
    Your reminder to stop settling in your dating life and to love yourself first.

    enAugust 25, 2024
    What are the keys to attracting the right partner?
    How did the speaker meet her current partner?
    Why is self-acceptance important in relationships?
    What methods can help heal past emotional wounds?
    How can the 'Date Yourself' community assist personal growth?

    Podcast Summary

    • Self-acceptance and loveSelf-acceptance, peace, and self-love are crucial for attracting the right partner. Not everyone is emotionally capable of being a good partner, so it's essential to recognize this reality and move on to find someone who can meet you where you're at and show up for you in a meaningful way.

      Self-acceptance, peace, and self-love are essential keys to attracting the right partner. The speaker shares her personal experience of meeting a new British man who aligns with what she's looking for in a relationship. She emphasizes that if someone genuinely wants to be with you, they will make an effort to do so. However, it's important to recognize that not everyone is emotionally capable of being a good partner due to their past traumas or wounds. In such cases, it's crucial to accept that reality and move on, opening the door for a better opportunity with someone who can meet you where you're at and show up for you in a meaningful way. The speaker also shares her past resistance to using dating apps but ultimately found her current partner on Hinge. Overall, her message is to inspire those who may be settling or chasing after unfulfilling relationships to believe that the right person will come along if they focus on their own self-growth and self-love.

    • Astrology and RomanceAstrology signs should not dictate judgement in romantic connections; focus on getting to know someone personally, embrace independence, and keep an open mind.

      Astrology signs should not be the sole basis for judging or dismissing potential romantic connections. The speaker shared her experience of encountering prejudice against Pisces men based on their astrology sign, but ultimately learned that it's essential to keep an open mind and get to know someone for who they truly are. She emphasized the importance of embracing independence and focusing on personal growth before entering a relationship. The speaker also shared her excitement about meeting someone new in a different cultural context and keeping a casual, open-minded approach to dating.

    • Dating preferencesPeople have various dating preferences and what works for one might not work for another. It's essential to prioritize comfort and authenticity over societal expectations.

      People have different preferences when it comes to dating and what they consider a successful first date experience. Some prefer a more traditional, romantic dinner setting, while others, like the speaker, prefer a more casual, low-pressure environment. The speaker shares her experience of feeling trapped and uncomfortable during a romantic dinner date that she didn't enjoy, leading her to prefer a quick, casual first encounter. She also shares an unexpected encounter with an unwanted suitor at a pub, highlighting the importance of trusting your instincts and staying safe on a date. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of doing what feels right for you in the world of dating, rather than conforming to societal expectations.

    • Manifestation, Positive ThinkingTrusting instincts and practicing positive thinking can lead to extraordinary experiences and opportunities. The Miracle Notes Method is a powerful manifestation technique where writing down and focusing on specific intentions can attract positive experiences and manifest dreams.

      The power of positive thinking and intentional manifestation can lead to extraordinary experiences and unexpected opportunities. The speaker shared a story of a seemingly disastrous encounter in London that ended up becoming a memorable and enjoyable night. This experience taught her to trust her instincts and appreciate the natural connection with someone. Additionally, she introduced the Miracle Notes Method, a powerful manifestation technique that has brought instant and significant results for many people. By writing down and focusing on specific intentions, individuals can attract positive experiences and manifest their wildest dreams.

    • Manifestation intentionsSetting clear intentions and believing in your abilities to manifest them can significantly improve experiences and outcomes in life. Write down intentions, let go of attachment, maintain confidence, and address subconscious blockages to manifest desires.

      Setting clear intentions and believing in your abilities to manifest them can significantly improve your experiences and outcomes in life. This practice involves writing down your intentions and letting go of attachment to the outcome, while maintaining confidence and expectation. It's essential to address any subconscious blockages that may hinder your ability to manifest your desires. The Darity Touch Masterclass and Mind Body Soul Reset program focus on these concepts, helping individuals tap into their powers and live in alignment with their goals. By rewiring your subconscious thoughts, you can remove obstacles and see your reality through a clearer, more positive lens. Trusting in your ability to control your reality and dictate your experiences is the key to unlocking your full potential.

    • Healing past woundsUnresolved past experiences can create energetic blockages, preventing new opportunities and impacting relationships. Healing through inner work can clear out old garbage and open up new possibilities.

      Our past experiences, even those that seem insignificant or long forgotten, can significantly impact our present reality by creating energetic blockages in our subconscious mind. These blockages can prevent us from attracting new opportunities and experiences, and can manifest in patterns and cycles in our relationships. It's essential to acknowledge the importance of healing these past wounds through inner work, such as emotional freedom technique (EFT), journaling, or therapy. Childhood experiences and family relationships, in particular, can shape who we are and our relationships with others. By healing these wounds, we can clear out old garbage, open ourselves up to new opportunities, and manifest a brand new reality for ourselves.

    • Healing family woundsHealing past family wounds can lead to significant improvements in romantic relationships and overall well-being. Daily effort and courage to face and heal subconscious blocks are necessary for manifesting desired changes.

      Healing past wounds, especially those related to family relationships, can lead to significant improvements in other areas of life. The speaker's experience of clearing out childhood memories and emotions related to her father led to a profound transformation in her relationship with him, as well as in her romantic relationships. She emphasizes the importance of addressing and healing subconscious blocks in order to manifest desired changes in life and be truly happy. This process involves daily effort to change thoughts and redirect negative patterns, as well as the courage to face and heal past hurts, even if it means acknowledging discomfort or pain. The speaker's experience highlights the power of inner work in improving relationships and overall well-being.

    • Personal growth, HappinessFocusing on personal growth and happiness, even during challenging times, is crucial for creating a better future. Healing is a continuous process, and conscious efforts to strengthen oneself and redirect thoughts positively contribute to building a new reality and achieving goals. Engaging with supportive communities and resources can enhance personal growth.

      Focusing on personal growth and happiness, even during challenging times, is essential for creating a better future. Healing is a continuous process, and making conscious efforts to strengthen oneself and redirect thoughts positively contributes to building a new reality and achieving goals. Engaging with the "Date Yourself" community through social media and masterclasses can provide additional support and resources for personal growth. Don't forget to rate and review the podcast to help it grow, and use the exclusive podcast discount code "self love" for select masterclasses. Keep manifesting and stay tuned for future episodes.

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    JOIN MY MASTERCLASS DARE TO DETACH Doors open again soon, can't wait to see you there x

    If you loved this episode or have any more questions, always feel free to dm me @lyss @dateyourselfinstead.

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    If you're loving the podcast, always send me a message @lyss @dateyourselfinstead on Instagram.


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    Date Yourself Instead
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    Your reminder to stop settling in your dating life and to love yourself first.

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    I LOVE YOU ALL and I'm so so grateful for this community.

    JOIN DARE TO DETACH HERE. USE discount code detach at checkout for 30% off :)

    This is the last week to access the masterclass as new programs will be coming out in later this fall.

    Date Yourself Instead
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    Join the waitlist - doors open in August.

    Super excited to have you! x

    If you're loving the podcast, always dm me on instagram @dateyourselfinstead @lyss. Love you.

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