
    Podcast Summary

    • YouTube's Creator Summit: Insights into Short-Form Video and Travel PlanningExecutives shared valuable insights into YouTube's short-form video feature and introduced Viator, a travel planning tool with over 300,000 experiences, free cancellation, and 24-7 customer support. Mercury, an efficient financial solution for businesses, was also showcased.

      YouTube's creator summits provide a unique platform for open dialogue between top creators and executives, allowing for valuable insights into the latest platform features and economic trends. During the latest summit, the focus was on YouTube's short-form video feature, with executives addressing creators' concerns and providing answers beyond typical PR responses. Additionally, Viator, a tool for booking travel experiences, was introduced as a solution for planning comprehensive travel itineraries. The platform offers over 300,000 travel experiences, free cancellation, and 24-7 customer support, making it an essential resource for travelers. Mercury, an efficient financial solution for businesses, was also highlighted for its role in simplifying complex financial workflows and enabling companies to perform at their best.

    • YouTube removes dislike button to improve creator well-beingThe removal of the dislike button on YouTube has led to reduced dislike brigades, increased user satisfaction, and a more positive online community.

      YouTube's Chief Product Officer, Neil Mohan, discussed the decision to remove the dislike button and counter on the platform, which was made with the goal of improving creator well-being. He shared that the decision has been effective in reducing dislike brigades and the focus on like-dislike ratios. Additionally, user satisfaction with videos has increased, according to data from YouTube. Mohan explained that the decision-making process was thorough, considering both creator and user perspectives. He acknowledged that the results are not from a controlled experiment but rather from observing trends year over year. Overall, the removal of the dislike button has been seen as a positive step towards creating a more positive and productive online community on YouTube.

    • Balancing creator needs and user experience on YouTubeYouTube's CEO prioritizes creator wellbeing, recent algorithm changes averaging out, effective decision-making processes crucial for complex issues

      YouTube's leadership faces difficult decisions when balancing the needs of creators and users, and they prioritize the wellbeing of creators. The recent change in ranking and recommendation algorithms was a result of controlled experiments, and while there were initial concerns about its impact on search and discoverability, the data shows that things are averaging out. YouTube's CEO emphasized the importance of having a talented team, clear principles, and effective decision-making processes to ensure that the organization is making the best decisions for its creators and viewers. The CEO's role is not just to make decisions but to set up the mechanisms for the organization to make them smoothly. When a decision reaches the highest level, it's a sign that it's a significant and complex issue that requires careful consideration and collaboration from multiple teams.

    • Essential elements for productive product developmentClear communication, effective principles, and efficient processes help make product development productive. Escalating competing viewpoints quickly and focusing on long-term success are crucial.

      Effective communication, clear principles, and efficient processes are essential for a productive product development organization. Festering decisions can be detrimental, so having the right procedures in place to escalate competing viewpoints quickly is crucial. YouTube, as a creator-first organization, aims to help creators succeed in the long run, rather than chasing short-term algorithmic trends. By offering a multi-format approach, YouTube allows fans to get to know creators beyond their latest content, focusing on their identity and values.

    • YouTube's User-Centric Approach to Content RecommendationsYouTube prioritizes user experience and control, using signals like feedback and watch history to personalize content, while taking user dislikes into account without isolating them from certain topics.

      YouTube prioritizes user experience and control in its product decisions, as evident in its name and features. The platform uses a vast amount of signals, including user feedback and watch history, to personalize content and maintain high-quality recommendations. While users have the option to turn off certain personalization features, YouTube does not completely eliminate topics based on user dislikes or disinterest. Instead, they take these signals into account while ensuring users are not inadvertently isolated from certain content areas. Furthermore, the housing affordability crisis and its impact on young adults' living situations were discussed, with the suggestion that users might not always know exactly what they want until they are presented with it. This principle of user-centricity is crucial for YouTube's success and a valuable lesson for businesses aiming to provide personalized and engaging experiences for their customers.

    • YouTube's recommendation system and user feedbackYouTube's recommendation algorithm uses a blend of signals, including user feedback, to suggest content. Long-term user satisfaction is a key metric. YouTube functions as a podcast platform, and the company is exploring ways to tailor it to audio content. Individual user feedback might not significantly impact overall recommendations due to numerous signals.

