
    YouTube Demonetizes Russell Brand Over Unproven Allegations!

    enSeptember 19, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Empowering creators to bypass censorship and control on big tech platformsMug Club, a membership community, enables creators to serve their audience directly, fund and protect controversial content, and fight back against those seeking to silence them, making it difficult to deplatform them.

      Mug Club, a membership community, has enabled its creators to remain independent and bypass the censorship and control of big tech platforms like YouTube and Facebook. By serving their audience directly, Mug Club members have the power to fund and protect content that might otherwise be silenced or demonetized. This not only allows for the free expression of controversial or unpopular viewpoints, but also empowers the creators and their audience to fight back against those who seek to silence them. This community's growth and success has made them a formidable force, making it difficult for those who want to silence them to deplatform them all. By joining Mug Club, individuals can support and be a part of this movement for free speech and independence.

    • Discussion on American-made products and politicsThe speaker expressed concern over certain policies and values, questioning if they align with the idea of bringing freedom to other countries.

      The discussion touched on various topics including buying American, personal experiences, and political views. One perspective was that it doesn't matter if something is made in America if it's still cheap and of low quality. Another topic was the idea of being good and buying the best. A few personal experiences were shared, such as dealing with tiredness, injuries, and passing notes. The political discourse focused on the vision of the world that the current U.S. President represents and whether it's something that should be exported. The speaker expressed concern over certain policies and values, such as puberty blockers, sex changes for kids, forced vaccination mandates, and control of private decisions. The speaker questioned if this vision is something they want to export and if it aligns with the idea of bringing freedom to other countries.

    • Speaker expresses concerns about American politics and foreign influenceSpeaker calls for a return to founding principles, criticizes divisive political figures, and expresses frustration with irrelevant social issues in the context of faith and leadership.

      The speaker expresses concerns about the current state of American politics and foreign influence, particularly regarding issues like transparency in elections, freedom of speech, and social policies. They express a desire for the world to reject the visions of certain American political figures and a longing for the country to return to its founding principles. The speaker also criticizes a Dallas church for its unorthodox practices, such as blessing drag queens, and expresses frustration with the irrelevance of such issues to matters of faith and leadership. Ultimately, the speaker's perspective reflects a complex and nuanced view of American politics and society, with a focus on preserving the country's core values while also acknowledging its shortcomings.

    • Conflicting Perspectives on Radical Inclusivity and Christian BeliefsThe speaker argues that prioritizing inclusivity over adherence to God's word conflicts with traditional Christian beliefs and that the church should focus on its religious mission rather than being inclusive of everything and everyone.

      The concept of radical inclusivity being discussed can be perceived as conflicting with traditional Christian beliefs. The speaker argues that Jesus' statement "I am the way, the truth, and the life" is exclusive, and that not everyone can be a part of the church according to this belief. They also criticize the idea of inclusivity being prioritized over adherence to God's word. The speaker shares their experience of working with churches that reached out to the LGBTQ+ community and expresses disagreement with this approach. They believe that the church should not be a place for everything and anything, but rather a place of worship and adherence to God's teachings. The speaker also criticizes the idea of having drag queens or other unconventional figures in church, and expresses their belief that Jesus would not approve of such practices. Overall, the speaker's perspective is that the church should remain focused on its religious mission and not try to be inclusive of everything and everyone at the expense of its core beliefs.

    • Moral judgments and public figures' past transgressionsPublic figures, including Howard Stern, are criticizing others for their actions while ignoring their own past controversial antics, highlighting the inconsistency and hypocrisy in societal discourse.

      The lines between moral superiority and past transgressions have become blurred in today's societal discourse, as evidenced by Howard Stern's recent criticism of Representative Lauren Boebert's behavior. Stern, known for his shock jock past, is now expressing moral indignation towards Boebert's actions, despite his own history of controversial antics. This raises questions about the inconsistency and hypocrisy of public figures in the entertainment industry and beyond, and the evolving definition of acceptable behavior in society. The discussion also touched upon Stern's past exploits, such as his involvement with a midget named Beetlejuice, and the irony of his current stance on morality. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities and contradictions of modern-day moral judgments and the importance of being aware of our own past actions and inconsistencies.

