
    You’re Not Tricking Anyone | Tea with GaryVee

    enApril 29, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Consistently create content on multiple social media platformsCreate profiles on various social media sites and produce daily content to engage and reach audiences, build connections, and succeed in business or music.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, a successful entrepreneur and media personality, emphasizes the importance of consistent content creation and communication on social media platforms to reach and engage audiences. He recommends creating profiles on multiple social media sites like TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, and producing content daily if possible. Sharing personal stories, inspirations, and behind-the-scenes glimpses can help build a connection with fans. Gary believes that effective communication and storytelling are crucial factors for success, whether in business or music. He also mentioned that he appreciates the deep connections he makes with fans during his live Q&A sessions on Tea with Gary Vee every morning on Facebook.

    • Embrace imperfection and take risksIn the creative industry, releasing work regularly despite imperfections can lead to growth, learning, and potential success. Embrace failure as a means to progress and personal growth.

      Fear of failure or insecurity can hinder progress, especially in the creative industry where putting out work is crucial for building a career. Musicians, in particular, can benefit from releasing music regularly, even if it's not perfect, as it allows them to learn, grow, and potentially create a breakout hit. The speaker, who has experience in entrepreneurship and the music industry, emphasizes the importance of taking risks, failing, and learning from those experiences as a path to personal growth and happiness. Additionally, the speaker shares his success in the liquor industry and invites the listener to embrace failure as a means to progress.

    • Building a sustainable brand goes beyond just having a celebrity figureheadEffectively capturing and leveraging attention on mobile devices and popular platforms is crucial for brand success, involving understanding marketing channels, engaging micro-influencers, adapting to new platforms, and developing personal connections.

      Building a sustainable brand involves more than just having a well-known figure associated with it. It requires a deep understanding of various marketing channels, the ability to identify and engage with micro-influencers and ambassadors, and a willingness to adapt to new platforms like TikTok. Additionally, developing a personal brand and building a strong connection with fans can also create significant opportunities for sales growth. Ultimately, the key to success lies in effectively capturing and leveraging attention in the digital age. Whether through social media, content creation, or other means, those who dominate on mobile devices and popular platforms stand to gain the most economically.

    • Overcoming age and appearance biases in businessEmpathize with potential clients, focus on providing value, and understand consumer trends to overcome age and appearance biases in business

      In today's economic climate, even with significant job losses and decreased purchasing power, there is still a substantial amount of consumer spending. For entrepreneurs and business owners, especially those who appear young, it's crucial to understand that age and appearance should not hinder their ability to be taken seriously. Building relationships with potential clients who may initially dismiss them due to their age or appearance is essential. Empathy and understanding are key in these situations, as it's important to recognize that people may have biases or reservations. By focusing on providing value and understanding consumer trends, entrepreneurs can overcome these obstacles and build successful businesses.

    • Focus on the yeses, not the nosInstead of dwelling on rejections, focus on opportunities where people say yes and excel to build a good reputation

      Focusing on the people who say yes and excelling in those opportunities is more productive than dwelling on rejections. The speaker shares his personal experiences of being young and trying to sell wine while looking young, and the rejections he faced. He advises not to worry about the reasons for rejections and instead, focus on the ones who say yes and put all efforts into making a good reputation from those opportunities. The speaker also emphasizes that trying to do other people's jobs or inserting oneself into places where one doesn't belong is a clear sign of insecurity and lack of self-awareness, which can lead to negative consequences and ultimately, getting fired. The speaker's message is particularly important for young professionals who may be insecure about their abilities and feel the need to prove themselves by meddling in others' jobs. Instead, they should focus on their own tasks and excel in them to build a good reputation.

    • Acknowledging and Addressing Deep-rooted InsecuritiesRecognize and work through deep-rooted insecurities with empathy and self-reflection, let go of the need to put others on pedestals, and focus on building up self-esteem for personal growth.

      Deep-rooted insecurities can hinder personal growth and happiness. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and addressing these insecurities, rather than trying to hide them or overcompensate. They suggest going to the root cause, such as past experiences or DNA, and working through it with empathy and self-reflection. The speaker also encourages letting go of the need to put others on pedestals and focusing on building up one's own self-esteem. They believe that everyone has their own struggles and shortcomings, and that recognizing this can help bring people to a more equal footing. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of earning self-respect and working on personal growth every day.

    • Embrace self-reflection and personal growthFocus on living for yourself, be candid, recognize humanity, and help others for growth, not as a crutch.

      Focusing on living your life for yourself and not letting others' opinions dictate your actions can keep you grounded and help you grow. The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and working on personal growth, rather than seeking validation from others. He also discusses the importance of candor and being honest, even if it's uncomfortable, and the need to recognize that everyone is human and on a level playing field. By not putting others on a pedestal and focusing on helping others as a means of growth and leverage, rather than a crutch, we can live more authentic and effective lives.

    • Embrace vulnerability for authentic connectionsSuccessful people, like Gary Vee, can benefit from being called out and encouraged to be more real, leading to authentic connections and a more genuine environment

      Authenticity is key in building meaningful connections. The speaker recognized that he had been posturing and seeking validation from others, but the real growth comes from embracing one's shortcomings and being true to oneself. The speaker was encouraged to lead with vulnerability instead of trying to disguise his insecurities. This not only benefits the individual, but also those around them, as it creates a more genuine and authentic environment. The conversation served as a reminder that everyone, including successful figures like Gary Vee, can benefit from being called out and encouraged to be more real. Ultimately, the goal is to create a world where people are not trying to trick or deceive each other, but instead, are open and authentic in their interactions.

    • Focus on authenticity and emotional intelligence for growthStay true to yourself, let go of validation, build strong relationships, and lead to success through authenticity and emotional intelligence

      Authenticity and emotional intelligence are key to personal growth and success. The speaker acknowledges that one may not be where they want to be in life, but instead of dwelling on past mistakes, it's essential to focus on the present and future. Authenticity and emotional intelligence are valuable assets that can help build strong relationships and lead to success. The speaker encourages letting go of the need for validation from others and instead, staying true to oneself and executing with confidence. Design and external opinions should not dictate one's path, and it's important to remember that success is not determined by others' perceptions but by one's actions and results.

    • Embrace vulnerability and authenticityGary Vee values humility and giving back, believes in confronting issues head-on, and emphasizes creating from a place of confidence. He encourages embracing vulnerability and authenticity for deeper connections and a more fulfilling life.

      Gary Vee values humility and giving back over intellectual pride, and he believes that true happiness comes from being authentic and vulnerable. He also recognizes that people, including himself, can hide behind manipulation and insecurity, but the greatest gift is to confront these issues head-on and be open to growth. Gary emphasizes the importance of creating from a place of confidence and not being afraid of failure or criticism. He believes that everyone has the potential to create and that the most meaningful connections come from authentic interactions. Ultimately, Gary encourages embracing vulnerability and candor, even if it's uncomfortable, as a way to build deeper relationships and live a more fulfilling life.

    • Being true to oneself and building authentic relationshipsAuthenticity and emotional intelligence are crucial for success in personal and professional relationships. Manipulation and deception don't work in the long run. Embrace vulnerability, receive feedback, and improve for growth and success.

      Authenticity and emotional intelligence are key to success in both personal and professional relationships. The speaker, Gary, emphasized that trying to manipulate or deceive those with high emotional intelligence will not work in the long run. He encouraged the listener, Chris, to be true to himself and understand that trying to fool others is a losing strategy. The speaker also mentioned that this tactic would not work in a work environment or in a business setting, as customers and bosses will eventually see through it. Instead, he suggested that embracing vulnerability and authenticity, even if it means facing judgment, is the path to growth and success. The speaker's words resonated deeply with the listener, and he committed to making changes based on their conversation. The speaker also emphasized the importance of receiving feedback and using it to improve. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of being true to oneself and building authentic relationships based on emotional intelligence.

    • Finding Inspiration in Gary Vaynerchuk's Words and DedicationGary Vaynerchuk's motivational speeches and unwavering dedication inspired the speaker to break out of a difficult period and discover newfound creativity. His emphasis on empathy serves as a reminder of the importance of compassion towards others.

      Listening to Gary's inspiring words and observing his unwavering dedication to his cause has had a profound impact on the speaker. Gary's ability to motivate and encourage action, even when saying the same things, is a testament to his energy and commitment. His influence helped the speaker break out of a difficult period and discover a newfound creativity within themselves. Moreover, Gary's emphasis on empathy serves as a reminder of the importance of compassion and understanding towards others. Overall, the speaker is grateful for Gary's guidance and encouragement and encourages others to keep seeking inspiration and motivation from those who resonate with them.

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    YouTube: Aarthi and Sriram's Good Time Show

    IG: @aarrhir and @sriramk

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