      YouTube's recommendation algorithm considers a blend of signals to determine content recommendations, and user feedback plays a role in adjusting these recommendations. Long-term user satisfaction is a key metric for measuring the success of these recommendations. YouTube functions as a large podcast platform without specific support for podcast creators and listeners, and the company is exploring ways to tailor the platform to different types of audio and video content. The interview also touched on the concept of echo chambers or rabbit holes in YouTube's recommendation system, with the speakers acknowledging that individual user feedback might not make a significant impact on the overall recommendations due to the numerous signals being considered. The speakers also discussed the importance of considering both the viewer and creator sides when dealing with longer-form content like podcasts, and mentioned that YouTube Music provides a strong foundation for handling audio content. Overall, the conversation emphasized YouTube's commitment to improving its recommendation system and supporting various types of content on the platform.

    • YouTube transitions to revenue sharing for Shorts creatorsYouTube shifts from a creator fund to revenue sharing, allowing creators to monetize short-form content through ads, with eligibility based on views and distribution based on share of pool over 30 days.

      YouTube has recently announced that it will transition from a creator fund to a revenue sharing platform for monetizing Shorts, its short-form video feature. This change reflects YouTube's commitment to supporting its creator community and building on the success of its long-standing YouTube Partner Program (YPP). To be eligible for YPP in the Shorts format, creators must reach 10 million views within a 90-day period. Once accepted into the program, creators can monetize both their long-form and short-form content through ads inserted into the feed. The revenue is then pooled together and distributed to creators based on their share of views in the pool over a 30-day period. YouTube sees the value of views in short-form content as different from those in long-form content, and the eligibility criteria reflect this difference. Additionally, YouTube plans to roll out a new lower tier for fan funding for smaller creators in 2023. This change is significant as it aligns YouTube with the growing trend of short-form video content and puts pressure on other short-form platforms to follow suit.

    • YouTube's new monetization program for ShortsCreators earn 45% of Shorts ad revenue, simplified music licensing, and YouTube's commitment to supporting all formats

      YouTube's new monetization program for Shorts is a significant shift from the previous limited fund to a full-fledged YouTube Partner Program (YPP). Creators will receive 45% of the total revenue generated by ads on their Shorts, after deducting music licensing costs. This revenue share is consistent for creators who use music or not, simplifying the music acquisition and licensing process. The bullish attitude towards the monetization potential of Shorts is indicated by this change. However, it's important to remember that YouTube's roots are in long-form content, and the platform continues to prioritize and innovate in that area as well. The multi-format approach allows creators to choose what works best for their audience, and YouTube aims to support all formats. The evolution of Shorts, with its explosive growth and increasing popularity, is expected to continue.

    • YouTube's focus areas: building audiences, improving accessibility, innovating long form content, enabling shopping experiences, and maintaining safetyYouTube is investing in features to support creators, improve accessibility, innovate long form content, enable shopping experiences, and maintain a safe and inclusive platform for users

      YouTube's creator and viewer experience is continuously evolving, with a focus on supporting the creator economy, improving accessibility, and enabling new use cases. YouTube's CEO, Susan Wojcicki, expressed her excitement about the future of YouTube, mentioning several areas of focus: building audiences, improving accessibility through features like multi-track audio and creator music marketplace, innovating in the area of longer form content on connected TV, enabling shopping experiences, and maintaining YouTube as a safe and inclusive platform. She also likened YouTube to a mall, where users can hang out with friends, be entertained, and make purchases. Overall, the next five years are expected to be even more exciting than the last for both creators and viewers on YouTube.

    • YouTube introduces YouTube Partner Program for shorts to attract TikTok creators and encourage experimentation with the formatYouTube's new shorts program aims to lure TikTok creators with monetization opportunities and inspires long-form creators to experiment with short-form content.

      YouTube's introduction of the YouTube Partner Program for shorts is a significant shift in the digital content creation landscape. This move is aimed at attracting TikTok creators to YouTube, offering them a new platform to monetize their short-form content. However, it's not just about poaching TikTokers; the focus on shorts is also expected to encourage long-form creators to experiment with the format. The creator summit was filled with new faces, many of whom were shorts creators who had recently joined YouTube. The success of these creators, such as Dental Digest with its toothbrush shorts and 250 million views per short, showcases the potential of YouTube's shorts. While the audience for shorts may not be as large as TikTok yet, the opportunity to earn additional income could make it an attractive proposition for creators. The future will likely involve creators utilizing both platforms, with cross-posting or selective content strategies becoming common. Overall, the YouTube Partner Program for shorts represents a new chapter in the competition between YouTube and TikTok for digital content creators.

    • Exploring the Opportunities and Challenges of Short-Form Video ContentShort-form video content presents opportunities for billions of views but challenges with cross-posting and watermarking. Defining a unique vision and navigating the growing market is essential for creators.

      The rise of short-form video content, such as YouTube Shorts and TikTok, presents both opportunities and challenges for content creators. While there are billions of views on these platforms, cross-posting content across different platforms may not be beneficial due to potential decreased views and watermarking issues. However, the separate nature of short-form and long-form content suggests that they can coexist and even expand the reach of creators. The challenge lies in defining the unique vision for short-form content, particularly in niche areas like tech. As the market for short-form content continues to grow, creators must navigate the opportunities and challenges to maximize their reach and revenue.

    • YouTube's strategic expansion into short-form videosYouTube introduces YouTube Shorts as a strategic move to expand offerings and attract a wider audience, leveraging the potential of short-form videos to complement long-form content.

      YouTube is playing the long game in the video platform market by continuously improving and introducing new features, even when facing competition from platforms like Twitch. The recent announcement of YouTube Shorts came after a period of instability and controversies on Twitch, and while it may not seem directly related, it could be seen as a strategic move by YouTube to expand its offerings and attract a wider audience. The potential of short-form videos to reach new audiences and complement long-form content is also an exciting development for content creators. The question of optimizing for tech or general audiences remains to be seen, but the potential for growth and experimentation on YouTube is promising.

    • YouTube vs Twitch: A Shift in the MarketYouTube's absorption of features and one-stop solution for creators may eventually lead to a shift in the market, with many creators switching to YouTube for increased reach and revenue.

      YouTube is gradually encroaching on Twitch's territory by absorbing features and offering more opportunities for creators, potentially making it the go-to platform for content creation in the future. The recent changes in Twitch's revenue sharing model and YouTube's new partnership program for shorts have caused a significant impact, with many creators switching to YouTube and generating positive press. Although Twitch may not be at imminent risk of being "killed" by YouTube, the latter's ability to connect various content types and offer a one-stop solution for creators may eventually lead to a shift in the market. This dynamic is reminiscent of the question of whether new social media platforms are features or platforms themselves, and YouTube's perspective is that everything is just features within its ecosystem. Ultimately, the convenience and potential for increased reach and revenue that YouTube provides may make it the preferred choice for creators in the long run.

    • Google's YouTube dominance and the rise of short-form contentGoogle's YouTube continues to lead as the second largest search engine, with a commitment to shorts and staying updated on trends.

      Google's dominance in the search engine market extends to YouTube, making it the second largest search engine. This was highlighted during a conversation about the rise of new video platforms and the decline of older ones, such as Vimeo. While YouTube had some missteps, like the failed implementation of stories, their commitment to shorts seems more deeply invested. The conversation also touched upon the importance of keeping up with new trends and technologies, and the potential for short-form content on various channels. Lastly, a light-hearted segment of the discussion involved a trivia question about the name of Netscape's mascot, which was incorrectly guessed as "Dino Jack," but the real answer was "Mozilla," a name that connects to Firefox's history.

    • Logos and mascots have deeper meanings and historiesLogos and mascots can have confusing backstories and deeper meanings, such as the Firefox red panda and Twitter blue bird, and their origins can illustrate the importance of collaboration and open-source technology.

      Logos and mascots, despite their apparent simplicity, can have interesting and sometimes confusing backstories. For instance, the Firefox logo, which features a red panda, is often mistaken for a fox. Mozilla, the organization behind Firefox, insists that it's a red panda, but the similarities between the two animals can be deceiving. Similarly, the Twitter logo, which features a blue bird, is often assumed to be named after Larry Bird, the NBA icon, although this is unconfirmed. These examples show that logos and mascots can have deeper meanings and histories that go beyond their simple visual representation. It's a reminder that even the smallest details can have significant implications. Another interesting fact from the discussion was that Netscape, the company that preceded Mozilla Firefox, released the source code for its browser and created the Mozilla organization. This wholesome story illustrates the importance of collaboration and open-source technology in the development of popular software.

    Recent Episodes from Waveform: The MKBHD Podcast

    Smartphone Season is Coming Early This Year!

    Smartphone Season is Coming Early This Year!
    This week, Marques is back to discuss all of the news he missed last week (and a bunch of new stuff too). With David out on vacation, Marques and Andrew do Headlines in a Hat and go over everything from the Surface phone that never was to icon theming in iOS 18. They also talk about all of the gadgets that are coming this summer including the Pixel 9 and the Galaxy Watch Ultra. Then we wrap it all up with some trivia questions provided by James Carter of the PodQuiz podcast! It's a fun one, enjoy! Links:  The hat: https://bit.ly/4cioPQR PodQuiz weekly: https://www.podquiz.com/ New CMF Teaser: https://bit.ly/3VYsTQq iOS Icon Tinting: https://bit.ly/45GI4kz Surface Duo 3 Patent: https://bit.ly/3WbMVap New Motorola Phones: https://bit.ly/3W0nGY9 Pixel 9 Renders: https://bit.ly/4bnIAVy Volkswagen Group Invests in Rivian: https://cnb.cx/3zmRBRA Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra Rumors: https://bit.ly/4chnutt Galaxy Watch Renders: https://bit.ly/4bvUxcc Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    20 Years, 1000 Episodes: The Man Behind PodQuiz

    20 Years, 1000 Episodes: The Man Behind PodQuiz
    We have another bonus episode! In this one, Andrew sits down and talks with James Carter from PodQuiz who began his popular trivia podcast back in 2005. He just published his 1000th episode so Andrew took the opportunity to pick his brain on how he comes up with his questions and the current state of podcasting.  Links:  PodQuiz Weekly: https://www.podquiz.com/ James Carter: https://www.jfc.org.uk/ Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Is YouTube Adding Community Notes to Videos?

    Is YouTube Adding Community Notes to Videos?
    This week, Marques is out working on a big video project so he left Andrew and David in charge of going over the news of the week. First they give their quick impressions on the new Surface devices that showed up right before we sat down to record. Then they discuss the new Threads API before getting into a new Instagram competitor. After that, they discuss the DOJ suing Adobe and YouTube experimenting with community notes. Lastly, they talk about the CMF Phone 1 teaser before wrapping it all up with trivia. Enjoy! Links:  Threads Launches API: https://bit.ly/3z4Cmwr YouTube Community Notes: http://tcrn.ch/3xsKEhi TikTok Launches Whee: https://bit.ly/4ca44qa DOJ Sues Adobe: https://bit.ly/3RBdFOG CMF Phone Teaser: https://bit.ly/3RBZt7X TLD Health Update Video: https://bit.ly/4eyxYGj Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Everything From WWDC 2024!

    Everything From WWDC 2024!
    This week was WWDC, and the podcast crew has some thoughts! Marques chats with Andrew and David about everything from Apple Intelligence to the new iPad calculator app. There's so much to get into so we hope you enjoy! Links:  MKBHD Recap video: https://bit.ly/3KOHc3r MKBHD vs Tim Cook: https://bit.ly/3x70kGZ Snazzy Labs Spatial Photos: https://bit.ly/4eeDPAq Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    How Much AI Will We WWDC?

    How Much AI Will We WWDC?
    There was a lot to get into this week! First, Marques, Andrew, and David discuss Instagram testing unskippable ads before getting into some Microsoft Recall news. Then they go deep on what they expect to see from Apple's WWDC 2024 next week. Then we finish it up with a call to action: we want to add some sounds to our soundboard so make sure to leave a comment on YouTube with your favorite soundbite. We then of course round it out with some trivia. Links:  Instagram Unskippable Ads: https://tcrn.ch/4ecanuL Kevin Beaumont Micosoft Recall Security Issues: https://twitter.com/GossiTheDog MacRumors WWDC Predictions: https://bit.ly/4bLeX1y Thread radios in Mac: https://bit.ly/4aQGrSe Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Don’t Ask Google's AI for Advice!