    • Understanding Complexity of Individuals and Past ActionsPeople deserve judgment based on character and actions, not isolated incidents or past mistakes. Everyone makes errors, including public figures, and growth is possible.

      People, including public figures, make mistakes and have complex pasts. The conversation revolved around Lauren Boebert, a political figure, and her past actions. While some found her actions questionable, others defended her, acknowledging that everyone makes mistakes and that people should be judged based on their principles and actions rather than out-of-context incidents. The conversation also touched upon the evolution of Howard Stern, a radio host, and his shift in content and audience. The speaker expressed disappointment in Stern's change in direction and his attempt to appeal to a new demographic while abandoning his old fanbase. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the importance of understanding the complexity of individuals and their pasts, and the need to judge people based on their character and actions rather than isolated incidents.

    • YouTube's cancellation of Russell Brand's monetization based on unproven allegationsPlatforms make decisions based on public pressure, potentially impacting creators without concrete evidence, raising questions about fairness and due process.

      The cancellation of Russell Brand's YouTube monetization, based on decades-old allegations of sexual assault that have not resulted in any criminal conviction or sentencing, highlights the issue of platforms like YouTube making decisions based on public pressure and perceived harm, rather than concrete evidence. This raises questions about the fairness and consistency of such decisions, particularly when applied to creators with controversial or polarizing content. Additionally, the discussion touches upon the broader theme of societal reactions to allegations, the importance of due process, and the potential consequences for individuals and creators in the digital age.

    • Impact of Cancel Culture on Russell Brand's ContentCancel culture can lead to the removal of content and destruction of livelihoods without due process or proven guilt.

      The cancellation of Russell Brand's content on various platforms, including YouTube, is a concerning example of the far-reaching consequences of accusations in the court of public opinion. Brands' life and livelihood were impacted without any proven guilt or due process. This situation raises questions about accountability for those making accusations and the potential for false claims to destroy lives. The discussion also touched upon the Vox Adpocalypse and the borderline content rule, which led to the banning of Brand's content. It's essential to consider the importance of due process and accountability in all situations, not just those related to cancel culture or sexual harassment allegations.

    • Fighting for reputation and livelihood in the digital entertainment industryIn the digital entertainment industry, reputation and livelihood are at risk due to shakedowns, manipulation, and false information. It's crucial to stand up for truth and fairness, and be prepared and resilient in the ongoing battle.

      The digital space, particularly in the entertainment industry, is not a mere novelty or a luxury, but a vital means for many people to make a living. Wars, in essence, are still being fought, not just for power and ideology, but for survival and reputation. The stakes are high, and the tactics used to undermine individuals include shakedowns, manipulation, and spreading false information. The media and entertainment industry can be a "swamp" where people's reputations and livelihoods are at risk. It is crucial to be aware of these realities and stand up for truth and fairness. The experiences shared in this discussion serve as a reminder that the fight for one's reputation and livelihood is an ongoing battle, and it is essential to be prepared and resilient.

    • Media companies erasing voices and contentMedia companies collude to remove content and silence voices, erasing history and gaslighting individuals. Legal challenges may result in exposure and damage to reputation.

      Media companies and entertainment industries are colluding to remove content and silence voices that fall below their changing public expectations. This was discussed in relation to the removal of Russell Brand's content from BBC and the attempts to erase his influence from the industry. The left used to advocate for separating art from the artist, but now they are erasing the content entirely, even if it hasn't changed. This is a form of gaslighting and erasing history. Individuals in the entertainment industry may face legal challenges if they choose to sue for defamation or libel, as the legal process could lead to the exposure of personal information and potential damage to their reputation. The importance of platforms like Rumble and Mug Club for free speech cannot be overstated in this climate.

    • Be cautious of those you trust, especially during challenging timesIndividuals should be cautious of some lawyers prioritizing their interests over clients, and remember the auto industry's reliance on taxpayer funding and consumer support when considering labor disputes and union roles.

      Individuals, especially those facing accusations or going through challenging situations, should be cautious about the people they trust and rely on for advice. Some lawyers may prioritize their own interests over their clients', leading to less than optimal outcomes. Additionally, the auto industry, which includes companies like GM and Ford, has historically received significant taxpayer funding and bailouts, and it's essential to remember that these corporations rely on consumers for their existence. This context is important when considering labor disputes and the role of unions, as the public ultimately bears the cost of these interventions.

