
    You Have to Experience Failure | #1 of 2019 Top Podcasts

    enJanuary 06, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Embrace the power of creating and sharing content at scaleProduce an ungodly amount of content on social media, understand strengths, and focus on happiness for success

      Gary Vaynerchuk, a successful entrepreneur and motivational speaker, believes that producing content at scale is essential for personal growth and potential success. He shared his own experiences of struggling as a child and how those failures didn't hold him back. Instead, they fueled his determination to succeed and create value for others. Vaynerchuk encourages his audience to embrace the free distribution of content in the digital age and produce an ungodly amount of content on various social media platforms. He emphasizes that self-awareness and understanding one's strengths are crucial in this process. Vaynerchuk also believes that society needs to redefine success and focus more on happiness rather than just financial gain. He challenged his audience to join the GaryVee challenge and make content at scale, with winners to be picked in January. Overall, Vaynerchuk's message encourages resilience, self-awareness, and the power of creating and sharing content.

    • Embrace sharing and communication for growthFearless sharing builds wealth and success, believing in oneself and consistent effort are essential, long-term focus and patience are key to growth, and dedication, hard work, and resilience are necessary for entrepreneurship and personal development.

      Producing content for social media platforms is crucial for business growth and personal development, as communication is the foundation of society and our modern world. The speaker emphasizes that fear of criticism or negative feedback should not prevent us from sharing our thoughts and experiences. Believing in oneself and consistent effort are essential to building wealth and achieving success, which is a long-term process. We must also contextualize time and understand that we have multiple opportunities throughout our lives to learn, grow, and make an impact. The speaker encourages patience and a focus on long-term goals, rather than seeking quick fixes or chasing the latest trends. Ultimately, entrepreneurship and personal growth require dedication, hard work, and resilience.

    • Stay committed, provide value, and adapt to new platformsEmphasize loving your game and playing the long game, offer value to audience, practice self-awareness and patience, avoid short-term metrics, and utilize LinkedIn content and influencer marketing.

      In today's business world, commitment and value are key to success. The speaker emphasized the importance of loving your game and playing the long game, as well as providing value to your audience. He also highlighted the need for self-awareness and patience, and warned against focusing on short-term metrics and being vulnerable to those who bring more value. Furthermore, the speaker recommended producing content on LinkedIn and utilizing influencer marketing as effective strategies for businesses. Overall, the message was to stay committed, provide value, and adapt to new platforms and trends in order to thrive in business.

    • Understanding Platform Psychology for Effective Social Media UseInvest time in learning about different social media platforms' unique audience and mindset, develop a strategy, and focus on producing high-quality content to effectively engage your audience.

      As social media platforms evolve, it's essential for individuals and businesses to adapt and create content tailored to each platform's unique audience and mindset. The speaker emphasized the importance of understanding the psychology of different platforms, such as LinkedIn for business and entertainment on Instagram. He encouraged the audience to invest time in learning about TikTok and develop a strategy, despite the platform's current focus on younger demographics. Additionally, the speaker emphasized overcoming fear and taking action to create and share content, regardless of potential criticism or opinions from others. He encouraged the audience to focus on their goals and producing high-quality content across various platforms to reach and engage their audience effectively.

    • Providing value leads to greater successFocusing on helping and educating others, rather than just selling, can lead to increased impact and success

      Providing value to others, even in seemingly self-serving endeavors, can lead to greater success and impact. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized this during a conversation with Brett Campbell, where he shared that if Mark Zuckerberg asked him to post one message for all Facebook users, he would focus on helping and educating rather than just selling. Michelle from Cell Fu Frames Australia also shared how she transformed her business from a side hustle to something bigger by focusing on how she could help her audience. The key is to ask questions, understand the needs of your audience, and provide value within the framework of your ecosystem. Even when challenging the status quo, the ultimate goal should be to add value and make a positive impact.