    Don’t Ask Google's AI for Advice!
    A lot happened this week! Marques, Andrew, and David jump into a ton of different topics ranging from the special edition Nothing Phone 2a and the death of the Spotify Car Thing. Then they get into Google AI overview telling people to eat rocks and the Coffeezilla series about the Rabbit R1. Lastly, Miles comes on to talk about the new hybrid Porsche 911 with Marques and David. Links:  Thanksgiving Pea video: https://bit.ly/3VmLpkZ Marques Apple Testing: https://bit.ly/4aH2b2S Verge Spotify Car Thing: https://bit.ly/450vRqB Louis Rossmann Spotify Car Things video: https://bit.ly/4aKaPh8 Emma Roth Disable AI overview: https://bit.ly/3R79WIh Coffeezilla Rabbit R1 Part 1: https://bit.ly/3X3N7cl Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin Miles:https://www.youtube.com/@CarswithMiles TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Waveform Recommendations Gameshow!

    The Waveform Recommendations Gameshow!
    It's bonus episode time! What started as a small segment for Ellis to recommend something, turned into an entire dedicated episode where Marques, Andrew, and David suggest some of their favorite things! The topics range from some of their favorite YouTubers and YouTube videos, all the way to something that you can buy that has to come with a handle. It's a bit chaotic but a ton of fun! YouTube Videos Mentioned: Formula Addict - https://www.youtube.com/@formulaaddict/videos Internet Shaquille: https://www.youtube.com/@internetshaquille/videos Natasha Adams: https://www.youtube.com/@NatashasCars Mii's Daily: https://www.youtube.com/@IAmMiisDaily Roy Hibbert: https://www.youtube.com/@RoyHibbertYT Ben Jordan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DOd4RLNeT4 Digital Spaghetti w/Gaux: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDAqyQIaUPY Ken (Denky): Exploring tokyo's biggest tech store Time for Sushi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcXiwNjkhxU& Settled Swamppletics: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=runescape+settled+swampletics The Answer is Not a Hut in the Woods: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK2SMIOHYig Products Mentioned: Anker 2-in-1 USB-C Memory Card reader: https://geni.us/C5JdR Omnitype IRL edition: https://geni.us/bC2N Air Blower Dust Bulb: https://geni.us/iD8Ni2f Red XLR Cable: https://geni.us/ebrXo Ryobi One Cordless Drill: https://geni.us/HZLIZ Headlamp: https://geni.us/wVYT DXA Micro Pro: https://geni.us/DbZh Gaffer Tape: https://geni.us/Wafj Mousepad: https://geni.us/ovvUtUd Smallrig Tripod Fluid Head: https://geni.us/oqxgEc Logitech MX Master 3: https://geni.us/k0xNZh Pulsar X2: https://geni.us/HPGW2d8 Artisan Obscura: https://geni.us/p2fI EUFY Keyboard Deadbolt: https://geni.us/Hlbo2M Vacuum Pad Camera Opener: https://geni.us/0eyonvg Neewer Panoramic Pannic: https://geni.us/noblAn dbrand skin: https://geni.us/VA3M RTIC Cooler: https://geni.us/hCPC Ridge Commuter backpack: https://geni.us/szzU01z Brevite backpack: https://geni.us/NpQptdj Moment Everything Backpack: https://geni.us/ggxAylR Peak Design Everyday backpack: https://geni.us/VaMIhn Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Microsoft’s MacBook Killer?

    Microsoft’s MacBook Killer?
    This week, Marques jumps right into it with Andrew and David about the OpenAI vs Scarlett Johansson drama regarding one of the voices from ChatGPT 4o. Then they dig into the new Surface products from the Microsoft event and David explains why the move to ARM is such a big deal. To close it out they talk about a feature that Rivian is adding to its cars and a different feature Tesla is removing from its cars. Enjoy! Links:  Scarlett Johansson statement: https://bit.ly/4axIUkb Wired article David mentions: https://bit.ly/4c8UpjB Sci-Fi joke: https://bit.ly/3UTutkP MacObserver Circle to Search news: https://bit.ly/452CGrx Decoder interview with Sundar Pichai: https://bit.ly/44S63wF Dave2D Video: https://bit.ly/44YWhJk Rivian Adding YouTube and Cast: https://bit.ly/44XgmQ6 Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Hey ChatGPT, Summarize Google I/O

    Hey ChatGPT, Summarize Google I/O
    This was a week full of AI events! First, Marques gives a few thoughts on the new iPads since he missed last week and then Andrew and David bring him up to speed with all the weirdness that happened during Google I/O and the OpenAI event. Then we finish it all up with trivia. Enjoy! Links:  MKBHD iPad Impressions: https://bit.ly/3WzFFWk MacStories iPadOS: https://bit.ly/3V1G0Qq The Keyword: https://bit.ly/4blfFm5 OpenAI GPT-4o Announcements: https://bit.ly/3V3Sabv 9to5Google I/O 2024 Article: https://bit.ly/3V2rDLv Merch tweet: https://bit.ly/4bnhNcV Shop products mentioned: Apple iPad Air: https://geni.us/SsXTRLt Apple iPad Pro M4: https://geni.us/HXDlXo Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    New OLED iPad and Pixel 8a!

    New OLED iPad and Pixel 8a!
    Marques was out sick when we recorded, so Andrew and David take over the pod and talk about all of the newest gadgets that came out this week! They start with the new Nintendo Switch rumors before digging into the new iPads that were announced. Then they get into the Pixel 8a before we wrap it all up with trivia. It's a surprisingly busy month and we're just getting started. Enjoy! Links:  Cam James Channel: https://bit.ly/3WyhyHq David Imel Sparkle Video: https://bit.ly/4btBVK4 Nintendo Switch 2 pre-announcement : https://bit.ly/4btt2QK Nintendo Switch 2 Joycons: https://bit.ly/3WCjij6 MKBHD iPad Impressions: https://bit.ly/3WzFFWk New iPads: https://apple.co/3QDvbRW MKBHD Pixel 8a: https://bit.ly/4bxvNjW Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    A Mashup: Tips On Monetizing Your Personal Brand or Business | The Best of #AskGaryVee

    A Mashup: Tips On Monetizing Your Personal Brand or Business | The Best of #AskGaryVee

    Hey guys I hope you really enjoy this mashup of content focused around the what, how, when and why to personalize your business or personal brand. You'll learn what you need to do to start, when to start and a whole lot more. Hope you love it, featuring Cha Tha God, Jason Calacanis, Kai Greene, Lauryn Evarts, Sara Dietschy, and Mason Plumlee.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message

    Product Management & Monetization 101 & 201, with Gordon Rowe

    Product Management & Monetization 101 & 201, with Gordon Rowe
    Gordon Rowe was a product manager on Mafia Wars, and then served as Zynga's only product manager on the 3rd party publishing team working with external studios to help them improve the performance of their games. He also worked on PC f2p as the Director of Product at Daybreak games. He's currently working at Facebook as an in-house consultant. Gordon has worked with dozens of external studios and has problem solved their products, and evaluated their chances of success. These are superpowers you can develop by listening to this episode... We dive deep into product management frameworks, rule-of-thumb KPI, common free to play errors, the evolution of monetization beyond pay-to-win, how to implement an analytics stack, and much much more. If you work in, or have interest in, free-to-play games, this interview is absolutely unmissable.

    Ep010 - Adopte un podcaster

    Ep010 - Adopte un podcaster

    Dans cet épisode je te propose de m’adopte, afin de m’aider à continuer à produire des contenus de qualité dans mon Podcast H.P.I., et je te fais une proposition qui j’espère va t'enthousiasmer:

    · Que risque-t-il de se passer si, finalement, mes contenus ne sont pas soutenus ? 

    · Le véritable coût de la production de contenus 

    · Combien d’heures sont nécessaire, par semaine pour diffuser le Podcasts sur les réseaux sociaux ? 

    · Pourquoi tu devrais supporter avec ton argent, les contenus online que tu aimes et consomment régulièrement 

    · Les 3 niveaux de support du club HPI (et pourquoi tu devrais former partie de cette communauté en ligne) 

    · Les 6 systèmes que je vais t’aider à mettre en place dans ta vie – d’abord, et dans ton entreprise, ensuite – pour que tu passes en mode Kiff Total Perpétuel, dans ton business, et dans tes relations avec toutes les personnes qui comptent pour toi 

    · Pour me soutenir : www.AdopteUnPodcaster.com  


    What is YouTube Shorts? Why You Should Start Creating YouTube Shorts Video? | Ep. #011

    What is YouTube Shorts? Why You Should Start Creating YouTube Shorts Video? | Ep. #011

    YouTube introduced YouTube Shorts a few weeks back in India, and if you are wondering What YouTube Shorts is then listen to this episode as here is Everything You Need to Know About YouTube Shorts so far.

