!

    Don’t Believe the Lies – YOU Are the Hero of Your Story!
    Dave Ramsey & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss: "I have a baby on the way with no money," Prioritizing expenses when you're broke, "Should I finance boat and live in it?" "Should I change careers in Baby Step 2?" "How can we cash flow a new build?" "How do we have a wedding in Baby Step 2?" "Cash out my retirement to pay off debt?" "Invest for retirement or pay off the house?" "Should I invest as a stay-at-home mom?" "Should I make my kids pay off their own student loans?" "How do you plan for retirement at a young age?" "Should I buy my ex-wife out of the house?" "Should we sell our home to pay off debt?" "Should we take over a local business?" "Confronting a controlling mother-in-law," "Relocate our family for better school options?" Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET Support Our Sponsors: Churchill Mortgage Balance of Nature DreamCloud Zander Insurance BetterHelp Neighborly Want a plan for your money? Find out where to start: Click Here Find a Ramsey Trusted Real Estate Agent: Click Here Listen to all The Ramsey Network podcasts: Click Here Interested in advertising on The Ramsey Show? Click Here Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy

    If You Don't Choose Your Pain, It Will Choose You

    If You Don't Choose Your Pain, It Will Choose You
    💵 Sign-up for EveryDollar today - The simplest way to budget for your life! Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze answer your questions and discuss: "Is our lifestyle out of control?" "My wife doesn't want to live on our pig farm anymore - should I buy her a house?" Keeping a home because of nostalgia is often times not worth the financial burden "I'm being sued by a bank for past due credit cards and don't know what to do" "Should I add my toddler as an authorized user on a credit card to build their credit?" How to get back on track with the Baby Steps after starting them out of order Support Our Sponsors: Churchill Mortgage Zander Insurance Angel Studios BetterHelp Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 🏦 Take Your 3-Minute Money Assessment - Get a personalized money plan! 🎟️ It's game on! Get your ticket for Total Money Makeover Weekend.  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy

    10. “Money is overwhelming so we find instant gratification elsewhere”

    10. “Money is overwhelming so we find instant gratification elsewhere”
    Jacques and Jennifer are stuck in a money rut. They are trapped by their $40,000 debt. Jennifer feels overwhelmed with money talk, and Jaques doesn't want to say no to his wife. When he comes home from work, they’re both tired, so they order takeout, overspend...and repeat the cycle. This isn't a math problem. It runs way deeper into their money identity and sense of self.  Jacques grew up in a poor household and was always told no, so he'll do anything not to feel that way again. As a stay-at-home mom, Jennifer feels the money is "his," so she finds control and comfort in food. Suddenly, all of these restaurant trips and takeout receipts are starting to make more sense. The relationship between food and finance is a tricky one to navigate.  Then I ask about their Rich Life. Listen to how vague they are about their future financial goals. When you've got a large debt that seems insurmountable, it’s hard to look ahead. But I think there’s a way to get them to take ownership of their money. Connect with Ramit Website Instagram Twitter Facebook YouTube Linkedin If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.