    • Balancing multiple passions and societal expectationsEmbrace fear of failure, maintain balance, and stay focused on personal goals while being open to feedback

      It's possible to pursue multiple passions and not give equal attention to each, but instead, focus on the ones that resonate the most. Gary Vaynerchuk shared his personal approach of having many projects in the air and not being overly concerned if some fail, as long as there are still opportunities to learn and grow. He emphasized the importance of not being overly focused on others' judgments and embracing the fear of failure. For those struggling with balancing personal aspirations with societal expectations, such as family pressure, it's essential to remember that success on one's own terms can ultimately lead to pride and acceptance from loved ones. Lastly, it's crucial to recognize that everyone, including parents, can have valid perspectives, but it's essential to maintain a balance and not let external opinions hinder personal growth. Ultimately, the key is to stay focused on your goals while remaining open to feedback and adjusting as needed.

    • Michael's Passion for Working with the Elderly and Seeking Advice from DannyEmbrace vulnerability, self-acceptance, and resilience for personal and professional growth. Don't blame past experiences for present issues, instead approach situations with patience and understanding.

      Michael, from Queensland, shared his passion for working with the elderly and his desire to start a conversation about death. He sought advice from Danny on creating content, specifically a podcast, to reach a larger audience. Michael opened up about his past struggles and how Danny's content had significantly impacted his life. He also shared concerns about his eldest son's difficulty handling change. Danny offered advice to not solely blame past experiences for present issues and to approach the situation with patience and understanding, recognizing that everyone is unique. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the importance of self-acceptance, resilience, and embracing vulnerability in personal and professional growth.

    • Listening to advice from experienced entrepreneurs is key to successPassion and fulfillment are more important than financial success. Listen to advice from those who have executed their ideas and consider alternative ways to help people and find fulfillment.

      Following your passion and finding fulfillment in what you do is more important than the financial success of a business. The speaker shared his experiences of building multiple successful businesses, but emphasized the importance of listening to advice from those who have executed their ideas, rather than just educators. He also questioned the notion that everyone needs to have a business and encouraged considering alternative ways to help people and find fulfillment, such as through a hobby or job. The speaker also encouraged the audience to not be discouraged by the high failure rate of small businesses and to remember that there are many ways to make a positive impact on people's lives.

    • Find something authentic and enjoyable to create content on TikTokTo succeed on TikTok, find a content strategy that aligns with your personality and interests, consume content for inspiration, and remain focused despite initial challenges.

      To be successful in creating content, especially on platforms like TikTok, it's essential to find something that resonates with you and aligns with your unique personality. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized the importance of authenticity and liking what you do, rather than viewing it as a chore. He also suggested consuming content on the platform and observing trends to help inform your approach. It's important to remember that success doesn't always come quickly and requires dedication and effort. For those starting out, especially as a single parent, it's essential to remain focused on the goal and not let fear hold you back. Instead, embrace the journey and keep learning. Ultimately, the key to success is finding a content strategy that feels authentic and enjoyable to you.

    • The importance of passion and enjoyment in entrepreneurshipPassion fuels energy and success in entrepreneurship. Focus on one idea at a time, trust intuition, have leverage and don't feel guilty for investing in your business.

      Passion and enjoyment for what you do plays a crucial role in maintaining energy and success in entrepreneurship. Sanjay emphasizes that the energy and enthusiasm he brings to his work is due to his natural energy and the fact that he genuinely enjoys what he does. Marissa adds that focusing on multiple projects at once may not be effective, and suggests trusting one's intuition and learning to focus on one idea at a time. Gary encourages entrepreneurs to have leverage outside of industries or individuals who may be resistant to new technologies or ways of thinking, rather than relying on them and potentially feeling frustrated or at a disadvantage. Additionally, parents should not feel guilty for investing time and energy into their businesses, as the long-term benefits can outweigh the short-term sacrifices.

    • Education vs InnovationDespite education's limitations, graduates should pursue their passions and start businesses, even if it means financial struggle. Discover interests and narrow down options like finding favorite foods.

      The traditional education system and innovation are at odds with each other. Education is based on memorizing information, while the world is moving towards easy access to information. This issue is not something individuals can fix, but if one chooses to work within the education system, they must accept its limitations. The speaker suggests starting a business despite the challenges and financial strain, rather than relying on parents' support. He advises against fighting the system, as it holds all the leverage. For those unsure of what business to start, the speaker suggests exploring interests and narrowing down options. He uses the analogy of discovering favorite foods to find a business idea. Ultimately, the speaker encourages graduating students to take risks and pursue their passions, even if it means starting from scratch.

    • Follow your passions for success and fulfillmentAuthenticity and pursuing passions can lead to unexpected opportunities and rewards in personal and professional growth

      Discovering and pursuing what you're genuinely passionate about can lead to greater success and fulfillment than adhering to generic or outside-the-box theories. The speaker shares his own experiences, from buying and selling baseball cards to combining his real estate business with his love for fine rums. He emphasizes the importance of being authentic and embracing your interests to build connections and attract clients. Even if you're new to an industry or starting a business, trusting your intuition and focusing on your passions can lead to unexpected opportunities and rewards. So, instead of relying on data or external advice, take the time to explore what truly drives you and incorporate it into your professional endeavors.

    • Building a business around passion for long-term successBe authentic, aware of strengths & weaknesses, hire help when needed, and take action despite mistakes for long-term business success

      Building a business around something you love is crucial for long-term success. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes this point, sharing his experience of building a business around football or the Smurfs, which took time but allowed him to keep going. He contrasts this with selling a business or bringing in a partner, both of which come with their own challenges. Additionally, Gary encourages being authentic and aware of one's strengths and weaknesses. For instance, if someone is naturally introverted and not good at selling, they should hire someone who excels in that area. Lastly, Gary encourages taking action despite potential mistakes, as one doesn't get labeled as "wrong" until the end of life. In essence, the journey of building a business is like a game, and even if one makes mistakes early on, there's always a chance to turn things around and win in the end.

    • Focus on enjoying the present momentEmbrace the journey, make the most of your time, and don't get bogged down in comparisons or worries about the future.

      No matter your age, it's important not to compare yourself to others or worry about being wrong. Life is too short to spend time worrying about what others are doing or what you might be missing out on. Instead, focus on enjoying the present moment and making the most of the time you have. Whether you're 19 or 50, there's always room to learn and grow. Gary Vaynerchuk, a successful entrepreneur and speaker, encourages people to audit their free time and make the most of it, rather than stressing about building a business or achieving a certain level of success. He also emphasizes the importance of enjoying the present moment and not getting too caught up in the future. As Giulio De Lafitte, another successful businessman, shared, even if you've had a lot of success in the past, it's important to stay curious and continue learning in order to adapt to the changing world. Overall, the key takeaway is to focus on enjoying the journey and making the most of the time you have, rather than getting bogged down in comparisons or worries about the future.

    • Learning from Experts and Staying FocusedAsk for help, focus on practical skills, avoid jumping on trends, and stay passionate and persistent for long-term success.

      While information is freely available on platforms like Google, truly excelling in a particular field requires dedication and a deep understanding of the subject matter. The speaker emphasized the importance of asking for help and learning from experts, as well as focusing on what people are actually doing rather than what's good in theory. He also cautioned against jumping on trends too early and encouraged a long-term perspective. For instance, while the future of Virtual Reality (VR) holds great potential for businesses, it may not be a viable option for short-term gains. Instead, one should focus on mastering current skills and building a solid foundation for future opportunities. The speaker's experiences, from starting a media company to interviewing successful entrepreneurs, underscored the importance of staying passionate and persistent in pursuing one's goals.

    • The Future of Technology: Excitement and ChallengesDespite challenges, the speaker is optimistic about the future of technology, emphasizing the importance of learning from past advancements and staying informed and engaged.

      While there has been a surge in coding education in recent years, the value of this education may not be as high due to the oversaturated market. However, the speaker is confident in the potential of blockchain technology and its applications, despite the risks and scams associated with it. He emphasizes the importance of learning from past technology advancements and the need for thoughtful approaches. The speaker also mentions the development of accredited education programs and their expansion into new markets. Overall, the speaker expresses excitement for the future of technology and encourages listeners to stay informed and engaged. It's important to remember that while there may be challenges, there are also opportunities for innovation and growth. So, keep learning and stay curious!

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    -Loving the grind more than the trophies -Being a leader by nature -The power of simplifying life -Never say something you don't believe in -The quality/quantity framework of content -This is why you need to stop complaining -Vulnerability -Compromising your truth for other people's opinions -How many people fully know GaryVee? -There's no right, there's what's right for you -Gary's thought on NIL

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