    In this episode of Digital Marketing Made Easy podcast, you’ll learn:

    • What is YouTube Shorts?
    • How YouTube Shorts Originated?
    • What’s the idea behind the introduction of YouTube Shorts videos?
    • Whether You Should Start Creating YouTube Shorts videos or not?
    • 5 Reasons Why You Should Start Creating YouTube Shorts Videos?
    • How to Start Creating YouTube Shorts Videos?
    • How to Use YouTube Shorts Videos to Grow Your Business and Revenue?

    Listen to this episode to learn more about YouTube Shorts in general.

    If you need help coming up with content ideas for YouTube Shorts videos, check out Bite-Size Content Vault for Digital Creators: https://LearnDigitalwithRahul.com/bite

    My primary YouTube channel where I share most of my wisdom: https://LearnDigitalwithRahul.com/YouTube

    My new YouTube channel specially created to play around with YouTube Shorts: https://LearnDigitalwithRahul.com/YTShorts

    Join the discussion and get premium support for FREE in our official Facebook community: https://LearnDigitalwithRahul.com/community


    Resources and Links Worth Checking Out:

    Join VIP Facebook Group and Get Premium Support for FREE: https://learndigitalwithrahul.com/community

    Resources to Help You Grow Your Business: https://learndigitalwithrahul.com/resources

    Free Mini-Course: https://m.me/learndigitalwithrahul (Opens in Messenger)


    Say "Hi" to Rahul Dubey (LearnDigitalwithRahul) on social media:

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/learndigitalwithrahul

    YouTube: https://youtube.com/learndigitalwithrahul

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/learndigitalwithrahul

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/learndigitalwithrahul/

    See What's New: https://Linkinmyb.io


    If you enjoyed listening to this episode or you found any value out of it, be sure to take a screenshot and post it on Instagram tagging me @LearnDigitalwithRahul - I would love to reshare it and feature you on my profile. 

    Also, let me know your thoughts and suggestions about this podcast by 5-star ratings and leaving an honest review on iTunes or other platforms wherever you are listening to it.

    Your ratings and reviews will mean the world to me and in return, you’ll also get a listener shout-out in my next episode or the next YouTube video.

    Thanks for listening! I’m Rahul signing off, and I’ll talk to you in the next episode. Until then, stay motivated, stay creative, and feel proud to be #DigitalLearner.😀

    Ep211: How To Advance Yourself In The Corporate Ladder Through Podcasting – Jay Franze

    Ep211: How To Advance Yourself In The Corporate Ladder Through Podcasting – Jay Franze

    Raising your personality bar for your show is vital to attracting many audiences. Jay Franze joins us in this episode to share some essential takeaways on how you can build your brand, touch up your craft, showcase your expertise, and be successful in the corporate world. Sharpen your ears, plug in your earphones, and dive right in!




    • Why should you use podcasting to build your personal brand?
    • How to effectively grow your audience and monetize engagement?
    • Powerful tips on how a fresh graduate can move up the corporate ladder
    • High-end vs. Low-end podcast gear – does it matter?
    • Tips on deciding between solo, live, and guest episodes







    Jay works with college students, young professionals, mid-level managers, and executives from various backgrounds. He also collaborates with artists, musicians, and other creatives. His work has appeared on NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, and other networks. He's also appeared on Saturday Night Live with his work. He's given talks at places like Belmont University, the University of Hartford, Boston College, and Webster University, among others. Franze and Friends: Where Leaders Share Their Secrets is his podcast. Because your story is unique to you, your strategy should also be unique. A brand strategist's strength is telling your story, and Jay can help you develop and implement this innovative strategy.







    If you are interested in getting on our show, email us at team@growyourshow.com.

    Thinking about creating and growing your own podcast but not sure where to start? Click here and Schedule a call with Adam A. Adams!

    Upgrading your podcast equipment or maybe getting your first microphone? Get Your Free Equipment Guide!

    We also have free courses for you on everything you need to know about starting a great podcast! Check out our first 6 episodes through the links below!

    If you want to make money from your podcasts, check out this FREE resource we made. Our clients use a sponsor sheet, and now they are making between $2,000 to $5,000 from sponsorship! 

    Subscribe so you don't miss out on great content and if you love the show, leave an honest rating and review here!