
    A Mashup: Tips On Monetizing Your Personal Brand or Business | The Best of #AskGaryVee

    enJune 09, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Monetizing social media following requires more than just numbersTo monetize a social media following, focus on building a unique and engaging brand, not just increasing numbers.

      While having a large social media following can be a valuable asset, it doesn't automatically guarantee monetization. The speaker, Ashem, has gained fame through his children, particularly his 2-year-old daughter with 8 million views on Facebook. However, to monetize this following, Ashem and his wife have had to collaborate with brands and offer them promotional content. Ashem was advised that having a smaller following of 16,000 on Facebook and 1,300 on Instagram may not be enough attention for brands to consider it a worthwhile investment. The speaker also discussed the historical context of fame, noting that people were not paid for skills like skateboarding in the past but are now because of the attention they can garner. Ultimately, the speaker suggested that Ashem might be slightly delusional in thinking he could monetize his following based on its size alone, and instead, should focus on building a unique and engaging brand.

    • Monetizing a personal brand: Short-term and long-term strategiesYoung content creators can make money through brand partnerships in the short term and expand their brand into new ventures in the long term. Authenticity and resonating with audience are essential for success.

      Monetizing a personal brand, especially for young content creators, involves a combination of both short-term and long-term strategies. In the short term, seeking partnerships with brands that align with one's content can lead to financial gains. In the long term, building a personal brand and expanding it into a network, such as a clothing line or online TV network, can lead to even greater opportunities for monetization. Additionally, it's essential to consider the authenticity of brand partnerships and ensure they fit well with one's brand. Escapism can also be a factor in audience engagement, but creating content that truly resonates with people is key to building a loyal following. Ultimately, persistence and a clear vision for one's brand are crucial in navigating the world of monetization.

    • Wait and bring value to monetize passionPatience and value creation are essential for monetizing a passion. Explore opportunities, have a clear strategy, and believe in what you sell.

      Talent and patience are key to making the most money, especially for those starting out at a young age. The speaker emphasized the importance of waiting as long as possible before monetizing a passion, and suggested exploring platforms like Musical.ly for potential opportunities. For those working late hours on a passion project without a clear monetization strategy, the speaker advised having a clear strategy in place, such as selling a product, service, or time, and ensuring there is an audience that cares about what you're doing. Ultimately, bringing value to your audience and believing in what you sell are crucial for success.

    • Provide value to your audience to build a loyal followingTo build a successful social media presence and sell, focus on providing value to your audience first. Develop expertise and understand their unique needs. Use platforms where you can provide practical advice and create substantial use value.

      To build a successful social media presence and sell a product or service, it's essential to provide value to your audience first. This means developing genuine expertise and understanding the unique needs of your market. Brian's experience illustrates the importance of this approach, as he shares how he was initially skeptical of supplements due to the lack of transparency and value in the industry. However, as he met people with real knowledge and care for the fitness industry, he began to change his perspective. To build a loyal following and sell effectively, Brian needed to bring value to people on social media and then push them towards something he truly believed in. This process takes time and effort, and it's not about manipulating the relationship for quick profits. Regarding the specific social media platform, Kyle suggests focusing on platforms where you can provide practical advice and create substantial use value for your audience. For instance, developing a YouTube channel or a niche Facebook group could be effective strategies to build a loyal following and sell products or services. Ultimately, the key takeaway is to prioritize providing value to your audience above all else. By doing so, you can build a strong and loyal following that trusts you and is more likely to purchase what you offer.

    • Maximizing Social Media Presence for Student AthletesStudent athletes can build a fan base and engage with their audience on social media to open up opportunities after graduation. Engagement is key to leaving school with a strong platform.

      Student athletes can use social media to build a fan base and engage with their audience, rather than trying to monetize it directly within the NCAA's strict regulations. Building a large following during their athletic career can open up opportunities after graduation. Engagement is key, whether you're a superstar player or an 11th man on a team. By responding to mentions and engaging with fans, athletes can leave school with a strong platform to leverage for future opportunities. The NCAA's rules make monetization difficult, so building a fan base is the best strategy for student athletes looking to maximize their social media presence.

    • Documenting your life can lead to personal branding and monetizationSharing authentic life experiences on various platforms can attract an audience, leading to potential income through ads, affiliates, sponsorships, speaking engagements, and books.

      Documenting your life and experiences can be just as valuable as creating original content when it comes to building a personal brand and potentially making money. Gary Vaynerchuk, in his discussion, emphasizes that not everyone needs to be a social media reality star, but there are many people who could benefit from sharing their authentic lives through various platforms like Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, etc. He believes that there is a significant audience interested in the truth of people's journeys, and this can lead to monetization through ads, affiliates, sponsorship deals, speaking engagements, and books. The key is to understand the difference between documenting and creating, and to embrace the power of the current platforms to share your story. It's not an easy task, but it's worth trying for those who want to connect with their audience on a deeper level.

    • Harness and monetize your energy online through building a brand and raising pricesTo monetize energy online, focus on building a brand and raising prices for services or products. Limited ways to monetize include selling physical goods, creating a scalable content play, or becoming a personality.

      Self-awareness is crucial for personal growth, and energy is a valuable asset that can be monetized. To harness and monetize this energy online, building a brand and raising prices for services or products is an effective strategy. There are limited ways to monetize, including selling physical goods, creating a scalable content play, or becoming a personality that gets monetized through various means. Avoid spreading yourself too thin by focusing on a few core monetization strategies. Great companies like Uber, Tumblr, and Google have proven that success comes from mastering a few key business models.

    • Master your niche and build strong client relationshipsFocus on excelling in one area, build strong client connections, experiment with various business models, and adapt to changing market trends to succeed in business.

      To succeed in business, particularly in the competitive fields of advertising and content creation, it's essential to focus on mastering one area and building strong relationships with clients. Apple-like companies with great products and high profits can be challenging to compete against, so being exceptional in your niche is crucial. Additionally, trying out different business models, such as content creation or publishing, can help you discover which one resonates with you the most. Lastly, understanding the changing business landscape and adapting to the power shift towards younger generations is vital for long-term success. Remember, the key is to find your unique value proposition and deliver it with passion and dedication.

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    “What if you are an artist? You don't give away your work for free.”

    “Now you can go viral on TikTok!”

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    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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    And stay tuned for our third and final installment of How to Build a Brand!

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    Show Notes

    “Tumblr debuts Post+, a subscription service for Gen Z creators:” https://techcrunch.com/2021/07/21/tumblr-debuts-post-a-subscription-service-for-gen-z-creators/

    Trouble in fandom paradise: Tumblr users lash out against its beta subscription feature” https://techcrunch.com/2021/07/22/tumblr-community-lash-out-post-plus-subscription/


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    About Us 

    Wow If True was created by Isabel J. Kim and Amanda Silberling. Our music is by Sam Rizer, our cover art is by Isabel J. Kim, and our production is by Amanda Silberling. We like memes.