    • UAW Strike Against GM, Stellantis, and Ford: Economic ConsequencesThe UAW strike against GM, Stellantis, and Ford could lead to significant economic consequences, including price increases, supply issues, and potential company losses, due to the union's demands for substantial wage increases, shorter work weeks, and pension changes.

      The ongoing UAW strike against the country's three largest automakers, GM, Stellantis, and Ford, could lead to significant economic consequences. The union's demands for a 46% pay increase, a 30 hour work week paid for 40 hours, and a return to their previous pension structure, among other things, could put the companies in the red and potentially lead to another bailout. The strike is unique as the UAW is negotiating with all three at once and strategically striking at specific plants. This could result in immediate price increases, panic buying, and supply issues, with the average monthly car payment already being $733. The union's actions, some argue, are reminiscent of "glorified mobsters," and the situation highlights the complexities and potential pitfalls of labor negotiations and the American economic system.

    • UAW's push for higher wages and benefits: Unintended consequencesThe UAW's pursuit of higher wages and benefits can lead to rising car prices, potential inflation, and increased competitiveness challenges for American automakers.

      The UAW's push for higher wages and benefits, while well-intentioned for their members, can have unintended consequences on the broader economy and society. These consequences include rising prices for new and used cars, potential inflation, and increased competitiveness challenges for American automakers against foreign rivals. The high labor costs in the auto industry, driven by generous union benefits, are unsustainable and can lead to financial strain for both the companies and consumers. The union's priorities may not align with the best interests of the working class as a whole, and a more balanced approach that considers the long-term impact on the economy and society is necessary.

    • Union Workers' Wage Increases: Funded by Taxpayers or Company Profits?Critics argue against union workers' proposed wage increases, funded by taxpayers, claiming record profits, efficiency of non-union companies, potential benefits for Chinese EV companies, and concerns over infrastructure and election-motivated push for electric vehicles.

      The proposed wage increases for auto workers, which would be funded by taxpayers, is a contentious issue. Critics argue that these companies have seen record profits and should share these profits with their workers without relying on government bailouts. They also point out that non-union companies like Toyota and Hyundai have lower labor costs and are more efficient. Furthermore, some argue that this move could benefit Chinese electric vehicle companies looking to enter the US market. The former vice president, Joe Biden, who has never earned a private-sector income, is pushing for electric vehicles to make up 60% of all new passenger vehicles sold by 2030, which could force companies to cut pensions and healthcare costs to meet these requirements. Critics argue that this is an attempt to grease palms before the next election and that the infrastructure and electricity sources to support this shift are not yet in place. Some argue that the government's intervention is not virtuous and is more akin to theft, especially when the hourly labor costs of those being bailed out are significantly higher than those of the taxpayers. President Trump has an opportunity to address these concerns during his upcoming address to the UAW.

    • Negotiating Values: A Look at Union Politics and LeadershipWhile past achievements are important, it's crucial to scrutinize potential pandering and coercion in political negotiations. Unions wield significant financial power in politics, but the disconnect between union members' votes and overall population can complicate matters.

      The discussion revolves around the perception of a specific individual's ability to negotiate deals and represent certain values, particularly in the context of labor unions and politics. In 2016 and 2020, this individual was praised for his past achievements, but concerns were raised about potential pandering and coercion. The conversation also touched upon the significant financial influence of unions in politics, and the potential disconnect between the percentage of union members who vote for certain candidates and the overall population in certain regions. The underlying theme is the importance of understanding the true motivations and implications behind political actions and allegiances.

    • Discussing societal issues and questioning authorityThe conversation touched on allegations against Russell Brand, the funding of vaccines, exploitation of workers, a societal 'swamp' of influential figures, and perceived political witch hunts. Emphasis was placed on questioning authority and advocating for individual rights and equal opportunity.

      The discussion touched on various issues, including allegations against Russell Brand, the large sums of taxpayer funding for vaccines, and the perceived exploitation of workers. The conversation also addressed the concept of a "swamp" in society, which encompasses politicians, unelected officials, the media, and unions, and their potential influence on the American taxpayer. Additionally, the case of Owen Shroyer, a journalist sentenced to jail for his role in the January 6th events, was mentioned as an example of perceived political witch hunts. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of questioning authority and advocating for individual rights and equal opportunity.

    • Government's focus on criminalizing Steve Bannon's speech in Capitol riots caseThe government's case against Steve Bannon for his role in the Capitol riots is unique for its emphasis on criminalizing speech, overlooking his calls for peace and deescalation.

      The government's case against Steve Bannon for his involvement in the January 6th Capitol riots is unique due to its focus on criminalizing speech. According to Bannon, during his trial, the government argued that his words before and after the event were proof of his intent, despite him not engaging in any violent actions or speaking to or touching any police officers. This is a departure from typical criminal cases, where actions are the primary focus. The government's sentencing memo quotes Bannon urging peace and deescalation, but these points are often overlooked in media coverage. The case highlights the political pressure on US attorneys to secure 100% conviction rates and the potential for selective enforcement of laws.

    • Government's attempt to make an example of Owen ShroyerOwen Shroyer's legal case is not primarily about his presence at Capitol on Jan 6, but about someone seeking retribution against him, with potential Supreme Court involvement.

      The ongoing legal case against Owen Shroyer, a conservative commentator, is not primarily about his presence at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, but rather an attempt to make an example of him. Shroyer emphasizes that the events of that day, such as the opening of doors and removal of barriers, are not the focus of his case. Instead, he believes it's about someone in the government or the Democrat party seeking retribution against him. Shroyer also mentioned his legal defense fund, defendowen.com, for those interested in supporting him. The case may eventually reach the Supreme Court. Despite the ongoing legal proceedings, Shroyer remains hopeful and encourages his audience to continue following his content on various platforms.

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-26-2024

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-25

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/source-june-24

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    Support freedom of speech with Rumble's 1775 Coffee. Go to 1775coffee.com/Crowder right now and pick up your first bag. Use code CROWDER to save 10%.

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-20

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-18

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-17-2024

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 17, 2024

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    Submit your costumes on X with #AppropriateIran for a chance to be featured on the show!

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    GUEST: Nick Di Paolo

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-13-2024

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

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    enJune 13, 2024

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    E67: Revisiting Rogan, Canadian truckers' protest, fusion breakthrough, $MSFT's savvy move & more

    E67: Revisiting Rogan, Canadian truckers' protest, fusion breakthrough, $MSFT's savvy move & more

    0:00 Bestie Intro: Phil Hellmuth found a new billionaire

    1:30 Chamath's new camera positioning

    3:58 Revisiting the Joe Rogan/Spotify situation, racism claims, and the video controversy

    30:04 Canadian truckers' "Freedom Convoy": root causes, impact, what is this turning into?

    45:00 Nuclear fusion breakthrough: Friedberg shares thoughts and theories on what this could mean for the future of energy and life on Earth

    54:15 Contrarian energy trade, Chamath's Big Tech play morphing into a long-term investment

    1:01:01 Microsoft's savvy "burn it down" app store strategy, US income not keeping up with inflation, consumer sentiment getting worse, opening up and getting back to normal

    1:15:57 CIA allegedly used an executive order from 1981 to execute warrantless surveillance on American citizens, DHS domestic terrorism infrastructure

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    Rethinking Free Speech in the Era of Cancel Culture

    Rethinking Free Speech in the Era of Cancel Culture

    The term “cancel culture” is a buzzword these days. Nevertheless, it deserves thoughtful analysis.

    Nowhere is cancel culture more apparent than on college and university campuses. According to a 2021 survey, more than 80% of American college students reported censoring themselves at least some of the time.

    This should raise a red flag for everyone.

    In this episode, we explore the evolving role of colleges and universities in facilitating productive conversation on campus. How do they define the line between harmful speech and free speech? And once the line is defined, how are they holding it?

    Listen as we explore the challenges of free speech, equity and inclusion, and education with ROBIN HOLMES-SULLIVAN, president of Lewis & Clark College; LA ROND BAKER, legal director for the ACLU of Washington; LISA LANDREMAN, vice president of student affairs at Willamette University; MANU MEEL, CEO of BridgeUSA; and several students from PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY.